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MAKE(1)								       MAKE(1)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     make - maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs	(DEVELOPMENT)

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     make [-eiknpqrsStuwdDPBNMOg] [-f makefile<b>]	...	  [macros=name<b>]	...
     [target_name<b>] ...

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The make utility can be used as a part of software	development to update
     files that	are derived from other files. A	typical	case is	one where
     object files are derived from the corresponding source files. The make
     utility examines time relationships and updates those derived files
     (called targets) that have	modified times earlier than the	modified times
     of	the files (called prerequisites) from which they are derived.  A
     description file (makefile) contains a description	of the relationships
     between files, and	the commands that must be executed to update the
     targets to	reflect	changes	in their prerequisites.	Each specification, or
     rule, consists of a target, optional prerequisites	and optional commands
     to	be executed when a prerequisite	is newer than the target. There	are
     two types of rule:

     -	  inference rules, which have one target name with at least one	period
	  (.) and no slash (/)

     -	  target rules,	which can have more than one target name.

     In	addition, make has a collection	of built-in macros and inference rules
     that infer	prerequisite relationships to simplify maintenance of

     To	receive	exactly	the behaviour described	in this	section, a portable
     makefile must:

     -	  include the special target .POSIX

     -	  omit any special target reserved for implementations (a leading
	  period followed by upper-case	letters) that has not been specified
	  by this section.
     NOTE: See COMPATIBILITY ISSUES section below for when these conditions
     are not met.

OPTIONS    [Toc]    [Back]

     The following options are supported:

     -b		  Compatibility	mode for old makefiles.

     -B		  Blocked output.  In parallel mode, the output	from
		  concurrently updating	targets	can be either intermingled or
		  saved	up and printed upon completion of the target.  The
		  default is to	intermingle the	output,	this option turns on
		  the 'blocking' of output until the target has	completed.

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     -d		  Debug.  As targets are traversed, the	reason they are	being
		  updated is printed.

     -D		  Debug.  A full dump of all aspects of	target and variable
		  handling.  This option usually produces an overwhelming
		  amount of information.

     -e		  Cause	environment variables, including those with null
		  values, to override macro assignments	within makefiles.

     -f	makefile  Specify a different makefile.	The argument makefile is a
		  pathname of a	description file, which	is also	referred to as
		  the makefile.	A pathname of -	denotes	the standard input.
		  There	can be multiple	instances of this option, and they
		  will be processed in the order specified.

     -g		  Auto get.  If	a file does not	exist, attempt to 'get'	it
		  from SCCS using the $(GET) macro.

     -i		  Ignore error codes returned by invoked commands. This	mode
		  is the same as if the	special	target .IGNORE were specified
		  without prerequisites.

     -k		  Continue to update other targets that	do not depend on the
		  current target if a non-ignored error	occurs while executing
		  the commands to bring	a target up-to-date.

     -M		  Turn off -N (this is the default).

     -n		  Write	commands that would be executed	on standard output,
		  but do not execute them. However, lines with a plus sign (+)
		  prefix will be executed. In this mode, lines with an at sign
		  (@) character	prefix will be written to standard output.

     -N		  Permit targets that have dependencies	to still be candidates
		  for application of the empty rule (NULL) suffix
		  transformation rules (see the	"Inference Rules" section

     -O		  Turn off compatibility mode for old makefiles.

     -p		  Write	to standard output the complete	set of macro
		  definitions and target descriptions. The output format is

     -P		  Parallel.  Enables building independent parts	of the
		  makefile concurrently	(see "Parallel Execution" section

     -q		  Return a zero	exit value if the target file is up-to-date;
		  otherwise, return an exit value of 1 (one). Targets will not
		  be updated if	this option is specified. However, a command

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		  line (associated with	the targets) with a plus sign (+)
		  prefix will be executed.

     -r		  Clear	the suffix list	and do not use the built-in rules.

     -s		  Do not write command lines or	touch messages (see -t)	to
		  standard output before executing. This mode is the same as
		  if the special target	.SILENT	were specified without

     -S		  Terminate make if an error occurs while executing the
		  commands to bring a target up-to-date. This will be the
		  default and the opposite of the -k option.

     -t		  Update the modification time of each target as though	a
		  touch	target had been	executed. Targets that have
		  prerequisites	but no commands	(see Target Rules), or that
		  are already up-to-date, will not be touched in this manner.
		  Write	messages to standard output for	each target file
		  indicating the name of the file and that it was touched.
		  Normally, the	command	lines associated with each target are
		  not executed.	However, a command line	with a plus sign (+)
		  prefix will be executed.

     -u		  Unconditional.  Build	all targets regardless of whether they
		  are up-to-date or not.

