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NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     perlXStut - Tutorial for XSUBs

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     This tutorial will	educate	the reader on the steps	involved in creating a
     Perl extension.  The reader is assumed to have access to the perlguts
     manpage and the perlxs manpage.

     This tutorial starts with very simple examples and	becomes	more complex,
     with each new example adding new features.	 Certain concepts may not be
     completely	explained until	later in the tutorial to ease the reader
     slowly into building extensions.

     VERSION CAVEAT    [Toc]    [Back]

     This tutorial tries hard to keep up with the latest development versions
     of	Perl.  This often means	that it	is sometimes in	advance	of the latest
     released version of Perl, and that	certain	features described here	might
     not work on earlier versions.  This section will keep track of when
     various features were added to Perl 5.

     o	 In versions of	Perl 5.002 prior to the	gamma version, the test	script
	 in Example 1 will not function	properly.  You need to change the "use
	 lib" line to read:

		 use lib './blib';

     o	 In versions of	Perl 5.002 prior to version beta 3, the	line in	the
	 .xs file about	"PROTOTYPES: DISABLE" will cause a compiler error.
	 Simply	remove that line from the file.

     o	 In versions of	Perl 5.002 prior to version 5.002b1h, the test.pl file
	 was not automatically created by h2xs.	 This means that you cannot
	 say "make test" to run	the test script.  You will need	to add the
	 following line	before the "use	extension" statement:

		 use lib './blib';

     o	 In versions 5.000 and 5.001, instead of using the above line, you
	 will need to use the following	line:

		 BEGIN { unshift(@INC, "./blib") }

     o	 This document assumes that the	executable named "perl"	is Perl
	 version 5.  Some systems may have installed Perl version 5 as

									Page 1


     DYNAMIC VERSUS STATIC    [Toc]    [Back]

     It	is commonly thought that if a system does not have the capability to
     load a library dynamically, you cannot build XSUBs.  This is incorrect.
     You can build them, but you must link the XSUB's subroutines with the
     rest of Perl, creating a new executable.  This situation is similar to
     Perl 4.

     This tutorial can still be	used on	such a system.	The XSUB build
     mechanism will check the system and build a dynamically-loadable library
     if	possible, or else a static library and then, optionally, a new
     statically-linked executable with that static library linked in.

     Should you	wish to	build a	statically-linked executable on	a system which
     can dynamically load libraries, you may, in all the following examples,
     where the command "make" with no arguments	is executed, run the command
     "make perl" instead.

     If	you have generated such	a statically-linked executable by choice, then
     instead of	saying "make test", you	should say "make test_static".	On
     systems that cannot build dynamically-loadable libraries at all, simply
     saying "make test"	is sufficient.

     EXAMPLE 1    [Toc]    [Back]

     Our first extension will be very simple.  When we call the	routine	in the
     extension,	it will	print out a well-known message and return.

     Run h2xs -A -n Mytest.  This creates a directory named Mytest, possibly
     under ext/	if that	directory exists in the	current	working	directory.
     Several files will	be created in the Mytest dir, including	MANIFEST,
     Makefile.PL, Mytest.pm, Mytest.xs,	test.pl, and Changes.

     The MANIFEST file contains	the names of all the files created.

     The file Makefile.PL should look something	like this:

	     use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
	     # See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how	to influence
	     # the contents of the Makefile that is written.
		 'NAME'	     =>	'Mytest',
		 'VERSION_FROM'	=> 'Mytest.pm',	# finds	$VERSION
		 'LIBS'	     =>	[''],	# e.g.,	'-lm'
		 'DEFINE'    =>	'',	# e.g.,	'-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
		 'INC'	     =>	'',	# e.g.,	'-I/usr/include/other'

     The file Mytest.pm	should start with something like this:

									Page 2


	     package Mytest;

	     require Exporter;
	     require DynaLoader;

	     @ISA = qw(Exporter	DynaLoader);
	     # Items to	export into callers namespace by default. Note:	do not export
	     # names by	default	without	a very good reason. Use	EXPORT_OK instead.
	     # Do not simply export all	your public functions/methods/constants.
	     @EXPORT = qw(

	     $VERSION =	'0.01';

	     bootstrap Mytest $VERSION;

