stl_scp - Subset control program conventions for the setld
utility (*.scp)
Each software subset that is distributed for installation
by the setld utility can have an associated subset control
program file (subsetname.scp), for example: OATODB100.scp.
A subset control program (SCP) can perform specific
installation and configuration tasks for your product kit
beyond those general functions provided by the setld utility.
If you create an SCP for your subset, the kits utility
copies the subsetname.scp file from the kit's
data/scps directory to the kit's output/instctrl directory.
If your subset does not have an SCP, the kits utility
creates an empty subsetname.scp file in the kit's output/instctrl
As the setld utility installs, deletes, or verifies software,
it sets the ACT environment variable to correspond
to distinct processing phases. When the setld utility
calls the subset control program, the SCP uses the value
of $ACT to determine what action to perform. The subset
control program uses the following setld processing
phases: When loading software, determine whether to
include the subset in the setld menu. Return these exit
codes to the setld utility:
0 - offer the subset on the menu
1 - do not offer the subset on the menu
Return exit code 0 if subset will be displayed in
the menu, or a nonzero exit code if subset will not
be be displayed in the menu. When loading software,
prepare the system for subset installation.
In a clusters environment, this phase is run only
once for the entire cluster. Return these exit
codes to the setld utility:
0 - load the subset
1 - do not load the subset
When loading software, create backward links and
perform dependency locking. In a clusters environment,
this phase is run only once for the entire
cluster. Return these exit codes to the setld utility:
0 - continue subset configuration
1 - terminate subset configuration; leave the subset corrupt
The configuration phase has two components, indicated
by the first command line argument: When
loading software, configure the product. In a
clusters environment, this phase runs once on each
cluster member. Perform member-specific operations
here. Return these exit codes to the setld utility:
0 - successful load and configure
1 - unsuccessful load and configure; leave the subset corrupt
This is commonly referred to as the C INSTALL
phase. When deleting software, deconfigure the
product; undo actions taken in the C INSTALL phase.
In a clusters environment, this phase runs once on
each cluster member. Perform member-specific operations
here. Return these exit codes to the setld
0 - continue with the deletion
1 - terminate the deletion
This is commonly referred to as the C DELETE phase.
When deleting software, prepare the system for subset
deletion. Undo the actions performed in the
POST_L phase, whch may include removing links and
unlocking subsets. In a clusters environment, this
phase is run only once for the entire cluster.
Return these exit codes to the setld utility:
0 - continue with the deletion
1 - terminate the deletion
When deleting software, reverse any actions performed
in the PRE_L phase. In a clusters environment,
this phase is run only once for the entire
cluster. Determine the existence of the installed
subset. If the subset exists, the setld utility
verifies the size and checksum information for each
file in the subset. The setld utility does not execute
subset control program V phase processing during
the installation process.
See stl_sts(4) and the Guide to Preparing Product Kits for
detailed descriptions of subset installation states and
setld utility processing phases.
See the Guide to Preparing Product Kits for information
about creating subset control programs.
You must write your subset control program in an architecture-neutral
language such as /bin/sh. Because SCPs may
run while the system is in single-user mode, the shell
interpreter must not use shared libraries.
Subset control programs should not require any interactive
Subset control programs should not generate errors when
run repeatedly.
Commands: setld(8)
Files: stl_sts(4)
Guide to Preparing Product Kits
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