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NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     tserialio,	libtserialio, tsintro, tsClosePort, tsCopyConfig,
     tsFreeConfig, tsGetErrorHandler, tsGetFD, tsGetFillPoint,
     tsGetFillPointBytes, tsGetFilledBytes, tsNewConfig, tsNewConfigFromPort,
     tsOpenPort, tsRead, tsSetCflag, tsSetDirection, tsSetErrorHandler,
     tsSetExternalClockFactor, tsSetFillPointBytes, tsSetOspeed,
     tsSetPortName, tsSetProtocol, tsSetQueueSize, tsWrite - timestamped
     serial port i/o

C SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <tserialio.h>

     Link with -ltserialio

     Choosing a	Port Configuration:

     TSconfig tsNewConfig(void);
     TSconfig tsNewConfigFromPort(TSport port);
     TSconfig tsCopyConfig(TSconfig from);
     TSstatus tsFreeConfig(TSconfig config);
     TSstatus tsSetPortName(TSconfig config, char *name);
     TSstatus tsSetDirection(TSconfig config, int direction);
     TSstatus tsSetQueueSize(TSconfig config, int queuesize);
     TSstatus tsSetCflag(TSconfig config, tcflag_t cflag);
     TSstatus tsSetOspeed(TSconfig config, speed_t ospeed);
     TSstatus tsSetProtocol(TSconfig config, int protocol);
     TSstatus tsSetExternalClockFactor(TSconfig	config,
				       int extclock_factor);

     Opening and Using a Port:

     TSstatus tsOpenPort(TSconfig config, TSport *returnPort);
     TSstatus tsClosePort(TSport port);
     int tsGetFilledBytes(TSport port);
     TSstatus tsRead(TSport port, unsigned char	*data, stamp_t *stamps,
		     int nbytes);
     TSstatus tsWrite(TSport port, unsigned char *data,	stamp_t	*stamps,
		      int nbytes);
     TSstatus tsSetFillPointBytes(TSport port, int nbytes);
     int tsGetFillPointBytes(TSport port);
     int tsGetFD(TSport	port);

     Error Handling:

     TSerrfunc tsSetErrorHandler(TSerrfunc newfunc, int	includefuncname);
     TSerrfunc tsGetErrorHandler(int *includefuncname);

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The tserialio library provides millisecond	accurate, timestamped access
     to	a serial port.	An application can measure the time at which each
     input byte	arrived	at a serial port to within plus	or minus one
     millisecond.  An application can also schedule bytes to go	out a serial

									Page 1


     port at a specified time in the future.  The operating system will	output
     each byte at the specified	time with an accuracy of plus or minus one
     millisecond.  Times are specified on the UST timeline, the	same timeline
     used for other devices such as audio and video (see dmGetUST(3dm)).  See
     ACCURACY AND LATENCY below	for more information about the accuracy	and
     latency guarantees	which tserialio	offers.

     Tserialio is useful for timely serial port	tasks such as machine control,
     video deck	control, or motion capture.  It	is also	useful for MIDI,
     though the	MIDI library (see mdIntro(3dm))	may be more appropriate	in
     this case.

     Tserialio is currently only supported on O2 workstations.

OVERVIEW    [Toc]    [Back]

     A TSport represents one serial port open in one direction.	 In order to
     open a TSport, you	specify	how you	would like the port configured using a
     TSconfig.	This code shows	you how	to create a TSconfig and set its
     various members:

	    TSconfig config = tsNewConfig();
	    TSport port;

	    tsSetPortName(config, "/dev/ttyts1");	   /* required */
	    tsSetDirection(config, TS_DIRECTION_TRANSMIT); /* required */
	    tsSetQueueSize(config, 200);		   /* required */
	    tsSetCflag(config, CS8|PARENB|PARODD);	   /* required */
	    tsSetOspeed(config,	38400);			   /* required */
	    tsSetProtocol(config, TS_PROTOCOL_RS232);	   /* optional */
	    tsSetExternalClockFactor(config, 0);	   /* optional */

	    if (TS_SUCCESS != tsOpenPort(config, &port))


	    ...	use the	port ...


