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  man pages->IRIX man pages -> dmedia/sfkeywords (1)              


sfkeywords(1)							 sfkeywords(1)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     sfkeywords	- soundfile keywords used in sfinfo, sfplay, and sfconvert

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Many of the sf programs require descriptions of soundfile formats.	 These
     descriptions are always specified using the same set of keywords, which
     are given one after the other on the command line,	separated by spaces.

	  byteorder e	 endian	(e is big or little)
	  channels n	 n-channel file	(1 or 2)
	  rate r	 sampling rate r, in Hertz
	  format f	 file format f (see below)
	  integer n s	 n-bit integer file, where s is:
			      2scomp: 2's complement signed data
			      unsigned:	unsigned data
	  float	m	 floating point	file, maxamp m (usually	1.0)
	  mulaw		 mulaw file (8-bit only)
	  dataoff o	 data starts at	byte offset o (for raw data)

     The keywords do not need to be spelled out; only the first	character, or
     the first 2 characters for	'float'	and 'format', is required.

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     These keywords are	used in	situations where information about a soundfile
     format is needed, such as in sfconvert:

	  sfconvert in.snd out.aif format aiff integer 16 2 chan 2

     Specifies a stereo, 16-bit	(2's complement	signed)	integer	aiff file.

     Note that some keywords, such as 'integer', require parameters.  These
     parameters	can also be abbreviated, except	for the	parameter of the
     'format' keyword.

     The 'format' keyword specifies the	file format.  Currently	supported file
     formats are:

	  aiff	  Audio	Interchange File Format
	  aifc	  AIFF-C File Format
	  next	  NeXT/Sun Format
	  wave	  MS RIFF WAVE Format

     The 'channels' and	'rate' keywords	are fairly straightforward.  They
     simply specify how	many interleaved channels of data the soundfile	has
     and what sampling rate the	data is	meant to be played at (in Hertz).

     Here are some notes on sampling rates:

     Some files, particularly mulaw-encoded 8-bit NeXT soundfiles, have	a
     sampling rate of 8012.8210513 Hz, which is	often abbreviated to 8012.82

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sfkeywords(1)							 sfkeywords(1)

     Hz	or 8.013 kHz.  When converting another file to a file with this
     sampling rate, you	should be sure to specify the full-precision rate.
     Otherwise some programs may not recognize the file	as playable.  WAVE
     files store sampling rate as an integral number of	samples	per second,
     therefore they cannot support this	sampling rate.

     The sfconvert and soundfiler utilities will perform high-quality linear
     phase sampling rate conversion between the	standard rates 8000, 11025,
     16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, and 48000 Hz.	For conversions	where the
     source or target rate is not one of these standard	rates, sfconvert and
     soundfiler	use a lower-quality algorithm, and issue a warning to this
     effect.  For these	lower-quality conversions, some	loss of	quality	is
     likely, and audible artifacts may occur in	the output sound, especially
     on	conversions from a higher to a lower sampling rate.  This lower
     quality algorithm,	which was present in earlier releases, uses thirdorder
 polynomial interpolation and	does marginal anti-aliasing.  A	highquality
 algorithm capable of conversion between arbitrary pairs of
     sampling rates is under development.

     In	order to allow high-quality rate conversion in fairly common cases, if
     you attempt to convert an 8012.8210513 Hz soundfile to a soundfile	with
     any standard rate except 8000 Hz, sfconvert and soundfiler	will assume
     the input rate is 8000 Hz and perform the conversion, again issuing a
     warning to	this effect.  If the -0.16 % shift in pitch (less than three
     hundredths	of a semitone) is not acceptable, you can first	convert	the
     8012.8210513 Hz soundfile into a 8000 Hz soundfile	and then convert the
     8000 Hz soundfile to another standard rate, as in the following:

	  sfconvert in.aiff  temp.aiff rate 8000
	  sfconvert temp.aiff out.aiff rate 16000

     In	this case sfconvert and	soundfiler will	use the	older algorithm, which
     is	of acceptable quality for small	changes	in sampling rate, to do	the
     first conversion, and the new algorithm to	do the second conversion with
     the best quality.

     The dual of the previous conversion is possible with a similar procedure.
     You may convert from any standard rate to 8012.8210513 Hz by first
     converting	to 8000	Hz, and	then to	8012.8210513 Hz:

	  sfconvert in.aiff  temp.aiff rate 8000
	  sfconvert temp.aiff out.aiff rate 8012.8210513

     The 'integer', 'float', and 'mulaw' keywords are mutually exclusive
     (although no error	will be	reported if you	use more than 1).  Each
     specifies the encoding format of the actual samples themselves:

     - an 'integer' soundfile stores sound information as simple unsigned or
     2's complement 1-32 bit integers.	In the signed case, 0 is the zero
     signal level.  In the unsigned case, (2^b)/2 is the zero signal level,
     where b is	the number of bits per integer.

