mediaconvert(1) mediaconvert(1)
mediaconvert, moviemaster, soundfiler, movieconvert - digital media file
conversion tool
mediaconvert [-b] [filename]
mediaconvert is a graphical tool for converting between different audio,
image, and movie file formats. Internally, mediaconvert invokes the
command-line conversion utility dmconvert(1).
-b Causes mediaconvert to print status and debug information. This
includes the command-line that is used to invoke dmconvert(1).
mediaconvert, formerly called moviemaster, replaces the soundfiler and
movieconvert tools that shipped in previous releases. It provides a
superset of the file conversion functionality available from the old
mediaconvert supports a variety of audio, image, and movie file
conversions including:
audio file --> audio file
image sequence --> image sequence
image sequence --> movie
movie --> movie
movie --> image sequence
movie --> audio file
audio file + image sequence --> movie
audio file + video-only movie --> movie
mediaconvert supports the same file formats as dmconvert(1).
dmconvert(1), dminfo(1), dmplay(1), dmrecord(1),
soundplayer(1), soundeditor(1),
imgcopy(1), imginfo(1), imgview(1), imgworks(1),
mediaplayer(1), mediarecorder(1), moviemaker(1)
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