     -w		  Suppress warning messages.  Fatal messages will not be

     If	the -k and -S options are both specified on the	command	line, by the
     MAKEFLAGS environment variable, or	by the MAKEFLAGS macro,	the last one
     evaluated will take precedence. The MAKEFLAGS environment variable	will
     be	evaluated first	and the	command	line will be evaluated second.
     Assignments to the	MAKEFLAGS macro	will be	evaluated as described in the

OPERANDS    [Toc]    [Back]

     The following operands are	supported:

	  Target names,	as defined in EXTENDED DESCRIPTION.  If	no target is
	  specified, while make	is processing the makefiles, the first target
	  that make encounters that is not a special target or an inference
	  rule will be used.

	  Macro	definitions, as	defined	in the Macros section.

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STDIN    [Toc]    [Back]

     The standard input	will be	used only if the makefile option-argument is
     -.	See INPUT FILES	section.

INPUT FILES    [Toc]    [Back]

     The input file, otherwise known as	the makefile, is a text	file
     containing	rules, macro definitions and comments.


     The following environment variables affect	the execution of make:

	  This variable	is interpreted as a character string representing a
	  series of option characters to be used as the	default	options. The
	  implementation will accept both of the following formats (but	need
	  not accept them when intermixed):

	  1.  The characters are option	letters	without	the leading hyphens or
	      blank character separation used on a command line.

	  2.  The characters are formatted in a	manner similar to a portion of
	      the make command line: options are preceded by hyphens and
	      blank-character-separated. The macro=name	macro definition
	      operands can also	be included. The difference between the
	      contents of MAKEFLAGS and	the command line is that the contents
	      of the variable will not be subjected to the word	expansions.

	  When the command-line	options	-f or -p are used, they	will take
	  effect regardless of whether they also appear	in MAKEFLAGS.

	  The MAKEFLAGS	variable will be accessed from the environment before
	  the makefile is read.	At that	time, all of the options (except -f
	  and -p ) and command-line macros not already included	in MAKEFLAGS
	  are added to the MAKEFLAGS macro. The	MAKEFLAGS macro	will be	passed
	  into the environment as an environment variable for all child
	  processes. If	the MAKEFLAGS macro is subsequently set	by the
	  makefile, it replaces	the MAKEFLAGS variable currently found in the

     The value of the SHELL environment	variable will not be used as a macro
     and will not be modified by defining the SHELL macro in a makefile	or on
     the command line. All other environment variables,	including those	with
     null values, are used as macros, as defined in the	"Macros" section.


     If	not already ignored, make will trap SIGHUP, SIGTERM, SIGINT and
     SIGQUIT and remove	the current target unless the target is	a directory or
     the target	is a prerequisite of the special target	.PRECIOUS or unless
     one of the	-n, -p or -q options was specified. Any	targets	removed	in
     this manner will be reported in diagnostic	messages of unspecified
     format, written to	standard error.	After this cleanup process, if any,

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     make will take the	standard action	for all	other signals.

STDOUT    [Toc]    [Back]

     The make utility will write all commands to be executed to	standard
     output unless the s option	was specified, the command is prefixed with an
     at	sign, or the special target .SILENT has	either the current target as a
     prerequisite or has no prerequisites. If make is invoked without any work
     needing to	be done, it will write a message to standard output indicating
     that no action was	taken.

STDERR    [Toc]    [Back]

     Used only for diagnostic messages.

OUTPUT FILES    [Toc]    [Back]

     None. However, utilities invoked by make may create additional files.


     The make utility attempts to perform the actions required to ensure that
     the specified targets are up-to-date. A target is considered out-of-date
     if	it is older than any of	its prerequisites or if	it does	not exist. The
     make utility treats all prerequisites as targets themselves and
     recursively ensures that they are up-to-date, processing them in the
     order in which they appear	in the rule. The make utility uses the
     modification times	of files to determine if the corresponding targets are

     After make	has ensured that all of	the prerequisites of a target are upto-date
 and if the	target is out-of-date, the commands associated with
     the target	entry are executed. If there are no commands listed for	the
     target, the target	is treated as up-to-date.

     Makefile Syntax    [Toc]    [Back]

     A makefile	can contain rules, macro definitions, and comments. There are
     two kinds of rules: inference rules and target rules. The make utility
     contains a	set of built-in	inference rules. If the	-r option is present,
     the built-in rules	are not	used and the suffix list is cleared.
     Additional	rules of both types can	be specified in	a makefile. If a rule
     or	macro is defined more than once, the value of the rule or macro	will
     be	that of	the last one specified.	Comments start with a number sign (#)
     and continue until	an unescaped newline character is reached.

     By	default, the following files are tried in sequence:  ./makefile,
     ./Makefile, ./s.makefile, SCCS/s.makefile,	./s.Makefile and

     The -f option directs make	to ignore any of these default files and use
     the specified argument as a makefile instead. If the - argument is
     specified,	standard input will be used.

