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espconfig(1)							  espconfig(1)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     espconfig is a utility provided for the configuration ESP from the
     command line.  This utility bypasses the webserver	and directly interacts
     with the ESP database.


     espconfig -help [<prototype>]
     espconfig -spec
     espconfig -version

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The espconfig -help prints	the list of command specifications. The
     optional <prototype> parameter is used to list commands that <prototype>
     matches some substring in the specification text.	For example,
     'espconfig	-help add' will	list all commands containing character
     sequence 'add' in the specification.

     The espconfig -spec command prints	all commands specification in the way
     the command line is parsed	to match the specification.

     The espconfig -version command gives the version of espconfig application
     with the date of the build.


     espconfig -show evtype {-tid <type	id>
			    |-td <type description>
			    |-cid <class id>
			    |-cd <class	description>}
			    [-sgmclient	<client	alias>]
     espconfig -list evtype [-cid <class id>
			    |-cd <class	description>]
			    [-sgmclient	<client	alias>]
     espconfig -add evtype -td <type description>
	       {-cid <class id>	| -cd <class description>}
	       [-throttle <throttle value>]
	       [-acfreq	<action	frequency value>]
	       [-acid <action id>
	       |-acd  <action description>]
     espconfig -update evtype -tid <type id>
	       [-sgmclient <client alias>]
	       [-td <type description>]
	       [-throttle <throttle value>]
	       [-acfreq	<action	frequency value>]
	       [-acid <action id>
	       |-acd  <action description>]
	       [-noacid	<action	id>
	       |-noacd	<action	description>]
     espconfig -delete evtype {-tid <type id>

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			      |-td <type description>}
     espconfig -update evclass -cid <class id>
			       -cd <class description>
     espconfig -delete evclass {-cid <class id>
			       |-cd <class description>}
     espconfig -list evclass
     espconfig -delete events
	       [-sysid <system id>|-host <host name>]

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The -show evtype command is used to show all fields of the	selected event
     type. The key -tid	specifies event	type by	type id. The key -td specifies
     event type	by type	description. Only one of these keys need to be
     specified at a time. In the case the type description is not unique, all
     matched event types are printed.

     The -list evtype command is used to list event type ids with event
     descriptions. Option -cid specifies list by class id. Option -cd
     specifies list by class description. Only one of these options need to be
     specified at a time. If both options are missing, all event types are

     The -add evtype command is	used to	add new	events to ESP. The new event
     has to be specified by the	key -td	with the event type description.  The
     type description has to be	unique in the event class. The Event class has
     to	be specified by	the key	-cid with class	id or by the key -cd with the
     class description.	The class id always defines the	existing class,	while
     class description can specify an existing class or	the new	class.

     The -update evtype	command	is used	to update fields in an existing	event
     type. The event type must be specified by type id with the	-tid key.

     The -sgmclient option specifies the client	alias for requested client
     information when running on SGM site.

     The following options specifies fields value for new event	in -add	evtype
     command or	updated	value for -update evtype command. If some options are
     missing default values are	used in	-add evtype command. In	-update	evtype
     parameters	not provided are left unchanged. The options are:

     -td <type description>
	     option allows to change type description in -update evtype
	     command. Only custom created event	types can be updated with this

     -throttle <throttle value>
	     option is used to set or update the throttle value, representing
	     the number	of event occurrences prior to registration into	the
	     ESP database. The default value is	1.

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     -enable | -disable
	     options define whether the	event is enabled or disabled in	new or
	     updated event type. Only one of the these options can be
	     specified at a time. The default value is disabled.

     -acid <action id>

     -acd  <action description>
	     options are used to associate an action with the created event
	     type or add another action	associated with	the updated event
	     type. Only	one of the these options can be	specified at a time.
	     If	both options are missing no actions are	associated with	the
	     new event type and	actions	associated with	event type are left
	     unchanged.	The key	-acid defines the new action by	action id,
	     while -acd	the key	defines	the new	action by action description.

     -noacid <action id>

     -noacd  <action description>
	     options are used to remove	an action from updated event type.
	     Only one of the these options can be specified at a time. If both
	     options are missing actions associated with updated event type
	     are left unchanged. The key -acid defines dropped action by the
	     action id,	while -acd key defines it by the action	description.

