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iflMT(3)	  Image	Format Library C++ Reference Manual	      iflMT(3)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     iflMT, iflQT, iflMV - a multi-track movie file

HEADER FILE    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <ifl/iflMT.h>

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     Movie files consist of image and audio data, which	are stored in parallel
     tracks.  A	movie file may consist of multiple tracks of data, and each
     track may contain either image or audio information.  A movie file's
     multi-track structure is very useful in multi-media applications where
     visual output in one track	has to be synchronized with audio output in

     This structure, which allows related data to be grouped together while
     remaining in separate and distinct	tracks,	makes movie files a logical
     storage format for	confocal microscopes.  In many cases, users of
     confocal microscopes examine a single sample at multiple wavelengths;  it
     only makes	sense to store data generated from these separate channels (or
     "labels") in different image tracks.

   About Multi-track file objects.    [Toc]    [Back]
     The Image Format Library does not support the concept of "tracks":	 IFL
     assumes that all datafiles	consist	of a single track of data laid out in
     sequential	fashion. For image files containing multi-track	data, this
     causes two	problems:

     1.	 IFL does not provide any generic mechanism to switch between
	 different tracks in a single image file.  Fortunately,	IFL provides a
	 way around this:  the iflFile base class (which defines the core
	 functionality of all IFL file objects)	includes "getTag" and "setTag"
	 methods that can be used to fetch and modify various attributes of an
	 image file.  Both the QuickTime and SGI derived objects provide
	 extensions to these methods that allow	applications to	change the
	 current track that is operated	upon.

     2.	 Since the IFL cache has no notion of multiple tracks of image data,
	 it will get hopelessly	confused if an application changes the image
	 track currently being operated	on.  For example, suppose an
	 application read frames 0, 1, and 2 from track	#0 into	the IFL
	 caches, then changes the current track	to track #1.  Clearly, we need
	 to load frames	0, 1, and 2 again, since we are	dealing	with a
	 different track of image; as far as the IFL cache is concerned,
	 however, there	is no need to reload images 0, 1, and 2	of track #1,
	 as they are already resident in memory;

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iflMT(3)	  Image	Format Library C++ Reference Manual	      iflMT(3)

	 The user MUST flush the IFL cache whenever it is changed.  Since the
	 iflFile object	(which is the base class of iflMTFile object) is not
	 derived from the ilCacheImg class, it cannot automatically flush the
	 cache for the user.  The user application flushes the cache by
	 calling the "flush" method of the ilFileImg object as follows:

	       ilFileImg *fileImage;


   Fun Facts    [Toc]    [Back]
     1.	 QuickTime and Movie files support only	one compression	mode each for
	 write operations (read	operations seem	to be able to recognize	more.)
	 Quicktime supports iflPACKBITS, and SGI supports iflSGIRLE.  Both
	 modes support iflNoCompression.

     2.	 I have	only tested this code for reading and writing image files with
	 sequential pixel ordering (i.e. iflSequential.)  I have no idea how
	 it will behave	with iflSeparate pixel ordering	(where the pixel
	 components are	stored on separate planes.)  Since the vast majority
	 of movie files	use sequential pixel ordering, this shouldn't be a

     3.	 Deleting a frame or a track from a movie file does NOT	result in the
	 automatic release of the disk storage space used by that frame	or
	 track;	deleted	frames and tracks remain in the	movie file as a
	 place-holder. Users should use	the iflMToptimizeMovie extension to
	 the setTag method to force the	movie file to release the unused space
	 taken up by deleted frames or tracks.

     4.	 The "correct" way to insert a new image to a file in IFL is to	call
	 the "appendImg" method.  AppendImg is used by the iflMTFile object to
	 create	a space	holder image, which is later written over by the
	 object's setPage method.  Since the place holder is always deleted,
	 the resulting file will always	have to	be optimized, which is a very
	 time-consuming	process.  As described above, deleting an image	does
	 not free up the its disk space.  This method of appending images is
	 not very efficient.

	 As an alternative, an extension has been provided that	allows the
	 application to	create an image	and write to it	in one step.  This
	 extension is called iflMTinsertFrame, and is invoked using the
	 "setTag" method.  As long as no frames	or tracks are deleted, movie
	 files created this way	do not need to be optimized.

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iflMT(3)	  Image	Format Library C++ Reference Manual	      iflMT(3)

Multi-track support    [Toc]    [Back]

   Setting multi-track attributes using	setTag()
     The following operations extend the generic IFL setTag mechanism to
     support multi-track movie files, allowing a user to select	a single
     track, set	movie, track and image (in QuickTime files) parameters,	append
     a track, remove a track, and optimize the movie file.  The	prototype of
     the setTag	method is:

	       iflStatus iflQTFile::setTag(int tag, va_list ap);

	       input : tag - token identifying the type	of item	to be set.
		       ap  - variable list containing items to be set.