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     The term makefile is used to refer	to any rules provided by the user,
     whether in

     The rules in makefiles consist of the following types of lines: target
     rules, including special targets (see Target Rules);  inference rules
     (see Inference Rules); macro definitions (see Macros); empty lines; and
     comments.	Comments start with a number sign (#) and continue until an
     unescaped newline character is reached.

     When an escaped newline character (one preceded by	a backslash) is	found
     anywhere in the makefile, it is replaced, along with any leading white
     space on the following line, with a single	space character.

     Makefile Execution    [Toc]    [Back]

     Command lines are processed one at	a time by writing the command line to
     the standard output (unless one of	the conditions listed below under @
     suppresses	the writing) and executing the commands	in the line. A tab
     character may precede the command to standard output. Commands will be
     executed by passing the command line to the command interpreter in	the
     same manner as if the string were the argument to the system() function.

     The environment for the command being executed will contain all of	the
     variables in the environment of make. The macros from the command line to
     make will be added	to make's environment. Other implementation-dependent
     variables may also	be added to make's environment.	If any command-line
     macro has been defined elsewhere, the command-line	value will overwrite
     the existing value. If the	MAKEFLAGS variable is not set in the
     environment in which make was invoked, in the makefile or on the command
     line, it will be created by make, and will	contain	all options specified
     on	the command line except	for the	-f and -p options. It may also contain
     implementation-dependent options.

     By	default, when make receives a non-zero status from the execution of a
     command, it terminates with an error message to standard error.

     Command lines can have one	or more	of the following prefixes: a hyphen
     (-), an at	sign (@), or a plus sign (+). These modify the way in which
     make processes the	command. When a	command	is written to standard output,
     the prefix	is not included	in the output.

     -	 If the	command	prefix contains	a hyphen, or the -i option is present,
	 or the	special	target .IGNORE has either the current target as	a
	 prerequisite or has no	prerequisites, any error found while executing
	 the command will be ignored.

     @	 If the	command	prefix contains	an at sign and the command-line	n
	 option	is not specified, or the s option is present, or the special
	 target	.SILENT	has either the current target as a prerequisite	or has
	 no prerequisites, the command will not	be written to standard output
	 before	it is executed.

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     +	 If the	command	prefix contains	a plus sign, this indicates a command
	 line that will	be executed even if -n,	-q or -t is specified.

     Include Files    [Toc]    [Back]

     If	the string include or sinclude appears at the beginning	of a line in a
     makefile, and is followed by a blank or a tab, the	rest of	the line is
     assumed to	be a filename and will be read by the current invocation,
     after substituting	for any	macros.	 For include it	is a fatal error if
     the file is not readable, for sinclude a non-readable file	is silently

     Alternate Make    [Toc]    [Back]

     make understands a	convention similar to the alternate interpreter
     feature of	exec(2)	. If the first line of the makefile starts with	a
     #!alternate_make ,	then make will attempt to exec the alternate make with
     the same environment and arguments	that make itself was invoked with.
     Additional	arguments may be supplied on the #! line - these are placed
     ahead of all the command line arguments given to the original invocation
     of	make . If a new	makefile specification is given	using the -f flag, any
     original -f options given on the command line are ignored.	 If the
     alternate make cannot be found in the user's PATH or make finds that it
     would be re-invoking itself, then make silently ignores the line and
     continues to execute the remainder	of the makefile.  The -d flag will
     display information as to whether the alternate make was successfully
     invoked.  As a special case to support compatibility with a makefile used
     as	a shell	script (with a "#!/bin/make -f"), a lone -f flag is ignored.

     Parallel Execution    [Toc]    [Back]

     The -P option turns on parallel execution.	In this	mode make views	all
     dependencies for a	given target as	independent, and works on a set	of
     them concurrently.	 By default, the concurrency factor is two.  This may
     be	changed	by setting the environment variable PARALLEL. Note that	some
     makefiles make use	of the property	that in	the non-parallel versions of
     make dependencies were brought up to date in the order listed.  The
     following makefile	relies on this ordering	and thus would not work
     correctly when invoked with the parallel option:

	 default: a b
		     mkdir foo
		     cd	foo; echo hi

     Target Rules    [Toc]    [Back]

     Target rules are formatted	as follows:

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	  target [target...]: [prerequisite...][; command ]
	  [<tab> command
	  <tab>	command
	  line that does not begin with	<tab>

     Target entries are	specified by a blank-character-separated, non-null
     list of targets, then a colon, then a blank-character-separated, possibly
     empty list	of prerequisites. Text following a semicolon, if any, and all
     following lines that begin	with a tab character, are command lines	to be
     executed to update	the target.  The first non-empty line that does	not
     begin with	a tab character	or # begins a new entry. An empty or blank
     line, or a	line beginning with #, may begin a new entry.