     The -delete evtype	command	is used	to delete events. Only custom defined
     events can	be deleted. The	event to be deleted must be uniquely specified
     by	the type id or the type	description with options -tid or -td. Only one
     key can be	specified at a time. The type id is unique for events,
     however, the description can be the same across different event classes.
     If	type description is not	unique,	then a table of	all event types
     matching the given	are listed along with their type id's. The user	can
     then use the -tid for appropriate type for	deletion. If the type being
     deleted is	the last in its	class, then the	class is also removed.

     The -update evclass command can be	used to	update class description for
     custom defined event classes. -cid	key is specifies the selected event
     class by its id.  -cd key is specifies the	new class description for this

     The -delete evclass command can be	used to	delete the custom defined
     event classes. Classes for	deletion can be	specified by the class id with
     -cid key, or by class description with -cd	key. Only one of keys can be
     specified in the command line.

     The -list evclass command is used to list event classes. The command
     lists the event class ID and event	class description.

     The -delete events	command	is used	to delete all events related
     structures:  types, classes, actions and cross references.	If espconfig
     is	running	on an SGM, the optional	key -sysid defines the affected	client
     by	specifying the system id. The optional -host key specifies the client

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     system by the host	name. Only one of the keys can be specified on command
     line. If both keys	are missing, the current system	is affected. The event
     structure for the client is removed from SGM. The client itself is	not

EXAMPLES    [Toc]    [Back]

      1. espconfig -add	 evtype
		   -td "XXX diagnostic memory overflow"
			 -cd "XXX diagnostic"
      2. espconfig -add	 evtype	-td "XXX failure 0102"
				-cd "XXX diagnostic"
      3. espconfig -list evtype	-cd "XXX diagnostic"

	 TypeId	  Type description
	 ------	  ----------------
	 8400000  "XXX diagnostic memory overflow"
	 8400001  "XXX failure 0102"

      4. espconfig -update evtype -tid 8400001
		   -td "XXX diagnostic:	data parity"
		      -acd "Mail administrator"
      5. espconfig -update evtype -tid 8400001
		   -enable -throttle 5
		      -noacd "Mail administrator"
		      -acd "Page owner"
      6. espconfig -update evtype -tid 8400001
		   -acd	"Mail owner"

     Example 1 creates a new event type. Example 2 creates another event type
     into the existing class. Example 3	gives the list of created events with
     type ids. Example 4 updates the type description for the second event
     type and associates an action to it. Example 5 removes an action and
     associates	another	action to the event. It	also updates throttle value
     and enables the event type. Example 6 adds	one more action	to the same
     event type.

     Command lines are wrapped here only for representation purpose.


     espconfig -show evaction {-acid <action id>
			       |-acd <action description>}
     espconfig -list evaction
     espconfig -add evaction  -acd <action description>
			      -act <action string>
			    [-user <name>]
			    [-retry <count>]
			    [-tout <timeout value>]
			    [-throttle <throttle value>]
     espconfig -update evaction
			    {-acid <action id>

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				   [-acd <new action description>] |
			     -acd <action description>}
			    [-act <action string>]
			    [-user <name>]
			    [-retry <count>]
			    [-tout <timeout value>]
			    [-throttle <throttle value>]

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The -show evaction	command	is used	to show	all fields of the selected
     event action. The key -acid specifies the event action by action id. The
     key -acd specifies	the event action by the	action description. Only one
     of	these keys can be specified at a time.

     The -list evaction	command	is used	to list	event actions. The action ids
     and action	descriptions are listed.

     The -add evaction command is used to create new actions. Adding an	action
     requires the action description and action	string as mandatory
     parameters. The action description	is specified by	the -acd key, while
     the action	string is specified by the -act	key.

     The -update evaction command can be used to update	parameters that	apply
     to	an existing action. The	action to be updated can be selected by	the
     action id with the	-acid key followed by a	valid action id. In this case
     the optional -acd key specifies the updated action	description. If	-acid
     key is missing, then -acd key is mandatory	to specify the updated action
     by	action description.

     The following options specifies field values for a	new action in -add
     evaction command or updated value for -update evaction command. If	some
     options are missing, default values are used in -add evaction command. In
     the -update evaction command missed fields	are left unchanged. The
     options are:

     -act <action string>
	     option allows to change the action	string in -update evaction
	     command. In -add evaction command this key	is mandatory.

     -user <name>
	     option defines the	UNIX user name for new or updated action. The
	     user permissions are used to execute the action string. The
	     default user is 'nobody'.