     The tag parameter identifies the operation	to be performed, and the
     variable list contains the	parameters required by the specified
     operation.	 Since the contents of the variable list are NOT checked, the
     application programmer must be VERY careful to pass the correct values,
     the correct TYPE of values, and the correct NUMBER	of values in the
     correct order.  The following list	describes the extensions available
     using the ifl setTag mechanism.

	tag: iflMTsetFrameTaggedParam
	  description: inserts the string pointed to by	"tag_data" into	the
			the parameter list of the current frame.  The string
			is referenced by the name string pointed to by
	  parameter 1: char* tag_name
	  parameter 2: char* tag_data

	tag: iflMTsetFrameAllParams
	  description: inserts an array	of strings pointed to by "tags"	into
			the parameter list of the current frame.  These
			are referenced by name strings contained in the	string
			array pointed to by "labels".  Both the	tags and
			arrays contain the number of strings specified by the
			"number_of_strings" parameter; there is	a one-to-one
			correspondence between the data	strings	in the "tags"
			array and the name strings in the "labels" array.
	  parameter 1: int number_of_strings
	  parameter 2: char** labels
	  parameter 3: char** tags

	tag: iflMTsetMovieHeaderTaggedParam
	  description: inserts the string pointed to by	"tag_data" into	the
			the parameter list of the movie.  The string
			is referenced by the name string pointed to by
	   parameter 1:	char* tag_name
	   parameter 2:	char* tag_data

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	tag: iflMTsetMovieHeaderAllParams
	  description: inserts an array	of strings pointed to by "tags"	into
			the parameter list of the movie.  These	strings
			are referenced by name strings contained in the	string
			array pointed to by "labels".  Both the	tags and
			arrays contain the number of strings specified by the
			"number_of_strings" parameter; there is	a one-to-one
			correspondence between the data	strings	in the "tags"
			array and the name strings in the "labels" array.
	   parameter 1:	int number_of_strings
	   parameter 2:	char** labels
	   parameter 3:	char** tags

	tag: iflMTsetTrackHeaderTaggedParam
	  description: inserts the string pointed to by	"tag_data" into	the
			the parameter list of the track.  The string
			is referenced by the name string pointed to by
	   parameter 1:	char* tag_name
	   parameter 2:	char* tag_data

	tag: iflMTsetTrackHeaderAllParams
	  description: inserts an array	of strings pointed to by "tags"	into
			the parameter list of the track.  These	strings
			are referenced by name strings contained in the	string
			array pointed to by "labels".  Both the	tags and
			arrays contain the number of strings specified by the
			"number_of_strings" parameter; there is	a one-to-one
			correspondence between the data	strings	in the "tags"
			array and the name strings in the "labels" array.
	   parameter 1:	int    number_of_strings
	   parameter 2:	char** labels
	   parameter 3:	char** tags

	tag: iflMTappendImageTrack
	  description: appends a new image track to the	movie at the current
			track index; all following tracks are bumped one
	   parameter 1:	int xSize
	   parameter 2:	int ySize
	   parameter 3:	iflColorModel  colorModel
	   parameter 4:	iflOrientation orientation
	   parameter 5:	iflCompression compression

	tag: iflMTappendAudioTrack
	  description: appends a new audio frame to the	current	track at the
			current	index; all following frames are	bumped one
			posiion.  This extension assumes that the current
			track is an audio track.
	   parameter 1:	int    bitsPerSample

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	   parameter 2:	double samplingRate

	tag: iflMTremoveCurrentTrack
	  description: removes the current track from the movie.
	  No parameters.

	tag: iflMTsetCurrentTrack
	  description: selects the current track of the	movie file.  This
		       may be either an	audio or an image track.
	  parameter 1: int index

	tag: iflMTsetImageTrack
	  description: selects an image	track to be the	current	track.
	  parameter 1: int index

	tag: iflMTsetAudioTrack
	  description: selects an audio	track to be the	current	track.
	  parameter 1: int index

	tag: iflMTinsertFrame
	  description: inserts an image	frame into the current track at	the
			current	frame index.  This extension assumes that the
			current	track is an image track.
	  parameter 1: void* ptr
	  parameter 2: int   length

	 tag: iflMTremoveFrame
	  description: deletes the current frame from the current track.
	  No parameters.

	tag: iflMToptimizeMovie
	  description: cleans up the movie file, removing all deleted images
			from the movie file.

   Fetching multi-track	attributes using getTag()
     The following operations extend the generic IFL "getTag" mechanism	to
     support multi-track movie files, allowing a user to determine the state
     of	the multi-track	file.  Using "getTag", an application can query	the
     current track; read movie,	track and image	(for QuickTime files)
     parameters; determine the frame height and	width; and query the track

     The prototype of the getTag method	is:

	      iflStatus	iflQTFile::getTag(int tag, va_list ap)

	      input : tag - token identifying the type of item to be read.
		      ap  - variable list containing items to be read.

