grep, egrep, fgrep - Searches a file for patterns
grep [-E | -F] [-c | -l | -q] [-bhinsvwxy] [-pparagraph_separator]
-e pattern_list [-e pattern_list]... [-f
pattern_file]... [file...]
grep [-E | -F] [-c | -l | -q] [-bhinsvwxy] [-pparagraph_separator]
[-e pattern_list]... -f pattern_file [-f
pattern_file]... [file...]
grep [-E | -F] [-c | -l | -q] [-bhinsvwxy] [-pparagraph_separator]
pattern_list [file...]
The commands grep -E and grep -F are equivalent to the
obsolescent commands egrep and fgrep, respectively.
The grep command searches the specified files (standard
input by default) for lines containing characters that
match the specified patterns, and then writes matching
lines to standard output.
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to
industry standards as follows:
grep: XCU5.0
egrep: XCU5.0
fgrep: XCU5.0
Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information
about industry standards and associated tags.
Although most options can be combined, some combinations
result in one option overriding another. For example, if
you specify -n and -l, the output includes file names only
(as specified by -l) and thus does not include line numbers
(as specified by -n). Treats patterns as extended
regular expressions and is equivalent to the obsolescent
egrep command. Treats patterns as fixed strings and is
equivalent to the obsolescent fgrep command. [Tru64
UNIX] Precedes each line by the block number on which it
was found. Use this option to help find disk block numbers
by context. Displays only a count of matching lines.
Used to specify one or more patterns to match. If more
than one pattern is specified in pattern_list, they must
be separated by newline characters (carriage returns). The
-e option is useful for specifying a pattern that begins
with a - (dash). Specifies a file that contains patterns
to match, one per line. [Tru64 UNIX] Suppresses reporting
of file names when multiple files are processed. That
is, it prevents the name of the file containing the matching
line from being appended to that line. Ignores the
case of letters pattern matching; that is, uppercase and
lowercase in the input are considered to be identical.
Lists only the name of each file containing matched lines.
Each file name is listed only once; file names are separated
by newline characters. The grep command returns
(standard input) (or the local equivalent) in place of a
file name if -l is specified with standard input. Precedes
each line with its relative line number in the file.
[Tru64 UNIX] Displays the entire paragraph containing
matched lines. Paragraphs are delimited by paragraph separators,
paragraph_separator, which are patterns in the
same form as the search pattern. Lines containing the
paragraph separators are used only as separators; they are
never included in the output. The default paragraph separator
is a blank line. Suppresses all output except error
messages. This is useful for checking status. Suppresses
error messages arising from non-existent or unreadable
files. Other error messages are still displayed. Displays
all lines except those that match the specified pattern.
Useful for filtering unwanted lines out of a file. [Tru64
UNIX] Matches only if the expression is found as a separate
word in the text. A word is any string of alphanumeric
characters (letters, numerals, and underscores)
delimited by nonalphanumeric characters (punctuation or
white space) or by the beginning or end of the line). See
ex. Displays a line only if the pattern matches the
entire line. [Tru64 UNIX] Same as -i option.
Specify one or more patterns to be used during the search
for input. This operand is treated as if it were specified
as -e pattern_list. A path name of a file to be searched
for the patterns. If no file operands are specified, the
standard input is used.
By default, the grep command treats a pattern as a basic
regular expression (BRE). With the -E option, the pattern
is treated as an extended regular expression (ERE). With
the -F option, the pattern is considered a fixed string.
See the following discussion of regular expressions.
In the output of the grep command, a matched line is preceded
with the name of the file in which it was found if
you specify more than one file (except when the -h option
is specified).
[Tru64 UNIX] You are strongly encouraged to single quote
patterns to protect them from unwanted shell substitutions.
In some cases, such as in multiline pattern lists
and subexpressions, quoting is essential. When using the C
shell interactively, you must enter a backslash before
terminating a line in a multiline pattern.
[Tru64 UNIX] Running grep on a file that is not a text
file (for example, an file) produces unpredictable results
and is discouraged.
The egrep and fgrep utility is marked LEGACY in XCU Issue
Regular expressions (RE's) provide a powerful way to specify
patterns to search for in text files (or in the standard
input). This section explains the rules for constructing
such patterns.
On Tru64 UNIX there are two standard types of REs, and
thus two sets of rules for building patterns. The two
types of a regular expression that can be built by using
these rules are termed either basic regular expression
(BRE) or extended regular expression (ERE). There is much
in common between BREs and EREs, but there are important
differences as well.
A variety of commands and utilities use one or the other
type of RE, or both. Thus the rules described below are
applicable in many contexts. Nonetheless, the grep command
is used illustratively here.
The term regular expression, or RE, is used when there is
no need to distinguish between BREs and EREs. The terms
pattern and regular expression can be used interchangeably.
