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  man pages->IRIX man pages -> audio/ALgetfilled (3d)              


ALgetfilled(3dm)					      ALgetfilled(3dm)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     ALgetfilled - (obsolete) return the number	of filled sample locations in
     an	audio port

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <dmedia/audio.h>

     long ALgetfilled(ALport port)

PARAMETER    [Toc]    [Back]

     port   expects the	audio port you want to query.  This structure is the
	    returned value of an ALopenport(3dm) call.

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     ALgetfilled is obsolete and is provided for backward compatibility.  The
     preferred function	is alGetFilled(3dm), which returns the number of
     filled sample frames in a port.

     ALgetfilled(3dm) returns the number of samples now	in the audio port.
     How you interpret this number depends on whether port is an input port or
     an	output port.

     For an input port,	the return value is the	greatest number	of samples
     that can be read from the port without blocking (waiting for more samples
     to	come into the port).

     For an output port, the return value is the number	of samples yet to be

     Because the port continues	to empty or fill, the number returned by
     ALgetfilled(3dm) is an instantaneous measurement of the number of filled
     locations.	 For input ports this number will increase over	time as	new
     samples arrive.  For output ports this number will	decrease as samples
     are played.

     In	order to insure	the best possible performance, ALgetfilled(3dm)
     performs no verification of port. You should make certain that port is a
     valid ALport structure before passing it as a parameter to

DIAGNOSTICS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Upon successful completion, ALgetfilled(3dm) will return a	non-negative

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     ALopenport(3dm), ALgetfillable(3dm), ALgetfillpoint(3dm)
alGetFilled(3dm)					      alGetFilled(3dm)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     alGetFilled - return the number of	filled sample frames in	an audio port

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <dmedia/audio.h>

     int alGetFilled(ALport port)

PARAMETER    [Toc]    [Back]

     port   expects the	audio port you want to query.  This structure is the
	    returned value of an alOpenPort(3dm) call.

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     alGetFilled returns the number of sample frames of	audio now in the audio
     port.  How	you interpret this number depends on whether port is an	input
     port or an	output port.

     For an input port,	the return value is the	greatest number	of sample
     frames that can be	read from the port without blocking (waiting for more
     samples to	come into the port).

     For an output port, the return value is the number	of sample frames yet
     to	be played.

     Because the port may continue to empty or fill, the number	returned by
     alGetFilled is an instantaneous measurement of the	number of filled
     locations.	 For input ports this number will increase over	time as	new
     samples arrive.  For output ports this number will	decrease as samples
     are played.

     In	order to insure	the best possible performance, alGetFilled performs no
     verification of port. You should make certain that	port is	a valid	ALport
     structure before passing it as a parameter	to alGetFilled.

DIAGNOSTICS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Upon successful completion, alGetFilled will return a non-negative

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     alOpenPort(3dm), alGetFillable(3dm), alGetFillPoint(3dm)

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 1111
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