ufmGetTypefaceList(3w) ufmGetTypefaceList(3w)
ufmGetTypefaceList - get a list of typefaces
#include <ufm.h>
int ufmGetTypefaceList(ufmPropertiesMask propertiesMask,
ufmTypefaceProps *typefaceProps, ufmTypefaceMask typefaceMask,
unsigned int *nTypefaces, ufmTypeface **typefaces)
ufmGetTypefaceList gets a list of available typefaces that satisfy
specified requirements. By default, ufmGetTypefaceList gets a list of
all available typefaces.
propertiesMask has a bit flag for each property that can be used to
select typefaces, such as the ufmFoundry, ufmFamilyName and
ufmRelativeWeight properties. This mask is used to specify which
properties should be used to produce a list of typefaces. If you set the
value of the whole mask to 0 (set all bit flags to 0), no typeface
properties are used to prepare a list of typefaces.
Bits in the argument propertiesMask are defined as follows in the header
file <ufm.h>:
typedef unsigned int ufmPropertiesMask;
/* bits for the typeface properties mask */
#define ufmFoundry (1<<0)
#define ufmFamilyName (1<<1)
#define ufmRelativeWeight (1<<2)
#define ufmRelativeSlant (1<<3)
#define ufmRelativeWidth (1<<4)
#define ufmAddStyleName (1<<5)
#define ufmSpacing (1<<6)
#define ufmCharsetRegistry (1<<7)
#define ufmCharsetEncoding (1<<8)
#define ufmAllProperties (ufmFoundry | ufmFamilyName | ufmRelativeWeight |
ufmRelativeSlant | ufmRelativeWidth | ufmAddStyleName | ufmSpacing | ufm
CharsetRegistry | ufmCharsetEncoding)
The type of data structure ufmTypefaceProps is defined as follows in the
header file <ufm.h>/:
typedef struct ufm_TypefaceProps { /* typeface properties */
char *foundry; /* which company designed or prepared typeface */
char *familyName; /* e.g., Helvetica */
int relativeWeight; /* 0=undefined, 10=ultralight, ..., 90=ultrabold */
int relativeSlant; /* 0=no slant, 1=slant, -1=polymorphic */
int relativeWidth; /* 0=undefined, 10=ultracondensed, ..., */
char *addStyleName; /* serif, sans, decorated, informal, etc. */
char *spacing; /* p=proportional, m=monospaced, etc. */
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char *charsetRegistry; /* for example: iso8859 */
char *charsetEncoding; /* for example: 1 */
} ufmTypefaceProps;
If you specify some typeface properties, you will get a list of only
those typefaces that have those properties. The values of string
properties are compared in a case insensitive way. Set the properties
you do not care about to NULL.
typefaceProps specify those property values that should be used to
produce a list of typefaces, that is, those properties whose bit flags
you have switched on in the typeface properties mask (propertiesMask).
Bits in the argument typefaceMask are specified as follows in the header
file <ufm.h>:
typedef unsigned int ufmTypefaceMask;
/* bits for the typeface type mask */
#define ufmTypefaceBitmaps (1<<0)
#define ufmTypefaceOutlines (1<<1)
#define ufmTypefaceScalableMetrics (1<<2)
#define ufmTypefaceAll 0
Set the argument typefaceMask to ufmTypefaceAll if you want a list of all
available typefaces. Set it to ufmTypefaceBitmaps if you want a list of
only those typefaces from which you can get character bitmaps. If bitmap
or outline font files were found for a typeface, you will be able to get
character bitmaps for that typeface.
Set the argument typefaceMask to ufmTypefaceOutlines if you want a list
of only those typefaces from which you can get approximations of
character outlines and/or exact outlines. If no outline font files were
found for a typeface, you will not be able to get character outlines for
that typeface.
Set the argument typefaceMask to ufmTypefaceScalableMetrics if you want a
list of only those typefaces for which you can get scalable metrics. Set
it to:
ufmTypefaceBitmaps | ufmTypefaceOutlines
if you want a list of only those typefaces from which you can get both
character bitmaps and outlines.
ufmGetTypefaceList uses the argument nTypefaces to return the number of
entries in the array typefaces, that is, the number of typefaces it
ufmGetTypefaceList uses the argument typefaces to return a pointer to an
array of nTypefaces data structures of the type ufmTypeface. If
ufmGetTypefaceList does not find any typefaces, it sets nTypefaces to 0,
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and it sets typefaces to NULL.
Use the following table to specify a value for the property
Code Name Description
0 undefined Undefined or unknown
10 ultralight The lowest ratio of stem width to height
20 extralight ExtraLight
30 light Light
40 semilight SemiLight
40 book Book
50 medium Medium
50 normal Normal
50 regular Regular
60 semibold SemiBold
60 demibold DemiBold
60 demi Demi
70 bold Bold
80 extrabold ExtraBold
80 heavy Heavy
90 ultrabold The highest ratio of stem width to height
90 black Black
Use the following table to specify a value for the property
Code Name Description
0 undefined Undefined or unknown
10 ultracondensed The lowest ratio of width to height
20 extracondensed ExtraCondensed
30 condensed Condensed
30 narrow Narrow
30 compressed Compressed
40 semicondensed SemiCondensed
50 medium Medium
50 normal Normal
50 regular Regular
60 semiexpanded SemiExpanded
60 demiexpanded DemiExpanded
70 expanded Expanded
80 extraexpanded ExtraExpanded
80 wide Wide
90 ultraexpanded The highest ratio of width to height
Set the property relativeSlant to 0 if you are looking for typefaces with
no slant. Set that property to 1 if you are looking for slanted (italic
or oblique) typefaces.
If you are looking for polymorphic typefaces, such as the Adobe Multiple
Master typefaces, specify the special value of -1 for relativeWeight,
relativeSlant and relativeWidth. Polymorphic fonts are fonts that can be
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varied in ways other than size or resolution. If ufmGetTypefaceList
finds a polymorphic typeface, it may set the value of relativeWeight,
relativeSlant or relativeWidth to -1.
When your program is finished with a list of typefaces, it should free
the memory allocated for that list by calling the function
If ufmGetTypefaceList is not able to allocate the memory it needs, it
will return the value UFM_OUT_OF_MEMORY. If it does not find the
specified typeface, it will return the value UFM_INVALID_VALUE. Else, it
UFM_NO_ERROR are defined in the header file <ufm.h>.
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