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     - a 'mulaw' soundfile, which for these programs must be in	8-bit format,
     stores companded 13-bit sample values in an 8-bit,	unsigned-like format.
     If	you play a mulaw file using sfplay, its	samples	are automatically
     converted to 16-bit samples which the audio hardware can output.

     - a 'float' soundfile consists of IEEE standard floating point numbers.
     Generally,	-1.0 represents	full negative amplitude	and 1.0	represents
     full positive amplitude, but it is	quite possible to generate a soundfile
     with sample values	of magnitude greater than 1.0.	For this reason, the
     'float' keyword takes an argument as to what value	should be treated as
     full maximum amplitude.  This is usually 1.0.  If you play	a floating
     point file	using sfplay, its sample values	are automatically scaled based
     on	a 1.0 maxamp and converted to 24-bit integers which the	audio hardware
     can output.

     When converting floating point data to integer data and vice versa, the
     sf	programs always	assume that the	highest	positive value ((2^b)/2-1 for
     b-bit 2's complement integers) maps to the	floating point maximum
     amplitude,	usually	1.0.  For example, when	converting 16-bit 2's
     complement	integers to floats of maximum amplitude	1.0, 32767 will	map to
     +1.0, and -32767 will map to -1.0.	 This was done so that it is possible
     to	convert	a floating point file to an integer file without clipping a
     value off the positive end	of the integral	range.	This means that	when
     converting	ints to	floats,	it is possible that there will be one value in
     the output	file that is less than -maxamp where maxamp is the maximum
     amplitude specified after the 'float' keyword.  If	this is	a problem, use
     a slightly	different maximum amplitude which puts all output values
     inside the	actual desired maximum amplitude.

     The 'byteorder' keyword specifies the byte	ordering (endian) of the data.
     This only applies to > 8 bit data,	and is currently only consulted	for
     integer data.  Integer data can be	big endian, meaning it conforms	to SGI
     MIPS / Motorola byte ordering, or it can be little	endian,	meaning	it
     conforms to Intel byte ordering.  All formats supported by	the sf
     programs use big endian except WAVE.  Any >8 bit raw file transferred
     to/from a PC should be converted to/from little endian (respectively).
     For UNIX and Macintosh (t.m.)  files, big endian data is almost always
     desired, and it is	the default.  Note that	little endian floating point
     representations are currently not supported.  In the soundfiler program,
     big endian	is always assumed for raw data,	AIFF, and AIFF-C, and little
     endian is assumed for WAVE.

     The 'dataoff' keyword is used only	when specifying	the format of raw
     data.  This feature can be	useful if you have a file which	contains some
     sound data	that starts somewhere in the middle of the file.  The offset
     is	given in bytes from the	beginning of the file.

     The 'dataoff' keyword can be used to convert or play a soundfile in a
     format that the sf	programs do not	recognize, if the offset of the	sound
     data can be determined.  It would then be possible	to convert the file to
     an	aiff or	other file which is more easily	manipulated on Silicon
     Graphics machines.

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sfkeywords(1)							 sfkeywords(1)

CAVEATS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Some keywords only	make sense in certain contexts:

     - 'channels', 'rate', 'integer', 'float', 'mulaw' can be used anywhere.

     - 'format'	does not make sense when describing the	format of raw
     (headerless) data.	 Its purpose is	to specify which type of header	(aiff,
     next, wave, etc.)	to format the file with.

     - 'dataoff' only makes sense when describing raw data, since the offset
     of	the sound data is known	for soundfiles which have headers.

BUGS    [Toc]    [Back]

     See the above discussion about rate conversion for	an important note
     about conversion to/from a	nonstandard rate (standard rates are those
     which appear on the Audio Control Panel).

     Note that no dithering is done on conversions from	integers of higher
     resolution	to lower resolution.  This will	be amended in a	future

     There should be a 'datasize' keyword to use with 'dataoff'	when
     converting	a soundfile of an unsupported format to	a playable file.  This
     is	coming.	 Currently sfconvert assumes that the sound data continues to
     the end of	the file.

AUTHOR    [Toc]    [Back]

     Silicon Graphics Inc.; Apple Computer, Inc. for AIFF code.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     intro(3a) for more	about the  audio  library.  sfplay(1), sfinfo(1),
     sfconvert(1), soundfiler(1).

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 4444
[ Back ]
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