ILPTOPS(1) Printing Tools ILPTOPS(1)
ilptops - convert a text file into a PostScript file
ilptops [-B #] [-C n] [-D] [-E header]
[-F fontlist] [-G] [-H] [-I #] [-J printer]
[-K n] [-L #] [-M n] [-N [tb][lcr]n]
[-O #] [-P #] [-Q] [-R #] [-T #] [-U]
[-V] [-W] [-X] [-2] [-a] [-h #] [-l locale name]
[-m map file] [-p bitmap size] [-w #] infiles
ilptops converts a text file into a PostScript file for printing on an
Apple LaserWriter, or any other PostScript-compatible output device. It
supports selection of a variety of fonts at arbitrary point sizes, margin
specification, portrait and landscape page orientation, automatic page
numbering, page outlining, and multi-column printing. It is similar to
ilptops (1) except that it processes supplementary code set characters
according to the locale specified in the LC_CTYPE environment variables
[see LANG on environ(5)]. The -l options overrides LC_CTYPE. It also has
the capability to download bitmap and Type 1 fonts to printers.
In the option descriptions below, physical dimensions described as # may
be specified as a single number with an optional fractional part, and a
required two-letter unit designator. Letter case is ignored. Possible
forms are:
#.##bp big point (1in=72bp) [Courier: 120.000/Pbp cpi]
#.##cm centimeter [Courier: 4.233/Pcm cpi]
#.##in inch [Courier: 1.667/Pin cpi]
#.##mm millimeter (10mm=1cm) [Courier: 42.333/Pmm cpi]
#.##pt point (72.27pt=1in) [Courier: 120.450/Ppt cpi]
The bracketed values give the number of characters per inch (cpi) for a
point size of P units with the fixed-width Courier font.
Options are parsed left to right. So, always the most recent option is
considered when there is a conflict. For example,
ilptops -U -X
here, -X will be considered.
The letter case is ignored in the options and the following options may
appear in any order.
-B # Bottom margin of #.
-C n Print n copies of each page.
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-D Use the Standard PostScript character set for text fonts. If this
option is not specified, the program will check whether the
specified font contains ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) characters. If so, it
will use the ISO 8859-1 character set. Otherwise, it will use the
default character set for the specified font.
-E header
The header string will be used to print the gaudy header if -G
option is turned on. This flag has no effect if -G is not used.
-F fontlist
Comma seperated list of PostScript fontnames to be used with every
codeset. Possible values with acceptable short abbreviations (formed
from the upper-case letters in the font names) are as follows. The
following 35 typefaces are available on most of the PostScript
printers. Some old printers may support only the first 13 typefaces.
Full Name Abbreviation
Courier C
Courier-Bold CB
Courier-BoldOblique CBO
Courier-Oblique CO
Helvetica H
Helvetica-Bold HB
Helvetica-BoldOblique HBO
Helvetica-Oblique HO
Symbol S
Times-Bold TB
Times-BoldItalic TBI
Times-Italic TI
Times-Roman T
AvantGarde-Book AGB
AvantGarde-BookOblique AGBO
AvantGarde-Demi AGD
AvantGarde-DemiOblique AGDO
Bookman-Demi BD
Bookman-DemiItalic BDI
Bookman-Light BL
Bookman-LightItalic BLI
Helvetica-Narrow HN
Helvetica-Narrow-Bold HNB
Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique HNBO
Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique HNO
NewCenturySchlbk-Bold NCSB
NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic NCSBI
NewCenturySchlbk-Italic NCSI
NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NCSR
Palatino-Bold PB
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Palatino-BoldItalic PBI
Palatino-Italic PI
Palatino-Roman PR
ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZCMI
ZapfDingbats ZD
The user is not limited to the above 35 typefaces. If there are any
additional fonts that have been downloaded into the PostScript
printer, then they can be used by specifying them through fontname.
If the requested font is not found, then the PostScript interpreter
will substitute it with a Courier font. Alternatively, the user can
opt to download fonts to the printer if the corresponding outline
font is not available int the printer.. The fontname is as
specified by the ps2xlfd_map.* file [ see type1xfonts(1) ] and the
download flag in the ilptops_map.* file shoule be 1.
Only the Courier fonts have fixed widths like typewriter and line
printer fonts. The others are proportionally spaced for improved
readability, and consequently, tabular material will not line up
properly with them.
-G Turn on page decorations. Prints Date,Time,File name and Page
number. If a header is specified with the -E option, it will
override file name.
-H Horizontal page orientation (landscape mode) instead of vertical
page orientation (portrait mode).
-I # Top margin of # for initial page (for letterheads); if not
specified, it will default to the value given for the top margin by
default or by the -T# command.
-J printer
The printer on which the document ( output ) is going to be printed.
The printer has to be installed on the system. If this option is not
specified, ilptops assumes 8.5x11in page size and 0.35in margins.
