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afInitCompression(3dm)					afInitCompression(3dm)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     afInitCompression,	afInitCompressionParams, afAware - configure the audio
     compression type and parameters in	an AFfilesetup structure for an	audio

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <dmedia/audiofile.h>

     void afInitCompression(AFfilesetup	setup, int track, int compression)

     void afInitCompressionParams(AFfilesetup setup, int track,
			    int	compression, AUpvlist pvlist, int numitems)

PARAMETER    [Toc]    [Back]

     setup	   is an AFfilesetup structure,	previously created by a	call
		   to afNewFileSetup(3dm).

     track	   is a	positive integer which identifies an audio track in a
		   file	configuration.

		   Since all currently supported file formats contain one
		   audio track per file, the constant value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK
		   should always be used here.

     compression   is a	positive integer symbolic constant which indicates the
		   type	of audio compression for the audio track.

     pvlist	   is an AUpvlist structure, previously	created	by a call to
		   AUpvnew(3dm), initialized with parameters, parameter	types,
		   and parameter values	using AUpvsetparam(3dm),
		   AUpvsetvaltype(3dm),	and AUpvsetval(3dm).

     numitems	   is the number of valid entries in the pvlist	as set via

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     afInitCompression()  and afInitCompressionParams()	allows you to
     configure audio tracks for	compressed data.  afInitCompression() allows a
     one-parameter compression scheme to set up	a default codec	configuration
     with a set	of default compression parameters.  afInitCompressionParams()
     allows not	only the choice	of codec, but also for a list of codec
     specific compression parameters to	be set.

     afInitCompressionParams() is now obsolete,	having been replaced by
     afInitFormatParams(3dm).  It exists only for backwards compatibility.
     The only compression schemes which	have parameters	handled	via
     afInitCompressionParams() are MPEG1 and the Aware,	Inc. MultiRate.	All
     other compression schemes which have parameters must be handled via
     DMparamsPage 1

afInitCompression(3dm)					afInitCompression(3dm)

     Fifteen values for	compression may	currently be passed to
     afInitCompression() or afInitCompressionParams()

     AF_COMPRESSION_NONE	no compression

     AF_COMPRESSION_G711_ULAW	64kbps CCITT G.711 ulaw	encoding, 8 kHz	16-bit

     AF_COMPRESSION_G711_ALAW	64 kbps	CCITT G.711 alaw encoding, 8kHz	16-bit

     AF_COMPRESSION_G722	64 kbps	CCITT G.722 ADPCM, 16 kHz 16-bit

     AF_COMPRESSION_G726	16, 24,	32, or 40 kbps CCITT G.726 ADPCM, 8
				kHz 16-bit

     AF_COMPRESSION_G728	16 kbps	CCITT G.728 ADPCM, 8 kHz 16-bit

     AF_COMPRESSION_GSM		13 kbps	European GSM 06.10 encoding, 8 kHz

     AF_COMPRESSION_DVI_AUDIO	32 kbps	DVI ADPCM, 8 kHz 16-bit

     AF_COMPRESSION_FS1016	48, 72,	or 96 kbps US Federal Standard 1016
				CELP, 8	kHz, 16-bit

     AF_COMPRESSION_MPEG1	ISO/MPEG-1 Layers I and	II.  Equivalent	to

				Aware, Inc's MultiRate I near-lossless or
				lossless algorithm.  Equivalent	to

				ISO/MPEG-1-audio layer I, joint-stereo,	fixed
				rate at	192 Kbps/channel

				ISO/MPEG-1-audio layer II, joint-stereo, fixed
				rate at	128 Kbps/channel

				Aware, Inc.  MultiRate I operating in nearlossless

				Aware, Inc.  MultiRate I operating in lossless

     For afInitCompressionParams(), the	parameters and values passed in	pvlist
     should be taken from the following.  Parameter type is AU_PVTYPE_LONG
     unless otherwise noted.