     Applications must select target names from	the set	of characters
     consisting	solely of periods, underscores,	digits and alphabetics from
     the portable character set. Implementations may allow other characters in
     target names as extensions. The interpretation of targets containing the
     characters	(%) and	(") is implementation-dependent.  A target that	has
     prerequisites, but	does not have any commands, can	be used	to add to the
     prerequisite list for that	target.	Only one target	rule for any given
     target can	contain	commands.

     Lines that	begin with one of the following	are called special targets and
     control the operation of make:

     .DEFAULT	  If the makefile uses this special target, it must be
		  specified with commands, but without prerequisites. The
		  commands will	be used	by make	if there are no	other rules
		  available to build a target.

     .IGNORE	  Prerequisites	of this	special	target are targets themselves;
		  this will cause errors from commands associated with them to
		  be ignored in	the same manner	as specified by	the -i option.
		  Subsequent occurrences of .IGNORE add	to the list of targets
		  ignoring command errors. If no prerequisites are specified,
		  make will behave as if the -i	option had been	specified and
		  errors from all commands associated with all targets will be

     .MAKEOPTS	  Any command line option except -[ref]	may be set in a
		  makefile by listing it as a dependency to this target.  Note
		  that this is a target	not a macro; do	not assign (using an
		  '=') a value to it.

     .POSIX	  This special target must be specified	without	prerequisites
		  or commands. If it appears before the	first non-comment line
		  in the makefile, make	will process the makefile as specified
		  by this section; otherwise, the behaviour of make is

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     .PRECIOUS	  Prerequisites	of this	special	target will not	be removed if
		  make receives	one of the asynchronous	events explicitly
		  described in ASYNCHRONOUS EVENTS. Subsequent occurrences of
		  .PRECIOUS add	to the list of precious	files. If no
		  prerequisites	are specified, all targets in the makefile
		  will be treated as if	specified with .PRECIOUS.

     .SCCS_GET	  This special target must be specified	without	prerequisites.
		  If this special target is included in	a makefile, the
		  commands specified with this target replace the default
		  commands associated with this	special	target.	(See "Default
		  Rules").  The	commands specified with	this target are	used
		  to get all SCCS files	that are not found in the current

		  When source files are	named in a dependency list, make
		  treats them just like	any other target. Because the source
		  file is presumed to be present in the	directory, there is no
		  need to add an entry for it to the makefile. When a target
		  has no dependencies, but is present in the directory,	make
		  assumes that that file is up-to-date.	If, however, an	SCCS
		  file named SCCS/s.source_file	is found for a target
		  source_file, make does some additional checking to assure
		  that the target is up-to-date. If the	target is missing, or
		  if the SCCS file is newer, make automatically	issues the
		  commands specified for the .SCCS_GET special target to
		  retrieve the most recent version. However, if	the target is
		  writable by anyone, make does	not retrieve a new version.

     .SILENT	  Prerequisites	of this	special	target are targets themselves;
		  this causes commands associated with them to not be written
		  to the standard output before	they are executed. Subsequent
		  occurrences of .SILENT add to	the list of targets with
		  silent commands. If no prerequisites are specified, make
		  will behave as if the	-s option had been specified and no
		  commands or touch messages associated	with any target	will
		  be written to	standard output.

     .SUFFIXES	  Prerequisites	of .SUFFIXES are appended to the list of known
		  suffixes and are used	in conjunction with the	inference
		  rules	(see "Inference	Rules" ). If .SUFFIXES does not	have
		  any prerequisites, the list of known suffixes	will be
		  cleared. Makefiles must not associate	commands with

		  Targets with names consisting	of a leading period followed
		  by the upper-case letters POSIX and then any other
		  characters are reserved for future standardisation. Targets
		  with names consisting	of a leading period followed by	one or
		  more upper-case letters are reserved for implementation

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     Macros    [Toc]    [Back]

     Macro definitions are in the form:

	  string1 = [ string2 ]

     The macro named string1 is	defined	as having the value of string2,	where
     string2 is	defined	as all characters, if any, after the equal sign, up to
     a comment character (#) or	an unescaped newline character.	Any blank
     characters	immediately before or after the	equal sign will	be ignored.

     Subsequent	appearances of $(string1) or ${string1}	are replaced by
     string2. The parentheses or braces	are optional if	string1	is a single
     character.	The macro $$ is	replaced by the	single character $ in effect
     escaping the $ character.

     See NOTES below about macros defined within macros.

     Applications must select macro names from the set of characters
     consisting	solely of periods, underscores,	digits and alphabetics from
     the portable character set.  A macro name cannot contain an equal sign.
     Implementations may allow other characters	in macro names as extensions.

