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 vxclustadm(1M)                   VxVM 3.5                    vxclustadm(1M)
                                 1 Jun 2002

 NAME    [Toc]    [Back]
      vxclustadm - start, stop, and reconfigure a cluster

 SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]
      vxclustadm abortnode

      vxclustadm [-s seqno] membership [node_ID ...]

      vxclustadm [-v] nodestate

      vxclustadm -m {gab|nocm|vcs} [-t {gab|udp}] startnode

      vxclustadm stopnode

 DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]
      The vxclustadm utility activates and deactivates cluster functionality
      on a node in a cluster.  vxclustadm provides an interface to the
      clustering functionality of VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) in the
      absence of a cluster monitor.

      Caution: If there is no cluster monitor or if GAB is used as the
      cluster monitor, ensure that you completely understand the
      functionality of this command.  Otherwise, cluster reconfiguration
      problems may occur.

 KEYWORDS    [Toc]    [Back]
      abortnode Stops clustering activity on a node and abandons all
                uncompleted I/O on shared volumes.  This command is for
                emergency shutdown.

                Provides cluster membership information to the VxVM kernel
                in the absence of a cluster monitor.  This argument must be
                issued concurrently on all nodes belonging to the cluster
                and on all nodes that you want to bring into the cluster.
                Issue membership on all nodes every time cluster membership
                has been changed (by startnode, stopnode, or abortnode being
                run on a node).

                Note: The membership command is valid only for clusters that
                are initialized with the nocm argument.

                Caution: Ensure that you completely understand the
                functionality of the membership command.  Otherwise, cluster
                reconfiguration problems may occur.

                Cluster reconfiguration takes place whenever a node joins or
                leaves the cluster.  The cluster reconfiguration sequence
                number uniquely identifies a new cluster configuration every
                time the configuration changes.  Use the -s option to
                specify the new sequence number.

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                                 1 Jun 2002

      nodestate Determines the state of a node in the cluster.  The node
                state is returned as a string to the standard output.
                Possible states are:

                cluster member
                          The node is a member of the cluster.  All shared
                          volumes in the cluster are accessible.

                joining   The node is in the process of joining a cluster.
                          It has been initialized but is not yet completely
                          in the cluster.  The node goes into this state
                          after vxclustadm is executed with the startnode
                          option.  For clusters initialized with the nocm
                          argument, the node remains in this state until
                          cluster membership is enabled by running
                          vxclustadm with the membership option.  The node
                          enters the cluster member state after the joining
                          protocol completes.

                out of cluster
                          The node has not yet joined the cluster.

                For debugging purposes the -v option can be specified to
                display the node ID, master ID, neighbor ID and current

      startnode The startnode option initiates cluster functionality on a
                node using the information supplied in the cluster
                configuration file.  This is the first command that must be
                issued on a node to bring it into the cluster.  Use the -m
                option to specify the cluster monitor.

                You must also specify one of the following cluster monitor
                types, each of which requires the existence of a cluster
                configuration file:

                gab       The cluster uses GAB (group membership and atomic
                          broadcast) as the cluster monitor; it is not
                          running in a VERITAS Cluster Server (VCS)
                          environment.  The cluster configuration file is

                nocm      The cluster does not have a cluster monitor.  The
                          cluster configuration file is /etc/vx/cvmtab.

                vcs       The cluster is running in a VCS environment.  The
                          cluster configuration file is

                startnode passes the information in the cluster
                configuration file to the VxVM kernel.  In response to this

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                                 1 Jun 2002

                command, the kernel and the VxVM configuration daemon,
                vxconfigd, perform the initialization.

                Caution: Do not use the nocm and gab cluster monitor types
                with the startnode command unless you completely understand
                their purpose.

                The clustering functionality of VxVM can use either UDP or
                GAB as its transport agent for messaging.  The default
                behavior is to use UDP as the transport agent.  The -t
                option may be used to specify the protocol to be used for
                messaging.  This option takes one of the following

                gab       Use GAB as the transport agent for messaging in
                          addition to using GAB as a cluster monitor.  If
                          you try to use GAB as a transport agent with a
                          cluster monitor other than GAB (or outside the VCS
                          environment), the kernel issues a warning message
                          and changes the transport agent to UDP.

                udp       Use UDP as the transport agent for messaging

                Both messaging transport agents (GAB and UDP) require that
                the /etc/vx/cvmtab file exist.  However, the port numbers
                and local network names or IP addresses may be omitted (see
                the EXAMPLES section below).