									Page 2

afInitCompression(3dm)					afInitCompression(3dm)

     AF_MPEG_PARAM_LAYER    [Toc]    [Back]
	  selects which	MPEG layer:


	  AF_MPEG_LAYER_II (default)

	  chooses how multiple channels	should be treated:

	       indicates that the channels are part of a single	multi-channel
	       signal.	This includes 4-channel, etc.;

	       indicates that the algorithm may	attempt	to exploit redundancy
	       between channels	for greater coding gain; Not valid for

	       indicates that the separate channels are	unrelated and should
	       be processed separately,	such as	multi-lingual sound tracks.

	  Note that all	of these settings are equivalent for single channel

     AF_MPEG_PARAM_BITRATE_TARGET (not for Aware MultiRate)
	  specifies the	desired	bitrate	for all	channels of compressed data,
	  in bits per second.  Note that for some schemes such as MPEG's
	  maxrate (not implemented) this is treated as an upper	limit, whereas
	  for MPEG's fixrate, this is strictly achieved	as a constant rate.
	  The following	is a list of valid bitrates for	MPEG.

	  Layer	1:
	       32000, 64000, 96000, 128000, 160000, 192000, 224000, 256000,
	       288000, 320000, 352000, 384000, 416000, and 448000.

	  Layer	2:
	       32000, 48000, 56000, 64000, 80000, 96000, 112000, 128000,
	       160000, 192000, 224000, 256000, 320000, and 384000.

     Default value is 192 kbps / channel for layer 1 and 128 kbps / channel
     for layer 2.

	  Provides for different modes of bit assignment:  The valid values
	  depend on the	algorithm, as indicated	below.


									Page 3

afInitCompression(3dm)					afInitCompression(3dm)

	       AF_MPEG_FIXED_RATE (default)
		    Fixed bitrate per second.
		    The	Compression ratio is determined	by value of

		    Bitrate is driven by the psychoacoustic model.  Enough
		    bits are assigned so that a	constant Mask to Noise ratio
		    is attained.  See AF_MPEG_PARAM_CONST_QUAL_NMR.


		    Enough bits	are assigned so	that the signal	is 90+ dB
		    above the quantization noise.
		    Compression	ratios are typically between 2.5:1 and 4:1.

		    Enough bits	are assigned to	provide	for perfect
		    Compression	ratios are typically between 2:1 and 3:1.

     AF_MPEG_PARAM_CONST_QUAL_NMR (not for Aware MultiRate)
	  For SGI MPEG with AF_AWARE_CONST_QUAL, sets the constant quality
	  mode noise-to-mask ratio in dB.  Zero	yields a theoretic
	  psychoacoustic imperceptible compression.  Positive values provide
	  more compression and noise becomes audible.  Negative	values cause
	  less compression and less perceptible	noise.	The type of value of
	  this parameter is AU_PVTYPE_DOUBLE.

     All compression encoding is handled automatically by afWriteFrames(3dm).
     An	application program only needs to work with linear PCM data.

     AIFF files	do not support compression, so the configuration parameter
     compression will be ignored by afOpenFile(3dm), and the value
     AF_COMPRESSION_NONE will automatically be associated with the audio data.


     Many compression schemes have restrictions	on sampling rates and channel

     Sampling rates for	MPEG must be 32	kHz, 44.1 kHz, or 48 kHz.

     Sampling rates for	MultiRate must be 8 kHz, 11.025	kHz, 16	kHz, 22.05
     kHz, 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, or 48 kHz.

     Both MPEG and MultiRate must have 1- or 2-channel input.

     G728 and GSM compression must always be 8 kHz sampling rate.

									Page 4

afInitCompression(3dm)					afInitCompression(3dm)

     G726, G728, and GSM compression must have 1-channel input.