     The C types TSport	and TSconfig are opaque	pointers which you should
     simply pass into the tserialio calls and never dereference.  The format
     of	the data to which they point is	not exported.

     If	you opened a TS_DIRECTION_TRANSMIT port, then use code like this to
     actually schedule bytes for output:

									Page 2


	    stamp_t stamps[NBYTES];
	    unsigned char data[NBYTES];
	    int	i;
	    for(i=0; i < NBYTES; i++) {
	      data[i] =	a byte of data;
	      stamps[i]	= UST time to transmit that byte;
	    tsWrite(port, &data, &stamps, NBYTES);

     If	you opened a TS_DIRECTION_RECEIVE port,	then use code like this	to
     acquire input bytes and their arrival times:

	    stamp_t stamps[NBYTES];
	    unsigned char data[NBYTES];
	    tsRead(port, &data,	&stamps, NBYTES);
	    int	i;
	    for(i=0; i < NBYTES; i++) {
	      data[i] contains a byte of data;
	      stamps[i]	contains UST time at which byte	arrived;

     A TSport has a queue of (byte,timestamp) pairs whose capacity you specify
     with tsSetQueueSize(3).

     For an input port (TS_DIRECTION_RECEIVE), this queue holds	the bytes
     which have	been received but which	you have not yet read using tsRead(3).
     Characters	that arrive on a port whose queue is full will be discarded.
     If	you attempt to read more characters than are currently available on
     the queue,	then tsRead(3) will block until	your request can be satisfied.

     For an output port	(TS_DIRECTION_TRANSMIT), this queue holds the bytes
     which you have enqueued using tsWrite(3) but which	have not yet been
     transmitted.  If you attempt to enqueue so	much data that this queue
     would fill	past its capacity, then	tsWrite(3) will	block until enough
     space has become available	to enqueue all of your data.

     You can determine the number of (byte,timestamp) pairs currently enqueued
     on	a TSport using tsGetFilledBytes(3).  You can also use
     tsSetFillPointBytes(3) and	tsGetFD(3) to get a file descriptor for	use in
     select(2) or poll(2) which	will unblock when a specified amount of	data
     or	space has become available in a	TSport.

     TS	functions which	can err	return a TSstatus.  A return value of
     TS_SUCCESS	means that the function	was successful,	otherwise a TS_ERROR_
     token is returned to describe the error.  See ERROR HANDLING below	for

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     more information.

CONFIGURING A PORT    [Toc]    [Back]

     TSconfig tsNewConfig(void);

     Create a new TSconfig.  Can fail with NULL

     TSconfig tsNewConfigFromPort(TSport port);

     Create a new TSconfig with	the same configuration as port.	 Can fail with
     NULL (oserror()==TS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEM).

     TSconfig tsCopyConfig(TSconfig from);

     Create a new TSconfig in exactly the same state as	from.  From is not
     modified.	Can fail with NULL (oserror()==TS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEM).

     TSstatus tsFreeConfig(TSconfig config);

     Free a TSconfig.

     TSstatus tsSetPortName(TSconfig config, char *name);

     Set UNIX filename of timestamped serial port to open.  This should	be a
     UNIX device node of the form /dev/ttytsn.	/dev/ttytsn represents the
     same physical port	as the traditional device node /dev/ttydn as described
     in	serial(7).  This call can fail with TS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEM.

