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  man pages->IRIX man pages -> audio/alZeroFrames (3d)              


alZeroFrames(3dm)					     alZeroFrames(3dm)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     alZeroFrames - write zero-valued sample frames to an audio	port

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <dmedia/audio.h>

     int alZeroFrames(const ALport port, const int framecount)

PARAMETER    [Toc]    [Back]

     port	  is the audio output port to which you	want to	write samples.
		  This is the returned value of	an alOpenPort(3dm) call.

     framecount	  is the number	of sample frames that you want to write	to the
		  audio	port.

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     alZeroFrames writes a given number	of zero-valued sample frames to	the
     specified audio port.  alZeroFrames blocks	until framecount sample	frames
     have been written to the port.  If	you do not wish	to block, make sure
     that framecount is	less than the return value of alGetFillable(3dm).

     alZeroFrames is a convenience function, equivalent	to calling
     alWriteFrames(3dm)	with a zero-valued buffer of the given size. However,
     alZeroFrames is simpler, particularly when	framecount is large; it	avoids
     having to allocate	a large	buffer or iterate over many writes of a
     smaller buffer. It	is also	more efficient than the	equivalent
     alWriteFrames call.

     Note that since an	audio port contains an internal	queue, zero-valued
     frames written to the port	will not immediately come out the associated
     audio device or devices. alGetFilled(3dm) will indicate how many samples
     are currently in this queue. Also,	alGetFrameTime(3dm) and
     alGetFrameNumber(3dm) provide facilities for precise synchronization of
     audio and other media.

     In	order to achieve the best possible performance,	alZeroFrames does not
     attempt to	verify that port or samples are	valid. You should make certain
     these values are valid before passing them	as arguments to	alZeroFrames.

DIAGNOSTICS    [Toc]    [Back]

     alZeroFrames always returns 0.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     alOpenPort(3dm), alGetFillable(3dm), alGetFilled(3dm),
     alSetChannels(3dm), alSetWidth(3dm), alReadFrames(3dm),
     alZeroFrames(3dm),	alSetConfig(3dm), alSetQueueSize(3dm),
     alSetSampFmt(3dm),	alSetFloatMax(3dm)

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 1111
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