     The tag parameter identifies the operation	to be performed, and the

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iflMT(3)	  Image	Format Library C++ Reference Manual	      iflMT(3)

     variable list contains the	parameters required by the specified
     operation.	 Since the contents of the variable list are NOT checked, the
     application programmer must be VERY careful to pass the correct values,
     the correct TYPE of values, and the correct NUMBER	of values in the
     correct order.  The following list	describes the extensions available
     using the ifl getTag mechanism.

	 tag: iflMTgetFrameTaggedParam
	   description:	retrieves the data string referred to by the name
			 pointed by "tag_name" from the	parameter list of the
			 current image frame.  This data string	is placed
			 into the string pointed to by "tag_data".  The
			 length	of the "tag_data string	is contained in
	   parameter 1:	char* tag_name
	   parameter 2:	int   dst_length
	   parameter 3:	char* tag_data

	  tag: iflMTgetFrameAllParams
	    description: retrieves the data strings referred to	by the name
			  strings stored in "labels" from the parameter	list
			  the current image frame.  These data strings are
			  stored in the	string array "tags".  The maximum
			  of all strings stored	in "tags" is stored in
			  "max_string_length", and the number of strings
			  in both "labels" and "tags" is contained in
			  "number_of_strings".	There is a one-to-one
			  correspondence between the name strings stored in
			  "labels" and the data	strings	stored in "tags".
	    parameter 1: int number_of_strings
	    parameter 2: char**	labels
	    parameter 3: char**	tags
	    parameter 4: int	max_string_length

	   tag:	iflMTgetTrackHeaderTaggedParam
	    description: retrieves the data string referred to by the name
			  pointed by "tag_name"	from the parameter list	of the
			  current track.  This data string is placed
			  into the string pointed to by	"tag_data".  The
			  length of the	"tag_data string is contained in
	    parameter 1: char* tag_name
	    parameter 2: int   dst_length
	    parameter 3: char* tag_data

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	   tag:	iflMTgetTrackHeaderAllParams
	    description: retrieves the data strings referred to	by the name
			  strings stored in "labels" from the parameter	list
			  the current track.  These data strings are
			  stored in the	string array "tags".  The maximum
			  of all strings stored	in "tags" is stored in
			  "max_string_length", and the number of strings
			  in both "labels" and "tags" is contained in
			  "number_of_strings".	There is a one-to-one
			  correspondence between the name strings stored in
			  "labels" and the data	strings	stored in "tags".
	    parameter 1: int number_of_strings
	    parameter 2: char**	labels
	    parameter 3: char**	tags
	    parameter 4: int	max_string_length

	   tag:	iflMTgetMovieHeaderTaggedParam
	    description: retrieves the data string referred to by the name
			  pointed by "tag_name"	from the parameter list	of the
			  movie.  This data string is placed into the string
			  pointed to by	"tag_data".  The maximum length	of the
			  "tag_data string is contained	in "dst_length".
	    parameter 1: char* tag_name
	    parameter 2: int   max_string_length
	    parameter 3: char* tag_data

	   tag:	iflMTgetMovieHeaderAllParams
	    description: retrieves the data strings referred to	by the name
			  strings stored in "labels" from the parameter	list
			  the movie.  These data strings are stored in the
			  string array "tags".	The maximum length of all
			  strings stored in "tags" is stored in
			  "max_string_length", and the number of strings
			  in both "labels" and "tags" is contained in
			  "number_of_strings".	There is a one-to-one
			  correspondence between the name strings stored in
			  "labels" and the data	strings	stored in "tags".
	    parameter 1: int number_of_strings
	    parameter 2: char**	labels
	    parameter 3: char**	tags
	    parameter 4: int	max_string_length

	   tag:	iflMTgetNumberOfTracks
	    description: retrieves the number of tracks	in the movie and
			  it in	the location pointed to	by "number_of_tracks."

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	    parameter 1: int*  number_of_tracks

	   tag:	iflMTgetNumberOfFramesInTrack
	    description: retrieves the number of frames	in the current track
			  places it in the location pointed to by
	    parameter 1: int* number_of_frames

	   tag:	iflMTgetFrameHeight
	    description: retrieves the number of pixels	in the vertical
			  in the current frame and places it in	the location
			  pointed to by	"height".
	    parameter 1: int* height

	   tag:	iflMTgetFrameWidth
	    description: retrieves the number of pixels	in the horizontal
			  dimension in the current frame and places it in the
			  location pointed to by "height".
	    parameter 1: int* width

	   tag:	iflMTgetNumberOfAudioTracks
	    description: retrieves the number of audio tracks in the movie and
			  places it in the location pointed to by
	    parameter 1: int* number_of_audio_tracks

	   tag:	iflMTgetNumberOfImageTracks
	    description: retrieves the number of image tracks in the movie and
			  places it in the location pointed to by
	    parameter 1: int* number_of_image_tracks

	   tag:	iflMTgetTrackMedium
	    description: determines the	type of	medium stored in the current
			  track	and places it in the location pointed to by
	    parameter 1: int* track_medium

	Returns: if iflOKAY => tagged data successfully	read from Movie	frame.
		 else	    => error reading tagged data from Movie frame.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     iflFile, ilFileImg,

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 8888
[ Back ]
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