     -retry <count>
	     option defines the	retry count to retry the action	for new	or
	     updated event action, if the action is not	executed successfully.
	     The default value is 0.

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     -tout <timeout value>
	     option defines the	timeout	value within which the action being
	     executed is to be completed. If this timeout period is completed
	     and the action is still running, the action will be killed. The
	     default value is 0.

     -throttle <throttle value>
	     option defines the	throttling value for the action. The throttle
	     for the action defines the	number of occurrences of event before
	     action is taken. The default value	is 1.

     -enable | -disable
	     options define if the new or updated action is enabled or
	     disabled. Only one	of the two options can be specified with the


SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     espconfig -load  eventprofile <eventprofile name>
     espconfig -add   eventprofile <eventprofile name>
     espconfig -merge eventprofile <eventprofile name>
     espconfig -drop  eventprofile <eventprofile name>
     espconfig -save  eventprofile <eventprofile name>

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The -load command clears the database and re-installs the new set of
     events and	actions	(if defined) from the file eventprofile	name.

     The -add command compares events in the ESP database and inserts only new
     events that are being introduced from the file eventprofile name.

     The -merge	command	compares events	in the ESP database for	event
     parameters	and updates ones that are different as in the file
     eventprofile name.	If the event does not exist in the existing list of
     events in the ESP database, then the event	is added to the	database with
     the new set of parameters as defined for the event.

     The -drop command drops all events	from the ESP database as defined by
     the file eventprofile name.  However, each	profile	that is	loaded in the
     database is first checked to determine if the event being dropped is part
     of	any other profile. If so, the event is not dropped

     The -save command saves the entire	set of events and associated actions
     to	the file eventprofile name.


SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     espconfig -save espenv
			    [global] [ipaddr] [user]
			    [all] [-to <file name> ]
     espconfig -load espenv
			    [global] [ipaddr] [user]

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			    [all] -from	<file name>

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The -save command saves optional ESP environment data as specified	into
     the file file name. The [all] option saves	all the	three states (global
     configuration - global, user configuration	- user and IP address
     information - ipaddr) from	ESP to the file	file name.  If the -to option
     is	not provided, the content data is displayed on the standard output.

     The -load command is used to load the specified set of configuration from
     the file file name. If the	[all] option is	used, all the three states
     (global configuration - global, user configuration	- user and IP address
     information - ipaddr) are loaded as the new ESP environment.


     espconfig -enable	ipaddr <ip address>...<ip address>
     espconfig -disable	ipaddr <ip address>...<ip address>
     espconfig -delete	ipaddr <ip address>...<ip address>
     espconfig -list	ipaddr <ip address>...<ip address>
			    [-enabled |	-disabled]

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The -enable command is used to enable access for given IP addresses list.
     If	IP address from	given list is already enabled, then its	status remains
     unchanged.	Disabled IP addresses are enabled. If the IP address is	not
     already in	the available list, then the IP	addresses are added to the ESP
     database in an enabled state. At least one	<ip address> must be provided.

     The -disable command is used to disable access for	given IP addresses
     list.  If IP address from given list was disabled before its status is
     unchanged.	Enabled	IP addresses are disabled. Non-existent	IP addresses
     are added to the ESP database in a	disabled state.	At least one <ip
     address> must be provided.

     The -delete command is used to delete given IP addresses from the system.
     At	least one <ip address> must be provided.

     The -list command is used to list IP addresses available in the system
     with its state. If	the ip address list is not provided, all entries are
     listed. Providing the -enabled or the -disabled option lists only
     addresses that are	either enabled or disabled.


     espconfig -add    user -name <user	name> [-p <password>]
     espconfig -delete user -name <user	name> [-p <password>]
     espconfig -update user -name <user	name> [-p <password>]
     espconfig -list   user [-name <user name>]
     espconfig -createadmin
     espconfig -add    permdesc	-perm <permission name>
				-desc <permission description>

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     espconfig -delete permdesc	-perm <permission name>
     espconfig -list   permdesc
	       [-perm <permission name>..<permission name>]
     espconfig -add    userperm	[-name <user name>]
				 -perm <permission name>
     espconfig -delete userperm	[-name <user name>]
				[-perm <permission name>]
     espconfig -list   userperm	[-name <user name>]
				[-perm <permission name>]

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The -add user command is used to add new user to the system. The key
     -name specifies new user name. The	key -p specifies user password.	If the
     password key is missing, the command will prompt for an non-echoed
     verified input for	the password.