The term match is used to describe a string in a
file (or standard input) that is successfully specified by
a pattern or RE. A pattern or an RE may also be referred
to as a string. The matched string might also be termed a
substring or a sequence (of characters).
Simple REs match a single character. More complex REs are
built from other REs as explained in the rules below. REs
are defined recursively; for example, if you concatenate
two REs, the resultant string is an RE.
Regular Expression Concepts [Toc] [Back]
The concept of a character is generalized to the concept
of a collating element. For many purposes, especially in
English-speaking locales, the term collating element may
be considered synonymous with character. Collating elements
are relevant to bracket expressions, and are discussed
in the following sections.
A collating element is the smallest unit used to determine
how to order characters. They are necessary for languages
that treat some strings as individual collating elements.
For example, in Spanish, the strings ch and ll each are
collating symbols (that is, the Spanish primary sort order
is a, b, c, ch, d,...,k, l, ll, m,...).
As an example, suppose we have a file test that contains
these three lines:
ab acbcbc 12356
The command grep 'b' test results in this output: ab
because the RE b, the pattern, matches the letter b in the
first and second lines of the file, and there is no b in
the third line. The RE c would match just the second line.
The RE bc, built by concatenating the prior two REs, would
match just the second line.
There are two instances of bc in the second line, so the
pattern matches the line. However, in using some of the
rules that build REs, it is important to understand
exactly what substrings are matched by a pattern.
Those rules are given in the following sections, but for
illustration, consider the RE c.*b. This pattern means
match a string beginning with c, ending with b, and with
any number of characters between, including none. Thus
this pattern matches lines containing cb, cxb, and
canythingb, for example.
The search for a match starts at the beginning of a string
and stops when the first sequence matching the pattern is
found scanning from left to right. If there is more than
one possible leftmost match, the longest match is used.
For example, in the file test above, the pattern c.*b
matches the second through third characters of the second
line, and also the second through the fifth characters.
The latter, being the longer, is the actual match. However,
a longer substring that is not the leftmost match is
not a match.
A null pattern will match any character, so the command
grep '' test
matches all three lines.
A multicharacter collating element is considered a single
character in the rules below that describe how to form a
bracket expression, which matches a single character. However,
when considering what the longest sequence is in a
match involving a multicharacter collating element, the
element counts not as one character but as the number of
characters it matches.
Pattern matching can be done in a case-insensitive manner.
Case-insensitive processing permits matching of multicharacter
collating elements as well as characters. For example,
in grep -i '[[.Ch.]]' file
the RE [[.Ch.]] would match ch, Ch, cH, or CH. The notation
is explained below.
Some utilities that use regular expressions, including
grep, process a file line by line. A line ends with a newline
character. In general (but not with grep the newline
character is regarded as an ordinary character and both a
period and a nonmatching list can match one. (See discussion
below.) Some utilities, including grep, do not allow
newline characters in a pattern to be matched.
Basic Regular Expressions [Toc] [Back]
Basic regular expressions (BREs) are built by concatenating
simpler BREs. BREs can be classified as those that can
match a single character in the search string, and those
that can match multiple characters.
The following BREs match a single character (or collating
An ordinary character, a special character preceded by a
backslash, or a period (.), matches a single character. A
bracket expression matches a single character or a single
collating element. These terms are defined in the following
BRE Ordinary Characters
Any character, except for those listed in the section "BRE
Special Characters," below, is an ordinary character and
is a BRE that matches itself.
Except for the following, do not quote ordinary characters
with a backslash (\): The characters (, ), { and }. The
use of these characters quoted with backslashes is
explained in the sections on subexpressions and interval
expressions under the heading "BREs Matching Multiple
Characters," following. The digits 1 to 9 inclusive. The
use of these numerals quoted with backslashes is explained
in the section on back-reference expressions under the
heading "BREs Matching Multiple Characters," below.
You can not use a backslash to quote a character inside a
bracket expression; inside a bracket expression a backslash
is an ordinary character.
These characters, (, ), {, }, and 1 - 9 are considered
"ordinary characters" (see next section) because they do
not have to be quoted with a backslash to match themselves
as do "special characters."
BRE Special Characters
Some characters have special meaning when used in a BRE in
some contexts, defined next. Outside such contexts, or in
the context but quoted with a preceding backslash, these
characters have no special meaning, and each is a BRE that
matches itself. The BRE special characters and contexts
are: The period, left bracket, and backslash are special
except when used in a bracket expression (discussed
below). A pattern containing a [ that is not preceded by a
backslash and is not part of a bracket expression is not
valid. The asterisk is special except when used in a
bracket expression, as the first character of a complete
pattern (after an initial ^, if any), or as the first
character of a subexpression (after an initial ^ if any);
The circumflex is special when used as an anchor or as the
first character of a bracket expression. These concepts
are explained below. The dollar sign is special when used
as an anchor.
