voldiskadm - Menu interface for LSM disk administration
The voldiskadm script is an interactive tool that presents
you with a menu of possible operations. When you select an
operation, the script guides you through the necessary
steps, and prompts for data needed to complete the operation.
The voldiskadm interface is intended mainly for beginning
users and for those who prefer a simple method for doing
common operations. The interface uses query-based prompts
to gather input, with defaults supplied when possible.
Context-sensitive help is available at every prompt by
typing ?. Also, you can enter l or list to get information
on available target disks for an operation.
For operations that require a device name, you can specify
one or more names using a space-separated list. Names in
the list can have the form dskn or rdskn (for an entire
disk) or dsknp or rdsknp (for a specific disk partition).
Disk names relate directly to device names in the
/dev/disk and /dev/rdisk directories.
The file /etc/vol/disks.exclude may be used to exclude
disks from use by voldiskadm. Each line of the file specifies
the name of a disk to exclude (for example, dsk5).
The voldiskadm menu includes the following numbered
options: Add or initialize one or more disks
This option prompts for one or more disk device
addresses, which must have valid disk labels. You
can add the specified disks to an existing disk
group, add them to (create) a new disk group, add
them to a disk group as spares, or initialize them
but do not add them to a disk group (to reserve
them for use as replacement disks).
After specifying the disks, you are prompted for a
disk group (rootdg by default) and a disk name. If
no name is specified, a default disk name is
assigned (diskn for disks in the rootdg disk group
and diskgroupn for disks in other disk groups).
The disks are then checked to ensure that there is
no information already on them. If there is, you
are given the option of encapsulating the disks or
proceeding with the initialization. If you want to
preserve the information on the disk, encapsulate
it. Encapsulate one or more disks
This option prompts for one or more disk addresses.
It then calls volencap to encapsulate the specified
partitions. Remove a disk
This option prompts for a disk, by disk media name,
to completely remove from LSM. The disk is checked
to ensure that no subdisks reside on the disk. If
the disk is in use, the operation fails with a recommendation
to first move all volumes off the disk.
If this disk is the last disk in a disk group, you
are prompted for whether the disk group should be
removed from the system, as well.
The operation proceeds by calling voldg rmdisk to
remove the disk from its disk group. If this is the
last disk in its disk group, voldg deport is used,
instead, to remove the disk group from use. Remove
a disk for replacement
This option prompts for a disk, by disk media name.
The disk is checked for volumes that would lose all
mirrors as a result of the operation. If such volumes
exist, they are listed and you are prompted to
ensure that the operation should proceed.
The operation proceeds by calling voldg -k rmdisk
to dissociate the media record from the physical
disk. If some formatted disks are under LSM control
but not assigned to a disk group, you are prompted
for whether one of these disks should be used as a
replacement. Replace a failed or removed disk
This option prompts for a disk media name. The
named media record must be dissociated from a disk.
If the media record is not in the removed state,
unused disks are scanned for matching disk IDs. If
a disk with a matching disk ID is found, you are
prompted for whether that disk should be reattached.
If a matching disk is not used, you are prompted
for a new disk, by device name. If the named
replacement disk has a valid disk header, but is
not allocated to a disk group, you are prompted for
whether the disk should be reinitialized. If the
named replacement disk is listed as allocated to a
disk group or to another host, you are prompted to
ensure that the operation should proceed.
If the device is to be initialized, a new disk
label is written to the disk to reflect its private
and public regions.
Given an initialized disk, the operation proceeds
by replacing the disk in a disk group with voldg -k
adddisk. Mirror volumes on a disk
This option prompts for a disk, by disk media name.
It then prompts for a destination disk within the
same disk group, also by disk media name. Make
sure that the destination disk has enough space for
the mirror. Specifying no destination disks indicates
that any disk is suitable. The operation proceeds
by calling volmirror to mirror the volumes.
You cannot use this option if the volume is already
mirrored, or if the volume consists of more than
one subdisk.
Mirroring volumes from the boot disk will produce a
disk that can be used as an alternate boot disk.
This is done by calling the volrootmir command.
Move volumes from a disk
This option prompts for a disk, by disk media name.
It then prompts for a possible list of destination
disks, also by disk media name. Specifying no destination
disks indicates that any disk is suitable.
If the specified disk is large enough, or if there
is enough available space if you did not specify a
disk, the operation proceeds by calling volevac to
move subdisks off the disk.
If the original disk remains under LSM control,
future move or mirror operations could put the volume
back onto that disk. If the disk is suspect,
remove it (option 4) or place it offline (option
11). Enable access to (import) a disk group
This option prompts for a disk, by device address.
The operation proceeds by calling voldg import to
import the disk group stored on that disk.
Use this option to import a disk group that you
deported from another system. If two hosts share a
SCSI bus, make sure the other host failed or
deported the disk group before you import it. If
two hosts import a disk group at the same time, the
disk group will become corrupted and unusable.
Remove access to (deport) a disk group
This option prompts for a disk group name. The
prompt display lists alternate disk groups and the
disks (media name and access name) that they contain.
The operation proceeds by calling voldg
Use this option to deport a disk group that you
plan to move to a different system, or to effectively
remove the last disk from a disk group. You
cannot deport the rootdg disk group. Enable
(online) a disk device
This option prompts for a disk device. The prompt
display allows for a display of disks on the system.
The operation only functions for disks currently
in an offline state. It then proceeds to
make the disk accessible. Disable (offline) a disk
This option prompts for a disk device. The prompt
display allows for a display of disks on the system.
The operation only functions for disks currently
in an online state but not part of any disk
group. It then proceeds to mark the disk as offline
such that the Logical Storage Manager makes no further
attempt at accessing the disk. Mark a disk as
a spare for a disk group
This option sets up a disk to be used as a spare
device for its disk group. A spare disk can be used
to automatically replace a disk that has failed.
LSM cannot use space on a disk that is marked as a
spare. Turn off the spare flag for a disk
This option removes a disk from those that can be
used as a spare and returns its space to the general
pool of available space. Recover plexes and
volumes after disk replacement
This operation performs plex attachment, RAID-5
subdisk recovery, and resynchronize operations for
the named volumes, or for volumes residing on the
named disks (media name). If no media name or volume
operands are specified, the operation applies
to all volumes (or to all volumes in the specified
disk group).
The voldiskadm menu also includes the following word and
character menu choices: Displays a list of candidate disks
for voldiskadm operations. From this list, you can display
detail information about a specific disk by entering the
disk name at the prompt. Displays detailed information
about each of the 14 menu operations, and a glossary of
LSM terminology. Displays a list of inputs you can supply
at any time: q to quit the operation, x to exit from the
voldiskadm menu interface, ? to display help for the current
operation, or ?? to display general help for the
Logical Storage Manager administration menus. Exits from
the voldiskadm menu interface.
See the voldiskadd(8) reference page for a description of
errors related to the initialization operation.
A list of disks to exclude from voldiskadm use.
disklabel(8), volintro(8), voldg(8), voldisk(8), voldiskadd(8), voldisksetup(8), volrootmir(8)
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