suffix(5) suffix(5)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
suffix - file-name suffix conventions
The following list summarizes file name suffix conventions that can be
found in an HP-UX system. It is a partial compilation of possibly
useful knowledge, suggestions, and explanations, rather than a
specification of standards. Suffixes are often used in preference to
prefixes because they enable related files to group together
alphabetically in a directory listing.
Note that some programs require the use of a specific value, or vary
their behavior based on a choice of suffixes. Such programs are noted
in many (but not all) cases.
.A HP64000 cross assembler symbol file.
.a Library file (archive) managed by ar; known to make.
.ad? HP Ada source, where "?" stands for any single
.allow List of users allowed by at or cron (for example,
.an Source for nroff "man" macros.
.ASC LIF (Logical Interchange Format) type 1, ASCII file for
use by Pascal or BASIX/UX. Incompatible with lifcp.
.aux Cross-referencing information created automatically by
.awk awk script file.
.b Compiled LISP (.l) source file, or a bold font file.
.bkup Backup copy of a file.
.bad File containing bad data, or occupying a bad spot on a
.bbl Bibliography created by BibTeX for inclusion in a LaTeX
.bib Bibliographic data file, (for example, BibTeX
bibliography database).
Hewlett-Packard Company - 1 - HP-UX 11i Version 2: August 2003
suffix(5) suffix(5)
.blg Log of errors from BibTeX.
.bst BibTeX bibliography style definition.
.C File compressed by compact, or C++ language source
file, or HP64000 cross compiled C source file.
.c C language source file; known to cc and make.
.cas CAST language scripts.
.cat NLS (Native Language Support) message catalog.
.cf Configuration file (for example,
.clu CLU file.
.CODE Pascal workstation object code.
.cpio File containing output from cpio -o, that is, a cpio
.csh C-shell (csh) script.
.curr Current version of a file.
.d Directory file, or data file.
.day A script that is read daily.
.deny List of users denied by at or cron (for example,
.devs List of devices.
.diff Differences between two files, output from diff.
.dir DBM database directory file.
.doc Documentation file of some sort.
.dvi Device-independent text formatter output.
.e Extended FORTRAN language (EFL) source file; known to
.el GNU Emacs Elisp file.
.elc Compiled GNU Emacs Elisp file.
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.eqn Source for nroff equation macros.
.err Standard error from a program.
.errs Errors recorded by a program.
.f FORTRAN language source file; known to fc and make.
.f77 FORTRAN 77 language source file.
.fc Frozen configuration file (for example, sendmail.fc).
.full A complete file or list.
.gf TeX font bitmaps in Generic Font format.
.glo Glossary created by LaTeX.
.h C language header (include) file; known to make.
.hlp Help text for a program, often read automatically.
.hr A script that is read hourly.
.i Output of C preprocessor ("cc -P"), or a Berkeley
Pascal language include file, or an italicized font
.icn Icon source code.
.idx Index created by LaTeX.
.in Standard input to a program.
.INDEX notes index file.
.ksh Korn shell script file.
.L HP64000 cross linker symbol file.
.l lex source file (known to make), or LISP source file.
.LIST notes list file.
.list File containing a list of other files.
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suffix(5) suffix(5)
.ln Library information for lint.
.lof List of figures created by LaTeX.
.log Generic log file, or a log of error messages from TeX.
.lot List of tables created by LaTeX.
.m Modula language source file.
.m2 Modula-2 language source file.
.mk Makefile for make.
.man Source for nroff or troff using man macros.
.me Source for nroff or troff using me macros.
.mf TeX metafont input file.
.ml Gosling/Unipress Emacs Mock Lisp file.
.mm Source for nroff or troff using mm macros.
.month A script that is read monthly.
.ms Source for nroff or troff using ms macros.
.n nroff source.
.new New version of a file.
.nro nroff source.
.O HP64000 listing file.
.o Relocatable object file (post-compile, pre-link); known
to as, cc, fc, pc, and make.
.obs Obsolete version of a file.
.old Old version of a file.
.opt File containing optional material, such as an optional
part of the kernel.
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suffix(5) suffix(5)
.orig Original version of a file.
.out Standard output (and possibly standard error) from a
program (for example, nohup.out), or an executable file
output from ld (such as a.out).
.P HP64000 cross compiled Pascal source file.
.p Pascal language source file (known to pc and make), or
PROLOG language source file.
.pag DBM database data file.
.pi PILOT language source file.
.pk TeX font bitmaps in Packed Font format; denser/more
recent than GF.
.prev Previous version of a file.
.ps PostScript files.
.pxl TeX font bitmaps in uncompressed format; very obsolete.
.R HP64000 relocatable file.
.r RatFor language source file; known to make.
.rc A "run commands" file, normally read when a program is
invoked (for example, mailx.rc).
.real Real version of a file, often one which was replaced by
a front-end (for example, uucico.real).
.req File containing required material, such as a required
part of the kernel.
.S HP64000 cross assembled source file.
.s Assembler input file; known to cc and make.
.save Safe or saved copy of a file.
.scm Scheme file.
.sh POSIX shell script file; known to make.
.shar Shell archive file containing output from shar.
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.skel Skeletal or template file.
.sl Shared library file built by ld(1);knownto ld(1).
.st File containing statistics (for example,
.sty LaTeX style definition; should have a corresponding
.doc file.
.SYSTM LIF Bootable by the Series 300/400 boot ROM (see
Librarian chapter of Pascal 3.2 Workstation System,
vol. 1).
.t Text file.
.tar File (archive) containing output from tar.
.tbl Source for nroff table macros.
.tmp Temporary file.
.template Prototype or template file.
.test Test input or output file.
.tex TeX source file.
.TEXT notes text file, or a Pascal workstation "UCSD text
format" file.
.txt ASCII text file.
.tfm Width information used by TeX (TeX font metrics).
.toc Source for nroff table of contents macros, or table of
contents created by LaTeX.
.tro troff source.
.u2 Icon intermediate code files.
.UX HP-UX text or binary file format.
.web Web file (Knuth's Web system).
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.wk A script that is read weekly.
.X HP64000 absolute file.
.y yacc input file; known to make.
.Z File compressed by compress.
.z File compressed by pack.
.1 .. .8 Manual entry files (sections 1 through 8), optionally
followed by a letter a..z.
.<date> File saved on given date (year, month name, YYMM, MMDD,
etc.) as a snapshot of a continuously-growing logfile.
,v RCS delta file; known to the RCS programs.
AUTHOR [Toc] [Back]
suffix was developed by HP.
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