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NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

       cu - Connects directly or indirectly to a remote system

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

       cu  [-dht]  [-e   |  -o]  [-l line] [-s speed] -n  | telephone_number

       cu [-dhnt] [-e  | -o] system

       The cu command connects one system to a remote system.  If
       the  remote system is running the proper software, cu provides
 additional capabilities, such as file transfer.

STANDARDS    [Toc]    [Back]

       Interfaces documented on this reference  page  conform  to
       industry standards as follows:

       cu:  XCU5.0

       Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information
 about industry standards and associated tags.

OPTIONS    [Toc]    [Back]

       Prints diagnostic traces.  Designates that even parity  is
       to  be generated for data sent to the remote system.  Emulates
 local echo, supporting calls to other  systems  that
       expect terminals to be set to half-duplex mode.  Specifies
       a device name to use as the communications line.  This can
       be  used  to override the search that would otherwise take
       place for the first available line with the  right  speed.
       When  the  -l  option  is  used without the -s option, the
       speed of a line is taken  from  the  /usr/lib/uucp/Devices

              When  the  -l  and -s options are used together, cu
              searches the /usr/lib/uucp/Devices  file  to  check
              whether  the  requested  speed is available for the
              specified line.  If so, the connection is  made  at
              the requested speed; otherwise, an error message is
              printed, and the call is not made.

              The specified device is generally a hardwired asynchronous
  line  (for  example, /dev/tty2), in which
              case a telephone number (telephone_number)  is  not
              required.   If  the  specified device is associated
              with a modem, a telephone number must be  provided.
              Using  this  option  with  system  rather than with
              telephone_number does not give the  desired  result
              (see system, which follows).

              [Tru64  UNIX]  Under  ordinary  circumstances,  you
              should not have to specify the transmission  speed,
              or  a  line/device.   The  default values should be
              sufficient.  (See  your  system  administrator  for
              more  information.)   Prompts  you  to  provide the
              telephone number to be dialed, rather  than  taking
              it  from  the  command  line  (for added security).
              Designates that odd parity is to be  generated  for
              data  sent  to  the  remote  system.  Specifies the
              transmission speed (300, 1200, 2400, 4800, or  9600
              baud).   The  default  value  is  Any  speed, which
              instructs the system to use  the  rate  appropriate
              for  the  default (or specified) transmission line.
              (The order of the transmission lines  is  specified
              in  the  /usr/lib/uucp/Devices  file.)  Most modems
              operate at 300, 1200,  or  2400  baud,  while  most
              hardwired  lines  are  set  to 1200 baud or higher.
              When transferring data such as  a  file  between  a
              local  and a remote system, a speed of 300 baud may
              occasionally need to be specified.  The lower  baud
              rate  results  in  less  interference  on the line.
              Used to dial a terminal that has been set to  autoanswer.
   Appropriate mapping of carriage-return to
              carriage-return/linefeed pairs is set.

OPERANDS    [Toc]    [Back]

       When using a modem, the argument is the telephone  number,
       with  appropriately  placed equal signs for secondary dial
       tones, or dashes for delays of 4 seconds.  The name of the
       remote  system  with which a connection is established.  A
       system name can be used rather than a telephone number; in
       that  case,  cu  obtains  an appropriate hardwired line or
       telephone number from /usr/lib/uucp/Systems.  System names
       must be ASCII characters only.

              [Tru64 UNIX]  Do not use the system operand in conjunction
 with the -l and -s options.  If you do, cu
              connects  to  the  first  available  line  for  the
              requested system name, ignoring the specified  line
              and speed.

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

       The  cu  command can establish the connection over a hardwired
 line, or over a telephone line via  a  modem.   Once
       the  connection  is  established,  you can be logged in on
       both systems at  the  same  time,  executing  commands  on
       either  one  without dropping the communications link.  If
       the remote computer is also running  the  proper  software
       (see  Additional  Information),  you  can  transfer  files
       between the two systems.

       [Tru64 UNIX]  The system should already be  configured  to
       use  the  cu  command.  (See your system administrator for
       more information.)

       [Tru64 UNIX]  After issuing cu from the local system,  you
       must  press <Return> and then log in to the remote system.

       After making the connection, cu  runs  as  two  concurrent
       processes:   the transmit process reads data from standard
       input and, except for lines beginning with  a  ~  (tilde),
       passes that data to the remote terminal.  The receive process
 accepts data from the remote system and,  except  for
       lines  beginning  with  a ~ (tilde), passes it to standard
       output.  To control input from the remote  system  so  the
       buffer  is not overrun, cu uses an automatic XON/XOFF protocol.

