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  man pages->HP-UX 11i man pages -> dcecp_clearinghouse (1m)              


 clearinghouse(1m)                   OSF                   clearinghouse(1m)

 NAME    [Toc]    [Back]
      clearinghouse - A dcecp object that manages a clearinghouse in CDS

 SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]
      clearinghouse catalog [cell_name] [-simplename]

      clearinghouse create clearinghouse_name_list

      clearinghouse delete clearinghouse_name_list

      clearinghouse disable clearinghouse_name_list

      clearinghouse help [operation | -verbose]

      clearinghouse initiate clearinghouse_name_list -checkpoint

      clearinghouse operations

      clearinghouse repair clearinghouse_name_list -timestamps

      clearinghouse show clearinghouse_name_list
      [-schema | -all | [-counters] [-attributes]]

      clearinghouse verify clearinghouse_name_list

 ARGUMENTS    [Toc]    [Back]
      cell_name The name of a single cell.  The name must be a fully
                qualified cell name as shown in either of the following:



                A list of one or more names of clearinghouses you want to
                operate on. A clearinghouse can be specified in either of
                the following forms:



      operation The name of the clearinghouse operation for which to display
                help information.

 DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

 Hewlett-Packard Company            - 1 OSF DCE 1.1/HP DCE 1.8 PHSS_26394-96

 clearinghouse(1m)        Open Software Foundation         clearinghouse(1m)

      The clearinghouse object represents Cell Directory Service (CDS)
      clearinghouses. Clearinghouses are databases located on CDS server
      machines that store data (directories, objects, and links) in CDS. The
      server machines hold files that contain the actual clearinghouse data.
      Clearinghouses are also represented in the CDS namespace by an entry
      that contains information about the clearinghouse.

      You must run the create operation on the host where you want to create
      the new clearinghouse and the delete, disable, initiate, repair, and
      verify operations on the host where the clearinghouse to be operated
      on resides.

 ATTRIBUTES    [Toc]    [Back]
      The following are the CDS-defined attributes that may be present in
      CDS clearinghouse objects:

      CDS_AllUpTo    [Toc]    [Back]
                Indicates the date and time the clearinghouse object has
                been updated to reflect the CDS_CHDirectories attribute.

      CDS_CHDirectories    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the full name and Universal Unique Identifier
                (UUID) of every directory that has a replica in this

      CDS_CHLastAddress    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the current reported network address of the

      CDS_CHName    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the full name of the clearinghouse.

      CDS_CHState    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the state of the clearinghouse.  The state on
                indicates the clearinghouse is running and available.

      CDS_CTS   Specifies the creation timestamp (CTS) of the clearinghouse.

      CDS_DirectoryVersion    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the current version of the directory in the
                clearinghouse in which the directory was created.

      CDS_NSCellname    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the name of the cell in which the clearinghouse

      CDS_ObjectUUID    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the UUID of the clearinghouse.  This read-only
                attribute is set by the system when the clearinghouse is
                created and cannot be modified by the user.

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      CDS_ReplicaVersion    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the current version of the replica in which the
                directory was created.  The default is 3.0.  If an upgrade
                has taken place, the value will upgrade to 4.0.

      CDS_UpgradeTo    [Toc]    [Back]
                A single-valued attribute used to control the upgrading of a
                clearinghouse from one version of CDS to another.  By
                modifying this attribute, the process of upgrading a
                clearinghouse to a newer version of CDS may be initiated.

      CDS_UTS   Specifies the DTS-style, read-only timestamp of the most
                recent update to an attribute of the clearinghouse.  The
                value is set by the system.

    Counters    [Toc]    [Back]
                Specifies the number of times that a clearinghouse generated
                a data corruption event.

      disables  Specifies the number of times that the clearinghouse was
                disabled since it was last started.

      enables   Specifies the number of times that a clearinghouse was
                enabled since it was last started, not including the initial

                Specifies the number of times that upgrades failed when
                using the CDS-UpgradeTo attribute.

                Specifies the number of times the clearinghouse entry
                missing event was generated.

      reads     Specifies the number of read operations directed to this

                Specifies the number of requests directed to this
                clearinghouse that resulted in the return of a partial
                answer instead of satisfying the client's entire request.

                Specifies the number of times the root lost event was
                generated by the clearinghouse.

                Specifies the number of times that a skulk of a directory,
                initiated from this clearinghouse, failed to complete

 Hewlett-Packard Company            - 3 OSF DCE 1.1/HP DCE 1.8 PHSS_26394-96

 clearinghouse(1m)        Open Software Foundation         clearinghouse(1m)

                (usually because one of the replicas in the replica set was

      writes    Specifies the number of write operations directed to this

      See the OSF DCE Administration Guide for more information about
      clearinghouse attributes and counters.