CAVEATS    [Toc]    [Back]

     The Audio File Library will continue to support additional	file formats
     and compression types.  Be	aware of this.	Not all	file formats are able
     to	store audio data with all of the supported compression types.  For
     example, AIFF-C can store compressed data whereas AIFF can't.  See
     afGetCompression(3dm) for more information.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     afNewFileSetup(3dm), afOpenFile(3dm), afWriteFrames(3dm),
     afGetCompression(3dm), AwareIntro(3dm), afInitFormatParams(3dm)
afInitCompression(3dm)					afInitCompression(3dm)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     afInitCompression,	afInitCompressionParams, afAware - configure the audio
     compression type and parameters in	an AFfilesetup structure for an	audio

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <dmedia/audiofile.h>

     void afInitCompression(AFfilesetup	setup, int track, int compression)

     void afInitCompressionParams(AFfilesetup setup, int track,
			    int	compression, AUpvlist pvlist, int numitems)

PARAMETER    [Toc]    [Back]

     setup	   is an AFfilesetup structure,	previously created by a	call
		   to afNewFileSetup(3dm).

     track	   is a	positive integer which identifies an audio track in a
		   file	configuration.

		   Since all currently supported file formats contain one
		   audio track per file, the constant value AF_DEFAULT_TRACK
		   should always be used here.

     compression   is a	positive integer symbolic constant which indicates the
		   type	of audio compression for the audio track.

     pvlist	   is an AUpvlist structure, previously	created	by a call to
		   AUpvnew(3dm), initialized with parameters, parameter	types,
		   and parameter values	using AUpvsetparam(3dm),
		   AUpvsetvaltype(3dm),	and AUpvsetval(3dm).

     numitems	   is the number of valid entries in the pvlist	as set via

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     afInitCompression()  and afInitCompressionParams()	allows you to
     configure audio tracks for	compressed data.  afInitCompression() allows a
     one-parameter compression scheme to set up	a default codec	configuration
     with a set	of default compression parameters.  afInitCompressionParams()
     allows not	only the choice	of codec, but also for a list of codec
     specific compression parameters to	be set.

     afInitCompressionParams() is now obsolete,	having been replaced by
     afInitFormatParams(3dm).  It exists only for backwards compatibility.
     The only compression schemes which	have parameters	handled	via
     afInitCompressionParams() are MPEG1 and the Aware,	Inc. MultiRate.	All
     other compression schemes which have parameters must be handled via
     DMparamsPage 1

afInitCompression(3dm)					afInitCompression(3dm)

     Fifteen values for	compression may	currently be passed to
     afInitCompression() or afInitCompressionParams()

     AF_COMPRESSION_NONE	no compression

     AF_COMPRESSION_G711_ULAW	64kbps CCITT G.711 ulaw	encoding, 8 kHz	16-bit

     AF_COMPRESSION_G711_ALAW	64 kbps	CCITT G.711 alaw encoding, 8kHz	16-bit

     AF_COMPRESSION_G722	64 kbps	CCITT G.722 ADPCM, 16 kHz 16-bit

     AF_COMPRESSION_G726	16, 24,	32, or 40 kbps CCITT G.726 ADPCM, 8
				kHz 16-bit

     AF_COMPRESSION_G728	16 kbps	CCITT G.728 ADPCM, 8 kHz 16-bit

     AF_COMPRESSION_GSM		13 kbps	European GSM 06.10 encoding, 8 kHz

     AF_COMPRESSION_DVI_AUDIO	32 kbps	DVI ADPCM, 8 kHz 16-bit

     AF_COMPRESSION_FS1016	48, 72,	or 96 kbps US Federal Standard 1016
				CELP, 8	kHz, 16-bit

     AF_COMPRESSION_MPEG1	ISO/MPEG-1 Layers I and	II.  Equivalent	to

				Aware, Inc's MultiRate I near-lossless or
				lossless algorithm.  Equivalent	to

				ISO/MPEG-1-audio layer I, joint-stereo,	fixed
				rate at	192 Kbps/channel

				ISO/MPEG-1-audio layer II, joint-stereo, fixed
				rate at	128 Kbps/channel

				Aware, Inc.  MultiRate I operating in nearlossless

				Aware, Inc.  MultiRate I operating in lossless

     For afInitCompressionParams(), the	parameters and values passed in	pvlist
     should be taken from the following.  Parameter type is AU_PVTYPE_LONG
     unless otherwise noted.