     Macros can	appear anywhere	in the makefile. Macros	in target lines	will
     be	evaluated when the target line is read.	Macros in command lines	will
     be	evaluated when the command is executed.	Macros in macro	definition
     lines will	not be evaluated until the new macro being defined is used in
     a rule or command.	A macro	that has not been defined will evaluate	to a
     null string without causing any error condition.

     The forms $(string1[:subst1=[subst2]]) or ${string1[:subst1=[subst2]]}
     can be used to replace all	occurrences of subst1 with subst2 when the
     macro substitution	is performed. The subst1 to be replaced	is recognised
     when it is	a suffix at the	end of a word in string1 (where	a word,	in
     this context, is defined to be a string delimited by the beginning	of the
     line, a blank or newline character).

     Macro assignments will be accepted	from the sources listed	below, in the
     order shown. If a macro name already exists at the	time it	is being
     processed,	the newer definition will replace the existing definition.

     1.	 Macros	defined	in make's built-in inference rules.

     2.	 The contents of the environment, including the	variables with null
	 values, in the	order defined in the environment.

     3.	 Macros	defined	in the makefiles, processed in the order specified.

     4.	 Macros	specified on the command line. It is unspecified whether the
	 internal macros defined in Internal Macros are	accepted from the
	 command line.

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     If	the -e option is specified, the	order of processing sources items 2
     and 3 will	be reversed.

     The SHELL macro is	treated	specially. It is provided by make and set to
     the pathname of the shell command language	interpreter (see The SHELL
     environment variable will not affect the value of the SHELL macro.	If
     SHELL is defined in the makefile or is specified on the command line, it
     will replace the original value of	the SHELL macro, but will not affect
     the SHELL environment variable. Other effects of defining SHELL in	the
     makefile or on the	command	line are implementation-dependent.

     Inference Rules    [Toc]    [Back]

     Inference rules are formatted as follows:

	  [<tab>command	]
	  line that does not begin with	<tab> or #

     The target	portion	must be	a valid	target name (see "Target Rules") of
     the form .s2 or .s1.s2 (where .s1 and .s2 are suffixes that have been
     given as prerequisites of the .SUFFIXES special target and	s1 and s2 do
     not contain any slashes or	periods.) If there is only one period in the
     target, it	is a single-suffix inference rule. Targets with	two periods
     are double-suffix inference rules.	 Inference rules can have only one
     target before the colon.

     The makefile must not specify prerequisites for inference rules; no
     characters	other than white space can follow the colon in the first line,
     except when creating the empty rule, described below.  Prerequisites are
     inferred, as described below.

     Inference rules can be redefined. A target	that matches an	existing
     inference rule will overwrite the old inference rule. An empty rule can
     be	created	with a command consisting of simply a semicolon	(that is, the
     rule still	exists and is found during inference rule search, but since it
     is	empty, execution has no	effect). The empty rule	also can be formatted
     as	follows:

	  rule:	;

     where zero	or more	blank characters separate the colon and	semicolon.

     The make utility uses the suffixes	of targets and their prerequisites to
     infer how a target	can be made up-to-date.	A list of inference rules
     defines the commands to be	executed. By default, make contains a built-in
     set of inference rules.  Additional rules can be specified	in the

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     The special target	.SUFFIXES contains as its prerequisites	a list of
     suffixes that are to be used by the inference rules. The order in which
     the suffixes are specified	defines	the order in which the inference rules
     for the suffixes are used.	New suffixes will be appended to the current
     list by specifying	a .SUFFIXES special target in the makefile. A
     .SUFFIXES target with no prerequisites will clear the list	of suffixes.
     An	empty .SUFFIXES	target followed	by a new .SUFFIXES list	is required to
     change the	order of the suffixes.

     Normally, the user	would provide an inference rule	for each suffix. The
     inference rule to update a	target with a suffix .s1 from a	prerequisite
     with a suffix .s2 is specified as a target	.s2.s1.	The internal macros
     provide the means to specify general inference rules. (See	Internal

     When no target rule is found to update a target, the inference rules are
     checked. The suffix of the	target (.s1) to	be built is compared to	the
     list of suffixes specified	by the .s1 suffix is found in .SUFFIXES, the
     inference rules are searched in the order defined for the first .s2.s1
     rule whose	prerequisite file ($*.s2) exists. If the target	is out-of-date
     with respect to this prerequisite,	the commands for that inference	rule
     are executed.

     If	the target to be built does not	contain	a suffix and there is no rule
     for the target, the single	suffix inference rules will be checked.	The
     single-suffix inference rules define how to build a target	if a file is
     found with	a name that matches the	target name with one of	the single
     suffixes appended.	A rule with one	suffix .s2 is the definition of	how to
     build target from target.s2. The other suffix (.s1) is treated as null.

