LPSCHED(1M) Printing Tools LPSCHED(1M)
lpsched, lpshut, lpmove - start/stop the LP scheduler and move requests
/usr/lib/lpsched [-nofork] [-debug] [-nobsd]
/usr/lib/lpmove requests dest
/usr/lib/lpmove dest1 dest2
lpsched schedules requests taken by lp(1) for printing on line printers
(LP's). lpsched is normally invoked at boot time from the /etc/init.d/lp
file. chkconfig (1M) can be used to enable or disable lpsched from
starting ("chkconfig lp off" or "chkconfig lp on").
lpsched will normally fork to free the calling process. The -nofork
option can be used to prevent lpsched from forking. Do NOT use -nofork
in the /etc/init.d/lp file (the intended use is for debugging when
running lpsched from a shell). -debug can also be used to display verbose
debug messages.
lpsched normally binds a socket for the BSD spooler's well known port and
will accept print requests from remote BSD spoolers via the socket
connection. If lpd(1M) is also running the bind call to the socket will
fail and lpsched will ignore BSD print requests. (If lpd is started
after lpsched then lpd signals lpsched to drop the socket connection so
lpd can acquire it.) If the -nobsd flag is specified on the command line
then lpsched will ignore the BSD spooler's well known port.
Lpshut shuts down the line printer scheduler. All printers that are
printing at the time lpshut is invoked will stop printing. Requests that
were printing at the time a printer was shut down will be reprinted in
their entirety after lpsched is started again.
Lpmove moves requests that were queued by lp(1) between LP destinations.
The first form of the command moves the named requests to the LP
destination, dest. Requests are request ids as returned by lp(1). The
second form moves all requests for destination dest1 to destination
dest2. As a side effect, lp (1) will reject requests for dest1.
Note that lpmove never checks the acceptance status (see accept(1M)) for
the new destination when moving requests.
enable(1), lp(1), lpstat(1), accept(1M), lpadmin(1M)
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