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 vxrvg(1M)                        VxVM 3.5                         vxrvg(1M)
                                 1 Jun 2002

 NAME    [Toc]    [Back]
      vxrvg - perform VERITAS Volume Manager operations on RVGs

 SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]
      vxrvg [-f] [-g diskgroup] checkend rvg

      vxrvg [-f] [-g diskgroup] -c checkpoint checkstart rvg

      vxrvg [-g diskgroup] cplist rvg

      vxrvg [-g diskgroup] {-F [-r]|-M|-N} makeprimary rvg [rlink]

      vxrvg [-g diskgroup] makesecondary rvg [rlink]

      vxrvg [-f] [-g diskgroup] recover rvg

      vxrvg [-g diskgroup] resync rvg

      vxrvg [-g diskgroup] [-P prefix | -a] snapback rvg

      vxrvg [-g diskgroup] [-P prefix] snapshot rvg

      vxrvg [-f] [-g diskgroup] start rvg

      vxrvg [-f] [-g diskgroup] stop rvg

      vxrvg [-1] [-g diskgroup] getdatavols rvg

      vxrvg [-1] [-g diskgroup] getrlinks rvg

      vxrvg [-g diskgroup] [-i interval] [-t timestamp_freq] stats rvg

 DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]
      The vxrvg utility performs VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) operations on
      replicated volume groups (RVGs).  vxrvg is specific to VERITAS Volume
      Replicator (VVR), which requires a valid license.  The first operand
      is a keyword that determines the specific operation to perform.

      Each operation can be applied to only one diskgroup at a time.  The
      rvg operand is used to determine a default local disk group, according
      to the standard disk group selection rules described in vxintro(1M). A
      local disk group can be specified using the -g diskgroup option.

 KEYWORDS    [Toc]    [Back]
      checkend  Marks the storage replicator log (SRL) volume associated
                with the specified RVG, rvg.  Use this command only after
                you have finished copying all of the data volume data to a
                secondary site (see vxrvg checkstart).

                Marks the SRL volume associated with the specified RVG, rvg.

                                    - 1 -       Formatted:  January 24, 2005

 vxrvg(1M)                        VxVM 3.5                         vxrvg(1M)
                                 1 Jun 2002

                Any writes to any of the data volumes subsequent to the
                checkstart are logged in the SRL volume until a subsequent
                vxrvg checkend is executed. The required -c option specifies
                a checkpoint string which is associated with the start and
                end marks in the SRL volume. Use this command before copying
                all of the data volume data to the secondary sites.

                The checkstart/checkend marks indicate the series of updates
                which the secondary must receive for it to become
                consistent.  The secondary is inconsistent while these
                updates are in the process of being transmitted to it. This
                means that the secondary is not a valid candidate for a
                primary migration during this period.

      cplist    Displays information about all existing checkpoints that are
                associated with the specified RVG, rvg, including their
                name, size, and percentage of SRL used.  If SRL usage
                reaches 100%, the checkpoint overflows and becomes unusable,
                as indicated by the output message "<Checkpoint
                overflowed>." Note that only primary checkpoints (created
                using vxrvg -c checkpoint checkstart on the primary) are
                associated with an RVG.  Secondary checkpoints (created
                using vxrlink -c checkpoint pause on the secondary) are
                associated with the RLINK, and can be listed using vxrlink

                Converts a secondary RVG, rvg, to a primary RVG.  In the
                event that the primary site fails, this command can be used
                to perform a failover using the -F or -N options.  For a
                planned migration, the -M (migrate) option should be used.
                One of the options -F, -M, or -N must be specified with this
                command.  The -r option may be specified with the -F option
                to perform an automatic resync of the RVG after a failover.

                Converts a primary RVG, rvg, to a secondary RVG.  Note that
                all applications must be shut down and all data volumes must
                be closed.

      recover   Recovers the specified RVG, rvg, after rebooting the system.

      resync    Starts replay of a DCM that is active due to SRL overflow or
                failback logging. Replay occurs for all RLINKs on which the
                dcm_logging flag is set.  If any of these RLINKs are
                disconnected or paused, resynchronization is delayed until
                this condition clears. Detaching a disconnected or paused
                RLINK clears the dcm_logging flag, and allows
                resynchronization to proceed on any remaining RLINKs.

                                    - 2 -       Formatted:  January 24, 2005

 vxrvg(1M)                        VxVM 3.5                         vxrvg(1M)
                                 1 Jun 2002

      snapback  Reattaches snapshot volumes to their original volumes in the
                specified RVG, rvg.  (This operation is similar to vxassist

                To reattach snapshot volumes, specify either the -P prefix
                option to reattach the set of snapshot volumes (one for each
                volume in the RVG) that has the specified prefix, or the -a
                option to reattach all snapshot volumes (multiple snapshot
                volumes for each volume in an RVG).  Otherwise, vxrvg
                returns an error.  If only one snapshot volume exists for
                the volumes in the RVG, neither option need be specified.

      snapshot  Creates snapshot volumes for all volumes in the specified
                RVG, rvg.  (This operation is similar to vxassist snapshot.)