     A tilde (~) in the	above rules refers to an SCCS file in the current
     directory.	Thus, the rule .c.o would transform an SCCS C-language source
     file into an object file (.o). Because the	s. of the SCCS files is	a
     prefix, it	is incompatible	with make's suffix point of view. Hence, the ~
     is	a way of changing any file reference into an SCCS file reference.

     Libraries    [Toc]    [Back]

     If	a target or prerequisite contains parentheses, it will be treated as a
     member of an archive library. For the lib(member.o) expression lib	refers
     to	the name of the	archive	library	and member.o to	the member name. The
     member must be an object file with	the .o suffix. The modification	time
     of	the expression is the modification time	for the	member as kept in the
     archive library (See ar). The .a suffix refers to an archive library. The
     .s2.a rule	is used	to update a member in the library from a file with a
     suffix .s2.

     Internal Macros    [Toc]    [Back]

     The make utility maintains	five internal macros that can be used in
     target and	inference rules. In order to clearly define the	meaning	of
     these macros, some	clarification of the terms target rule,	inference

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MAKE(1)								       MAKE(1)

     rule, target and prerequisite is necessary.

     Target rules are specified	by the user in a makefile for a	particular
     target.  Inference	rules are user-	or make	-specified rules for a
     particular	class of target	names. Explicit	prerequisites are those
     prerequisites specified in	a makefile on target lines. Implicit
     prerequisites are those prerequisites that	are generated when inference
     rules are used.  Inference	rules are applied to implicit prerequisites or
     to	explicit prerequisites that do not have	target rules defined for them
     in	the makefile. Target rules are applied to targets specified in the

     Before any	target in the makefile is updated, each	of its prerequisites
     (both explicit and	implicit) will be updated. This	is accomplished	by
     recursively processing each prerequisite. Upon recursion, each
     prerequisite becomes a target itself. Its prerequisites in	turn are
     processed recursively until a target is found that	has no prerequisites,
     at	which point the	recursion stops. The recursion then backs up, updating
     each target as it goes.

     In	the definitions	that follow, the word target refers to one of:

     -	  a target specified in	the makefile

     -	  an explicit prerequisite specified in	the makefile that becomes the
	  target when make processes it	during recursion

     -	  an implicit prerequisite that	becomes	a target when make processes
	  it during recursion.

     In	the definitions	that follow, the word prerequisite refers to one of
     the following:

     -	  an explicit prerequisite specified in	the makefile for a particular

     -	  an implicit prerequisite generated as	a result of locating an
	  appropriate inference	rule and corresponding file that matches the
	  suffix of the	target.

     The internal macros are:

     $@	     The $@ evaluates to the full target name of the current target,
	     or	the archive filename part of a library archive target. It is
	     evaluated for both	target and inference rules.  For example, in
	     the .c.a inference	rule, $@ represents the	out-of-date .a file to
	     be	built. Similarly, in a makefile	target rule to build lib.a
	     from file.c, $@ represents	the out-of-date	lib.a.

     $$@     The $$@ macro stands for the full target name of the current
	     target (which is $@).  It has meaning only	on the dependency line
	     in	a makefile.  Thus, in the following:

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MAKE(1)								       MAKE(1)

		 cat dd: $$@.c

	     the dependency is translated at execution time first to the
	     string cat.c, then	to the string dd.c.

     $%	     The $% macro is evaluated only when the current target is an
	     archive library member of the form	libname(member<b>.o). In these
	     cases, $@ evaluates to libname and	$% evaluates to	member.o. The
	     $%	macro is evaluated for both target and inference rules.

	     For example, in a makefile	target rule to build lib.a(file.o), $%
	     represents	file.o as opposed to $@, which represents lib.a.

     $?	     The $? macro evaluates to the list	of prerequisites that are
	     newer than	the current target. It is evaluated for	both target
	     and inference rules.

	     For example, in a makefile	target rule to build prog from
	     file1.o, file2.o and file3.o, and where prog is not out of	date
	     with respect to file1.o, but is out of date with respect to
	     file2.o and file3.o, $? represents	file2.o	and file3.o.

     $<	     In	an inference rule, $< evaluates	to the file name whose
	     existence allowed the inference rule to be	chosen for the target.
	     In	the .DEFAULT rule, the $< macro	evaluates to the current
	     target name. The $< macro is evaluated only for inference rules.

	     For example, in the .c.a inference	rule, $< represents the
	     prerequisite .c file.

     $*	     The $* macro evaluates to the current target name with its	suffix
	     deleted. It is evaluated at least for inference rules.