	     # Preloaded methods go here.

	     # Autoload	methods	go after __END__, and are processed by the autosplit program.

	     # Below is	the stub of documentation for your module. You better edit it!

     And the Mytest.xs file should look	something like this:

	     #ifdef __cplusplus
	     extern "C"	{
	     #include "EXTERN.h"
	     #include "perl.h"
	     #include "XSUB.h"
	     #ifdef __cplusplus


	     MODULE = Mytest	     PACKAGE = Mytest

     Let's edit	the .xs	file by	adding this to the end of the file:

		     printf("Hello, world!\n");

     Now we'll run "perl Makefile.PL".	This will create a real	Makefile,
     which make	needs.	Its output looks something like:

									Page 3


	     % perl Makefile.PL
	     Checking if your kit is complete...
	     Looks good
	     Writing Makefile for Mytest

     Now, running make will produce output that	looks something	like this
     (some long	lines shortened	for clarity):

	     % make
	     umask 0 &&	cp Mytest.pm ./blib/Mytest.pm
	     perl xsubpp -typemap typemap Mytest.xs >Mytest.tc && mv Mytest.tc Mytest.c
	     cc	-c Mytest.c
	     Running Mkbootstrap for Mytest ()
	     chmod 644 Mytest.bs
	     LD_RUN_PATH="" ld -o ./blib/PA-RISC1.1/auto/Mytest/Mytest.sl -b Mytest.o
	     chmod 755 ./blib/PA-RISC1.1/auto/Mytest/Mytest.sl
	     cp	Mytest.bs ./blib/PA-RISC1.1/auto/Mytest/Mytest.bs
	     chmod 644 ./blib/PA-RISC1.1/auto/Mytest/Mytest.bs

     Now, although there is already a test.pl template ready for us, for this
     example only, we'll create	a special test script.	Create a file called
     hello that	looks like this:

	     #!	/opt/perl5/bin/perl

	     use ExtUtils::testlib;

	     use Mytest;


     Now we run	the script and we should see the following output:

	     % perl hello
	     Hello, world!

     EXAMPLE 2    [Toc]    [Back]

     Now let's add to our extension a subroutine that will take	a single
     argument and return 1 if the argument is even, 0 if the argument is odd.

     Add the following to the end of Mytest.xs:

									Page 4


		     int     input
		     RETVAL = (input % 2 == 0);

     There does	not need to be white space at the start	of the "int input"
     line, but it is useful for	improving readability.	The semi-colon at the
     end of that line is also optional.

     Any white space may be between the	"int" and "input".  It is also okay
     for the four lines	starting at the	"CODE:"	line to	not be indented.
     However, for readability purposes,	it is suggested	that you indent	them 8
     spaces (or	one normal tab stop).

     Now rerun make to rebuild our new shared library.

     Now perform the same steps	as before, generating a	Makefile from the
     Makefile.PL file, and running make.

     To	test that our extension	works, we now need to look at the file
     test.pl.  This file is set	up to imitate the same kind of testing
     structure that Perl itself	has.  Within the test script, you perform a
     number of tests to	confirm	the behavior of	the extension, printing	"ok"
     when the test is correct, "not ok"	when it	is not.	 Change	the print
     statement in the BEGIN block to print "1..4", and add the following code
     to	the end	of the file:

	     print &Mytest::is_even(0) == 1 ? "ok 2" : "not ok 2", "\n";
	     print &Mytest::is_even(1) == 0 ? "ok 3" : "not ok 3", "\n";
	     print &Mytest::is_even(2) == 1 ? "ok 4" : "not ok 4", "\n";

     We	will be	calling	the test script	through	the command "make test".  You
     should see	output that looks something like this:

	     % make test
	     PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /opt/perl5.002b2/bin/perl (lots of -I arguments)	test.pl
	     ok	1
	     ok	2
	     ok	3
	     ok	4


     The program h2xs is the starting point for	creating extensions.  In later
     examples we'll see	how we can use h2xs to read header files and generate
     templates to connect to C routines.

									Page 5


     h2xs creates a number of files in the extension directory.	 The file
     Makefile.PL is a perl script which	will generate a	true Makefile to build
     the extension.  We'll take	a closer look at it later.

     The files <extension>.pm and <extension>.xs contain the meat of the
     extension.	 The .xs file holds the	C routines that	make up	the extension.
     The .pm file contains routines that tell Perl how to load your extension.

