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  man pages->Tru64 Unix man pages -> SSL_get_session (3)              



NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

       SSL_get_session - Retrieve TLS/SSL session data

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

       #include <openssl/ssl.h>

       SSL_SESSION *SSL_get_session(
               SSL *ssl ); SSL_SESSION *SSL_get0_session(
               SSL *ssl ); SSL_SESSION *SSL_get1_session(
               SSL *ssl );

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

       The  SSL_get_session()  function  returns a pointer to the
       SSL_SESSION actually used in ssl. The reference  count  of
       the  SSL_SESSION  is  not incremented, so that the pointer
       can become invalid by other operations.

       The  SSL_get0_session()  function  is  the  same  as   the
       SSL_get_session() function.

       The   SSL_get1_session()  function  is  the  same  as  the
       SSL_get_session() function, but the reference count of the
       SSL_SESSION is incremented by one.

NOTES    [Toc]    [Back]

       The  ssl  session  contains  all  information  required to
       reestablish the connection without a new handshake.

       The SSL_get0_session() function returns a pointer  to  the
       actual  session.  As  the  reference counter is not incremented,
 the pointer is only valid while the connection  is
       in  use.  If  the  SSL_clear()  function or the SSL_free()
       function is called, the  session  might  be  removed  completely
 (if considered bad), and the pointer obtained will
       become invalid. Even if the session is valid,  it  can  be
       removed    at    any    time   due   to   timeout   during

       If the data is to be kept, SSL_get1_session() will  increment
  the reference    count, so that the session will not
       be implicitly removed by other  operations  but  stays  in
       memory.  In order to remove the session SSL_SESSION_free()
       must be explicitly called once to decrement the  reference
       count again. SSL_SESSION objects keep internal link information
 about the session cache list, when  being  inserted
       into  one SSL_CTX object's session cache.  One    SSL_SESSION
 object, regardless of its reference  count,  must  be
       used  with  one SSL_CTX object and the SSL objects created
       from this SSL_CTX object.

RETURN VALUES    [Toc]    [Back]

       The following return values can occur: There is no session
       available  in ssl.  The return value points to the data of
       an SSL session.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

       Function:  ssl(3),  SSL_free(3),  SSL_clear(3),   SSL_SESSION_free(3)

[ Back ]
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