 OPERATIONS    [Toc]    [Back]
    clearinghouse catalog
      Returns a list of the names of all clearinghouses in a cell. The
      syntax is as follows:

      clearinghouse catalog [cell_name] [-simplename]

      Option    [Toc]    [Back]

                Returns a list of clearinghouse names in a cell without
                prepending the cellname.

      The catalog operation returns a list of the names of all
      clearinghouses in a cell.  If you do not specify the optional
      cell_name argument, the cell name defaults to the local cell.

      Privileges Required    [Toc]    [Back]

      No special privileges are needed to use the clearinghouse catalog

      Examples    [Toc]    [Back]

      dcecp> clearinghouse catalog

      dcecp> clearinghouse catalog -simplename

    clearinghouse create
      Creates a new clearinghouse on the local machine.  The syntax is as

      clearinghouse create clearinghouse_name_list

 Hewlett-Packard Company            - 4 OSF DCE 1.1/HP DCE 1.8 PHSS_26394-96

 clearinghouse(1m)        Open Software Foundation         clearinghouse(1m)

      The create operation creates a new clearinghouse on the local machine.
      The clearinghouse_name_list argument is a list of one or more names of
      the clearinghouses you want to create. Clearinghouses should be named
      only in the root directory (that is, /.:).  This operation also stores
      a read-only replica of the root directory in the new clearinghouse.
      The process that creates the new clearinghouse initiates a skulk of
      the root directory, so all replicas of the root should be reachable
      when you enter the clearinghouse create command.  To ensure this,
      perform an immediate skulk of /.: before invoking the command, using
      the directory synchronize /.: command. Standard clearinghouse naming
      convention strongly suggests that the clearinghouse name end with the
      string "_ch".  Many existing scripts expect this naming convention to
      be followed.  This operation returns an empty string on sucess.

      Privileges Required    [Toc]    [Back]

      You need w (write) permission to the server on which you intend to
      create the clearinghouse, and A (Admin) permission to the cell root
      directory.  The server principal (hosts/hostname/cds-server) needs r
      (read), w (write), and A (Admin) permission to the cell root

      Examples    [Toc]    [Back]

      The following command creates a clearinghouse named /.:/Boston_ch on
      the local server system:

      dcecp> clearinghouse create /.:/Boston_ch

    clearinghouse delete
      Deletes the specified clearinghouse from the local machine.  The
      syntax is as follows:

      clearinghouse delete clearinghouse_name_list

      The delete operation deletes the specified clearinghouse from the
      local server system. The clearinghouse_name_list argument is a list of
      one or more names of the clearinghouses you want to delete.
      Clearinghouses that contain master replicas of directories are not
      deleted (and also return errors).  This command also automatically
      deletes all read-only replicas from the clearinghouse; however, you
      should delete all read-only replicas by hand (see directory delete -
      replica) before invoking this command since invoking many skulks
      causes the command to execute more slowly.  This operation returns an
      empty string on success.

      CDS does not permit you to delete a disabled (cleared) clearinghouse.
      Before you can do so, re-create the clearinghouse, using the

 Hewlett-Packard Company            - 5 OSF DCE 1.1/HP DCE 1.8 PHSS_26394-96

 clearinghouse(1m)        Open Software Foundation         clearinghouse(1m)

      clearinghouse create command.

      Privileges Required    [Toc]    [Back]

      You must have w (write) and d (delete) permission to the clearinghouse
      and A (Admin) permission to all directories that store replicas in the
      clearinghouse.  The server principal (hosts/hostname/cds-server) must
      have d (delete) permission to the associated clearinghouse object
      entry and A (Admin) permission to all directories that store replicas
      in the clearinghouse.

      Examples    [Toc]    [Back]

      The following command deletes a clearinghouse named /.:/Orion_ch from
      the local server system:

      dcecp> clearinghouse delete /.:/Orion_ch

    clearinghouse disable
      Removes knowledge of the specified clearinghouse from the local
      server's memory.  The syntax is as follows:

      clearinghouse disable clearinghouse_name_list

      The disable operation removes knowledge of the specified clearinghouse
      from the local server's memory. The clearinghouse_name_list argument
      is a list of names of one or more clearinghouses you want to disable.
      Use this command when relocating a clearinghouse. This command removes
      the name of the prefix of the clearinghouse files from the
      /opt/dcelocal/var/directory/cds/cds_files file and notifies the local
      CDS server that the clearinghouse is disabled.  The clearinghouse
      entry is not removed from the namespace, nor are the datafiles
      associated with the clearinghouse removed.  This operation returns an
      empty string on success.

      Privileges Required    [Toc]    [Back]

      You must have w (write) permission to the CDS server on which the
      clearinghouse resides.