     Generating	and invoking the Makefile created a directory blib (which
     stands for	"build library") in the	current	working	directory.  This
     directory will contain the	shared library that we will build.  Once we
     have tested it, we	can install it into its	final location.

     Invoking the test script via "make	test" did something very important.
     It	invoked	perl with all those -I arguments so that it could find the
     various files that	are part of the	extension.

     It	is very	important that while you are still testing extensions that you
     use "make test".  If you try to run the test script all by	itself,	you
     will get a	fatal error.

     Another reason it is important to use "make test" to run your test	script
     is	that if	you are	testing	an upgrade to an already-existing version,
     using "make test" insures that you	use your new extension,	not the
     already-existing version.

     When Perl sees a use extension;, it searches for a	file with the same
     name as the use'd extension that has a .pm	suffix.	 If that file cannot
     be	found, Perl dies with a	fatal error.  The default search path is
     contained in the @INC array.

     In	our case, Mytest.pm tells perl that it will need the Exporter and
     Dynamic Loader extensions.	 It then sets the @ISA and @EXPORT arrays and
     the $VERSION scalar; finally it tells perl	to bootstrap the module.  Perl
     will call its dynamic loader routine (if there is one) and	load the
     shared library.

     The two arrays that are set in the	.pm file are very important.  The @ISA
     array contains a list of other packages in	which to search	for methods
     (or subroutines) that do not exist	in the current package.	 The @EXPORT
     array tells Perl which of the extension's routines	should be placed into
     the calling package's namespace.

     It's important to select what to export carefully.	 Do NOT	export method
     names and do NOT export anything else by default without a	good reason.

     As	a general rule,	if the module is trying	to be object-oriented then
     don't export anything.  If	it's just a collection of functions then you
     can export	any of the functions via another array,	called @EXPORT_OK.

									Page 6


     See the perlmod manpage for more information.

     The $VERSION variable is used to ensure that the .pm file and the shared
     library are "in sync" with	each other.  Any time you make changes to the
     .pm or .xs	files, you should increment the	value of this variable.

     WRITING GOOD TEST SCRIPTS    [Toc]    [Back]

     The importance of writing good test scripts cannot	be overemphasized.
     You should	closely	follow the "ok/not ok" style that Perl itself uses, so
     that it is	very easy and unambiguous to determine the outcome of each
     test case.	 When you find and fix a bug, make sure	you add	a test case
     for it.

     By	running	"make test", you ensure	that your test.pl script runs and uses
     the correct version of your extension.  If	you have many test cases, you
     might want	to copy	Perl's test style.  Create a directory named "t", and
     ensure all	your test files	end with the suffix ".t".  The Makefile	will
     properly run all these test files.

     EXAMPLE 3    [Toc]    [Back]

     Our third extension will take one argument	as its input, round off	that
     value, and	set the	argument to the	rounded	value.

     Add the following to the end of Mytest.xs:

		     double  arg
		     if	(arg > 0.0) {
			     arg = floor(arg + 0.5);
		     } else if (arg < 0.0) {
			     arg = ceil(arg - 0.5);
		     } else {
			     arg = 0.0;

     Edit the Makefile.PL file so that the corresponding line looks like this:

	     'LIBS'	 => ['-lm'],   # e.g., '-lm'

     Generate the Makefile and run make.  Change the BEGIN block to print out
     "1..9" and	add the	following to test.pl:

									Page 7


	     $i	= -1.5;	&Mytest::round($i); print $i ==	-2.0 ? "ok 5" :	"not ok	5", "\n";
	     $i	= -1.1;	&Mytest::round($i); print $i ==	-1.0 ? "ok 6" :	"not ok	6", "\n";
	     $i	= 0.0; &Mytest::round($i); print $i == 0.0 ? "ok 7" : "not ok 7", "\n";
	     $i	= 0.5; &Mytest::round($i); print $i == 1.0 ? "ok 8" : "not ok 8", "\n";
	     $i	= 1.2; &Mytest::round($i); print $i == 1.0 ? "ok 9" : "not ok 9", "\n";

     Running "make test" should	now print out that all nine tests are okay.

     You might be wondering if you can round a constant.  To see what happens,
     add the following line to test.pl temporarily:


     Run "make test" and notice	that Perl dies with a fatal error.  Perl won't
     let you change the	value of constants!


