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  man pages->IRIX man pages -> audiocddat/DTaddcallback (3d)              


DTaddcallback(3dm)					    DTaddcallback(3dm)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     DTaddcallback - set a callback for	the DAT	audio data parser

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <sys/types.h>
     #include <dmedia/dataudio.h>

     void DTaddcallback(DTPARSER* dtp, DTDATATYPES type,
		    DTCALLBACKFUNC func, void* arg)

PARAMETERS    [Toc]    [Back]

     dtp    A pointer to the target DTPARSER.

     type   The	type of	callback being set.  DTDATATYPES is an enumerated type
	    defined in dataudio.h containing the following values:  dt_audio,
	    dt_pnum, dt_index, dt_ptime, dt_atime, dt_rtime, dt_prortime,
	    dt_mainid, dt_sampfreq, dt_toc, dt_date, dt_catalog, dt_ident,

     func   A pointer to the function to be called.

     arg    A user supplied argument that is passed to the callback function.

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     DTaddcallback adds	a callback for the specified parser.  The parser has
     callbacks for fourteen different types of data in the digital audio data
     stream corresponding to the enumerated types listed above.	 When data of
     a particular type changes in the data stream from the tape, the parser
     invokes the corresponding callback	passing	it a pointer to	the data.  The
     dt_audio callback is an exception to this.	 It is called for every
     recorded frame regardless of whether the data changed.

     The callback is called as follows

	      func(void* arg, DTDATATYPES type,	void* data);

     arg is the	user supplied argument provided	as the third parameter to
     DTaddcallback. type is the	particular type	of callback.  It is passed so
     that a single function could be used for all fourteen callbacks.  data is
     the data returned for this	type of	callback.  The argument	is cast	to
     void*.  Each type of callback returns a different kind of data.  An
     explanation of the	callback types and data	structures passed to them is
     given below.  See datframe(4) for a detailed description of each type of
     data in the digital audio data stream.

     This is the audio data.  The data argument	in this	case is	really a
     short* pointing at	an array containing the	byte-swapped and, if
     necessary,	de-emphasized audio data ready to hand to ALwritesamps(3dm).
     If	one of the interpolation flags is set, indicating an uncorrectable
     error in the audio	data, the data on the corresponding channel of the

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DTaddcallback(3dm)					    DTaddcallback(3dm)

     current frame is set to zero.  If you use this callback you will want to
     change the	handling of floating point underflow exceptions	to achieve
     acceptable	performance.  Put the following	lines of code in your program:

	      #include <sigfpe.h>

	      sigfpe_[_UNDERFL].repls =	_ZERO;
	      handle_sigfpes(_ON, _EN_UNDERFL, NULL, _ABORT_ON_ERROR, NULL);

     See DTintro(3dm) for a complete explanation.

     This is the number	of the current program (aka track).  The data type in
     this case is a pointer to a struct	dtprognum defined in dataudio.h	as

	      typedef struct dtprognum {
		  int value;		   /* Program converted	to integer */
		  struct {
		      unchar d1, d2, d3;   /* Program in BCD digits */
		  } bcd;
	      }	DTPROGNUM;

     Program number AA (program	number not currently valid) is represented in
     the converted value by 0xaaa.  Program number BB (lead-in)	is represented
     by	0xbbb and program number EE (lead-out) is represented by 0xeee.

     This is the index number of the current subdivision within	the program.
     The data type in this case	is a pointer to	a struct dtprognum as
     described above.

     This is the time into the current program.	 The data type is a pointer to
     a struct dttimepack defined in dataudio.h as follows:

	      struct dttimepack	{
		  unchar id:4, flag:1, pno1:3, pno2:4, pno3:4;
		  struct dtpackedbcd index;
		  struct dttimecode tc;
		  unchar parity;

     The interesting portion of	this structure is the struct dttimecode
     defined in	dataudio.h as follows:

	      struct dttimecode	{
		  unchar hhi:4,	hlo:4;
		  unchar mhi:4,	mlo:4;

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DTaddcallback(3dm)					    DTaddcallback(3dm)

		  unchar shi:4,	slo:4;
		  unchar fhi:4,	flo:4;
	      }	ptime;

     This is the time since the	start of the tape (absolute time).  The	data
     type is a pointer to a struct dttimepack as described above.

     This is a continuously increasing time code running since the start of a
     recording on the tape (running time).  The	value at the start of the
     recording is arbitrary.  The data type is a pointer to a struct
     dttimepack	as described above.