     TSstatus tsSetDirection(TSconfig config, int direction);

     Specify direction of timestamped serial port:

     o TS_DIRECTION_TRANSMIT for an "output" port to which you can tsWrite(3).

     o TS_DIRECTION_RECEIVE  for in "input" port from which you	can tsRead(3).

     o call fails with TS_ERROR_BAD_LIBRARY_CALL for any other direction

     TSstatus tsSetQueueSize(TSconfig config, int queuesize);

     Specify the number	of (byte,timestamp) pairs which	the port's queue can
     hold.  Fails with TS_ERROR_BAD_LIBRARY_CALL if specified size is 0	or
     less.  Currently, the queue size must be greater than or equal to 20, and
     less than 102400.	See OVERVIEW above for information about this queue.

     TSstatus tsSetCflag(TSconfig config, tcflag_t cflag);

     Specify most serial communication parameters, using the traditional
     struct termios.c_cflag flags (see termios(7)):

									Page 4


	 CSIZE bits (CS5, CS6, CS7, CS8)
	 CSTOPB	bit (1==2 stop bits, 0==1 stop bits)
	 PARENB	(0==no parity, 1==see PARODD)
	 PARODD	(1==odd	parity,	0==even	parity)
	 CBAUD (B9600 etc.) is IGNORED
	       this field of c_cflag has been obsoleted.
	       use tsSetOspeed(3) instead.

     TSstatus tsSetOspeed(TSconfig config, speed_t ospeed);

     Specify baud rate as integer in symbols per second	(e.g. 9600, 31250
     (MIDI), 38400 (video deck control)).  Fails with
     TS_ERROR_BAD_LIBRARY_CALL if speed	is 0.

     TSstatus tsSetProtocol(TSconfig config, int protocol);

     Specify electrical	protocol to use	on serial port:

     o TS_PROTOCOL_RS232 (the default):	EIA/TIA-232-E

     o TS_PROTOCOL_RS422: EIA/TIA-422-B

     o TS_PROTOCOL_MACINTOSH: Macintosh	compatible serial levels

     o fails with TS_ERROR_BAD_LIBRARY_CALL for	other protocol.

     See serial(7) for information about which protocols are supported on
     which platforms.

     TSstatus tsSetExternalClockFactor(TSconfig	config,
				       int extclock_factor);

     Specify clock source for serial port:

     o 0 (the default) means the serial	port should use	its internal clock.

     o N (N > 1) means the serial port should clock itself off of the provided
     external clock divided by N. tsSetOSpeed(3) is ignored in this case.

     o N < 0 fails with	TS_ERROR_BAD_LIBRARY_CALL.

     To	use a Macintosh-compatible MIDI	dongle plugged into a serial port of
     an	Indigo,	Indy, and Indigo2, specify 32.	The MIDI dongle	provides a 1
     MHz external clock	signal on a pin	of the serial port, which drives the
     serial port at the	MIDI (1,000,000/32==31.25kHz) baud rate.  On the O2
     system, use the internal clock and	set ospeed to 31250.

     TSstatus tsOpenPort(TSconfig config, TSport *returnPort);

									Page 5


     Open a timestamped	serial port.  Each TSport represents a connection to
     one physical serial port in one direction.	 Each TS_DIRECTION_RECEIVE
     TSport will receive its own copy of the data arriving at the physical
     serial port.  On TS_PROTOCOL_RS232	serial ports, DTR and RTS are always
     asserted, and DCD and CTS are ignored.  Hanging up	the serial line	(see
     termios(3)) is not	currently supported.

     tsOpenPort(3) can fail in the following cases:

     o TS_ERROR_BAD_LIBRARY_CALL if config or returnPort are NULL or invalid.

     o TS_ERROR_BAD_LIBRARY_CALL if you	had not	set the	following parameters
     of	config:	 tsSetPortName(3), tsSetDirection(3), tsSetQueueSize(3),
     tsSetCflag(3), or tsSetOspeed(3).

     o TS_ERROR_OPENING_PORT if	a parameter specified in config	is not
     supported on the specified	serial port, or	there is some problem
     interfacing with the tserialio driver.