       In addition to issuing  regular  system  commands  on  the
       remote  system,  you  can also issue special cu local commands,
 which are preceded by a ~  (tilde).   Use  these  ~
       commands  to issue system commands on the local system and
       to perform tasks such as transferring  files  between  two

   Local Tilde Commands    [Toc]    [Back]
       The  transmit  process  interprets  lines beginning with a
       tilde in the following ways: Logs you off the remote  computer
  and terminates the remote connection.  Depending on
       the interconnection hardware, it may be necessary to use a
       ~.   to  terminate the conversation even if the normal log
       off sequence was used.   Returns  you  to  an  interactive
       shell  on  the local system.  Toggle between the local and
       remote systems using ~!  (remote to local) and End-of-File
       (local  to  remote).  Executes the command denoted by command
 on the local system via  sh  -c.   Runs  the  command
       denoted  by  command  locally  and sends its output to the
       remote system for execution.  Changes the directory on the
       local  system to directory.  Transfers files only.  Copies
       the from file on the remote system to the to file  on  the
       local system.  If to is omitted, the remote file is copied
       to the local system under the same  file  name.   As  each
       block  of the file is transferred, consecutive single digits
 are displayed on the terminal screen.  Transfers files
       only.   Copies the from file on the local system to the to
       file on the remote system.  If to is  omitted,  the  local
       file  is  copied  to the remote system under the same file
       name.  As each block of the file is transferred,  consecutive
  single  digits are displayed on the terminal screen.
       There is an artificial slowing of transmission by  the  cu
       command  during  ~%put  operations so that loss of data is
       unlikely.  Sends the string denoted by ~line to the remote
       system.   Transmits  a  BREAK signal to the remote system.
       The  BREAK  can  also  be  specified   as   ~%b.    [Tru64
       UNIX]  Toggles  the -debug option on or off; this can also
       be specified as ~%d.  [Tru64 UNIX]  Prints the  values  of
       the TERMIO structure variables for your terminal.  This is
       useful for debugging.  [Tru64 UNIX]  Prints the values  of
       the  TERMIO  structure variables for the remote communications
  line.   This  is  useful  for  debugging.   Toggles
       between  XON/XOFF input control protocol and no input control.
  This is useful in case the  remote  system  is  one
       that  does not respond properly to the <Ctrl-s> and <Ctrlq>

       [Tru64 UNIX]  As soon as you enter ~!,~%, ~$, ~t,  or  ~l,
       the  system displays the name of the local computer in the
       a format such as the following:


       You then enter the command to be  executed  on  the  local

   Asynchronous Events    [Toc]    [Back]
       The  cu  command  takes the default action upon receipt of
       signals, with the exception of: Closes the connection  and
       terminates.   Forwards  the  signal  to the remote system.
       Forwards the signal to the remote system.  Terminates  the
       cu process without the normal connection closing sequence.

   Additional Information    [Toc]    [Back]
       The receive process normally copies data from  the  remote
       system to the local system's standard output.  Internally,
       the program accomplishes  this  by  initiating  an  output
       diversion  to  a  file  when a line from the remote system
       begins with ~>.

              Data from the remote system is diverted to file  on
              the  local system. The trailing ~> marks the end of
              the diversion.  The use of ~%put requires stty  and
              cat  on  the  remote system.  It also requires that
              the current Erase and Kill characters on the remote
              system  be identical to these current control characters
  on  the  local  system.   Backslashes   are
              inserted  at appropriate places.  The use of ~%take
              requires echo and cat on the remote system.   Also,
              stty  tabs  mode should be set on the remote system
              if tabs are  to  be  copied  without  expansion  to
              spaces.  The cu command can be used to connect multiple
 systems, and commands can then be executed on
              any  of  the connected systems.  For example, issue
              cu on system X to connect to  system  Y,  and  then
              issue  cu on system Y to connect to system Z.  System
 X is then the local computer, and systems Y and
              Z are remote computers.

              You  can execute commands on system Z by logging in
              and issuing the command.  Commands can be  executed
              on  system X by prefixing the command with a single
              tilde (~command), and on system Y by prefixing  the
              command  with  two tildes (~~command).  In general,
              one tilde causes the specified command to  be  executed
  on  the  original  local  computer,  and two
              tildes cause the command to be executed on the next
              system on which cu was issued.

