acct, chargefee, ckpacct, dodisk, lastlogin, monacct, nulladm,
prctmp, prdaily, prtacct, remove, shutacct, startup,
turnacct - Provide accounting commands for shell scripts
chargefee User Number
ckpacct [BlockSize]
dodisk [-o] [File...]
monacct [Number]
nulladm [File...]
prctmp File...
prdaily [[-l] [mmdd]] | [-c]
prtacct [-f Specification] [-v] File ['Heading']
shutacct ['Reason']
turnacct on | off | switch
There are a number of commands in the /usr/sbin/acct
directory that, along with other accounting commands,
enable you to produce a wide range of system accounting
records and files. For example, the runacct script
invokes some accounting commands and enables you to produce
daily accounting records and files. Some of the commands
in the acct directory are invoked when active
accounting files become too large, and other commands can
be used by a system administrator to perform periodic
accounting operations.
Daily and monthly accounting reports can be produced by
specifying commands in the /usr/var/spool/cron/crontabs
directory, which are processed by the cron daemon. These
accounting reports consist of a collection of records that
are produced at the end of any process and on a daily and
monthly periodic basis.
You can specify a prime-time period for any 24-hour weekday.
Prime-time hours are those contiguous hours of a
weekday for which premium fees might be charged for
resource use. Nonprime-time hours are those contiguous
hours that are not defined as prime time. Nonprime time
also includes weekends and any holidays listed in the file
When you set up accounting, you can include entries in the
/usr/spool/cron/crontabs/adm file to run the following
accounting commands: The ckpacct command checks the size
of the /var/adm/pacct process accounting files. The
runacct command includes other accounting shell scripts
and commands and creates daily and monthly accounting
files. The monacct command produces monthly summary
accounting files in the /var/adm/acct/fiscal accounting
subdirectory from the daily accounting files.
In addition, you can include the dodisk command in the
/usr/spool/cron/crontabs/root file. The dodisk command
creates disk usage accounting records.
The accounting commands are as follows: The chargefee command
is used by the system administrator to charge the
number of units specified by the Number operand to the
login name specified by the User operand. The Number value
may be an integer or a decimal value. The chargefee command
writes a record to the /var/adm/fee file. This information
is then merged with other accounting records with
the acctmerg command to create a daily /var/adm/fee
The chargefee command uses the printpw command to
get the list of all users stored in the password
database. The ckpacct command is used to check the
size of the active process accounting file,
/var/adm/pacct. Normally, the cron daemon processes
this command from the crontabs file. When
the size of the active data files exceeds the number
of blocks specified by the BlockSize operand,
the ckpacct command is used to invoke the turnacct
switch command to turn off process accounting. The
default value for the BlockSize operand is 500.
When the number of free disk blocks in the var file
system falls below 500, the ckpacct command is used
to inhibit process accounting by invoking the turnacct
off command. When at least 500 free disk
blocks are again available, account processing is
reactivated. This feature is sensitive to how frequently
ckpacct is run.
When the environment variable MAILCOM is set to
mail root adm, a mail message is sent to the superuser
(root) and to adm in case of an error. The
dodisk command initiates disk-usage accounting by
calling the diskusg command and the acctdisk command.
When you specify the -o option with the dodisk command,
a more thorough but slower version of disk
accounting by login directory is initiated with the
acctdusg command. Normally, the cron daemon runs
the dodisk command. The following option may be
used with the dodisk command: Calls the acctdusg
command instead of the diskusg command to initiate
disk accounting by login directory.
By default, the dodisk command does disk accounting
on special files recorded in the <filename>
/etc/fstab</filename> file. But when you specify
file names with the File operand, disk accounting
is done on only those files.
When you do not specify the -o option, the File
operand should specify special file names of
mountable file systems. When you specify both -o
and one or more File(s), File(s) should specify
mount points of mounted file systems. The lastlogin
command updates the /var/adm/acct/sum/loginlog
file to show the last date each user logged in.
Normally, the runacct procedure, running under the
cron daemon, calls this command and adds the information
to the daily report; however, the lastlogin
command can also be entered by the system administrator.
The lastlogin command uses the printpw
command to get a list of all users whose name and
user ID are stored in the password database file.
The monacct command collects daily or other periodic
accounting records into summary files in the
/var/adm/acct/fiscal subdirectory. After monthly
summary files are produced, monacct removes the old
accounting files from the /var/adm/acct/sum subdirectory
and replaces them with the newly created
summary files. The cron daemon should run this command
once each month on the first day of the following
month or some other specified day after all
the dailies have been produced. (The monacct example
shows how to enter this command for the cron
The Number operand is a numerical value in the
range 1 < n < 12 (where n is the month) that indicates
the month for which daily files are processed.
The default value used for the Number
operand is the current month. The monacct command
stores the newly created summary files in the
/var/adm/acct/fiscal subdirectory and restarts new
summary files in /var/adm/acct/sum, the cumulative
summaries to which daily record summaries are
appended. The nulladm command creates the file
specified in the File operand, gives read (r) and
write (w) permissions to the file owner and group,
read (r) permission to other users, and ensures
that the file owner and group is adm. Various
accounting shell procedures invoke the nulladm command.
The system administrator uses this command
to set up active data files, such as the
/var/adm/wtmp file. The system administrator may
use the prctmp command to output the session record
file specified by File and created by the acctcon1
command (this is normally the
/var/adm/acct/nite/ctmp file). The prdaily command
is invoked from the runacct shell procedure to format
an ASCII file of the accounting data of the
previous day. The records making up this file are
located in the /var/adm/acct/sum/rprtmmdd files,
where mmdd is the month and day for which the file
is produced. Use the mmdd operand to specify a date
other than the current day. The following options
may be used with the prdaily command: Reports
exceptional resource usage by command. May be used
only on accounting records for the current day.