									Page 2

afInitCompression(3dm)					afInitCompression(3dm)

     AF_MPEG_PARAM_LAYER    [Toc]    [Back]
	  selects which	MPEG layer:


	  AF_MPEG_LAYER_II (default)

	  chooses how multiple channels	should be treated:

	       indicates that the channels are part of a single	multi-channel
	       signal.	This includes 4-channel, etc.;

	       indicates that the algorithm may	attempt	to exploit redundancy
	       between channels	for greater coding gain; Not valid for

	       indicates that the separate channels are	unrelated and should
	       be processed separately,	such as	multi-lingual sound tracks.

	  Note that all	of these settings are equivalent for single channel

     AF_MPEG_PARAM_BITRATE_TARGET (not for Aware MultiRate)
	  specifies the	desired	bitrate	for all	channels of compressed data,
	  in bits per second.  Note that for some schemes such as MPEG's
	  maxrate (not implemented) this is treated as an upper	limit, whereas
	  for MPEG's fixrate, this is strictly achieved	as a constant rate.
	  The following	is a list of valid bitrates for	MPEG.

	  Layer	1:
	       32000, 64000, 96000, 128000, 160000, 192000, 224000, 256000,
	       288000, 320000, 352000, 384000, 416000, and 448000.

	  Layer	2:
	       32000, 48000, 56000, 64000, 80000, 96000, 112000, 128000,
	       160000, 192000, 224000, 256000, 320000, and 384000.

     Default value is 192 kbps / channel for layer 1 and 128 kbps / channel
     for layer 2.

	  Provides for different modes of bit assignment:  The valid values
	  depend on the	algorithm, as indicated	below.


									Page 3

afInitCompression(3dm)					afInitCompression(3dm)

	       AF_MPEG_FIXED_RATE (default)
		    Fixed bitrate per second.
		    The	Compression ratio is determined	by value of

		    Bitrate is driven by the psychoacoustic model.  Enough
		    bits are assigned so that a	constant Mask to Noise ratio
		    is attained.  See AF_MPEG_PARAM_CONST_QUAL_NMR.


		    Enough bits	are assigned so	that the signal	is 90+ dB
		    above the quantization noise.
		    Compression	ratios are typically between 2.5:1 and 4:1.

		    Enough bits	are assigned to	provide	for perfect
		    Compression	ratios are typically between 2:1 and 3:1.

     AF_MPEG_PARAM_CONST_QUAL_NMR (not for Aware MultiRate)
	  For SGI MPEG with AF_AWARE_CONST_QUAL, sets the constant quality
	  mode noise-to-mask ratio in dB.  Zero	yields a theoretic
	  psychoacoustic imperceptible compression.  Positive values provide
	  more compression and noise becomes audible.  Negative	values cause
	  less compression and less perceptible	noise.	The type of value of
	  this parameter is AU_PVTYPE_DOUBLE.

     All compression encoding is handled automatically by afWriteFrames(3dm).
     An	application program only needs to work with linear PCM data.

     AIFF files	do not support compression, so the configuration parameter
     compression will be ignored by afOpenFile(3dm), and the value
     AF_COMPRESSION_NONE will automatically be associated with the audio data.


     Many compression schemes have restrictions	on sampling rates and channel

     Sampling rates for	MPEG must be 32	kHz, 44.1 kHz, or 48 kHz.

     Sampling rates for	MultiRate must be 8 kHz, 11.025	kHz, 16	kHz, 22.05
     kHz, 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, or 48 kHz.

     Both MPEG and MultiRate must have 1- or 2-channel input.

     G728 and GSM compression must always be 8 kHz sampling rate.

									Page 4

afInitCompression(3dm)					afInitCompression(3dm)

     G726, G728, and GSM compression must have 1-channel input.

CAVEATS    [Toc]    [Back]

     The Audio File Library will continue to support additional	file formats
     and compression types.  Be	aware of this.	Not all	file formats are able
     to	store audio data with all of the supported compression types.  For
     example, AIFF-C can store compressed data whereas AIFF can't.  See
     afGetCompression(3dm) for more information.

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     afNewFileSetup(3dm), afOpenFile(3dm), afWriteFrames(3dm),
     afGetCompression(3dm), AwareIntro(3dm), afInitFormatParams(3dm)

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 5555
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