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  man pages->IRIX man pages -> complib/QZVAL (3)              


_QZVAL(3F)							    _QZVAL(3F)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     QZVAL, SQZVAL   -	EISPACK	routine.  This subroutine is the third step of
     the QZ algorithm for solving generalized matrix eigenvalue	problems,

SYNOPSYS    [Toc]    [Back]

	  subroutine  qzval(nm,	n, a, b, alfr, alfi, beta, matz, z)
	  integer	   nm, n
	  double precision a(nm,n),b(nm,n),alfr(n),alfi(n),beta(n),z(nm,n)
	  logical	   matz

	  subroutine sqzval(nm,	n, a, b, alfr, alfi, beta, matz, z)
	  integer	   nm, n
	  real		   a(nm,n),b(nm,n),alfr(n),alfi(n),beta(n),z(nm,n)
	  logical	   matz

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     On	Input This subroutine accepts a	pair of	REAL matrices, one of them in
     quasi-triangular form and the other in upper triangular form.  It reduces
     the quasi-triangular matrix further, so that any remaining	2-by-2 blocks
     correspond	to pairs of complex eigenvalues, and returns quantities	whose
     ratios give the generalized eigenvalues.  It is usually preceded by
     QZHES and	QZIT  and may be followed by  QZVEC.

     NM	must be	set to the row dimension of two-dimensional array parameters
     as	declared in the	calling	program	dimension statement.

     N is the order of the matrices.

     A contains	a real upper quasi-triangular matrix.

     B contains	a real upper triangular	matrix.	 In addition, location B(N,1)
     contains the tolerance quantity (EPSB) computed and saved in  QZIT.

     MATZ should be set	to .TRUE. If the right hand transformations are	to be
     accumulated for later use in computing eigenvectors, and to .FALSE.

     Z contains, if MATZ has been set to .TRUE., the transformation matrix
     produced in the reductions	by QZHES and QZIT, if performed, or else the
     identity matrix.  If MATZ has been	set to .FALSE.,	Z is not referenced.
     On	Output

     A has been	reduced	further	to a quasi-triangular matrix in	which all
     nonzero subdiagonal elements correspond to	pairs of complex eigenvalues.

     B is still	in upper triangular form, although its elements	have been
     altered.  B(N,1) is unaltered.

     ALFR and ALFI contain the real and	imaginary parts	of the diagonal

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_QZVAL(3F)							    _QZVAL(3F)

     elements of the triangular	matrix that would be obtained if a were
     reduced completely	to triangular form by unitary transformations.	Nonzero
 values of ALFI occur in pairs, the first member positive and the
     second negative.

     BETA contains the diagonal	elements of the	corresponding B, normalized to
     be	real and non-negative.	The generalized	eigenvalues are	then the
     ratios ((ALFR+I*ALFI)/BETA).

     Z contains	the product of the right hand transformations (for all three
     steps) if MATZ has	been set to .TRUE.  Questions and comments should be

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 2222
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