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  man pages->IRIX man pages -> perl5/File::DosGlob (3)              


File::DosGlob(3)					      File::DosGlob(3)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     File::DosGlob - DOS like globbing and then	some

     perlglob.bat - a more capable perlglob.exe	replacement

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

	 require 5.004;

	 # override CORE::glob in current package
	 use File::DosGlob 'glob';

	 @perlfiles = glob  "..\\pe?l/*.p?";
	 print <..\\pe?l/*.p?>;

	 # from	the command line (overrides only in main::)
	 > perl	-MFile::DosGlob=glob -e	"print <../pe*/*p?>"

	 > perlglob ../pe*/*p?

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     A module that implements DOS-like globbing	with a few enhancements.  This
     file is also a portable replacement for perlglob.exe.  It is largely
     compatible	with perlglob.exe (the M$ setargv.obj version) in all but one
     respect--it understands wildcards in directory components.

     For example, C<<..\\l*b\\file/*glob.p?>> will work	as expected (in	that
     it	will find something like '..\lib\File/DosGlob.pm' alright).  Note that
     all path components are case-insensitive, and that	backslashes and
     forward slashes are both accepted,	and preserved.	You may	have to	double
     the backslashes if	you are	putting	them in	literally, due to doublequotish
 parsing of	the pattern by perl.

     When invoked as a program,	it will	print null-separated filenames to
     standard output.

     While one may replace perlglob.exe	with this, usage by overriding
     CORE::glob	via importation	should be much more efficient, because it
     avoids launching a	separate process, and is therefore strongly
     recommended.  Note	that it	is currently possible to override builtins
     like glob() only on a per-package basis, not "globally".  Thus, every
     namespace that wants to override glob() must explicitly request the
     override.	See the	perlsub	manpage.

     Extending it to csh patterns is left as an	exercise to the	reader.

EXPORTS	(by request only)

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File::DosGlob(3)					      File::DosGlob(3)

     Should probably be	built into the core, and needs to stop pandering to
     DOS habits.  Needs	a dose of optimizium too.

AUTHOR    [Toc]    [Back]

     Gurusamy Sarathy <gsar@umich.edu>

HISTORY    [Toc]    [Back]

     o	 Scalar	context, independent iterator context fixes (GSAR 15-SEP-97)

     o	 A few dir-vs-file optimizations result	in glob	importation being 10
	 times faster than using perlglob.exe, and using perlglob.bat is only
	 twice as slow as perlglob.exe (GSAR 28-MAY-97)

     o	 Several cleanups prompted by lack of compatible perlglob.exe under
	 Borland (GSAR 27-MAY-97)

     o	 Initial version (GSAR 20-FEB-97)

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]


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