glcGetMaxCharMetric(3G) OpenGL Character Renderer glcGetMaxCharMetric(3G)
glcGetMaxCharMetric - measure layout of characters
GLfloat* glcGetMaxCharMetric( GLCenum inMetric,
GLfloat *outVec )
inMetric Specifies the metric to measure, either GLC_BASELINE or
outVec Specifies a vector in which to store the value of outVec for
the specified character.
glcGetMaxCharMetric measures the layout that would result from rendering
all mapped characters at the same origin. This contrasts with
glcGetStringCharMetric, which measures characters as part of a string,
that is, influenced by kerning, ligatures, and so on.
The command stores the value of the metric identified by inMetric in
outVec. Currently, you can choose from GLC_BASELINE and GLC_BOUNDS. If
you choose GLC_BOUNDS, the vector returned in outVec starts at the lower
left corner and continues in a counterclockwise direction.
If the command does not raise an error, its return value is outVec.
GLC_STATE_ERROR is generated if the issuing thread has no current GLC
glcGetCharMetric, glcGetStringCharMetric, glcMeasureCountedString,
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