DxfToIv - converts an Autodesk Data Exchange File format (.DXF) file to
Open Inventor 2.0 format
DxfToIv [-b] [-h]
[-v] [-q]
<infile> <outfile>
DxfToIv converts 3D model files in Autodesk DXF R12 format into Open
Inventor 2.0 files. The program converts ASCII or binary .DXF format.
Polygons, polylines, and certain versions of text are converted into
equivalent Open Inventor objects. The DXF file divides the objects into
layers and/or blocks. These layers and blocks are converted into Open
Inventor separators so all DXF entities in a given layer are placed under
one Open Inventor separator node. DXF text entities that refer to an
AutoCAD .shx (font) file are not handled. Text that is defined within the
DXF file is converted. Copyright (c) Silicon Graphics, Inc. 1995 and
Abaco Systems, Inc. 1995.
Command Line Options
Typically, DxfToIv expects an Autodesk DXF file to be specified on the
command line after all command option switches. If no .DXF file is
specified on the command line, DxfToIv will read from standard input
(stdin). By default, DxfToIv writes the converted data to standard
output (stdout) and messages to standard error (stderr).
-b Output the Open Inventor file in binary format.
-h Prints a program usage message to the standard error (stderr).
-v Specifies verbose output for debugging purposes.
-q Specifies quiet mode. In quiet mode, no output is written to
stderr, including the copyright notices.
<infile> Specifies the name of the file to read and convert to Open
Inventor. If "-" is specified instead of a filename, input
will be read from
standard input (stdin). If no file name is specified, the
program will be read from standard input (stdin) and output
will be written to standard output (stdout).
<outfile> Specifies the name of the Open Inventor file to use for output.
If no file is specified, the program will output to the
standard output (stdout).
Page 1
1. 16-bit (BIGFONT) shape data, including Kanji Text, is not handled
2. Some Intergraph Microstation DXF files are not completely handled,
especially if containing "exploded" views.
3. Non-standard DXF files may not be handled properly. The translator
is written to convert AutoCAD DXF files as ouput by AutoCAD and does
not handle every possible DXF file. Problems are handled by: layer
names with spaces, missing header information, decimal points in
integer fields, etc.
/usr/Inventor/bin/DxfToIv Program file
Open Inventor is a trademark of Silicon Graphics Inc.
DxfToIv is a Copyright (c) of Silicon Graphics Inc., 1995 and Abaco
Systems Inc., 1995 Written by Silicon Graphics Inc.
Abaco Systems Inc. 35468 Purcell Place, Fremont, CA, 94536 - Tel. 510
494 0690 - Fax. 510 494 0893 e-mail: 3dsoftware@abaco.com
AliasToIv, SlaToIv, ObjToIv, SoftimageToIv and IvToRib.
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