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ALreadsamps(3dm)					      ALreadsamps(3dm)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     ALreadsamps - (obsolete) read samples from	an audio port

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <dmedia/audio.h>

     int ALreadsamps(const ALport port,	void *samples, const long samplecount)

PARAMETER    [Toc]    [Back]

     port	   expects the ALport structure	for the	audio port from	which
		   you want to read samples.  This structure is	the returned
		   value of the	ALopenport(3dm)	call.

     samples	   expects a pointer to	a buffer into which you	want to
		   transfer the	samples	read from the audio port.

     samplecount   expects the number of samples that you want to read from
		   the audio port.

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     ALreadsamps is obsolete and is provided for backward compatibility. The
     preferred function	is alReadFrames(3dm), which uses units of sample

     ALreadsamps(3dm) transfers	data from the internal buffer of an audio port
     to	the samples buffer. ALreadsamps(3dm) blocks until samplecount samples
     have been transferred to the samples buffer.  To prevent blocking,	make
     sure that samplecount is less than	the return value of ALgetfilled(3dm).

     The samples buffer	is interpreted differently depending on	the current
     configuration of the port.	 In particular,	the width setting specified by
     ALsetwidth(3dm) determines	which of the bits in the buffer	make up	the
     sound samples. Samples of width AL_SAMPLE_8 (char)	and AL_SAMPLE_16
     (short) are treated as normal signed numbers.  The	samples	will contain
     the most significant 8 or 16 bits of the audio amplitude measurement,
     respectively.  Samples of width AL_SAMPLE_24 (long) are treated as	signed
     24	bit numbers packed into	the low	24 bits	sign extended to fill a	long.
     They may be treated as longs in the range -8388608	to 8388607.

     In	the case that the port is configured to	use floating point or double
     precision floating	point samples (see ALsetsampfmt(3dm)), the width
     setting is	ignored, and the samples are treated as	floating point or
     double precision floating point, respectively.

     The channels setting you specified	for ALsetchannels(3dm) determines from
     which channels the	samples	will come.  For	ports set to AL_MONO the left
     and right channels	are averaged and returned as a single sample.  For
     AL_STEREO,	the even samples are from the left channel and the odd samples
     are from the right	channel.  This parity is from the time the port	is
     opened, so	if you were to read an odd number of samples from a AL_STEREO
     port, then	on the subsequent read,	the even samples would be from the
     right channel and the odd samples would be	from the left channel.

									Page 1

ALreadsamps(3dm)					      ALreadsamps(3dm)

     For ports created as AL_4CHANNEL, you should read an integer number of
     frames (a frame is	4 samples for 4-channel	ports).	If the number of
     samples to	be read	is not an integer multiple of the frame	size,
     ALreadsamps(3dm) will not transfer	any samples from the port to the
     sample buffer and will return an error.

     Though 4-channel ports are	supported on all systems with high-quality
     audio, not	all hardware can support 4 line-level electrical connections.
     In	this case ALreadsamps(3dm) will	provide	4 samples per frame, but the
     second pair of samples will be 0.

     For instance, suppose a 4-channel port is opened on a machine with	stereo
     input only	(e.g. Indigo). ALreadsamps(3dm)	will provide 4 samples for
     every sample interval, but	the second pair	of samples will	be 0. Thus,
     for every frame you will get (L1, R1, 0, 0) where `L1' and	`R1' are valid
     audio samples. ALreadsamps(3dm) will behave in the	same way for data
     streams that are not defined for 4-channels (viz.,	digital	input).	In
     this case,	ALreadsamps(3dm) will also place 0 in the second pair of

     For a system that is properly configured with 4-channel connections,
     ALreadsamps(3dm) provides 4 samples for every sampling interval (L1, R1,
     L2, R2). The first	sample pair (L1, R1) will be associated	with the
     regular line input	of the machine.	The second sample pair (L2, R2)	is
     associated	with the signals on the	microphone input (see ALsetparams(3dm)
     for documentation on the configuration of the second set of analog

     You can determine whether a system	has the	4-channel capability with
     ALgetminmax(3dm). Once you	have determined	that a system does possess
     this capability, you can configure	the system for 4-channels with
     ALsetparams(3dm). Note that hardware with the 4-channel capability	must
     be	configured to have the proper 4-channel	line-level connections.	By
     default, all hardware will	behave as a stereo device.

     If	you want to change the sample format, the maximum value	for floating
     point/double precision data, or sample size settings, you can call
     ALsetsampfmt(3dm),	ALsetfloatmax(3dm), and	ALsetwidth(3dm)	followed by a
     call to ALsetconfig(3dm).

     ALreadsamps(3dm) can fail for following reason:

     AL_BAD_TRANSFER_SIZE   samplecount	is not a multiple of the frame size
			    set	by ALsetchannels(3dm). This error pertains to
			    4-channel ports only.

     In	order to achieve the best possible performance,	ALreadsamps(3dm) does
     not verify	that port or samples are valid.	You should make	certain	these
     values are	valid before passing them as arguments to ALreadsamps(3dm).

									Page 2

ALreadsamps(3dm)					      ALreadsamps(3dm)

DIAGNOSTICS    [Toc]    [Back]

     Upon successful completion, ALreadsamps(3dm) returns 0. Otherwise
     ALreadsamps(3dm) returns -1 and sets an error number which	can be
     retrieved with oserror(3C).

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     ALopenport(3dm), ALgetfillable(3dm), ALgetfilled(3dm),
     ALsetchannels(3dm), ALsetwidth(3dm), ALwritesamps(3dm), ALsetconfig(3dm),
     ALsetqueuesize(3dm), ALsetsampfmt(3dm), ALsetfloatmax(3dm),
     ALgetminmax(3dm), oserror(3C)

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 3333
[ Back ]
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