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 vxtask(1M)                       VxVM 3.5                        vxtask(1M)
                                 1 Jun 2002

 NAME    [Toc]    [Back]
      vxtask - list and administer VERITAS Volume Manager tasks

 SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]
      vxtask abort taskid

      vxtask [-ahlpqr ] [-g dg_name [-g dg_name...]] [[-G dg_name] -v volume
      [-v volume...]] [-i taskid] list [taskid...]

      vxtask pause taskid

      vxtask resume taskid

      vxtask [-i taskid] set name=value taskid [-c count] [-t time] [-w
      wait_interval] [-ln ] monitor [taskid[taskid...]]

 DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]
      The vxtask utility performs basic administrative operations on VERITAS
      Volume Manager (VxVM) tasks that are running on the system.
      Operations include listing tasks (subject to filtering), modifying the
      state of a task (aborting, pausing, resuming), and modifying the rate
      of progress of a task.

      VERITAS Volume Manager tasks represent long-term operations in
      progress on the system. Every task provides the time the operation
      started, the size and progress of the operation, and the operation's
      state and rate of progress (throttle). You can change the state of a
      task, giving coarse-grained control over an operation's progress. For
      those operations that support throttling, you can change the rate of
      progress of a task, giving more fine-grained control over the task.

      The majority of tasks represent I/O being performed to objects.
      Operations such as read-writeback recovery for mirrored volumes,
      parity recalculation for RAID-5 volumes, volume relayouts, and so
      forth, all involve moderate to large amounts of I/O.  Tasks that
      represent operations that perform I/O directly are referred to as
      basic tasks. The task progress information for basic tasks consists of
      the starting and ending block of the I/O to be performed and the
      offset to which the I/O has currently completed.

      Some operations, such as vxrecover and starting RAID-5 volumes, may
      require multiple tasks to complete the operation. vxrecover may
      determine that many recoveries are required, some that must be
      performed serially. Starting a RAID-5 volume requires that its log (if
      any) be replayed and cleared, its parity be recalculated (if
      necessary), any stale subdisks be resynchronized (if needed), and that
      these tasks be performed serially. In these and similar cases, an
      overall task is created to keep track of the underlying basic tasks
      being performed, and these are known as parent tasks. The progress
      information for parent tasks are the total number of subtasks required
      to complete the overall operation; the number of subtasks completed;

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                                 1 Jun 2002

      and the number of subtasks currently running.

      Every task is given a unique task identifier. This is a numeric
      identifier for the task that can be specified to the vxtask utility to
      specifically identify a single task.

      Tasks also contain the following information:

      task tag  A task's tag is a string that you can specify to make
                administration easier. It is usually set by the command that
                initiates the task. For most utilities, the -t tasktag
                option allows a tag to be specified as a sequence of up to
                16 alphanumeric characters.

      task type The task's type describes the specific operation that is
                being performed. For example, attaching a plex to a volume
                results in an atomic copy loop, which is represented by an
                ATOMIC_COPY task.

                Describes the utility operation on whose behalf the I/O is
                being performed. For example, both a volume start and a plex
                attach can result in an atomic copy loop and thus an
                ATOMIC_COPY task. The description of the operation attempts
                to disambiguate between tasks that are performing the same
                basic work.

      object    Most tasks are related to a specific object, usually the
                volume within which the operation is taking place.

      parent    Some utilities require multiple operations to fulfill a
                request. For example, the vxrecover utility may need to
                start many different volumes. In these cases, the subtasks
                list their parent.

      progress information
                Each task has an indication of its starting point and ending
                point, and an indication as to what point it has progressed
                so far. Combined with the work time, this allows the amount
                of time remaining until completion to be estimated for some

      state     Each task has one of three states: RUNNING, PAUSED or

      time      Each task notes its starting time and the total amount of
                time spent doing work.

 KEYWORDS    [Toc]    [Back]
                These three operations request that the specified task

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                                 1 Jun 2002

                change its state.  pause puts a running task in the paused
                state, suspending its operation. resume continues the
                operation of a paused task.  abort stops the operation of
                the specified.  In most cases, the operations "back out" in
                a manner similar to when an I/O error occurs, reversing as
                much as possible what's been done so far.

      list      List tasks running on the system in one-line summaries.  The
                value displayed for percentage task progress takes into
                account all intermediate steps that are required to
                accomplish a specific task.

                By default, all tasks running on the system are printed.  If
                a taskid argument is supplied, the output is limited to
                those tasks whose taskid or task tag match taskid. The
                remaining options filter and limit the listed tasks as

                -a        Limits the output to tasks in the aborting state.

                -g dg_name
                          Limits the listed tasks to those tasks running on
                          objects in the diskgroup dg_name.

                -G        Distinguishes between volumes with the same name
                          in different diskgroups; see vxintro(1M).

