coco - code converter for any of Mule's code
coco [-hlvq] [[INCODE] OUTCODE] < infile > outfile
Print help message. List all valid INCODE and OUTCODE.
Print verbose information about conversion. Just investigate
a coding-system of infile Indicate coding-system of
infile, defaults to *autoconv*, which means coding-system
of infile is detected automatically. Indicate coding-system
of outfile, defaults to *internal*.
coco runs as a filter for code conversion among any coding-systems
which mule can handle.
coco uses two data files, CHARSETS and CODINGS. These are
created while installing mule. So, the priority of codingsystems
handled by coco is the same priority applied by
A file which contains information of character sets and
fonts. A file which contains information of coding-systems
and priorities.
This program was written by Ken'ichi HANDA of Electrotechnical
Laboratory, JAPAN.
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