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  man pages->IRIX man pages -> dmedia/mediaconvert (1)              


mediaconvert(1)						       mediaconvert(1)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     mediaconvert, moviemaster,	soundfiler, movieconvert - digital media file
     conversion	tool

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     mediaconvert [-b] [filename]

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     mediaconvert is a graphical tool for converting between different audio,
     image, and	movie file formats.  Internally, mediaconvert invokes the
     command-line conversion utility dmconvert(1).

     -b	  Causes mediaconvert to print status and debug	information.  This
	  includes the command-line that is used to invoke dmconvert(1).

     mediaconvert, formerly called moviemaster,	replaces the soundfiler	and
     movieconvert tools	that shipped in	previous releases.  It provides	a
     superset of the file conversion functionality available from the old

     mediaconvert supports a variety of	audio, image, and movie	file
     conversions including:

	 audio file			--> audio file
	 image sequence			--> image sequence
	 image sequence			--> movie
	 movie				--> movie
	 movie				--> image sequence
	 movie				--> audio file
	 audio file + image sequence	--> movie
	 audio file + video-only movie	--> movie

     mediaconvert supports the same file formats as dmconvert(1).

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     dmconvert(1), dminfo(1), dmplay(1), dmrecord(1),
     soundplayer(1), soundeditor(1),
     imgcopy(1), imginfo(1), imgview(1), imgworks(1),
     mediaplayer(1), mediarecorder(1), moviemaker(1)

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 1111
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