      Examples    [Toc]    [Back]

      The following command disables the clearinghouse /.:/Paris2_ch so that
      it can be moved to another server:

      dcecp> clearinghouse disable /.:/Paris2_ch

 Hewlett-Packard Company            - 6 OSF DCE 1.1/HP DCE 1.8 PHSS_26394-96

 clearinghouse(1m)        Open Software Foundation         clearinghouse(1m)

    clearinghouse help
      Returns help information about the clearinghouse object and its
      operations.  The syntax is as follows:

      clearinghouse help [operation | -verbose]

      Options    [Toc]    [Back]

      -verbose  Displays information about the clearinghouse object.

      Used without an argument or option, the clearinghouse help command
      returns brief information about each clearinghouse operation. The
      optional operation argument is the name of an operation about which
      you want detailed information. Alternatively, you can use the -verbose
      option for more detailed information about the clearinghouse object

      Privileges Required    [Toc]    [Back]

      No special privileges are needed to use the clearinghouse help

      Examples    [Toc]    [Back]

      dcecp> clearinghouse help
      catalog             Returns the names of all clearinghouses in a cell.
      create              Creates the named clearinghouse.
      delete              Deletes the named clearinghouse.
      disable             Disables the named clearinghouse.
      initiate            Initiates an action on the named CDS clearinghouse.
      repair              Repairs an aspect of the named CDS clearinghouse.
      show                Returns the attributes of a clearinghouse.
      verify              Verifies the consistency of the clearinghouse.
      help                Prints a summary of command-line options.
      operations          Returns a list of the valid operations for this command.

    clearinghouse initiate
      Initiates a defined action on the specified clearinghouse on the local
      machine. The syntax is as follows:

      clearinghouse initiate clearinghouse_name_list -checkpoint

      Options    [Toc]    [Back]

                Forces the clearinghouse to checkpont to disk.

 Hewlett-Packard Company            - 7 OSF DCE 1.1/HP DCE 1.8 PHSS_26394-96

 clearinghouse(1m)        Open Software Foundation         clearinghouse(1m)

      The initiate operation initiates a defined action on the specified
      clearinghouse.  The required clearinghouse_name_list argument is a
      list of names of clearinghouses you want to initiate actions on.
      Currently, only a checkpoint action is available.  This operation
      returns an empty string on success.

      Privileges Required    [Toc]    [Back]

      You need w (write) permission on the clearinghouse server and A
      (admin) permission on the cell root directory.  The server principal
      (hosts/hostname/cds-server) needs r (read), w (write), and A (Admin)
      permission on the cell root directory.

      Examples    [Toc]    [Back]

      The following command initiates a checkpoint operation on the
      clearinghouse named /.:/oddball_ch on the local system.

      dcecp> clearinghouse initiate /.:/oddball_ch -checkpoint

    clearinghouse operations
      Returns a list of the operations supported by the clearinghouse
      object. The syntax is as follows:

      clearinghouse operations

      The list of available operations is in alphabetical order except for
      help and operations, which are listed last.

      Privileges Required    [Toc]    [Back]

      No special privileges are needed to use the clearinghouse operations

      Examples    [Toc]    [Back]

      dcecp> clearinghouse operations
      catalog create delete disable initiate repair show verify help operations

    clearinghouse repair
      Repairs a specific problem on a specified clearinghouse on the local
      machine. The syntax is as follows:

      clearinghouse repair clearinghouse_name_list -timestamps

 Hewlett-Packard Company            - 8 OSF DCE 1.1/HP DCE 1.8 PHSS_26394-96

 clearinghouse(1m)        Open Software Foundation         clearinghouse(1m)

      Options    [Toc]    [Back]

                Analyzes and repairs invalid timestamps found in a

      Use the repair operation to fix various problems that can occur in a
      clearinghouse.  The required clearinghouse_name_list argument is a
      list of names of clearinghouses you want to initiate repair actions
      on.  Currently, only invalid timestamps can be repaired.  This
      operation returns an empty string on success.

      Privileges Required    [Toc]    [Back]

      You need w (write) permission to the clearinghouse server and A
      (Admin) permission to the cell root directory.  The server principal
      (hosts/hostname/cds-server) needs r (read), w (write), and A (Admin)
      permission to the cell root directory.

      Examples    [Toc]    [Back]

      The following command repairs invalid timestamps in a clearinghouse
      named /.:/blech_ch on the local system.

      dcecp> clearinghouse repair /.:/blech_ch -timestamps

    clearinghouse show
      Returns attribute and counter information associated with the
      specified clearinghouses on local or remote machines.  The syntax is
      as follows:

      clearinghouse show clearinghouse_name_list
      [-schema | -all | [-counters] [-attributes]]

      Options    [Toc]    [Back]

      -schema   Indicates whether attributes are single-valued or multivalued.