                -h        Prints tasks hierarchically with a task's child
                          tasks following the parent task.

                -l        Prints tasks in long format.

                -p        Limits the output to tasks in the paused state.

                -q        Suppresses printing of column headings.

                -r        Limits the output to tasks in the running state.

                -v volume Limits the output to tasks whose object is volume.

                Any task meeting any of the criteria specified are printed.
                That is, if -v foovol and -p are specified, then any task
                operating on foovol or that is paused are printed. If -h
                were also specified, then those tasks and all their children
                would be listed.

      monitor   The monitor operation continuously prints information about
                a task or group of tasks as the task information changes.
                The -l option specifies printing a long listing.  The
                default is to print  one-line listings.

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                                 1 Jun 2002

                The monitor command accepts the following options:

                -c count  Prints count sets of task information, then exits.

                -n        Monitors not only the tasks specified on the
                          command line, but also any tasks newly registered
                          while the program is running.

                -t time   Exits after time seconds.

                -w interval
                          Prints the string "waiting..." when interval
                          seconds pass with no output activity.

                In addition to printing task information when a task state
                changes, output is also generated when the task completes.
                When this occurs, the task state is printed as EXITED (see
                the OUTPUT section).

      set       The set operation changes modifiable parameters of a task.
                There is only one modifiable parameter for tasks: the slow
                attribute, which represents a throttle on the task progress.
                The larger the slow value, the slower the progress of the
                task and the fewer system resources it consumes in a given
                time. (The slow attribute is the same attribute that many
                commands, such as vxplex, vxvol and vxrecover, accept.)

 OUTPUT    [Toc]    [Back]
      There are two output formats printed by vxtask: a short, one-line
      summary format per task, and a long task listing. The short listing
      attempts to provide the most used task information for quick perusal,
      displaying the following fields from left to right:

           1. The task ID for the task.

           2. The task ID of the task's parent, if any. If the task has no
              parent, this field is left blank.

           3. The task type and state, separated by a slash (/). The type
              field is a description of the work being performed, such as
              ATOMIC COPY for atomic copy I/O and RELAYOUT for an online
              relayout operation. The state is a single letter representing
              the task state: R for running, P for paused, and K for
              aborting.  In the special case of the completion of a task
              that is being monitored, the state is printed as EXITING.

           4. The percentage of the operation that has been completed to
              this point.

           5. The task's progress information. For basic tasks, this is the
              starting offset, ending offset and current offset for the

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              operation, separated by slashes (/). For parent tasks, this is
              the starting number of child tasks, total number of child
              tasks required for the operation to complete, and the number
              of child tasks already completed to this point, separated by
              slashes, followed by the number of children currently running
              in parentheses.

           6. A description of the command for which the task is performing
              work. This is normally a single word, such as START for a
              volume start operation or RELAYOUT for an online relayout,
              followed by object names, indicating what the arguments were
              for the command. See EXAMPLES below.
      The long output format prints all available information for a task,
      spanning multiple lines. If more than one task is printed, the output
      for different tasks is separated by a single blank line. Each line in
      the long output format contains a title for the line, followed by a
      colon (:), followed by the information. The possible information
      printed for a task includes:

                A description of the operation on whose behalf the work is
                being performed. This is essentially a description of the
                command executed along with the VERITAS Volume Manager
                objects specified as arguments.

      Progress: A description of the progress of the task. The progress is
                stated as a percentage of completion, along with the actual
                progress values for the task.

      Started:  The time that the task was started.

      Task:     General information for the task. The task's ID, followed by
                its parent's ID (if any) in parentheses, followed by the
                task's state, either RUNNING, PAUSED or ABORTING.

      Throttle  The throttle value for the task, if applicable.

      Type:     The task type, describing the work being performed.

      Work time:
                States how much time has been spent performing the work, and
                a rough estimate of the time remaining for the task to

      As a special case, when a task being monitored completes only the
      Task: line is printed for the task, with the task state represented by

 EXAMPLES    [Toc]    [Back]
      To list all tasks currently running on the system:

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                                 1 Jun 2002

           vxtask list

      To trace all tasks in the diskgroup foodg that are currently paused,
      as well as any tasks with the tag sysstart:

           vxtask -g foodg -p -i sysstart list

      To list all tasks on the system that are currently paused:

           vxtask -p list

      To monitor all tasks with the tag myoperation:

           vxtask monitor myoperation

      To cause all tasks tagged with recovall to exit:

           vxtask abort recovall

 FILES    [Toc]    [Back]
      /dev/vx/info                  Used to get task information from the

      /dev/vx/taskmon               Task monitoring device.

 SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]
      vxintro(1M), vxplex(1M), vxrecover(1M), vxsd(1M), vxvol(1M)

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[ Back ]
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