-K n The maximum number of lines to be printed on the page. Default is 66
-L # Left margin of #.
-M n Multiple column output (n columns). In multiple column mode,
formfeeds cause column breaks instead of page breaks.
-N [tb][lcr]n
Number output pages. The number is placed by default in the center
of the top margin, but the margin can be selected explicitly by t
(top) or b (bottom), and the position of the page number can be
further specified by l (left), c (center), or r (right). If an
initial top margin value is given with the -I# option, numbering
will be omitted on the first page if it is at the top. Pages are
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unnumbered if this option is not specified.
-O # Draw a # unit wide outline for pages/columns. In multi-column mode a
rectangular box is drawn around each column. A 0.4pt width outline
is an optimal choice for this option.
-P # Font point size. The point size also determines the interline
-Q Turn on debug messages.
-R # Right margin of #.
-T # Top margin of #.
-U Output pages in unsorted (first to last) order instead of in sorted
(page reversed) order; some PostScript printers have page handlers
that stack the paper in this order. The default is sorted because
this is appropriate for the most common PostScript printer,the Apple
LaserWriter. Note that the newer Apple LaserWriter II series stacks
pages reversed. Therefore, the -U option should be used when sending
print jobs to a LaserWriter II printer.
-V Vertical page orientation (portrait mode) instead of Horizontal page
orientation (landscape mode).
-W Wraps long lines in the text instead of clipping them. ilptops reads
the character width information from fontmetric files in
/usr/lib/DPS/AFM to do the line width calculations. If the requested
font's fontmetrics file is not found, then ilptops ignores this
switch and defaults to clip mode. Default mode is to clip text in
long lines.
-X Output pages in sorted (last to first) order instead of in unsorted
(-U option) order; some printers have page handlers that stack the
paper in this order. The default is sorted because this is
appropriate for the most common PostScript printer, the Apple
-2 Output PostScript file has Level 2 features.
-a Adjusts lines according to the rules in mapfile. It has no effect
if the option -W is not used.
-h # Page height of #.
-l locale_name
Locale name. Default is the environment variable LANG.
-m map_file
Default is /usr/lib/print/ilptops_map.<locale>. Various locales
require their own map files. The map file includes font names,
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download, AFM flag and rules in the following format. Any line that
begins with a '#' is a comment. Columns are separated from by any
sequence of spaces or tabs.
Lines 1 - 4 has 4 columns, font_name , offset_values , download_flag
and AFM_flag a line each for each code set 0 - 3 respectively.
font_name can be the font name of either a PostScript printer or
IRIX Font Manager. offset_values is a hexadecimal integer tells the
difference in character code between text code and printer.
printer code = text code - offset_value
download_flag indicates whether ilptops should download the font to
the printer. With a value 1, the program generates Type 3 fonts in
the output PostScript file. It optimises the amount of data sent to
the printer by generating only the part of the font which is
required for printing the input text file. With a value 2, it simply
copy Type 1 fonts in the PostScript file. A value of 0 switches the
flag off.
AFM_flag indicates whether ilptops should use AFM to calculate
character width or not.
line 5 has 2 columns, bitmap_size and side_bearings. bitmap_size
indicates the preferred size of bitmap used when generating the Type
3 font to be downloaded to the printer and side_bearings is any
space that would be left around each character generated in the Type
3 font. They have no effect if download_flag is off.
Line 6 - 8 presents rules which are used to adjust wrapped lines.
Each line is a multi-byte character string. If the following
condition is satisfied, the line will be warped after current
{current character is in line 6} or
{{current character is not in line 7} and
{next character is not is line 8}}
It has no effect if the option -a is not used.
An example ilptops_map.cs files for the czech locale would be
# fontname offset download_flag AFM_flag
Fixed2 0x0 1 0
Fixed2 0x0 1 0
Courier 0x0 2 1
Courier 0x0 0 1
# font_size side_bearings
24 0
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The fontname Fixed2 in this example could have a specification in
the file /usr/lib/X11/fonts/ps2xlfd_map.latin2 as
# ps2xlfd_map.latin2
# This file is a mapping of PostScript and # Font Manager (FM)
# font names to templates # for 14-part (XLFD) X font names.
# The format of each line is:
# <fontname> <whitespace> <XLFDfontname> <newline>
# The XLFDfontname is an XLFD template. The values of:
# are set to 0.
Fixed2 -sgi-fixed-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-iso8859-2
Fixed2-Bold -sgi-fixed-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-iso8859-2
-p n Bitmap size used for generating Type 3 fonts. It has no effect if
download_flag is off.
-w # Page width of #.
Defaults are:
ilptops -B0.35in -C1 -FCourier -K66 -L0.35in -M1 -R0.35in -T0.35in
-X -h11.0in -w8.0in
Currently, ilptops is not able to handle files that generate more than
1024 total pages.
filter to convert text to PostScript.
Locale dependent map files.
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