uucico(1M) uucico(1M)
uucico - file transport program for the uucp system
/usr/lib/uucp/uucico [-r role] [-x level] [-i iface] [-d spool_dir]
-s system_name
uucico is the file transport program for uucp work file transfers. Role
numbers for the -r are the digit 1 for master mode or 0 for slave mode
(default). The -r option should be specified as the digit 1 for master
mode when uucico is started by a program or cron. uux and uucp both
queue jobs that will be transferred by uucico. It is normally started by
the scheduler, uusched, but can be started manually; this is done for
debugging. For example, the shell uutry starts uucico with debugging
turned on. A single digit must be used for the -x option with higher
numbers for more debugging.
The -i option defines the interface used with uucico. This interface
only affects slave mode. The known interface is UNIX.
The device names, dialers, and so forth in /usr/lib/uucp/Devices must be
correct. The device names used by uucp, such as /dev/ttym3, must be
readable and writable by the "user" uucp.
Before starting to transfer a file, uucico checks to see if the file
/etc/nologin exists. If it does, the connection is broken.
Any user name under which uucico runs (any "user" with
/usr/lib/uucp/uucico as its shell in /etc/passwd) must be no more than 8
characters long. This restriction is a result of the nature of the
/var/adm/utmp file. System-names longer than 8 characters generally do
not work because of UUCP protocol restrictions. In both cases, one tends
to suffer strange "permission problems."
cron(1M), uucheck(1M), uucp(1C), uusched(1M), uustat(1C), uutry(1M),
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