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NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     krb5_address, krb5_addresses, krb5_sockaddr2address, krb5_sockaddr2port,
     krb5_addr2sockaddr, krb5_max_sockaddr_size, krb5_sockaddr_uninteresting,
     krb5_h_addr2sockaddr, krb5_h_addr2addr, krb5_anyaddr, krb5_print_address,
     krb5_parse_address, krb5_address_order, krb5_address_compare,
     krb5_address_search, krb5_free_address, krb5_free_addresses,
     krb5_copy_address, krb5_copy_addresses, krb5_append_addresses,
     krb5_make_addrport -- mange addresses in Kerberos.

LIBRARY    [Toc]    [Back]

     Kerberos 5 Library (libkrb5, -lkrb5)

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     #include <krb5.h>

     krb5_sockaddr2address(krb5_context context, const struct sockaddr *sa,
         krb5_address *addr);

     krb5_sockaddr2port(krb5_context context, const struct sockaddr *sa,
         int16_t *port);

     krb5_addr2sockaddr(krb5_context context, const krb5_address *addr,
         struct sockaddr *sa, krb5_socklen_t *sa_size, int port);


     krb5_sockaddr_uninteresting(const struct sockaddr *sa);

     krb5_h_addr2sockaddr(krb5_context context, int af, const char *addr,
         struct sockaddr *sa, krb5_socklen_t *sa_size, int port);

     krb5_h_addr2addr(krb5_context context, int af, const char *haddr,
         krb5_address *addr);

     krb5_anyaddr(krb5_context context, int af, struct sockaddr *sa,
         krb5_socklen_t *sa_size, int port);

     krb5_print_address(const krb5_address *addr, char *str, size_t len,
         size_t *ret_len);

     krb5_parse_address(krb5_context context, const char *string,
         krb5_addresses *addresses);

     krb5_address_order(krb5_context context, const krb5_address *addr1,
         const krb5_address *addr2);

     krb5_address_compare(krb5_context context, const krb5_address *addr1,
         const krb5_address *addr2);

     krb5_address_search(krb5_context context, const krb5_address *addr,
         const krb5_addresses *addrlist);

     krb5_free_address(krb5_context context, krb5_address *address);

     krb5_free_addresses(krb5_context context, krb5_addresses *addresses);

     krb5_copy_address(krb5_context context, const krb5_address *inaddr,
         krb5_address *outaddr);

     krb5_copy_addresses(krb5_context context, const krb5_addresses *inaddr,
         krb5_addresses *outaddr);

     krb5_append_addresses(krb5_context context, krb5_addresses *dest,
         const krb5_addresses *source);

     krb5_make_addrport(krb5_context context, krb5_address **res,
         const krb5_address *addr, int16_t port);

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The krb5_address structure holds a address that can be used in Kerberos
     API calls. There are help functions to set and extract address information
 of the address.

     The krb5_addresses structure holds a set of krb5_address:es.

     krb5_sockaddr2address() stores a address a struct sockaddr sa in the
     krb5_address addr.

     krb5_sockaddr2port() extracts a port (if possible) from a struct sockaddr

     krb5_addr2sockaddr() sets the struct sockaddr sockaddr from addr and
     port.  Sa_size should be initially contain the size of the sa, and after
     the call, it will contain the actual length of the address.

     krb5_max_sockaddr_size() returns the max size of the struct sockaddr that
     the Kerberos library will return.

     krb5_sockaddr_uninteresting() returns TRUE for all sa that for that the
     kerberos library thinks are uninteresting.  One example are link local

     krb5_h_addr2sockaddr() initializes a struct sockaddr sa from af and the
     struct hostent (see gethostbyname(3)) h_addr_list component.  Sa_size
     should be initially contain the size of the sa, and after the call, it
     will contain the actual length of the address.  sa argument.

     krb5_h_addr2addr() works like krb5_h_addr2sockaddr() with the exception
     that it operates on a krb5_address instead of a struct sockaddr

     krb5_anyaddr() fills in a struct sockaddr sa that can be used to to.
     Sa_size should be initially contain the size of the sa, and after the
     call, it will contain the actual length of the address.

     krb5_print_address() prints the address in addr to the a string string
     that have the length len.  If ret_len if not NULL, it will be filled in
     length of the string.

     krb5_parse_address() Returns the resolving a hostname in string to the
     krb5_addresses addresses.

     krb5_address_order() compares to addresses addr1 and addr2 so that it can
     be used for sorting addresses. If the addresses are the same address
     krb5_address_order will be return 0.

     krb5_address_compare() compares the addresses addr1 and addr2.  returns
     TRUE if the two addresses are the same.

     krb5_address_search() checks if the address addr is a member of the
     address set list addrlist.

     krb5_free_address() frees the data stored in the address that is alloced
     with any of the krb5_address functions.

     krb5_free_addresses() frees the data stored in the addresses that is
     alloced with any of the krb5_address functions.

     krb5_copy_address() copies the content of address inaddr to outaddr.

     krb5_copy_addresses() copies the content of the address list inaddr to

     krb5_append_addresses() adds the set of addresses in source to dest.
     While copying the addresses, duplicates are also sorted out.

     krb5_make_addrport() allocates and creates an krb5_address in res of type
     KRB5_ADDRESS_ADDRPORT from (addr, port).

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     krb5(3), krb5.conf(5), kerberos(8)

HEIMDAL                         March 11, 2002                         HEIMDAL
[ Back ]
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