Periods in BREs
A period (.), when used outside a bracket expression, is a
BRE that matches any character.
BRE Bracket Expression
A non-null string enclosed in [ ] (brackets) is called a
Bracket Expression. It is a BRE that matches any single
character (or collating element) in the enclosed string.
For example, using the sample file test described above,
the command grep '[a3][c5]' test
outputs the second and third lines, acbcbc and 12356,
because the two contiguous bracket expressions in the pattern
match the substrings ac and 35 in those lines.
A bracket expression is either a matching list expression
or a nonmatching list expression. It consists of one or
more collating elements, collating symbols, equivalence
classes, character classes or range expressions.
The right bracket (]) loses its special meaning and represents
itself in a bracket expression if it occurs first in
the list (after an initial circumflex (^), if any). Otherwise,
it terminates the bracket expression, unless it
appears in a collating symbol (such as [.].] ) or is the
ending right bracket for a collating symbol, equivalence
class, or character class. The special characters (period,
asterisk, left bracket and backslash) lose their special
meanings within a bracket expression.
The character sequences [., [=, and [: (left bracket followed
by a period, equal sign, or colon) are special
inside a bracket expression and are used to delimit collating
symbols, equivalence class expressions and character
class expressions. These symbols must be followed by
a valid expression and the matching terminating sequence
=], or :], as defined next.
The rules follow for creating and using matching and nonmatching
list expressions, collating symbol, equivalence
class expression, character class expression, and range
expression, in bracket expressions. A matching list
expression, such as [a3] in the example above, specifies a
list that matches any character or collating element in
the list. The first character in the list can not be a
circumflex. [a3] matches either the character a or the
character 3. A nonmatching list expression begins with a
circumflex (^), and specifies a list that matches any
character or collating element except for the expressions
in the list after the leading circumflex. For example,
[^abc] is a BRE that matches any character or collating
element except the characters a, b or c. If the circumflex
does not appear immediately following the left bracket, it
loses its special meaning. A collating symbol is a collating
element enclosed within bracket-period ([. .])
delimiters. The concept is introduced above under the
heading "Regular Expression Concepts."
Multicharacter collating elements are represented
as collating symbols to distinguish them from the
individual characters in the collating symbol. For
example, when using Spanish collation rules,
[[.ch.]] is treated as a BRE matching the sequence
ch, while [ch] is treated as an BRE matching c or
h. In addition, [a-[.ch.]] matches a, b, c, and
ch. (See range expressions, below.) Collating symbols
are valid only inside bracket expressions. An
equivalence class expression specifies a set of
collating elements that all sort to the same primary
location. An equivalence class is enclosed in
bracket-equal ([= =]) delimiters.
An equivalence class generally is designed to deal
with primary-secondary sorting; that is, for languages
like French, that define groups of characters
as sorting to the same primary location, and
then having a tie-breaking, secondary sort.
For example, if x, y, and z are collating elements
that belong to the same equivalence class, then the
bracket expressions [[=x=]a], [[=y=]a], and
[[=z=]a] are equivalent to [xyza]. (Here we use x,
y, and z as variables representing characters in
the same equivalence class; in a typical example, x
might be the collating element e, and y and z the
characters e with an acute accent and e with a
grave accent.) If the collating element within [=
=] delimiters does not belong to an equivalence
class, the equivalence class expression is treated
as a collating symbol, that is, the delimiters are
ignored. A character class expression enclosed in
bracket-colon [: :] delimiters matches any of the
set of characters in the named class. Members of
each of the sets are determined by the current setting
of the LC_CTYPE environment variable. The supported
classes are: alpha, upper, lower, digit,
alnum, xdigit, space, print, punct, graph, and
cntrl. Here is an example of how to specify one of
these classes: [[:lower:]]
This matches any single lowercase character for the
current locale. A range expression represents the
set of collating elements that fall between two
elements in the current collation sequence, inclusively.
It is expressed as starting and ending
points separated by a hyphen (-). For example, the
BRE 1[a-d]2, which includes the bracket expression
[a-d], containing the range expression a-d, represents
a pattern that will match any of these
strings: 1a2, 1b2, 1c2, and 1d2.
Range expressions should not be used in portable
applications because their behavior depends on collating
A construction such as [a-d-g] is invalid.
The hyphen character loses its special meaning in a
bracket expression if it occurs first (after an
initial ^, if any) or last, or as an ending range
point in a range expression. For example, the
expressions [-df] and [df-] are equivalent and
match any of the characters d, f, or -. The expressions
[^-df] and [^df-] are equivalent and match
any characters except d, f and -; the expression
[&--] matches any character between &, and - inclusive;
the expression [--;] matches any of the characters
between - and ; inclusive; and the expression
[A--] is invalid, because A follows - in the
collation sequence. A hyphen or right bracket may
be represented as collating symbols, [.-.] or
[.].], anywhere in a bracket expression; Otherwise,
if both - and ] are required in a bracket expression,
bracket must be first (after an optional initial
^) and the hyphen last.