     o TS_ERROR_OPENING_PORT if	config specifies an invalid queuesize (see

     o TS_ERROR_OPENING_PORT if	opening	the port would exceed tserialio's
     fixed per-system limit on the number of simultaneously open TSports.
     This limit	is at least eight times	the number of physical serial ports on
     the machine.

     o TS_ERROR_PORT_BUSY if config specifies TS_DIRECTION_TRANSMIT on a port
     which is already open for transmit	using tserialio.

     o TS_ERROR_PORT_BUSY if config specifies a	physical port which is already
     open using	tserialio with different communications	parameters (cflag,
     ospeed, protocol, or extclock).

     o TS_ERROR_PORT_BUSY if config specifies a	port which is already open
     using the traditional serial interface (see serial(7)).


     TSstatus tsClosePort(TSport port);

     Close a TSport.  If the port is a TS_DIRECTION_TRANSMIT port, all
     currently enqueued	(byte,timestamp) pairs will be discarded immediately
     and not transmitted.

     int tsGetFilledBytes(TSport port);

     Returns the total number of (byte,timestamp) pairs	currently in the
     TSport's queue.

									Page 6


     TSstatus tsRead(TSport port, unsigned char	*data, stamp_t *stamps,
		     int nbytes);

     Reads nbytes (byte,timestamp) pairs from the specified port's queue.  The
     port must be a TS_DIRECTION_RECEIVE port (see tsSetDirection(3)).	The
     function returns the data of each byte in data[i],	and the	UST time at
     which the byte came in the	input jack of the machine in stamps[i].	 The
     actual reception time of data[i] is guaranteed to be within the interval
     from (stamps[i] - 2 milliseconds) to (stamps[i]).	If nbytes
     (byte,timestamp) pairs are	not currently available	in the port's queue,
     then tsRead(3) will block until it	has been able to read all nbytes

     If	tsRead(3) needs	to block, it will call select(2).  If that select
     fails for any reason other	than EINTR, the	call will return with

     Currently,	tserialio does not provide an indication of framing, parity,
     or	overrun	errors.

     TSstatus tsWrite(TSport port, unsigned char *data,	stamp_t	*stamps,
		      int nbytes);

     Writes (enqueues) nbytes (byte,timestamp) pairs to	the specified port's
     queue.  The port must be a	TS_DIRECTION_TRANSMIT port (see
     tsSetDirection(3)).  This call schedules each byte	data[i]	to go out at
     the UST time given	by stamps[i].  The actual transmission time of data[i]
     is	guaranteed to be within	the interval from (stamps[i]) to (stamps[i] +
     2 milliseconds).  If sufficient space is not available in the port's
     queue to write all	nbytes (byte,timestamp)	pairs immediately, then
     tsWrite(3)	will block until it has	been able to write all nbytes pairs.

     If	tsWrite(3) needs to block, it will call	select(2).  If that select
     fails for any reason other	than EINTR, the	call will return with

     The timestamps you	provide	to tsWrite(3) must be non-decreasing.
     Tserialio will transmit every byte	you enqueue exactly once; it will
     transmit a	byte late rather than dropping it.  Be careful that the
     (byte,timestamp) pairs you	enqueue	on the serial port are (at least in
     the long term) realizable given the baud rate and communications
     parameters	you have chosen, otherwise you will lose the accuracy
     guarantee described above,	and possibly also overflow your	queue.

     int tsGetFD(TSport	port);
     TSstatus tsSetFillPointBytes(TSport port, int nbytes);
     int tsGetFillPointBytes(TSport port);

     tsGetFD(3)	returns	a file descriptor which	you can	pass to	select(2) or
     poll(2) if	you want to block until	data becomes available in an input
     port, or space becomes available in an output port.