     The -delete user command is used to delete	the user from the system. The
     key -name specifies user name. The	key -p specifies user password.	 If
     password key is not provided, the command will prompt for a password in
     an	non-echoed mode.

     The -update user command is used to update	the user password. The key
     -name specifies user name.	 The  key -p specifies new user	password. If
     the key -p	is missing, then the command will prompt for password in an
     non-echoed	mode.

     The -list user command is used to list the	user(s). The key -name
     specifies the user	name. If key -name is missing, all users are listed.

     The -createadmin command is used to create	the default user
     (administrator/partner) with all permissions.

     The -add permdesc command is used to add new kind of permission into the
     system. The key -perm defines the permission name and key -desc defines
     permission	description.

     The -delete permdesc command is used to delete a permission from the
     system. The key -perm defines permission name.

     The -list permdesc	command	lists the permissions available	in ESP.	The
     key -perm defines the permission name. If the key -perm is	not provided,
     all permission descriptions are listed.

     The -add userperm command is used to add permissions to a user. The key
     -perm defines the permission name.	The key	-name defines the user name.
     If	-name key is missing, then the permission is added to all the users.

     The -delete userperm command is used to remove permission from the	user.
     The key -name defines the user name. If -name key is missing, then	the
     specified permission is removed from all users. The key -perm defines the
     permission	to be removed.	If the -perm key is missing, all permissions
     are removed for the given user. If	both keys are missing, all permissions

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     are removed from all users.

     The -list userperm	command	is used	to list	user permissions. The key
     -name defines the user name. If -name key is missing, all users are
     listed. The key -perm defines the permission. If the -perm	key is
     missing, all permissions are listed. If both keys are missing all
     permissions are listed for	all users.


     espconfig -list archive [<archive name> ..<archive	name>]
     espconfig -drop archive  <archive name>

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The -list archive command is used to list ESP archives. Archives
     specified in the command are listed. If archives name is missing in
     command line, all archives	are listed. The	list command displays the
     archive name and date information for the archive.

     The -drop archive command is used to drop an existing ESP archive.


     espconfig -create customer_profile
		     -fname   <first name>
		     -lname   <last name>
		     -phone   <phone>
		     -email   <email>
		    [-street1 <street address line1>]
		    [-street2 <street address line2>]
		    [-street3 <street address line3>]
		    [-city    <city>]
		    [-state   <state/province>]
		    [-zip     <postal code>]
		     -country <country>
		    [-site_id <site id>]
     espconfig -update customer_profile
		    [-fname   <first name>]
		    [-lname   <last name>]
		    [-phone   <phone>]
		    [-email   <email>]
		    [-street1 <street address line1>]
		    [-street2 <street address line2>]
		    [-street3 <street address line3>]
		    [-city    <city>]
		    [-state   <state/province>]
		    [-post    <postal code>]
		    [-country <country>]
		    [-site_id <site id>]
     espconfig -show customer_profile

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DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The -create command is used to create ESP customer	profile. The first
     four option are mandatory in this command.

     The -update command is used to update ESP customer	profile. First four
     option in this command and	cannot be left blank.

     The -show command prints on the console the customer profile information
     as	programmed.

     The option	for this commands are the following:

     -fname <first name>
	     option specifies the first	name of	the contact at the customer

     -lname <last name>
	     option specifies the last name of the contact at the customer

     -phone <phone>
	     option specifies the phone	number for the contact at the customer

     -email <email>
	     option specifies the email	address	of the contact at the customer

     -street1 <street address line1>
	     option specifies the line1	of the street address of the contact
	     at	the customer site.

     -street2 <street address line2>
	     option specifies the line2	of the street address of the contact
	     at	the customer site.

     -street3 <street address line3>
	     option specifies the line3	of the street address of the contact
	     at	the customer site.

     -city <city>
	     option specifies the city of the contact at the customer site.

     -state <state/province>
	     option specifies the state	or province of the contact at the
	     customer site.

     -post <postal code>
	     option specifies zip/postal code of the contact at	the customer

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     -country <country>
	     option specifies the country of the contact at the	customer site.