     Two things	are new	here.  First, we've made some changes to Makefile.PL.
     In	this case, we've specified an extra library to link in,	the math
     library libm.  We'll talk later about how to write	XSUBs that can call
     every routine in a	library.

     Second, the value of the function is being	passed back not	as the
     function's	return value, but through the same variable that was passed
     into the function.


     You specify the parameters	that will be passed into the XSUB just after
     you declare the function return value and name.  Each parameter line
     starts with optional white	space, and may have an optional	terminating

     The list of output	parameters occurs after	the OUTPUT: directive.	The
     use of RETVAL tells Perl that you wish to send this value back as the
     return value of the XSUB function.	 In Example 3, the value we wanted
     returned was contained in the same	variable we passed in, so we listed it
     (and not RETVAL) in the OUTPUT: section.


     The compiler xsubpp takes the XS code in the .xs file and converts	it
     into C code, placing it in	a file whose suffix is .c.  The	C code created
     makes heavy use of	the C functions	within Perl.

     THE TYPEMAP FILE    [Toc]    [Back]

     The xsubpp	compiler uses rules to convert from Perl's data	types (scalar,
     array, etc.) to C's data types (int, char *, etc.).  These	rules are
     stored in the typemap file	($PERLLIB/ExtUtils/typemap).  This file	is
     split into	three parts.

									Page 8


     The first part attempts to	map various C data types to a coded flag,
     which has some correspondence with	the various Perl types.	 The second
     part contains C code which	xsubpp uses for	input parameters.  The third
     part contains C code which	xsubpp uses for	output parameters.  We'll talk
     more about	the C code later.

     Let's now take a look at a	portion	of the .c file created for our

		 if (items != 1)
		     croak("Usage: Mytest::round(arg)");
		     double  arg = (double)SvNV(ST(0));	     /*	XXXXX */
		     if	(arg > 0.0) {
			     arg = floor(arg + 0.5);
		     } else if (arg < 0.0) {
			     arg = ceil(arg - 0.5);
		     } else {
			     arg = 0.0;
		     sv_setnv(ST(0), (double)arg);   /*	XXXXX */

     Notice the	two lines marked with "XXXXX".	If you check the first section
     of	the typemap file, you'll see that doubles are of type T_DOUBLE.	 In
     the INPUT section,	an argument that is T_DOUBLE is	assigned to the
     variable arg by calling the routine SvNV on something, then casting it to
     double, then assigned to the variable arg.	 Similarly, in the OUTPUT
     section, once arg has its final value, it is passed to the	sv_setnv
     function to be passed back	to the calling subroutine.  These two
     functions are explained in	the perlguts manpage; we'll talk more later
     about what	that "ST(0)" means in the section on the argument stack.

     WARNING    [Toc]    [Back]

     In	general, it's not a good idea to write extensions that modify their
     input parameters, as in Example 3.	 However, to accommodate better
     calling pre-existing C routines, which often do modify their input
     parameters, this behavior is tolerated.  The next example will show how
     to	do this.

     EXAMPLE 4    [Toc]    [Back]

     In	this example, we'll now	begin to write XSUBs that will interact	with
     predefined	C libraries.  To begin with, we	will build a small library of
     our own, then let h2xs write our .pm and .xs files	for us.

									Page 9


     Create a new directory called Mytest2 at the same level as	the directory
     Mytest.  In the Mytest2 directory,	create another directory called	mylib,
     and cd into that directory.

     Here we'll	create some files that will generate a test library.  These
     will include a C source file and a	header file.  We'll also create	a
     Makefile.PL in this directory.  Then we'll	make sure that running make at
     the Mytest2 level will automatically run this Makefile.PL file and	the
     resulting Makefile.