	     For example, in the .c.a inference	rule, $*.o represents the
	     out-of-date .o file that corresponds to the prerequisite .c file.

     Each of the internal macros has an	alternative form. When an upper-case D
     or	F is appended to any of	the macros, the	meaning	is changed to the
     directory part for	D and filename part for	F. The directory part is the
     path prefix of the	file without a trailing	slash; for the current
     directory,	the directory part is ``.''. When the $? macro contains	more
     than one prerequisite filename, the $(?D) and $(?F) (or ${?D} and ${?F})
     macros expand to a	list of	directory name parts and filename parts

     For the target lib(member.o) and the s2.a rule, the internal macros are
     defined as:

     $<	     member.s2

								       Page 14

MAKE(1)								       MAKE(1)

     $*	     member

     $@	     lib

     $?	     member.s2

     $%	     member.o

     Default Rules    [Toc]    [Back]

     The default rules for make	achieve	results	that are the same as if	the
     following were used.


      .SCCS_GET: sccs $(SCCSFLAGS) get $(SCCSGETFLAGS) $@

      .SUFFIXES: .o .c .y l .a .sh .f .c~ .y~ .l~ .sh~ .f~


     FFLAGS=-O 1

     SINGLE SUFFIX RULES    [Toc]    [Back]

	       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@	$<

	       $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@	$<

	       cp $< $@
	       chmod a+x $@
	       $(GET) $(GFLAGS)	-p $< >	$*.c
	       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@	$*.c

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MAKE(1)								       MAKE(1)

	       $(GET) $(GFLAGS)	-p $< >	$*.f
	       $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@	$*.f

	       $(GET) $(GFLAGS)	-p $< >	$*.sh
	       cp $*.sh	$@
	       chmod a+x $@

     DOUBLE SUFFIX RULES    [Toc]    [Back]

	       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

	       $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $<

	       $(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<
	       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c y.tab.c
	       rm -f y.tab.c
	       mv y.tab.o $@

	       $(LEX) $(LFLAGS)	$<
	       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c lex.yy.c
	       rm -f lex.yy.c
	       mv lex.yy.o $@

	       $(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $<
	       mv y.tab.c $@

	       $(LEX) $(LFLAGS)	$<
	       mv lex.yy.c $@

	       $(GET) $(GFLAGS)	-p $< >	$*.c
	       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c

	       $(GET) $(GFLAGS)	-p $< >	$*.f
	       $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f

	       $(GET) $(GFLAGS)	-p $< >	$*.y
	       $(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $*.y
	       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c y.tab.c
	       rm -f y.tab.c
	       mv y.tab.o $@

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MAKE(1)								       MAKE(1)

	       $(GET) $(GFLAGS)	-p $< >	$*.l
	       $(LEX) $(LFLAGS)	$*.l
	       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c lex.yy.c
	       rm -f lex.yy.c
	       mv lex.yy.o $@

	       $(GET) $(GFLAGS)	-p $< >	$*.y
	       $(YACC) $(YFLAGS) $*.y
	       mv y.tab.c $@

	       $(GET) $(GFLAGS)	-p $< >	$*.l
	       $(LEX) $(LFLAGS)	$*.l
	       mv lex.yy.c $@

	       $(CC) -c	$(CFLAGS) $<
	       $(AR) $(ARFLAGS)	$@ $*.o
	       rm -f $*.o

	       $(FC) -c	$(FFLAGS) $<
	       $(AR) $(ARFLAGS)	$@ $*.o
	       rm -f $*.o

EXIT STATUS    [Toc]    [Back]

     When the -q option	is specified, the make utility will exit with one of
     the following values:

      0	Successful completion.
      1	The target was not up-to-date.
     >1	An error occurred.

     When the -q option	is not specified, the make utility will	exit with one
     of	the following values:

      0	successful completion

     >0	an error occurred

APPLICATION USAGE    [Toc]    [Back]

     If	there is a source file (such as	./source.c) and	there are two SCCS
     files corresponding to it (./s.source.c and ./SCCS/s.source.c), make will
     use the SCCS file in the current directory. However, users	are advised to
     use the underlying	SCCS utilities (admin, delta, get, and so forth) or
     the sccs utility for all source files in a	given directory. If both forms
     are used for a given source file, future developers may be	confused.

								       Page 17

MAKE(1)								       MAKE(1)

     It	is incumbent upon portable makefiles to	specify	the .POSIX special
     target in order to	guarantee that they are	not affected by	local

     The -k and	-S options are both present so that the	relationship between
     the command line, the MAKEFLAGS variable, and the makefile	can be
     controlled	precisely. If the -k flag is passed in MAKEFLAGS and a command
     is	of the form:

	  $(MAKE) -S foo

     then the default behaviour	is restored for	the child make.