                The snapshot operation takes one of the attached temporary
                mirrors, and creates a new volume with the temporary mirror
                as its one plex. A snapshot plex must be available to use
                the snapshot command.  You can use the vxassist snapstart
                command to create the snapshot plex.  See the vxassist(1M)
                manual page for more information.

      start     Starts the specified RVG, rvg.  This enables I/O accesses to
                the associated data volumes.  The data and SRL volumes must
                be ACTIVE.  The RVG is set to the ACTIVE state.

      stop      Stops the specified RVG, rvg.  This disables I/O accesses to
                the associated data volumes.  The RVG is set to the CLEAN

                Displays names of all data volumes that are associated with
                the specified RVG, rvg.

      getrlinks Displays names of all rlinks that are associated with the
                specified RVG, rvg.

      stats     Displays application statistics for the given RVG, rvg.
                This is only valid on the primary.  The -i interval option
                allows the stats command to be executed at the given
                interval.  The -t timestamp_freq option displays the system
                date at the given frequency.  The values displayed are:

                Read/Write Conflicts
                          Number of times that the application attempted to
                          read from a data block that was currently being
                          written to.

                Maximum Concurrency    [Toc]    [Back]
                          Maximum number of threads writing at any point of

                                    - 3 -       Formatted:  January 24, 2005

 vxrvg(1M)                        VxVM 3.5                         vxrvg(1M)
                                 1 Jun 2002

                Average Concurrency    [Toc]    [Back]
                          Average number of threads performing writes.

                Maximum Write-Size    [Toc]    [Back]
                          Maximum write size (in 1024-byte blocks) observed
                          on any data volume in the RVG.

                Average Write-Size    [Toc]    [Back]
                          Average write size reported in 1024-byte blocks.

 OPTIONS    [Toc]    [Back]
      -a        Specifies that the snapback operation is to reattach all
                snapshot volumes that are associated with volumes in the
                specified RVG.

      -c checkpoint
                Required with checkstart keyword.  The checkpoint string is
                associated with the checkstart and checkend marks in the SRL
                volume (see vxrvg checkstart).  It can be printed with
                vxprint -l rvg, but is overwritten in the RVG record by a
                subsequent vxrvg checkstart command (although it persists in
                the SRL volume until entries written to the SRL volume
                eventually wrap around and overwrite it).

      -f        For the checkstart, checkend, recover, start and stop
                keywords, this option forces the operation to be performed
                even if the RVG is in use by another utility.

                For the start keyword, this option allows an RVG to be
                started in PASSTHRU mode.

                For the stop keyword, this option allows an RVG to be
                stopped even if it is open or mounted.

      -F        Enables failback logging during a failover.  This option is
                only used with the makeprimary keyword.

      -g diskgroup
                Specifies the local diskgroup for the operation either by
                name or by disk group ID (see vxdg(1M) for more information
                on disk groups).

      -M        Performs a controlled migration from a secondary RVG to a
                primary RVG.  This option is only used with the makeprimary

      -N        Disables failback logging when performing a failover.  This
                option is only used with the makeprimary keyword.

                                    - 4 -       Formatted:  January 24, 2005

 vxrvg(1M)                        VxVM 3.5                         vxrvg(1M)
                                 1 Jun 2002

      -P prefix With the snapshot operation, assigns names to created
                snapshot volumes with the format prefix-volume_name, where
                volume_name is the name of the original volume.

                With the snapback operation, reattaches only those snapshot
                volumes that have names beginning with the specified prefix.

      -r        Uses vxrvg resync to perform an automatic resynchronization
                of the RVG after a failover.  This option may only be
                specified with the -F option to the makeprimary keyword.

      -1        Displays the output in one column.  This option can only be
                used with either the getdatavols or getrlinks keywords.

      -i interval
                Executes the stats command every interval seconds.

      -t timestamp_freq
                With the stats command, displays the system date every
                timestamp_freq seconds.

 EXIT CODES    [Toc]    [Back]
      The vxrvg utility exits with a non-zero status if the attempted
      operation fails. A non-zero exit code is not a complete indicator of
      the problems encountered, but rather denotes the first condition that
      prevented further execution of the utility.

      See vxintro(1M) for a list of standard exit codes.

 SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]
      vxassist(1M), vxdg(1M), vxedit(1M), vxintro(1M), vxmake(1M),
      vxprint(1M), vxrlink(1M), vxvol(1M)

                                    - 5 -       Formatted:  January 24, 2005
[ Back ]
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