     In	the testlib directory, create a	file mylib.h that looks	like this:

	     #define TESTVAL 4

	     extern double   foo(int, long, const char*);

     Also create a file	mylib.c	that looks like	this:

	     #include <stdlib.h>
	     #include "./mylib.h"

	     foo(a, b, c)
	     int	     a;
	     long	     b;
	     const char	*    c;
		     return (a + b + atof(c) + TESTVAL);

     And finally create	a file Makefile.PL that	looks like this:

	     use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
	     $Verbose =	1;
		 NAME	   => 'Mytest2::mylib',
		 SKIP	   => [qw(all static static_lib	dynamic	dynamic_lib)],
		 clean	   => {'FILES' => 'libmylib$(LIB_EXT)'},

	     sub MY::top_targets {
	     all :: static

	     static ::	     libmylib$(LIB_EXT)

	     libmylib$(LIB_EXT): $(O_FILES)
		     $(AR) cr libmylib$(LIB_EXT) $(O_FILES)
		     $(RANLIB) libmylib$(LIB_EXT)


								       Page 10


     We	will now create	the main top-level Mytest2 files.  Change to the
     directory above Mytest2 and run the following command:

	     % h2xs -O -n Mytest2 ./Mytest2/mylib/mylib.h

     This will print out a warning about overwriting Mytest2, but that's okay.
     Our files are stored in Mytest2/mylib, and	will be	untouched.

     The normal	Makefile.PL that h2xs generates	doesn't	know about the mylib
     directory.	 We need to tell it that there is a subdirectory and that we
     will be generating	a library in it.  Let's	add the	following key-value
     pair to the WriteMakefile call:

	     'MYEXTLIB'	=> 'mylib/libmylib$(LIB_EXT)',

     and a new replacement subroutine too:

	     sub MY::postamble {
	     $(MYEXTLIB): mylib/Makefile
		     cd	mylib && $(MAKE) $(PASTHRU)

     (Note: Most makes will require that there be a tab	character that indents
     the line cd mylib && $(MAKE) $(PASTHRU), similarly	for the	Makefile in
     the subdirectory.)

     Let's also	fix the	MANIFEST file so that it accurately reflects the
     contents of our extension.	 The single line that says "mylib" should be
     replaced by the following three lines:


     To	keep our namespace nice	and unpolluted,	edit the .pm file and change
     the lines setting @EXPORT to @EXPORT_OK (there are	two: one in the	line
     beginning "use vars" and one setting the array itself).  Finally, in the
     .xs file, edit the	#include line to read:

	     #include "mylib/mylib.h"

     And also add the following	function definition to the end of the .xs

								       Page 11


		     int	     a
		     long	     b
		     const char	*    c

     Now we also need to create	a typemap file because the default Perl
     doesn't currently support the const char *	type.  Create a	file called
     typemap and place the following in	it:

	     const char	*    T_PV

     Now run perl on the top-level Makefile.PL.	 Notice	that it	also created a
     Makefile in the mylib directory.  Run make	and see	that it	does cd	into
     the mylib directory and run make in there as well.

     Now edit the test.pl script and change the	BEGIN block to print "1..4",
     and add the following lines to the	end of the script:

	     print &Mytest2::foo(1, 2, "Hello, world!")	== 7 ? "ok 2\n"	: "not ok 2\n";
	     print &Mytest2::foo(1, 2, "0.0") == 7 ? "ok 3\n" :	"not ok	3\n";
	     print abs(&Mytest2::foo(0,	0, "-3.4") - 0.6) <= 0.01 ? "ok	4\n" : "not ok 4\n";

     (When dealing with	floating-point comparisons, it is often	useful not to
     check for equality, but rather the	difference being below a certain
     epsilon factor, 0.01 in this case)

     Run "make test" and all should be well.


     Unlike previous examples, we've now run h2xs on a real include file.
     This has caused some extra	goodies	to appear in both the .pm and .xs

     o	 In the	.xs file, there's now a	#include declaration with the full
	 path to the mylib.h header file.

     o	 There's now some new C	code that's been added to the .xs file.	 The
	 purpose of the	constant routine is to make the	values that are
	 #define'd in the header file available	to the Perl script (in this
	 case, by calling &main::TESTVAL).  There's also some XS code to allow
	 calls to the constant routine.

     o	 The .pm file has exported the name TESTVAL in the @EXPORT array.
	 This could lead to name clashes.  A good rule of thumb	is that	if the
	 #define is going to be	used by	only the C routines themselves,	and
	 not by	the user, they should be removed from the @EXPORT array.
	 Alternately, if you don't mind	using the "fully qualified name" of a
	 variable, you could remove most or all	of the items in	the @EXPORT

								       Page 12



     o	 If our	include	file contained #include	directives, these would	not be
	 processed at all by h2xs.  There is no	good solution to this right

     We've also	told Perl about	the library that we built in the mylib
     subdirectory.  That required the addition of only the MYEXTLIB variable
     to	the WriteMakefile call and the replacement of the postamble subroutine
     to	cd into	the subdirectory and run make.	The Makefile.PL	for the
     library is	a bit more complicated,	but not	excessively so.	 Again we
     replaced the postamble subroutine to insert our own code.	This code
     specified simply that the library to be created here was a	static archive
     (as opposed to a dynamically loadable library) and	provided the commands
     to	build it.