Reports exceptional usage by login ID for the specified
date. The prtacct command formats and displays
any total accounting file specified by the
File operand; records for these files are defined
by a type tacct structure in the tacct.h include
file. You can enter the prtacct command to output
any tacct file to the default output device. For
example, you may output a daily report keyed to
connect time, to process time, to disk usage, and
to printer usage. To specify a title for the
report, specify a name for the Heading operand with
enclosed single or double quotes. The following
options may be used with the prtacct command:
Selects type tacct structure members to be output,
using the structure-member selection mechanism
specified for the acctmerg command. Produces verbose
output in which more precise notation is used
for floating-point numbers. Specifies a heading
for report members.
The type tacct structure defines a total accounting
record format, parts of which are used by various
accounting commands. Members of the type tacct
structure whose data types are specified as an
array of two double elements have both prime-time
and nonprime-time values. The type tacct structure
has the following members. User ID. A field for
the login name with the same number of characters
NSZ as the ut_user member of the utmp structure.
Cumulative CPU time in minutes. Cumulative K-core
time in minutes. Cumulative number of characters
transferred in blocks of 512 bytes. Cumulative
number of blocks read and written. Cumulative connect
time in minutes. Cumulative disk-usage time
in minutes. Queuing system (printer) fee in number
of pages. Special services fee expressed in units.
A count of the number of processes. A count of the
number of login sessions. A count of the number of
disk samples. The remove command deletes all<filename>
/var/adm/acct/sum/pacct*, and
/var/adm/acct/nite/lock* files as part of the daily
cleanup procedure called by the runacct command.
The shutacct command turns process accounting off
and adds a 'Reason' record to the /var/adm/wtmp
file. This command is usually invoked during a system
shutdown. The startup command turns on the
accounting functions and adds a reason record to
the /var/adm/wtmp file. Usually the startup command
is invoked by the /sbin/init.d/acct script
when the system is started up. The turnacct command
provides an interface to the accton command to
turn process accounting on or off, or to create a
new /var/adm/pacctn process accounting file. This
command can be executed only by a superuser or by
the adm login name. Only one of the arguments on,
off, or switch may be used: Turns process accounting
on. Turns process accounting off. The switch
option is used to create a new /var/adm/pacctn file
when the current /var/adm/pacctn file is too large.
The suffix n (where n is a positive integer) indicates
the previous active /var/adm/pacctn file.
After the currently active /var/adm/pacctn file is
renamed, a new active /var/adm/pacct file is created
and process accounting is restarted.
This command is usually called by the ckpacct command,
running under the cron daemon, to keep the
active pacct data file down to a manageable size.
You should not share accounting files among nodes in a
distributed environment. Each node should have its own
copy of the various accounting files.
When you are also using the sa command, sa does not know
whether information is stored in the incremental
/var/adm/pacctn file or in any other /var/adm/pacctn summary
file by the acct/* commands (see the turnacct command).
To charge smith for 10 units of work on a financial
report, enter: /usr/sbin/acct/chargefee smith 10
A record is created in the /var/adm/fee file, which
the acctmerg command is subsequently instructed to
merge with records in other accounting files to
produce the daily report. To check the size of a
/var/adm/pacctn summary accounting file, add the
following instruction to the
/usr/spool/cron/crontabs/adm file: 5 * * * *
This example shows another instruction that the
cron daemon reads and acts upon when it is included
in the /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/adm shell script
file. The ckpacct command is set to run at 5 minutes
past every hour (5 *) every day. This command
is only one of many accounting instructions normally
passed to the cron daemon from the
/usr/spool/cron/crontabs/adm shell script file.
See the System Administration manual for details.
To initiate disk-usage accounting, add the following
to the /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/root file: 0 2
* * 4 /usr/sbin/acct/dodisk
This example illustrates a shell script instruction
that the cron daemon reads and then processes. The
dodisk command runs at 2 a.m. (0 2) each Thursday
(4). This command is one of many accounting
instructions normally passed to the cron daemon
from a /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/adm shell script
file. See the System Administration manual for
details. To produce a monthly accounting report,
at the beginning of each month, add the following
instruction to the /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/adm
file: 15 5 1 * * /usr/sbin/acct/monacct
This example is an instruction that the cron daemon
reads and then processes. The monacct command runs
at 5:15 (15 5) the first day of each month (1).
This command is only one of many accounting
instructions normally passed to the cron daemon
from the /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/adm shell script
file. See the System Administration manual for
details. To turn on the accounting functions when
the system is started up, add the following to the
/etc/rc.config file: ACCOUNTING="YES"
To set the variable, use the following rcmgr command:
The startup shell procedure records the time and
cleans up the records produced the previous day.
Specifies the command path. Header files defining structures
used to organize accounting information. Accumulates
the fees charged to each login name. Current
database file for process accounting information. Another
process accounting database file, which is produced when
the /var/adm/pacct file gets too large. Login/logout
database file. Shell procedure that calculates limits for
exceptional usage by the login ID. Shell procedure that
calculates limits of exceptional usage by command name.
Working directory that contains daily accounting database
files. Contains information about file systems. Working
subdirectory that contains accounting summary database
Commands: acctcms(8), acctcom(8), acctcon(8), acctmerg(8),
acctprc(8), cron(8), fwtmp(8), printpw(8), runacct(8),
rcmgr(8), wtmpconvert(8)
Functions: acct(2)
System Administration
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