									Page 7


     Before calling select(2) or poll(2), you must first call
     tsSetFillPointBytes(3) to specify when you	want to	unblock:

     INPUT PORTS:  will	unblock	from select() or poll()	when
		   tsGetFilledBytes() >= tsGetFillPointBytes()

     OUTPUT PORTS: will	unblock	from select() or poll()	when
		   tsGetFilledBytes() <	 tsGetFillPointBytes()

     The calls tsWrite(3) and tsRead(3)	may change the fillpoint, so you
     should make sure to call tsSetFillPointBytes(3) before each invocation of
     select(2) or poll(2).

     When using	select(2), an input port's file	descriptor is used in a	read
     fdset and an output port's	file descriptor	is used	in a write fdset.

     When using	poll(2), an input port's file descriptor is used with the
     POLLIN event flag and an output port's file descriptor is used with a
     POLLOUT event flag.

     AL	Note: the definition of	output fillpoint differs from that in the SGI
     Audio Library (see	ALintro(3dm)).	The AL file descriptor unblocks	when
     there are more than "fillpoint" spaces in the queue.  This	inconsistency
     was necessary to facilitate a future feature of this library: the ability
     to	choose fillpoints in units of time rather than data.

     tsSetFillPointBytes(3) will fail with TS_ERROR_BAD_LIBRARY_CALL if	nbytes
     is	less than zero or greater than the port's queue	size.

THREAD SAFETY    [Toc]    [Back]

     Applications can make multiple, simultaneous, uncoordinated TS calls on
     different TSports from different threads and the library will operate
     fine.  Each TSport	completely encapsulates	the state needed to do
     operations	on that	TSport (except for error handling, which is explained

     Applications cannot make multiple,	simultaneous, uncoordinated TS calls
     from different threads to set or access the library's global state--
     namely, the error handler function	described below.  If two threads
     simultaneously try	to set the global error	handler	(even the same error
     handler), the behavior is undefined.  Furthermore,	if the application
     writes an error handler, then makes multiple, simultaneous, uncoordinated
     TS	calls on different TSports from	different threads, and both TS calls
     issue an error simultaneously, then two instances of the application's
     error handler will	be called in a simultaneous, uncoordinated manner in
     two threads.  Applications	may need semaphore protection in their error
     handler if	this is	possible.  Each	function in this man page documents
     the possible error	return values.

     Applications cannot make multiple,	simultaneous, uncoordinated TS calls
     on	the same TSport	from different threads,	even if	the order of execution

									Page 8


     of	those calls does not matter to the application.	 Doing so will very
     likely cause a core dump, or at least corruption of the TSport.  An
     application which accesses	a given	TSport from multiple threads should
     use a semaphore package such as POSIX semaphores (man sem_init(3C)).

ERROR HANDLING    [Toc]    [Back]

     TSerrfunc tsSetErrorHandler(TSerrfunc newfunc, int	includefuncname);
     TSerrfunc tsGetErrorHandler(int *includefuncname_ret);

     Functions that can	err return a TSstatus.	TS_SUCCESS means success.  On
     failure, functions	return a TS_ERROR_ token as seen in <tserialio.h>, and
     also set oserror(3C) to the value of that token.

     Errors are	also reported as they occur by the execution of	a processglobal,
 non-thread-safe error handler callback which you can set.	The
     string passed to the error	handler	contains detailed error	information
     which is useful for debugging.

     The default error handler prints an error to stderr.  When	defining an
     error handler, you	can specify using includefuncname whether or not to
     include the TS function name that is erring in the	string.	 Most
     applications will want to turn off	the error handler in non-debug
     compiles using something like this:

	  #ifdef NDEBUG
	     tsSetErrorHandler(NULL, FALSE);

     tsSetErrorHandler(3) sets a new error handler and returns the previous
     handler.  tsGetErrorHandler(3) returns the	current	error handler and
     includefuncname status.  includefuncname_ret can be NULL.