              For  example,  once  the  multiple systems are connected,
 you can execute the uname command with  the
              -n option (to display the node name) on Z, X, and Y
              as follows: $ uname -n Z

              $ ~!uname -n X

              $ ~~!uname -n Y

NOTES    [Toc]    [Back]

       The cu utility is marked LEGACY in XCU  Issue  5.   [Tru64
       UNIX]  After  executing  cu, you must log in to the remote
       system and press <Return>.  [Tru64 UNIX]  The  cu  command
       does  not  do  integrity  checking  on  data it transfers.
       [Tru64 UNIX]  Data fields with special cu  characters  may
       not  be  transmitted properly.  [Tru64 UNIX]  Depending on
       the interconnection hardware, it may be necessary to use a
       ~.   (tilde)  to  terminate  the conversation, even if the
       normal logout sequence was used.  [Tru64  UNIX]  There  is
       an  artificial  slowing  of transmission by cu5 during the
       ~%put operation so that loss of data is unlikely.

EXIT STATUS    [Toc]    [Back]

       The following exit values are returned: Successful completion.
  An error occurred.

EXAMPLES    [Toc]    [Back]

       To  connect to a remote system using a system name, enter:
       cu venus

              In this example, you are connected  to  the  remote
              system   venus,   which   is  listed  in  the  file
              /usr/lib/uucp/Systems.  To  dial  a  remote  system
              whose  telephone  number  is  1-201-555-1212, where
              dialing 9 is required to get an outside  dial  tone
              and  the  baud  rate  is  1200,  enter:  cu -s 1200

              If the speed is not specified, Any is  the  default
              value.   To log in to a system connected by a hardwired
 asynchronous line, enter: cu -l /dev/tty2  To
              dial  a  remote  system with a specified line and a
              specific speed, enter: cu -s 1200  -l tty3 To  dial
              a  remote  system  using a specific line associated
              with a modem, enter: cu -l cul4   9=12015551212  To
              open  a  virtual terminal on the local system after
              logging in to the remote system, enter:  ~!open  sh
              To  display the contents of a file after logging in
              to    the    remote    system,    enter:     ~!more

              The   contents   of   file10   in   the   directory
              /usr/msg/memos on the local system  are  displayed.
              To  copy a file from the local system to the remote
              system (after logging  in  to  the  remote  system)
              without   changing  the  file  name,  enter:  ~%put

              The file /u/judith/file is copied  from  the  local
              system  to  the  remote system without changing the
              name of the file.  To copy a file  from  the  local
              system  to  the  remote system (after logging in to
              the remote system) and change the file name, enter:
              ~%put /u/judith/file /u/judith/tmpfile

              The file /u/judith/file is copied from the local to
              the remote system  and  renamed  /u/judith/tmpfile.
              To  copy a file from the remote system to the local
              system (after logging  in  to  the  remote  system)
              without  changing  the  name  of  the  file, enter:
              ~%take /u/jeanne/test1

              The file /u/jeanne/test1 is copied from the  remote
              to  the  local  system.   To  copy  a file from the
              remote system to the local system (after logging in
              to  the  remote  system)  and change the file name,
              enter: ~%take /u/jeanne/test1 /u/jeanne/tmptest

              The file /u/jeanne/test1 is copied from the  remote
              to  the local system and renamed /u/jeanne/tmptest.


       The following environment variables affect  the  execution
       of  cu: Provides a default value for the internationalization
 variables that are unset or null. If LANG is unset or
       null,  the  corresponding value from the default locale is
       used.  If any of the internationalization  variables  contain
 an invalid setting, the utility behaves as if none of
       the variables had been defined.  If  set  to  a  non-empty
       string value, overrides the values of all the other internationalization
 variables.  Determines the locale for  the
       interpretation of sequences of bytes of text data as characters
 (for example, single-byte as opposed  to  multibyte
       characters  in  arguments).  Determines the locale for the
       format and contents  of  diagnostic  messages  written  to
       standard  error.  Determines the location of message catalogues
 for the processing of LC_MESSAGES.

FILES    [Toc]    [Back]

       Prevents multiple use of device Information  about  available
  devices Dialing code abbreviations Initial handshaking
 on a link Access permission  codes  Accessible  remote

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

       Commands:  cat(1),   ct(1),  echo(1),  rmail(1),  stty(1),
       tip(1), uname(1), uucico(8), uucleanup(8), uucp(1),  uuencode(1),   uudecode(1),  uulog(1),  uuname(1),  uupick(1),
       uusched(8), uusend(1), uustat(1), uuto(1), uux(1)

       Standards:  standards(5)

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