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 Xm/4Dwm(1) -- The IRIS Extended Motif Window Manager.
    4Dwm is an X Window System client based on mwm. It provides window management functionality, desks and some session management functionality. It provides functions that facilitate control (by the user and the programmer) of elements of window states such as placement, size, icon/normal display, and input-focus ownership. The session management functionality can launch clients as well as provide a way of stopping a client. This manual page only describes additions to and differences from mwm. Ref...
 a2p(1) -- Awk to Perl translator
    A2p takes an awk script specified on the command line (or from standard input) and produces a comparable perl script on the standard output.
 abicc(1) -- ABI C compiler
    abicc is a wrapper shell script for cc for compiling MIPS ABI applications. It translates a common subset of the SVR4 SGS (Software Generation System) flags and arguments to those of the native IDO (IRIS Development Option). By the use of this wrapper, applications which link "on-site" on a target platform are isolated from having to know the details of invoking that platform's compilation system. abicc also serves to hide the details of constructing an ABI application on IRIX. The details of...
 ABIinfo(1) -- query information about MIPS ABI systems
    ABIinfo provides a shell-level interface to determine whether a particular MIPS ABI feature is supported by the operating system. ABIinfo also provides the version of the MIPS Processor ABI Conformance Guide to which the operating system conforms. This interface allows a feature which will appear in a future Conformance Guide to be supported by the host operating system prior to that system becoming conformant with that Conformance Guide . It also allows applications to determine whether feature...
 abild(1) -- ABI link editor
    abild is a wrapper shell script for ld for link editing MIPS ABI applications. It translates a common subset of the SVR4 SGS (Software Generation System) flags and arguments to those of the native IDO (IRIS Development Option). By the use of this wrapper, applications which link "on-site" on a target platform are isolated from having to know the details of invoking that platform's compilation system. abild also serves to hide the details of constructing an ABI application on IRIX. The details...
 accept(1) -- allow or prevent LP requests
    accept allows lp(1) to accept requests for the named destinations. A destination can be either a line printer (LP) or a class of printers. Use lpstat(1) to find the status of destinations. Reject prevents lp(1) from accepting requests for the named destinations. A destination can be either a printer or a class of printers. Use lpstat(1) to find the status of destinations. The following option is useful with reject. -r[reason] Associates a reason with preventing lp from accepting requests. This r...
 accessworkstation(1) -- open a remote toolchest or iconview
    The accessworkstation program allows the user to open an IRIX Interactive Desktop directory view or toolchest on a specified machine. It replaces the obsolete newdir(1) program (shipped in previous IRIX releases). Users can run accessworkstation from a Unix shell command line or from the toolchest (Desktop > Access Files > As Another User or By Remote Login). The user is allowed to select interactively the directory or toolchest to be viewed, as well as the machine and login name to be used. The...
 accessx(1) -- GUI to set keyboard features for movement-impaired users
    The accessx graphical interface allows movement-impaired users to set and activate special keyboard features. It uses the XKB extension built into the X server in IRIX 6.2 and later releases. The accessx panel can be run from a Unix shell command line or from the toolchest (Desktop > Customize > Accessibility). Like most other IRIX Interactive Desktop (IID) customization panels, accessx has the ``runonce'' feature, meaning only one instance of the application will run at one time. Attempting t...
 acct(1) -- overview of accounting and miscellaneous accounting commands
    Accounting software is structured as a set of tools (consisting of both C programs and shell procedures) that can be used to build accounting systems. acctsh(1M) describes the set of shell procedures built on top of the C programs. Connect-time accounting is handled by various programs that write records into /var/adm/wtmp, as described in utmp(4). The programs described in acctcon(1M) convert this file int...
 acctcms(1) -- command summary from per-process accounting records
    acctcms reads one or more files, normally in the form described in acct(4). It adds all records for processes that executed identically named commands, sorts them, and writes them to the standard output, normally using an internal summary format. The options are: -a Print output in ASCII rather than in the internal summary format. The output includes command name, number of times executed, total kcore minutes, total CPU minutes, total real minutes, mean siz...
 acctcom(1) -- search and print process accounting file(s)
    acctcom reads file, the standard input, or /var/adm/pacct in the form described by acct(4) and writes selected records to the standard output. Each record represents the execution of one process. The output shows the COMMAND NAME, USER, TTYNAME, START TIME, END TIME, REAL (SEC), C...
 acctcon(1) -- connect-time accounting
    acctcon converts a sequence of login/logoff records to total accounting records (see the tacct format in acct(4)). Login/logoff records are read from standard input. The file /var/adm/wtmp is usually the source of the login/logoff records; however, because it may contain corrupted records or system date changes, it should first be fixed using wtmpfix. The fixed version of file /va...
 acctcvt(1) -- convert accounting data to a different format
    The acctcvt command is used to convert accounting data from one format to another. The data can come from a file or stdin (such as when used as an audit filter) and similarly can be written to another file or stdout. Both SGI extended accounting and standard SVR accounting formats are supported. In addition, output can be in ASCII text. The output can be in the form of human-readable text, either in the format similar to that produced by sat_interpret(1M) or by acctcom(1). The output can also be...
 acctmerg(1) -- merge or add total accounting files
    acctmerg reads its standard input and up to nine additional files, all in the tacct format (see acct(4)), or an ASCII version thereof. It merges these inputs by adding records whose keys (normally user ID and name) are identical and expects the inputs to be sorted on those keys. Options are: -a Produce output in ASCII version of tacct. -i Input files are in ASCII version of tacct. -p Print input wi...
 acctprc(1) -- process accounting
    acctprc reads standard input, in the form described by acct(4), and converts it to total accounting records (see the tacct record in acct(4)). acctprc divides CPU time into prime time and nonprime time and determines mean memory size (in memory segment units). acctprc then summarizes the tacct records, according to user IDs, and adds login names corresponding to the user IDs. The ...
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