     This is running time for professional use.	 The time information is very
     similar to	running	time but additional information	is provided to aid
     conversion	from IEC (SMPTE) or Pro	DIO time code to DAT time code.
     Additional	information for	these time codes is provided in	the Pro	Binary
     pack (see below).	The data type is a pointer to a	struct dtprotimepack
     defined in	dataudio.h as follows:

	      struct dtprotimepack {
		  unchar id:4, flag:1, fill:1, sid:2;
		  unchar freq:2, xrate:3, msb:3;
		  unchar lsb;
		  struct dttimecode tc;
		  unchar parity;

     These are the bits	from the ID field of the main data area	on the tape.
     The data type is a	pointer	to a struct dtmainid defined in	dataudio.h as

	      struct dtmainid {
		  unchar fmtid:2;
		  unchar emphasis:2;
		  unchar sampfreq:2;
		  unchar numchans:2;
		  unchar quantization:2;
		  unchar trackpitch:2;
		  unchar copy:2;
		  unchar pack:2;
	      }	mid;

     Because the sampling frequency is of particular interest, it has its own
     call back.	 The data type is an int* pointing to an integer containing

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DTaddcallback(3dm)					    DTaddcallback(3dm)

     one of the	following values: DT_FREQ48000,	DT_FREQ44100, or DT_FREQ32000.

     This item is one entry from the table of contents.	 The data type is a
     pointer to	a struct dttocpack defined in dataudio.h as follows:

	      struct dttocpack {
		  unchar id:4, flag:1, pno1:3, pno2:4, pno3:4;
		  struct dtpackedbcd point;
		  struct dttimecode atime;
		  unchar parity;

     This is time stamp	for the	recording.  The	data type is a pointer to a
     struct dtdatepack defined in dataudio.h as	follows:

	      struct dtdatepack	{
		  unchar id:4, dayow:4;
		  struct dtpackedbcd year;
		  struct dtpackedbcd month;
		  struct dtpackedbcd day;
		  struct dtpackedbcd hour;
		  struct dtpackedbcd min;
		  struct dtpackedbcd sec;
		  unchar parity;

     This is the catalog number	of the tape.  On the tape the catalog number
     is	packed in an inconvenient way.	The DAT	parser unpacks the data	to a
     more useful form.	The data type is a char* pointing to an	array of 13
     bytes.  Each byte contains	1 BCD digit in its least significant nibble.

     This is the ISRC identification number of the recording.  This
     information is separated into two separate	subcode	packs on the tape.
     The DAT parser waits until	it has both pieces, which it unpacks into a
     new structure, before executing this callback.  The data type is a
     pointer to	a struct dtident defined in dataudio.h as follows:

	      struct dtident {
		  unchar country[2];
		  unchar owner[3];
		  unchar year[2];
		  unchar serial[5];
	      }	ident;

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DTaddcallback(3dm)					    DTaddcallback(3dm)

     country and owner are encoded in the six-bit code converted by DTsbtoa.
     year and serial are BCD digits.

     This is the rest of the information for use of IEC	(SMPTE)	or Pro DIO
     time codes.  The data type	is a pointer to	a struct probinarypack defined
     in	dataudio.h as follows:

	      struct dtprobinarypack {
		  unchar id:4, fill:2, sid:2;
		  union	{
		      struct bgd {
			  unchar fill;
			  unchar tcbits;
			  struct dtpackedbcd bg[4];
		      }	bgd;  /* binary	group data of IEC time code */
		      struct csid {
			  unchar csbytes[6];
		      }	csid; /* channel status	id of Pro DIO time code	*/
		      struct cod {
			  unchar fill[2];
			  unchar cod[4];
		      }	cod; /*	alphanumeric origin data of Pro	DIO */
		      struct cdd {
			  unchar fill[1];
			  unchar flags;
			  unchar cdd[4];
		      }	cdd; /*	alphanumeric destination data of Pro DIO */
		  } data;
		  unchar parity;

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     DTintro(3dm), DTaddcallback(3dm), DTatotime(3dm), DTcreateparser(3dm),
     DTinctime(3dm), DTparseframe(3dm),	DTremovecallback(3dm),
     DTresetparser(3dm), datframe(4), sigfpe(3C)

AUTHOR    [Toc]    [Back]

     Mark Callow

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 5555
[ Back ]
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