espnotify(1) espnotify(1)
espnotify - a generic command line notification utility for SGI Embedded
Support Partner
/usr/bin/espnotify [-n priority -d] -E <e-mail addresses> [-F <Sender address>]
{ -f <filename> | -m <message> }
[-o <processing options>] [-s <subject>]
/usr/bin/espnotify [-n priority -d] -c <message> [-a] [-D <Display>] [-g <geometry>]
[-i <icon image>] [-t <title>]
/usr/bin/espnotify [-n priority -d] -C <message> -p <pagers> [-S <paging service>]
[-Q <qpage server>]
/usr/bin/espnotify [-n priority -d] -A <message>
espnotify is a generic command line utility that is packaged with SGI
Embedded Support Partner (see esp(5) for more details). It is used to
perform various types of notifications.
espnotify can post a given message to e-mail addresses, can display a
message on local/remote X display, can post a message to a paging service
to be delivered to a pager or can display the message on the system
espnotify supports various command line options for various types of
notifications. These options are discussed in detail later in this man
page. More than one type of notification can be specified at a time.
There are some general options that are applicable to all types of
notifications. These general options are :
-d This causes espnotify to display debug information.
-n range from 1 to 7
Provide a numeric priority for the message (defaults to 7). The
priorities are decoded as follows :
1 and 2 Critical Message
3 Error Message
4 Warning Message
5 to 7 Informational Message
The first synopsis is for posting a message to specified e-mail
addresses. espnotify invokes /usr/sbin/Mail ( or /usr/lib/sendmail if -F
command-line argument is used ) to deliver message to the e-mail
addresses specified with -E option.
The options for e-mail notification include:
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espnotify(1) espnotify(1)
-E e-mail addresses
Comma separated list of e-mail addresses for use in e-mail
notifications. This option must be specified for e-mail
notification to work.
-F Sender Email address
This is to override ESP Customer Profile user-defined Sender Email
Address value which is actually passed to espnotify as an
environment variable ESP_MAIL_FROM. If none of them are defined(or
empty), the sender is set to the current executing username.
-f filename
This specifies a text file content of which is used for e-mail
notification. A binary file may be sent if the -o option is used.
-m message
This option is used when the content for an email notification is to
be a string. All strings must be enclosed in double quotes. Please
note that -m and -f options are mutually exclusive.
-o processing options
Processing options for the message. Supported options are COMP
(compress and uuencode the message) and ENCO (uuencode the message).
Processing options are valid only with -f option.
-s subject
Subject for the message. In case no subject is given, a default
subject is provided by espnotify. The format of the default subject
is as follows :
[HOSTNAME]: <text>
HOSTNAME is the name of the host
<text> can be "Critical System Error" or "System Error" or
"System Warning" or "System Information" depending
on priority.
If both subject and priority are specified, the subject specified
with -s overrides the default subject. If neither a subject or
priority is specified, the subject will default to "[HOSTNAME]:
System Information".
The second synopsis is for displaying a message (graphical notification)
to a local/remote X display.
The options for graphical notification include:
-a This options specifies that audio should be used along with
graphical notification. Audio notification cannot be run without
graphical notification. Audio is played via the /usr/sbin/ssplay
command on which host it is executed. It is not possible to play
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espnotify(1) espnotify(1)
audio on a remote host.
-c message
A text string for use as GUI notification content. Text must be
contained within double quotes if spaces are needed in the string.
This option must be specified to perform a graphical notification.
-D Display
Specifies an alternate display host on which to display a graphical
notification. The default is to display on the host specified in
the $DISPLAY environment variable.
-g geometry
X compatible geometry string in the form WIDTHxHEIGHT+XOFF+YOFF
where WIDTH, HEIGHT, XOFF, and YOFF are numbers) for specifying a
preferred size and location for this application's main window.
-i icon image
This option specifies the icon to display within graphical
There are four options:
If a priority is set with the -n option, the icon is set
accordingly. If neither priority or icon_image is specified, the
"Info" icon will be defaulted to.
-t title
This specifies the title of the graphical notification. If a
numeric notification priority is set with -n, title defaults to:
Priority 1 - "Critical System Error"
Priority 2 - "System Error"
Priority 3 - "System Warning"
Priority 4 - "System Information"
If neither a title nor priority are specified the title will default
to: "System information" If a priority is specified, a custom
title can still be specified.
The third synopsis is for sending a message to a specified pager.
espnotify uses qpage (see QuickPage(1m) for more details) to deliver the
message. The QuickPage daemon must be running on the machine that
delivers the page. This daemon is started during system startup if
chkconfig variable, quickpage is turned on.
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The configuration of the daemon can be done via SGI Embedded Support
Partner User Interface. Please refer to the SGI Embedded Support Partner
User's Guide for more details.
The options for paging notification include:
-C message
Specifies a text string for use as alphanumeric page content. Text
must be contained within double quotes if spaces are needed in the
string. This option must be specified for paging notification to
-p pagers
Comma separated list of pager or pager-ids that are to receive a
notification. One or more of each can be specified on the command
line. Pager specifications are stored in /etc/ file on the
server that is delivering the page. The pagers can be set from the
SGI Embedded Support Partner User Interface.
-S paging service
This options allows the specification of an alternate paging
service. Service specifications are stored in /etc/ file on
the server that is delivering the page. These services can be set
from the SGI Embedded Support Partner User Interface. If no service
is specified then the service with name set as 'default' is used to
deliver the page.
-Q qpage server
This option allows the specification of an alternate server on which
the QuickPage daemon is running. If this option is not specified a
connection to the local Qpage daemon will be tried.
The fourth synopsis is to display message on the terminal/system console.
The message specified with -A is displayed on the standard output of the
terminal if open. Otherwise, the message is displayed on the system
Send a prioritized GUI notification.
% espnotify -n 2 -c "Widget 25 failure"
Send a prioritized e-mail notification with string content along with a
page. In this example we are using a "pager" definiton defined in
/etc/ as the argument for the -p parameter.
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espnotify(1) espnotify(1)
% espnotify -n 2 -E -m "System disk is nearing capacity" -p
johndoe -C "System disk is nearing capacity"
Send a page to "johndoe". Use an alternate Qpage server along with an
alternate paging service. "johndoe" along with the alternate paging
service name must exist in /etc/ configuration file on the
alternate QuickPage Server.
% espnotify -C "System temperature too high" -Q -S
airtouch -p johndoe
Mail(1), QuickPage(1m), esp(5).
SGI Embedded Support Partner Documentation.
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