     Programmatic errors, where	you pass an out-of-range, nonsensical, or
     otherwise illegal value to	an TS library call, all	return

PERFORMANCE TIPS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Tserialio is built	on a mechanism which is	extremely lightweight compared
     to	the standard /dev/ttydn	serial interface.  The mechanism is similar to
     the lightweight mapped ringbuffers	offered	by the Audio Serial Option
     (see asoserns(7)).	 These facts are true of the current implementation
     and are likely (not guaranteed) to	remain true:

     o tsGetFilledBytes(3) performs no system calls and	is extremely

									Page 9


     o A tsRead(3) which can be	satisfied by data currently in the port's
     queue is little more than a bcopy and requires no system calls.

     o A tsWrite(3) for	which there is room in the port's queue	is similarly

     Therefore,	an application which periodically polls	tsGetFilledBytes(3)
     can perform all of	its serial i/o without any system calls.  This may be
     desirable for applications	in which a convenient periodic opportunity for
     polling the serial	device is available without spinning on	the CPU.  For
     example, this may be the case with	a video	deck control application.


     Tserialio offers guarantees about the accuracy of its input byte
     timestamping and its output byte scheduling.  These guarantees are
     described along with tsWrite(3) and tsRead(3) above.

     Tserialio offers no guarantees about the latencies	your application sees.
     It	has no interactions whatsoever with the	IRIX scheduler.	 It is a
     service which pairs together bytes	of data	and UST	times in such a	way
     that your application can manipulate the pair atomically.

     1.	for input ports, tserialio offers no guarantees	about the maximum time
     between when a byte arrives at the	port and when tsRead(3)	unblocks.

     2.	for input and output ports, tserialio offers no	guarantees about the
     maximum time between when a byte arrives at the port or is	transmitted
     out the port and when tsGetFilledBytes(3) starts returning	a different
     value to reflect that transfer.

     3.	for input and output ports, tserialio offers no	guarantees about the
     maximum time between when a port reaches its fillpoint and	when a
     TSport's file descriptor unblocks a select(2) or poll(2).

     4.	every program that outputs a serial signal has some "operating
     latency" L, such that for any given byte that needs to go out at time T,
     the program will choose to	enqueue	that byte on the TSport	at time	T-L or
     later.  Generally (see below) the IRIX scheduler does not guarantee that
     a process will be running at any given time.  Therefore, as L decreases,
     it	becomes	increasingly likely that your IRIX process will	not be running
     in	the interval between T-L and T and thus	will not be able to enqueue
     the byte for timely transmission.	Tserialio offers no guarantee that any
     particular	value of L will	always be big enough to	avoid this situation.

     5.	when writing a given (byte, timestamp) pair to an output port using
     tsWrite(3), you must provide tserialio with enough	"advance warning" (ie,
     the difference between the	current	UST at the time	of tsWrite(3) and the
     UST timestamp in the pair must be large enough) so	that tserialio can
     schedule output of	the data with the accuracy described in	tsWrite(3).
     This "advance warning" must be added into your "operating latency"	as

								       Page 10


     described above.  Tserialio offers	no guarantee that any particular
     amount of "advance	warning" will always be	enough.

     Here are some useful facts	about the current implementation (not
     guaranteed	to be true of all implementations):

     o The latency described in	item 2 is at most 2ms.

     o The minimum advance warning described in	item 5 is 2ms.

     o it is possible to reliably perform certain tasks, such as playing a
     MIDI file or controlling a	Sony-protocol RS-422 VTR, using	the latencies
     practically available to a	non-degrading-priority IRIX process (see
     schedctl(2)).  Note that emulating	a Sony-protocol	RS-422 VTR is not
     necessarily possible.

     Real latency guarantees such as those described in	items 1, 3, and	4 are
     currently available in multiprocessor configurations using	the REACT/Pro
     product.  Such guarantees may be available	on all SGI workstations	in a
     future IRIX release.  For now, tserialio provides the critical
     functionality for many timely serial applications.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     dmGetUST(3dm), serial(7), asoserns(7), termios(7),	mdIntro(3dm)

								       PPPPaaaaggggeeee 11111111
[ Back ]
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