     With the completion of Example 4, we now have an easy way to simulate
     some real-life libraries whose interfaces may not be the cleanest in the
     world.  We	shall now continue with	a discussion of	the arguments passed
     to	the xsubpp compiler.

     When you specify arguments	in the .xs file, you are really	passing	three
     pieces of information for each one	listed.	 The first piece is the	order
     of	that argument relative to the others (first, second, etc).  The	second
     is	the type of argument, and consists of the type declaration of the
     argument (e.g., int, char*, etc).	The third piece	is the exact way in
     which the argument	should be used in the call to the library function
     from this XSUB.  This would mean whether or not to	place a	"&" before the
     argument or not, meaning the argument expects to be passed	the address of
     the specified data	type.

     There is a	difference between the two arguments in	this hypothetical

		     char    &a
		     char *  b

     The first argument	to this	function would be treated as a char and
     assigned to the variable a, and its address would be passed into the
     function foo.  The	second argument	would be treated as a string pointer
     and assigned to the variable b.  The value	of b would be passed into the
     function foo.  The	actual call to the function foo	that xsubpp generates
     would look	like this:

	     foo(&a, b);

     Xsubpp will identically parse the following function argument lists:

								       Page 13


	     char    &a
	     char    & a

     However, to help ease understanding, it is	suggested that you place a "&"
     next to the variable name and away	from the variable type), and place a
     "*" near the variable type, but away from the variable name (as in	the
     complete example above).  By doing	so, it is easy to understand exactly
     what will be passed to the	C function -- it will be whatever is in	the
     "last column".

     You should	take great pains to try	to pass	the function the type of
     variable it wants,	when possible.	It will	save you a lot of trouble in
     the long run.

     THE ARGUMENT STACK    [Toc]    [Back]

     If	we look	at any of the C	code generated by any of the examples except
     example 1,	you will notice	a number of references to ST(n), where n is
     usually 0.	 The "ST" is actually a	macro that points to the n'th argument
     on	the argument stack.  ST(0) is thus the first argument passed to	the
     XSUB, ST(1) is the	second argument, and so	on.

     When you list the arguments to the	XSUB in	the .xs	file, that tells
     xsubpp which argument corresponds to which	of the argument	stack (i.e.,
     the first one listed is the first argument, and so	on).  You invite
     disaster if you do	not list them in the same order	as the function
     expects them.

     EXTENDING YOUR EXTENSION    [Toc]    [Back]

     Sometimes you might want to provide some extra methods or subroutines to
     assist in making the interface between Perl and your extension simpler or
     easier to understand.  These routines should live in the .pm file.
     Whether they are automatically loaded when	the extension itself is	loaded
     or	loaded only when called	depends	on where in the	.pm file the
     subroutine	definition is placed.


     There is absolutely no excuse for not documenting your extension.
     Documentation belongs in the .pm file.  This file will be fed to pod2man,
     and the embedded documentation will be converted to the manpage format,
     then placed in the	blib directory.	 It will be copied to Perl's man page
     directory when the	extension is installed.

     You may intersperse documentation and Perl	code within the	.pm file.  In
     fact, if you want to use method autoloading, you must do this, as the
     comment inside the	.pm file explains.

								       Page 14


     See the perlpod manpage for more information about	the pod	format.


     Once your extension is complete and passes	all its	tests, installing it
     is	quite simple: you simply run "make install".  You will either need to
     have write	permission into	the directories	where Perl is installed, or
     ask your system administrator to run the make for you.

     SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     For more information, consult the perlguts	manpage, the perlxs manpage,
     the perlmod manpage, and the perlpod manpage.

     Author    [Toc]    [Back]

     Jeff Okamoto <okamoto@corp.hp.com>

     Reviewed and assisted by Dean Roehrich, Ilya Zakharevich, Andreas Koenig,
     and Tim Bunce.

     Last Changed    [Toc]    [Back]


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