BREs Matching Multiple Characters
The rules above describe how to construct a BRE that
matches a single character. In some of the examples above,
patterns that match multiple characters were given based
on the intuitive concept of concatenation. This, and the
other rules used to build BREs which match multiple characters
from BREs matching single characters, follow. The
concatenation of BREs matches the concatenation of the
strings matched by each component of the BRE. A subexpression
can be defined within a BRE by enclosing it
between the character pairs \( and \). Such a subexpression
matches whatever it would have matched without the \(
and \).
Up to nine subexpressions are saved into numbered
holding spaces. Counting from left to right on the
line, the first pattern saved is placed in the
first holding space, the second pattern is placed
in the second holding space, and so on.
The character sequence \n, called a back-reference
expression, matches the nth saved pattern, which is
in the nth holding space. (The value of n is a
digit, 1-9.) Thus, the pattern:
matches the string abcba. You can nest patterns to
be saved in holding spaces. Whether the enclosed
patterns are nested or are in a series, \n refers
to the nth occurrence, counting from the left, of
the delimiting characters \). In utilities that
have replacement as well as search patterns, you
can use \n expressions in the replacement strings
as well as in the search patterns.
A back-reference expression is invalid if less than
n subexpressions precede the \n. Finally, any number
of subexpressions are allowed in a search pattern
even though the number of back-reference
expressions is limited to nine. If a BRE x matches
a single character, or is a subexpression or a
back-reference, then the pattern x* (x followed by
an asterisk), matches zero or more occurrences of
the character that the BRE x matches. For example,
this pattern:
matches each of these strings:
acd abcd abbcd abbbcd
but not this string:
abd A BRE that matches a single character, or that
is a subexpression or a back-reference, followed by
an interval expression of the format \{i\}, \{i,\}
or \{i,j\}, matches what repeated consecutive
occurrences of the BRE would match. Such a BRE followed
by: matches exactly i occurrences of the
character matched by the BRE matches at least i
occurrences of the character matched by the BRE
matches any number of occurrences of the character
matched by the BRE from i to j, inclusive.
The values of i and j must be integers in the range
0 <= i <= j <= 255. Whenever a choice exists, the
pattern matches as many occurrences as possible.
Note that if i is 0 (zero), the interval expression
is equivalent to the null BRE.
BRE Expression Anchoring--Restricting What Patterns Match
A pattern (an entire BRE) can be restricted to match from
the beginning of a line, restricted to match up to the end
of the line, or restricted to match the entire line. This
is done by anchoring the search pattern. A ^ (circumflex)
at the beginning of an expression or subexpression causes
the pattern to match only a string that begins in the
first character position on a line. For example, the pattern
^bc matches bc in the line bcdef but doesn't match bc
in abcdef. The subexpression \(^bc\) also matches bcdef.
A $ (dollar sign) at the end of a pattern causes that pattern
to match only if the last matched character is the
last character (not including the newline character) on a
line. The construction ^pattern$ restricts the pattern to
matching only an entire line. For example, the BRE ^abcd$
matches lines containing the string abcd, where a is the
first character on the line and d the last.
BRE Precedence
The order of precedence, for high to low, is as shown in
the following table:
collation-related bracket symbols [= =] [: :] [. .]
escaped characters \<special character>
bracket expressions [ ]
subexpressions/back-references \( \) \n
single-character duplication * \{i,j\}
anchoring ^ $
Extended Regular Expressions [Toc] [Back]
Like BREs, extended regular expressions (EREs) are built
by concatenating simpler EREs. EREs can be classified as
those that can match a single character, and those that
can match multiple characters.
An ERE ordinary character, an ERE special character preceded
by a backslash, or a period matches a single character.
A bracket expression matches a single character or a
single collating element. An ERE matching a single character
enclosed in parentheses (a group) matches the same
strings as the ERE without parentheses.
ERE Ordinary Characters
Any character, except for special characters listed below,
is an ordinary character and is an ERE that matches
ERE Special Characters
Some characters have special meaning when used in a ERE in
some contexts, defined next. Outside such contexts, or in
the context but quoted with a preceding backslash, these
character have no special meaning, and each is a ERE that
matches itself. The ERE special characters and contexts
are: The period, left bracket, backslash and left parenthesis
are special except when used in a bracket expression.
Outside a bracket expression, do not use a left
parenthesis, (, unless it is quoted with a backslash, \(.
The right parenthesis is special when matched with a preceding
left parenthesis, outside a bracket expression. To
search for the string (), use the quoted form \(). The
asterisk, plus sign, question mark, and left brace are
special except when used in a bracket expression. