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IEDITOR(1)							    IEDITOR(1)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     ieditor - a simple	internationalized mouse-based text editor

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     ieditor [-bg | -background	colorname] [-display display] [-fg |
     -foreground colorname] [-geometry sizeXsize+pos+pos] [-iconic] [-title
     title] [-xnllanguage locale] [-xrm	resource_string] [files]

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     ieditor is	a simple internationalized editor in which the mouse is	used
     to	cut, copy, and paste text, and to position the cursor.	ieditor	also
     allows the	user to	perform	simple searches	and replaces.

     ieditor accepts several standard X-style command-line arguments (listed
     above) whose default values can be	initialized in your

     Foreground	and background colors are set using the	options	of the same

     ieditor uses a font list --mincho-*--14-;7x14;*--14-* as default fonts.
     If	you want to change fonts from default to another, add a	font list
     specification to your $HOME/.Xdefaults file.  Then	ieditor	will use the
     given fonts to display text.  For example,	the line
	  IEditor*fontList:   --gothic-*--24-;12x24;*--24-*:
     lets ieditor's font size be 24 dots and Japanese font be Gothic.

     Across the	top of every ieditor window is a menubar containing the
     following entries:

     File    Commands on this menu allow the user to move text files into and
	     out of ieditor windows, and allow the user	to quit	the
	     application.  These commands include the following:

     New	     Opens a new document window.  A dialogue pops up to
		     prompt for	the new	filename.  If there are	unsaved
		     changes to	the current document, a	dialogue pops up
		     asking whether to save them.  If there exists a file with
		     the new filename, it will be opened.

     Open	     Opens an editing window on	an existing text file.	A
		     dialogue pops up to prompt	for a filename.	 If there are
		     unsaved changes to	the current document, a	dialogue pops
		     up	asking whether to save them.

     Insert	     Places the	contents of a text file	at the current cursor
		     position.	A dialogue pops	up to prompt for the filename.

     Close	     Closes the	editor window.	If there are unsaved changes
		     to	the current document, a	dialogue pops up asking
		     whether to	save them.

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     Save	     Saves the editor's	contents to disk.

     Save As...	     Prompts for a new file to save the	current	document into.
		     A dialogue	pops up	to prompt for the new filename.	 The
		     editor writes into	the new	file the next time the Save
		     command is	used.

     Print	     Sends the editor contents to a printer.  If there are
		     unsaved changes to	the current document, a	dialogue pops
		     up	asking whether to save them.

     Exit	     Applies the Close command to every	open ieditor window,
		     and then the ieditor process exits.

     Edit    Changes to	the editor window's contents are made with the
	     commands on the Edit menu.	 These commands	include	the following:

     Undo	     Undoes the	results	of the last Edit command.

     Cut	     Removes selected text to the cut buffer.  The cut text
		     can be pasted into	another	ieditor	window or into the
		     window from which it was cut.

     Copy	     Copies selected text to the cut buffer.  The copied text
		     can be pasted into	another	ieditor	window,	as well	as
		     into the window from which	it was copied.

     Paste	     Transfers text from the cut buffer	to the current text
		     cursor location (the point).  If text is selected when
		     the paste is made,	the selected text is replaced with the
		     text from the buffer.  This text could have been cut or
		     copied from any ieditor window.

     Clear	     Removes the selected text from the	editor window without
		     putting it	into the cut buffer.

     Search	     Scans the document	for the	first string that matches a
		     given string.  A dialogue pops up to request the string
		     to	be searched for.  Pressing the Search Forward (Search
		     Backward) button in the dialogue starts ieditor searching
		     forward (backward)	from the current point for a string
		     that matches the given string.  If	none is	found before
		     the end (beginning) of the	file, the search restarts at
		     the beginning (end).  If none is still found when the
		     search finishes wrapping back to its starting point,
		     ieditor will pop up a warning dialogue.  The matching
		     string will be selected.  To find the next	instance,
		     click the Search Forward (Search Backward)	button while
		     the mouse (arrow) cursor is in the	dialogue.

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     Search/Replace  Scans the document	for a string and replaces the found
		     string with another one.  A dialogue pops up to request
		     the string	to be searched for (search string) and the
		     string to be replaced with	(replacement string).  There
		     are three types of	Search/Replace:

		     1)	Replace	One by One

		     Push the Search Forward (Search Backward) button to
		     search the	document for a string that matches the search
		     string.  Push the Replace button to replace the found
		     string with the replacement string.

		     2)	Replace	within Range

		     Specify the range within which search/replace should be
		     performed by typing in line numbers to define the range.
		     Push the Replace Part button.  Within the range, all
		     strings matching the search string	will be	replaced with
		     the replacement string.

		     3)	Replace	All

		     Push the Replace All button.  All strings in the document
		     that match	the search string will be replaced with	the
		     replacement string.

     View    The commands on the View menu allow the user to change what part
	     of	the document appears in	the ieditor window.  These commands
	     include the following:

     File Top	     Scrolls to	the beginning page of the document and moves
		     the cursor	to the beginning of the	document.

     File Bottom     Scrolls to	the ending page	of the document	and moves the
		     cursor to the end of the document.

     Page Up	     Scrolls one page toward the beginning of the document and
		     moves the cursor back one page.

     Page Down	     Scrolls one page toward the end of	the document and moves
		     the cursor	forward	one page.

     Jump To Line    Jumps to the beginning of the specified line.  A dialogue
		     pops up to	prompt for the line number.

     Line Number     Allows the	user to	toggle whether line numbers are	shown
		     or	hidden.

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SELECTING TEXT    [Toc]    [Back]

     To	select text, use the left mouse	button to perform the following
     actions as	needed:

     click		       Sets the	point (I-beam or text cursor) to
			       wherever	the mouse cursor is pointing in	the

     press-drag-release	       Selects all text	between	the the	point where
			       the left	mouse button is	first pressed down and
			       the point where it is released.	Dragging out
			       of the window causes ieditor to scroll in the
			       direction of the	edge that the cursor crossed.

     click-click	       Causes the word over which the mouse cursor is
			       clicked to be selected.

     shift&click	       Extends a block of text that the	user has
			       already selected. To extend the selection
			       forwards	or backwards, hold down	the shift key
			       and then	click at the end of the	extended

     shift&click-drag-release  Also extends a block of text the	user has
			       already selected.  This differs in that the
			       extension of the	selection changes as the mouse
			       is dragged.


     ieditor can grab text from	or give	text to	applications that use the X
     Window System's ICCC selection mechanism, such as wsh.  To	send from
     ieditor to	wsh, select text in ieditor using the mouse cursor, then move
     the mouse cursor into a wsh window	and press the middle mouse button.  To
     grab from wsh, select text	in the wsh window, then	move the mouse cursor
     into a ieditor window and press middle mouse.  The	text from wsh will be
     inserted at the point or replace the currently selected text in ieditor.

KEYBOARD COMMANDS    [Toc]    [Back]

     The point can be moved in the document via	the arrow keys.	 Holding shift
     while pressing the	arrow keys will	select the text	that is	moved over.

     The following keyboard accelerators are available:

     Alt+Backspace   Undo

     Shift+Delete    Cut

     Ctrl+Insert     Copy

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     Shift+Insert    Paste

     Delete	     Clear

     Alt+S	     Search

     Alt+R	     Search/Replace

     Home	     File Top

     End	     File Bottom

     Page Up/Alt+B   Page Up

     Page Down/Alt+F Page Down

     Alt+J	     Jump To Line

     Alt+L	     Line Number

     Ctrl+B	     Move the cursor one character to the left.

     Ctrl+F	     Move the cursor one character to the right.

     Alt+P	     Move the cursor to	the first non-whitespace character
		     after the first whitespace	character to the left or the
		     beginning of the line.

     Alt+N	     Move the cursor to	the first whitespace character or end
		     of	line following the next	non-whitespace character.

     Ctrl+A	     Move the cursor to	the beginning of the line.

     Ctrl+E	     Move the cursor to	the end	of the line.

     Ctrl+P	     Move the cursor up	one line.

     Ctrl+N	     Move the cursor down one line.

SCROLL BARS    [Toc]    [Back]

     ieditor uses horizontal and vertical scroll bars with proportionally
     sized sliders.

     Clicking on the arrows with the left mouse	button causes the ieditor
     window to scroll one character up,	down, left, or right.  Holding down
     the left button over any arrow causes the scrolling to repeat
     automatically.  Holding down the shift key	while clicking on any arrow
     causes the	window to scroll one full page of text.

     The scroll	bars' sliders can also be used to scroll through the ieditor
     window by pressing	the left mouse button while dragging the slider	with
     the mouse cursor.	The sliders vary in size to indicate the percentage of

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     total text	that is	visible	in the window.

     For more information about	the entire IRIX	Interactive Desktop
     environment, see the IID(1) man page.

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 6666
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