     When the -n option	is specified, it is always added to MAKEFLAGS. This
     allows a recursive	make -n	target to be used to see all of	the action
     that would	be taken to update target.

     Because of	widespread historical practice,	interpreting a # number	sign
     inside a variable as the start of a comment has the unfortunate side
     effect of making it impossible to place a number sign in a	variable, thus
     forbidding	something like:


     Many historical make utilities stop chaining together inference rules
     when an intermediate target is non-existent. For example, it might	be
     possible for a make to determine that both	.y.c and .c.o could be used to
     convert a .y to a .o. Instead, in this case, make requires	the use	of a
     .y.o rule.

     The best way to provide portable makefiles	is to include all of the rules
     needed in the makefile itself. The	rules provided use only	features
     provided by other parts of	the standard. The default rules	include	rules
     for optional commands in the standard. Only rules pertaining to commands
     that are provided are needed in an	implementation's default set.

     Macros used within	other macros are evaluated when	the new	macro is used
     rather than when the new macro is defined.	Therefore:

	  MACRO	= value1
	  NEW	= $(MACRO)
	  MACRO	= value2

		 echo $(NEW)

     would produce value2 and not value1 since NEW was not expanded until it
     was needed	in the echo command line.

     Some historical applications have been known to intermix target_name and
     macro=name	operands on the	command	line, expecting	that all of the	macros
     will be processed before any of the targets are dealt with.  Portable

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MAKE(1)								       MAKE(1)

     applications do not do this, although some	backward compatibility support
     may be included in	some implementations.

     The following characters in filenames may give trouble:

	  =   :	  `   '	  @

     For inference rules, the description of $<	and $? seem similar.  However,
     an	example	shows the minor	difference. In a makefile containing:

	  foo.o: foo.h

     if	foo.h is newer than foo.o, yet foo.c is	older than foo.o, the built-in
     rule to make foo.o	from foo.c will	be used, with $< equal to foo.c	and $?
     equal to foo.h. If	foo.c is also newer than foo.o,	$< is equal to foo.c
     and $? is equal to	foo.h foo.c.

EXAMPLES    [Toc]    [Back]

     1.	 The following command:


	 makes the first target	found in the makefile.

     2.	 The following command:

	     make junk

	 makes the target junk.

     3.	 The following makefile	says that pgm depends on two files, a.o	and
	 b.o, and that they in turn depend on their corresponding source files
	 (a.c and b.c),	and a common file incl.h:

	 pgm: a.o b.o
		 c89 a.o b.o -o	pgm

	 a.o: incl.h a.c
		 c89 -c	a.c

	 b.o: incl.h b.c
		 c89 -c	b.c

     4.	 An example for	making optimised .o files from .c files	is:

		 c89 -c	-O $*.c


		 c89 -c	-O $<

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MAKE(1)								       MAKE(1)

     5.	 The most common use of	the archive interface follows.	Here, it is
	 assumed that the source files are all C-language source:

	 lib:	lib(file1.o) lib(file2.o) lib(file3.o)
		@echo lib is now up-to-date

	 The .c.a rule is used to make file1.o,	file2.o	and file3.o and	insert
	 them into lib.

	 The treatment of escaped newline characters throughout	the makefile
	 is historical practice. For example, the inference rule:



	 works,	and the	macro:

	     f=	    bar	baz\


		    echo ==$f==

	 will echo ==bar baz biz==.

	 If $? were:

	     /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/unistd.h	foo.h

	 then $(?D) would be:

	     /usr/include /usr/include .

	 and $(?F) would be:

	     stdio.h unistd.h foo.h

     6.	 The contents of the built-in rules can	be viewed by running:

	     make -p -f	/dev/null 2>/dev/null

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     ar, c89, cc, get, lex, sh,

NOTES    [Toc]    [Back]

     The VPATH facility	is a derivation	of the undocumented VPATH feature in
     the System	V Release 3 version of make.  System V Release 4 has a new
     VPATH implementation, much	like the pmake(1) .PATH	feature. This new

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MAKE(1)								       MAKE(1)

     feature is	also undocumented in the standard System V Release 4 manual
     pages.  For this reason it	is not available in the	IRIX version of	make .
     The VPATH facility	should not be used with	the new	parallel make option.

     An	added feature is the ability for macros	to be placed with macros.  For
     example, when FLAGS = TYPE, then $(MAKE_${FLAGS}) will get	expanded to
     the macro $(MAKE_TYPE). This syntax can handle about 100 levels of


     When the special target .POSIX is not specified, the following backward
     compatible	actions	take place:

     1.	 The content of	the MAKEFLAGS variable will contain only the command
	 line options and not command line macros.

BUGS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Filenames with the	characters = : @ will not work.

     Commands that are directly	executed by the	shell, notably cd(1),

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