     -site_id <site id>
	     option specifies the site id.


     espconfig -enable call_logging  [-text|-comp_encoded]
			 [-from	<sender	email address>]
			 [-email1 <email address>]
			 [-email2 <email address>]
     espconfig -enable	{event_registration|
     espconfig -enable mail -from <email address>
     espconfig -disable	{call_logging|
     espconfig -disable	mail
     espconfig -show call_logging
     espconfig -show mail

     espconfig -flushdb	[-sysid	<system	id>
			|-host <host name>]
     espconfig -reconstructdb

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The -enable key enables selected feature, while -disable key disables
     selected feature. The features are	the following:

	     this feature specifies whether or not ESP should send email
	     messages to SGI about registered events. (Under specific service
	     contracts SGI uses	this data to open trouble tickets and respond
	     to	problems before	the problems affect system availability.) When
	     call logging is enabled, the optional keys	-text and
	     -comp_encoded define the email message format.  The -text key
	     specifies to send messages	in the plain text format, while
	     -comp_encoded key specifies to send the messages in compressed,
	     encrypted and uuencoded format. Only one of the keys can be
	     specified in the command line.  If	both keys are missing, then
	     plain text	format is assumed. Email sent to SGI will appear as
	     sent from root account or the specified user specified via	the
	     key -from.	Keys -email1 and -email2 specifies additional email
	     addresses to send a message. The format of	message	in the for
	     -email1 is	always plain text and format of	message	for -email2 is

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	     the same as the setting provided by the option text or
	     comp_encoded. Mails that are received using the comp_encoded
	     option may	be decoded using the utility amreceieve.

     mail    this feature specifies the	value of the Mail sender. This is the
	     same specification	as described in	call_logging in	regards	to the
	     key -from.

	     this feature specifies whether or not ESP should register events.

	     this feature specifies whether or not ESP should throttle events.

	     this feature specifies whether or not ESP should perform actions.

	     this feature specifies whether or not user	will be	prompted to
	     enter a reason when they shut down	the system.

     The espconfig -flushdb command is used to clear data registered
     concerning	the selected system, the current or client in the case of SGM
     site.  If espconfig is running on an SGM, the optional key	-sysid defines
     the client	by specifying the system id against which the command applies
     to.  The optional -host key is used to specify the	client system by host
     name.  Only one of	the keys needs to be provided on command line. If both
     of	keys are not provided, then the	system on which	the command is being
     run is affected. The client data is removed from SGM, but the client
     itself is not affected. The keys [config|all] define data that is
     affected by the command. Only one of the keys can be specified at a time.
     If	both keys are missing all data except system configuration related
     data is cleared. The key config specifies to clear	only configuration
     data. Key all specifies to	clear both types of data.

     The espconfig -reconstructdb command reinitialize the ESP data base to
     its initial state.	This command should be used with extreme caution as
     all historical data will be lost. The entire ESP database is deleted and


     espconfig -update sgmlicense

     espconfig -add sgmclient <client alias> <client hostname>
			      <server alias> [-p <password>]
     espconfig -add sgmserver <server alias> <server hostname>
			      <client alias> [-p <password>]

     espconfig -delete sgmserver <server alias>
     espconfig -delete sgmclient <client alias>

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     espconfig -ping sgmserver <server alias>
     espconfig -ping sgmclient <client alias>

     espconfig -update sgmevents <client alias>

     espconfig -subscribe <client alias>
			    [{-f <filename> |
			     [-c <class	list>][-e <event list>]}]

     espconfig -unsubscribe <client alias>
			    [{-f <filename> |
			     [-c <class	list>][-e <event list>]}]

     espconfig -show_subscription sgmclient <client alias> [-r]

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     System Group Manager(SGM) enables Embedded	Support	Partner	to collect
     various information about systems in a system group. It allows :

	- Register subscribed events that are detected on the
	  other	systems	in the group
	- Execute actions for those events on a	group manager
	- Generate reports for a remote	system or group	of
	- Provide hardware and software	information for	any
	  system in the	group (System Configuration event
	  class	must be	subscribed)
	- Provide availability information for any system in
	  the group or for a group of systems (Availability
	  event	class must be subscribed)

     All components of SGM are installed on your system	as a part of ESP.
     However, a	nodelocked license is required to allow	ESP function as	a
     group manager. Without the	license	or with	an expired license Embedded
     Support Partner cannot function in	the group manager mode.	All SGM
     related operations	(except	configuring system as group member for another
     Group manager) will be blocked. Use Key-O-Matic at	the SGI	Web site
     (www.sgi.com) to obtain a permanent license, or contact the local SGI
     support office for	more information about obtaining a permanent license.

