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  man pages->IRIX man pages -> movie/mvStartEndFrame (3d)              



mvStartEndFrame(3dm)					  mvStartEndFrame(3dm)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     mvSetStartFrame, mvGetStartFrame, mvSetEndFrame, mvGetEndFrame,
     mvSetStartTime, mvGetStartTime, mvSetEndTime, mvGetEndTime, - Set/get the
     frame or time at which movie playback should start/end

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <dmedia/moviefile.h>
     #include <dmedia/movieplay.h>

     void mvSetStartFrame(MVid movieId,	MVframe	startFrame);

     MVframe mvGetStartFrame(MVid movieId);

     void mvSetEndFrame(MVid movieId, MVframe endFrame);

     MVframe mvGetEndFrame(MVid	movieId);

     DMstatus mvSetStartTime(MVid movieId, MVtime startTime, MVtimescale timeScale);

     MVtime mvGetStartTime(MVid	movieId, MVtimescale timeScale);

     DMstatus mvSetEndTime(MVid	movieId, MVframe endTime, MVtimescale timeScale);

     MVframe mvGetEndTime(MVid movieId,	MVtimescale timeScale);

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     mvSetStartFrame(3dm) sets the image frame at which	you would like the
     Movie Playback Library to start playback for the specified	movie.	The
     default value for this option is zero (i.e., the first image frame	of the

     mvSetEndFrame(3dm)	chooses	the image frame	at which you would like	the
     Movie Playback Library to stop playback for the specified movie.  The
     default value for this option is the last image frame in the movie.  The
     last image	frame is one less than the duration of the movie divided by
     the movie's time scale multiplied by the image rate of the	first image
     track.  Symbolically,

	 endFrame = movieDuration/movieTimeScale*imageRate - 1

     where movieDuration is a value returned from mvGetMovieDuration(3dm)
     and imageRate is a	value returned from mvGetImageRate(3dm)	for
     the first image track in the movie.  If the movie has no image track,
     imageRate defaults	to 15 frames per second.

     For MV_FORMAT_MPEG1 movies, the default end frame is
     MV_FRAME_MAX until	the entire duration of the movie has been scanned.
     Once the MPEG1 movie has been scanned, the	default	value for the

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mvStartEndFrame(3dm)					  mvStartEndFrame(3dm)

     end frame is the last frame in the	MPEG1 movie.

     mvGetStartFrame(3dm) returns the current frame at
     which the Movie Playback Library will start playback for the
     specified movie.

     mvGetStartFrame(3dm) returns the current frame at
     which the Movie Playback Library will stop	playback for the
     specified movie.

     To	play only a portion of a movie,	use
     mvSetStartFrame(3dm) to choose the	starting point of
     the clip you wish to show,	and mvSetEndFrame(3dm) to
     choose the	end point of the clip.

     To	loop or	swing playback for a portion of	a movie, use
     mvSetStartFrame(3dm) to choose the	starting point of
     the clip you wish to show,	and mvSetEndFrame(3dm) to
     choose the	end point of the clip.	Then use the loop mode
     calls to choose the looping behavior you want.

     The start frame value must	always be at less than or equal
     to	the end	frame value (see mvSetEndFrame(3dm)).

     If	the current frame is outside the range you specify with
     mvSetStartFrameV_LOOP_CONTINUOUSLY), reset the current
     frame to a	point within the range and change direction
     (MV_LOOP_SWINGING), or stop playback

     The time-based versions of	these routines provide the same
     feature set with two small	caveats.  mvSetStartTime(3dm)
     returns DM_FAILURE	if the requested start time is less than
     zero or greater than or equal to the movie	duration.
     mvSetEndTime(3dm) returns DM_FAILURE if the requested
     end time is less than zero	or greater than	the duration
     of	the movie.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     mvBindOpenGLWindow(3dm), mvIntro(3dm), mvPlay(3dm),
     mvSetCurrentTime(3dm), mvSetPlayLoopMode(3dm), mvStop(3dm).

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 2222
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