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  man pages->IRIX man pages -> dmedia/dmGetError (3d)              


dmGetError(3dm)						       dmGetError(3dm)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     dmGetError, dmGetErrorForPID - retrieve an	error number, message, and
     detail for	Digital	Media errors

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <dmedia/dmedia.h>

     const char	*dmGetError(int	*errornum,
			    char error_detail[DM_MAX_ERROR_DETAIL])

     const char	*dmGetErrorForPID(pid_t	pid, int *errornum,
			    char error_detail[DM_MAX_ERROR_DETAIL])

PARAMETERS    [Toc]    [Back]

     pid	    The	process	id in which to check for an error.  In
		    dmGetError(), this defaults	to the current pid as returned
		    by getpid(2).

     errornum	    A pointer to an integer into which the error number	of the
		    current error will be loaded.  If errornum is NULL,	it
		    will be ignored.

     error_detail   The	address	of a char array	of size	DM_MAX_ERROR_DETAIL,
		    allocated in the application's memory space.  A detailed
		    description	of the error will be loaded into this array,
		    if such a description is available.	 This string will be
		    null-terminated.  If error_detail is NULL, it will be

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     dmGetError() is designed to allow an application to handle	error
     conditions	generated within a large number	of independent digital media
     units (i.e., the Movie Libraries, the Audio File Library, Audio
     Conversion	and Image Conversion utilities)	in a single location.  In
     addition to the short error string	returned by the	function call, an
     application may also optionally retrieve a	more detailed description of
     the error plus the	actual error number.  The internal setting and public
     retrieval of these	errors is guaranteed to	be thread-safe.

RETURNED VALUE    [Toc]    [Back]

     Returns a pointer to a null-terminated character string (in static
     memory) which indicates the category of the error.	 Only the most recent
     error for a given thread will be returned.	 If no errors have occurred,
     dmGetError() returns NULL.

ERROR NUMBERS    [Toc]    [Back]

     The error numbers returned	in errornum fall into ranges determined	by the
     digital media unit	which generated	it.  The currently defined ranges are
     as	follows:

									Page 1

dmGetError(3dm)						       dmGetError(3dm)

     0-999	   UNIX	System Errors (identical to those returned via

     1000-1999	   Color Space Library Errors (libdmedia)

     2000-2999	   Movie Library Errors	(libmoviefile, libmovieplay)

     3000-3999	   Audio File Library Errors (libaudiofile)

     4000-4999	   DMbuffer Errors (libdmedia)

     5000-5999	   Audio Converter Errors (libdmedia)

     6000-6999	   Image Converter Errors (libdmedia)

     10000-10999   Global Digital Media	Library	Errors (libdmedia)

     11000-11999   FX Plug-in Utility Library Errors (libfxplugutils)

     12000-12999   FX Plug-in Manager Library Errors (libfxplugmgr)

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     mvIntro(3dm), mvGetErrno(3dm), afIntro(3dm), dmedia(3dm)

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 2222
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