     -update sgmlicense	command	refreshes and displays information about SGM
     license installed on system.  This	must be	executed installing or deinstalling
	SGM license.

     Follow the	two steps to configuring System	Group Manager for remote event

      -	Establishing communication between the SGM group manager
	and the	SGM group member.
      -	Subscribe events from the SGM client.

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     The system	can be configured as an	SGM server and/or a client to an
     already functioning SGM server.

     In	order to group manager to be able to communicate with group member,
     appropriate setup must be done both on group member and group manager
     sides. On the SGM Client (group member), register(declare)	a selected
     host as a SGM server (group manager) for this client. The SGM Client
     allows communication only for registered SGM Servers. On the SGM Server
     (group manager), register(declare)	the selected host(s) as	it's SGM
     Client (group member). The	SGM Server can communicate only	with
     registered	SGM Client. The	registration of	the SGM	client or the SGM
     server can	be done	in any order.

     espconfig -add sgmclient <client alias> <client hostname>
			      <server alias> [-p <password>]
     espconfig -add sgmserver <server alias> <server hostname>
			      <client alias> [-p <password>]

     The -add sgmclient	command	register new SGM client	(group member) on
     group manager.

     <client alias>
	  A name by which the group member is known to group manager. This
	  parameter can	contain	any non-blank space characters,	except single
	  or double quotes. This entry must be identical to the	one that is
	  specified on the group member	side as	the <client alias> while
	  registering group manager.

     <client hostname>
	  A full name or an alias of the system	that is	set up as a group
	  member. This hostname	must be	known to group manager system. It will
	  be expanded to a fully qualified hostname during the registration

     <server alias>
	  The name by which the	server is known	to the client. This name must
	  be provided on the client side as the	<server	alias> parameter.

     [-p <password>]
	  A password that the client and server	use for	mutual client-server
	  authentication. Therefore, the same password must be entered on the
	  client side for this system. The password must contain at least 8
	  characters. This password is maintained on a client-server pair
	  basis. If this parameter is omitted you will be prompted to enter a

     The -add sgmserver	command	register new SGM server	(group manager)	on
     group member.

								       Page 14

espconfig(1)							  espconfig(1)

     <server alias>
	  A name by which the SGM server is known to a client. This parameter
	  can contain any non-blank space character, except single or double
	  quotes. This entry should be identical to the	one specified on the
	  server side as a <server alias> while	registering group member.

     <server hostname>
	  A full name or an alias of the system	that is	set up as group
	  manager and of which this system will	be a client. This hostname
	  must be known	to this	system.	It will	be expanded to a fully
	  qualified hostname during the	registration process.

     <client alias>
	  The name by which the	client is known	to the server. This name must
	  be provided on the server side as the	<client	alias>.

     [-p <password>]
	  A password that the client and server	use for	mutual client-server
	  authentication. Therefore, the same password must be entered on the
	  client side for this system. The password must contain at least 8
	  characters. This password is maintained on a client-server pair
	  basis. If this parameter is omitted you will be prompted to enter a

     Important:	 It is strongly	recommended that you do	not create duplicate
     hosts on a	client or on a server side.  It	is strongly recommended	that
     you do not	create cycles. For example, system B monitors system A,	and
     system A monitors system B. However, the following	setup is acceptable.
     System A monitors systems B and D,	and system C monitors systems A	and D.

     espconfig -show sgmclients
     espconfig -show sgmservers

     -show sgmclients(sgmservers) command displays the list of SGM clients
     (servers) currently registered on the system as well as client(server)
     hostname, server(client) alias and	communication protocol that the
     client/server will	use to communicate with	its peer (currently RPC).

     espconfig -delete sgmserver <server alias>
     espconfig -delete sgmclient <client alias>

     -delete sgmserver <server alias>
     -delete sgmclient <client alias>
	 commands unregister specified SGM client(server)

     <server alias>
	  SGM server to	be unregistered.

     <client alias>
	  SGM client to	be unregistered.

								       Page 15

espconfig(1)							  espconfig(1)

     Note: Though the de-registration process severe the communication link
     between client and	server no data associated with client will be
     physically	deleted. As a result, the system can be	re-registered again to
     restore functionality. Use	-flashdb command to remove data	associated to
     a particular client on the	group manager. If a client is de-registered on
     the SGM server side, it is	also recommended de-register the server	on the
     client side.

     espconfig -ping sgmserver <server alias>
     espconfig -ping sgmclient <client alias>

     The -ping sgmserver(client) command should	be used	to test	the
     "connection" to the SGM server(client) given by the <server
     alias>(<client alias>) parameter.