      -all      Returns the attributes and counters for the clearinghouse.

                Returns the attributes for the clearinghouse.

      -counters Returns the counters for the clearinghouse.

 Hewlett-Packard Company            - 9 OSF DCE 1.1/HP DCE 1.8 PHSS_26394-96

 clearinghouse(1m)        Open Software Foundation         clearinghouse(1m)

      The show operation displays attribute and counter information
      associated with the clearinghouses specified by
      clearinghouse_name_list, which is a list of one or more names of the
      clearinghouses.  If more than one clearinghouse is specified, the
      attributes of all the clearinghouses are concatenated into one list.
      The order of the returned attributes is the lexical order of the
      object identifiers (OIDs) of each attribute for each clearinghouse.

      If you supply no options, clearinghouse show returns the attributes
      associated with the specified clearinghouse.

      Privileges Required    [Toc]    [Back]

      You must have r (read) permission to the clearinghouse.

      Examples    [Toc]    [Back]

      dcecp> clearinghouse show /.:/drkstr_ch
      {CDS_CTS 1994-06-18-20:16:22.150-05:00I0.000/00-00-c0-f7-de-56}
      {CDS_UTS 1994-06-19-17:17:43.911-05:00I0.000/00-00-c0-f7-de-56}
      {CDS_ObjectUUID 0066ccea-d978-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56}
      {CDS_AllUpTo 1994-07-01-21:30:18.948-05:00I0.000/00-00-c0-f7-de-56}
      {CDS_DirectoryVersion 3.0}
      {CDS_CHName /.../terrapin/drkstr_ch}
       {Tower ncacn_ip_tcp}
       {Tower ncadg_ip_udp}}
      {CDS_CHState on}
       {{Dir_UUID 00146037-d97b-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56}
        {Dir_Name /.../terrapin}}
       {{Dir_UUID 0043797a-d991-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56}
        {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/subsys}}
       {{Dir_UUID 004faa42-d992-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56}
        {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/subsys/HP}}
       {{Dir_UUID 004fa65a-d993-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56}
        {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/subsys/HP/sample-apps}}
       {{Dir_UUID 004b1130-d994-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56}
        {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/subsys/dce}}
       {{Dir_UUID 00498a0e-d995-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56}
        {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/subsys/dce/sec}}
       {{Dir_UUID 003ed80c-d996-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56}
        {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/subsys/dce/dfs}}
       {{Dir_UUID 003d4d8e-d997-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56}
        {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/hosts}}
       {{Dir_UUID 003bc522-d998-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56}
        {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/hosts/drkstr}}
       {{Dir_UUID 0089ee8c-44e0-1dbe-929b-0000c0f7de56}
        {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/help}}
       {{Dir_UUID 001c6cea-00fb-1dc5-929b-0000c0f7de56}
        {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/test_1}}

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       {{Dir_UUID 00440fe8-02a1-1dc5-929b-0000c0f7de56}
        {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/dirmod}}}
      {CDS_ReplicaVersion 3.0}
      {CDS_NSCellname /.../terrapin}

      dcecp> clearinghouse show /.:/chicago1_ch -counters
      {corruptions 0}
      {disables 0}
      {enables 1}
      {failedupgrades 0}
      {missingentries 0}
      {reads 2336}
      {returnedrefs 2}
      {rootunreachables 0}
      {skulkfailures 0}
      {writes 68}

    clearinghouse verify
      Verifies the consistency of the specified clearinghouse on the local
      machine. The syntax is as follows:

      clearinghouse verify clearinghouse_name_list

      The verify operation verifies the consistency of the specified
      clearinghouse by checking internal attributes.  The required
      clearinghouse_name_list argument is a list of one or more names of
      clearinghouses you want to verify.  This operation returns an empty
      string on success.

      Privileges Required    [Toc]    [Back]

      You need w (write) permission to the clearinghouse server and A
      (Admin) permission to the cell root directory.  The server principal
      (hosts/hostname/cds-server) needs r (read), w (write), and A (Admin)
      permission to the cell root directory.

      Examples    [Toc]    [Back]

      The following command verifies the consistency of clearinghouses named
      /.:/gumby_ch and /.:/pokey_ch.

      dcecp> clearinghouse verify {/.:/gumby_ch /.:/pokey_ch}

 Hewlett-Packard Company           - 11 OSF DCE 1.1/HP DCE 1.8 PHSS_26394-96

 clearinghouse(1m)        Open Software Foundation         clearinghouse(1m)

      Commands:    dcecp(1m),    dcecp_cdscache(1m),    dcecp_directory(1m),
      dcecp_link(1m), dcecp_object(1m).

 Hewlett-Packard Company           - 12 -OSF DCE 1.1/HP DCE 1.8 PHSS_26394-96
[ Back ]
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