sesdaemon(1m) sesdaemon(1m)
sesdaemon - Fibre Channel Drive Enclosure Status/Configuration daemon
sesdaemon sesdaemon-options-file
sesdaemon is a daemon which allows communication with attached fibre
channel drive enclosures; status is collected and re-configuration is
The low-level transport protocol is the industry standard SES (SCSI-3
Enclosure Services). See sesmgr(1M) for details.
The sesdaemon is normally started automatically during boot if sesdaemon
is chkconfig'ed on. One process containing 4 threads is started for each
instance of sesdaemon; the backend polling thread which handles polling
the drive enclosures for status, the frontend RPC thread which is
responsible for communication with user interfaces like sesmgr, an event
handler thread which handles FRU status change events, and a handler that
executes the client's commands. Each event results in a user configurable
callout shell script being executed. These scripts are user customizable.
The sesdaemon-options-file is provided for customizing certain aspects of
sesdaemon operation. This file normally resides at
/etc/config/sesdaemon.options. The contents of the file is a list of
customizable variables and their values.
PollPeriod Specifies the time, in seconds, between successive polls
of the SAN enclosures. Status change detection is not
interrupt driven so status changes will not be detected
until the next poll period.
The challenge in selecting an optimal polling period is to
find an interval that is short enough to find failures
quickly and yet long enough to avoid adding a significant
amount of traffic to the SAN. Large or busy SAN's will
require more time to execute a poll than smaller or less
busy ones. However some FRU failures can cause automatic
enclosure shutdowns in as little as 2 minutes.
The default value is 60.
ExitNoCtlrs On startup, if no fibre channel controllers are found in
the system and this is set to 1, all of the sesdaemon
threads will terminate. Changing it to 0 will let the
threads run as usual whether controllers are present or
not. This may be useful in the event controllers will be
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added later via PCI hotswap inserts. However, once added,
an sesmgr poll command must still be executed for
sesdaemon to see the new controllers. If the daemons have
already exited and need to be restarted, run
/etc/init.d/sesdaemon start.
The default value is 1.
PreRemovalCallout [Toc] [Back]
Specifies the pathname of the script to be executed just
prior to performing a sesmgr remove command. The default
value is /usr/lib/sesdaemon/preremove.CO.
PostRemovalCallout [Toc] [Back]
Specifies the pathname of the script to be executed
immediately following the performance of a sesmgr remove
command. The default value is
PostInsertionCallout [Toc] [Back]
Specifies the pathname of the script to be executed
immediately following the performance of a fsesmgr insert
command. The default value is
StatusChangedCallout [Toc] [Back]
Specifies the pathname of the script to be executed
following a FRU status change. The default value is
DebugLevel Specifies the "verbosity" of sesdaemon. The default value
is 0.
CONFIGURATION OF EVENT CALLOUT SCRIPTS [Toc] [Back] The sesdaemon event handler executes one or more callout scripts in
response to a FRU status change or user initiated reconfiguration. Each
time a script is executed, 10 arguments are passed to it which a user can
use to customize said scripts. For example, the StatusChangedCallout
script can be modified to send mail to a system administrator's chatty
pager should a fault be detected. The arguments are as follows:
1 - host name A character string specifying the name of the host machine
where the FRU status change was detected.
2 - callout type
A character string specifying the callout type. The
possible values are INFO, RECONFIG and FAILURE. The types
can be viewed in increasing priority of importance. The
INFO type is used when the FRU status change is
informational and little or no system administrator
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intervention is needed. An example of an informational
state change is a disk FRU transitioning from not present
to OK following the insertion of of a previously absent
disk drive. The RECONFIG type is used following a
configuration change which may be of interest to the
system administrator. An example of a reconfiguration
state change is a disk FRU transitioning from OK to
NOT_PRESENT following the execution of a sesmgr remove
command. The FAILURE type is used when system
administrator intervention is needed due to an unexpected
FRU failure.
3 - time stamp A character string specifying the time at which the status
change occurred.
4 - channel ID A numerical character string specifying the channel number
on which the state change was detected.
5 - enclosure ID
A numerical character string specifying the fibre channel
drive enclosure on which the state change was detected. Is
only specified for the case of the StatusChangedCallout.
It is set to -1 for other callouts.
6 - FRU type A character string specifying the type/class of FRU for
which the status change is being reported. Possible values
are DISK (for disk FRUs), PS (for power supply FRUs), FAN
(for fan FRUs), TEMP for temperature, ALARM for alarm, and
LCC (for Link-Control-Card FRUs).
7 - FRU ID A numerical character string specifying the ID of the FRU
in an enclosure which underwent the state change. This
would be the slot number, bay number, or LCC number in the
8 - FRU NAME This is the identifier of the FRU, which in the case of
drives is the world wide name in hex.
9 - State transition from state
A character string specifying the from state of the FRU
state transition. Possible values are OK, OFF, FAILED,
NOT-PRESENT, OFF if the FRU is not ready, and UNSUP for
not supported FRU types. It is only specified for the case
of the StatusChangedCallout. It is set to -1 for other
10 - State transition to state
A character string specifying the to state of the FRU
state transition. Possible values are the same as the from
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The following is an example of a StatusChangedCallout C-shell script
which may be used to send mail to a system administrator following the
detection of a FRU failure.
#! /bin/csh -f
# If the status change is a failure, send mail to system
# administrator.
set TMP="/tmp/statchanged_$$"
if ("$2" == FAILURE) then
echo "$6 #$7 in enclosure $5 on channel $4 on host $1 FAILED at $3" > $TMP
Mail -s "FRU Failure" < $TMP
/bin/rm -f $TMP
If a communication path fails, the daemon will automatically try
alternate paths to the other SES capable devices. However, driver
retries before returning an error can make this a lengthy process.
Losing the last SES drive in an enclosure or losing the link to an
enclosure may be logged as an LCC failure.
Enclosures which dont set their enclosure ID in their SES configuration
page will be assigned an enclosure ID from the worldwide name of the
first SES drive the daemon locates in the enclosure. Once the id is
assigned, it will not be changed by the daemon if the enclosure
configuration changes. However on later runs, this will result in the
enclosure having a different ID.
These utilities are not able to handle soft addressing. Proper SAN
configuration is critical to their proper operation.
Not all enclosures support all capabilities of these utilities.
Simulating failures may not result in exactly the same failure
notifications as actual failures.
Due to dependencies on drive types, this utility only supports IBM and
SEAGATE disk drives.
If a target assigns different worldwide names to each of its ports, each
port will be treated as an individual target.
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DIFFERENCES FROM FCAGENT [Toc] [Back] Although the sesdaemon/sesmgr utilities are designed to be similar in
look and functionality, there are some important differences. Here are
some of these:
The arguments on the callouts are slightly different and if fcagent
callout code is re-used, these should be carefully checked and
The insert and remove commands now make SOP_SCAN ioctls to the affected
controllers and the callout scripts run at the proper times. insert will
also run ioconfig to make device files for the new devices.
bypass and unbypass do not run the insert and remove callouts.
sesdaemon does not accept off host command requests and this
configuration option has been removed.
sesdaemon works with drives on private loops and fabrics.
chkconfig(1M), ioconfig(1M), scsiha(7), sesmgr(1M)
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