     To	register events	that are detected on other system in the group and to
     be	able to	react somehow on these events (take action) on group manager,
     subscribe for these events	from that system.

     When Embedded Support Partner on the group	member system registers
     subscribes	events,	it logs	them in	its database, performs any actions
     assigned to the events, and then forwards the events to Embedded Support
     Partner on	the group manager system. Then,	the Embedded Support Partner
     on	the group manager system registers the events, logs the	events in its
     database, and performs any	actions	assigned to the	events.	This process
     creates a central repository of data on the group manager system, which
     enables access to information about all of	the systems in the group from
     a single interface.

     Though events can be subscribed that are recognized on group member
     system, only events that are allowed to be	registered on system can be
     forwarded to group	manager. So global disabling of	event registration on
     the group member disables event forwarding	for all	events from this host.

     Event forwarding is an internal ESP action, so one	must keep ESP actions
     enabled in	order to be able to forward events to group manager.

     Event forwarding is unaffected by event throttle settings for particular
     event on group member.  Subscribed	events will be delivered to group
     manager, and then will be throttled using settings	stored on group
     manager. On the group manager event settings are stored on	a per host
     basis.  Disabling event registration on group manager whether it is
     global or for particular event is not propagated to group members.
     Disabled events that are propagated from the group	members	are dropped.

     The following sets	of commands is used to perform event subscription

     espconfig -show   sgmevents <client alias>
     espconfig -update sgmevents <client alias>
     espconfig -subscribe <client alias>
			    [{-f <filename> |

								       Page 16

espconfig(1)							  espconfig(1)

			     [-c <class	list>][-e <event list>]}]
     espconfig -unsubscribe <client alias>
			    [{-a|-f <filename>|
			     [-c <class	list>][-e <event list>]}]
     espconfig -show_subscription sgmclient <client alias> [-r]

     The -show sgmevents command displays the list of all events that group
     manager is	currently capable of registering from the SGM client specified
     by	<client	alias> parameter as well as current subscription status	for
     each event. This list is maintained on per	client basis and stored	in
     group managers local database. Only events	from this list can be
     potentially subscribed and	registered by group manager. Use -update
     sgmevents to update this list.

     The -update sgmevents <client alias> command updates the list of events
     that the group manager capable to receive from SGM	client specified by
     <client alias> parameter. Upon execution, the group manager retrieves the
     list of events that the client is capable of generating and merges	it
     with the one that is stored on group manager.

     Note: If you register SGM client on group manager for the first time
     there are no events in the	list stored on group manager. Execute -update
     sgmevents command at least	once to	retrieve the list of events.

     The -subscribe command should be used from	group manager system to
     subscribe for selected events and/or event	classes.

     <client alias>
	  parameter specifies the client to subscribe events for.

     -c	<class list>
	  space	separated list of classes to be	subscribed. ESP	uses integer
	  numbers to identify event classes (class_id).	Use -show sgmevents
	  command to retrieve the list of class_id's for all events.

     -e	<event list>
	  space	separated list of events to be subscribed. ESP uses integer
	  numbers called type_id to identify particular	events.	Use -show
	  sgmevents command to retrieve	the list of all	type_id's that are
	  available for	particular client.

     -f	<filename>
	  specifies file containing list of events and/or classes in the same
	  format as it can be used in command line.

     The -unsubscribe command remove subscription for SGM client specified by
     <client alias> parameter.

     -c	<class list>
	  space	separated list of classes to be	unsubscribed.

								       Page 17

espconfig(1)							  espconfig(1)

     -e	<event list>
	  space	separated list of events to be unsubscribed.

     -f	<filename>
	  specifies file containing list of events and/or classes in the same
	  format as it can be used in command line.

     -a	- Unsubscribe "all"

     -show_subscription	sgmclient command displays list	of events currently
     subscribed	for SGM	client specified by <client alias> parameter. This
     list comes	from group manager database. With the -r option	given, the
     command retrieve the list from ESP	database located on remote system.  In
     most cases, for correctly configured system, both lists will be

     Note: Some	legitimate operations (eg. enabling/disabling events,
     loading/removing event profiles, adding/deleting events) performed	can
     severely affect subscription mechanism. It	may be required	to resubscribe
 for all or selected events after	performing such	operations.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]


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