                In VCS environments, using GAB as the transport agent for
                messaging means that you do not need to configure IP
                addresses for the endpoints of the cluster private network.

      stopnode  Stops cluster functionality on a node, and waits for all
                outstanding I/O to complete and for all applications to
                close shared volumes or devices.

 EXIT CODES    [Toc]    [Back]
      vxclustadm returns the following exit values on error:

      101       Out of cluster.

      102       Joining the cluster.

      103       Cluster member.

 FILES    [Toc]    [Back]
      For a cluster that is operating without a cluster monitor, or that is
      using GAB as the cluster monitor outside a VCS environment, and which
      is using UDP as its transport agent for messaging, the cluster
      configuration file, /etc/vx/cvmtab, contains the following fields:

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                                 1 Jun 2002

                clustername cluster_name
                port vxconfigd port_number
                port vxkmsgd port_number
                node node_ID name name_on_local_net
                timeout timeout_value

      The recommended port numbers for the vxconfigd and vxkmsgd daemons are
      4500 and 4501, but any available port numbers greater than 1024 are
      also acceptable.

      name_on_local_net is the node's IP address or resolvable host name on
      the cluster's private network.

      timeout_value is the timeout value in seconds.  The clustering
      functionality of VxVM uses this value during cluster reconfiguration.
      The appropriate value to use depends on the number of nodes in the
      cluster and on the size of the shared disk group configuration.  In
      most cases the value of 200 seconds is sufficient but this may need to
      be increased for larger configurations.

      Comment lines in the file start with a #.

      If GAB is being used as the transport agent for messaging, fields
      relating to port numbers and local network names are not required:

                clustername cluster_name
                node node_ID name
                timeout timeout_value

      For a cluster running in the VCS environment, VxVM obtains information
      about the cluster from the VCS cluster configuration file
      (/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.cf).  Cluster-specific information may
      be appended to this file by running the vxcvmconfig command.  For more
      information refer to the VERITAS Cluster File System Installation and
      Configuration Guide.

 EXAMPLES    [Toc]    [Back]
      A cluster consisting of four nodes, named node0, node1, node2 and
      node3, operates without a cluster monitor, and has the following
      cvmtab file when UDP is used as the transport agent for messaging:

           # ClusterName
           clustername CVM1
           # Daemon port numbers
           port vxconfigd 4500
           port vxkmsgd 4501
           # NodeID Nodename Localname
           node 0 node0 node0_p
           node 1 node1 node1_p

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           node 2 node2 node2_p
           node 3 node3 node3_p
           # Timeout value
           timeout 200

      If GAB is used as the transport agent for messaging, the cvmtab file
      only needs to contain the following information:

           # ClusterName
           clustername CVM1
           # NodeID Nodename
           node 0 node0
           node 1 node1
           node 2 node2
           node 3 node3
           # Timeout value
           timeout 200

      The following commands bring up the cluster on node1 using messaging
      over UDP:

           vxclustadm -m nocm startnode
           vxclustadm -s 1 membership 1

      If node1 is the first node to join the cluster, it becomes the master
      node.  The following command confirms that node1 is the master node:

           vxdctl -c mode

      To join node3 to the cluster, the following command is run on node3:

           vxclustadm -m nocm startnode

      Next, the following command is run on both node1 and node3 to update
      information about cluster membership:

           vxclustadm -s 2 membership 1 3

      To confirm that node3 is a slave node, the following command is run on

           vxdctl -c mode

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                                 1 Jun 2002

      node1 remains as the master node for its lifetime in the cluster.  To
      remove node1 from the cluster, the following command is run on node1:

           vxclustadm stopnode

      After the following command is run on node3, node3 becomes the new
      master node.

           vxclustadm -s 3 membership 3

      For clusters running GAB outside of the VCS environment, the following
      command starts the cluster with GAB messaging:

           vxclustadm -m gab -t gab startnode

      Either of the following commands starts the same cluster with default
      UDP messaging:

           vxclustadm -m gab startnode
           vxclustadm -m gab -t udp startnode

 NOTES    [Toc]    [Back]
      vxclustadm does not ensure the consistency of cluster membership
      information; you must make sure that the same cluster membership
      information is provided to all the nodes.

 SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]
      vxconfigd(1M), vxdctl(1M), vxintro(1M)

      VERITAS Volume Manager Administration Guide
      VERITAS Cluster File System Installation and Configuration Guide

                                    - 6 -       Formatted:  January 24, 2005
[ Back ]
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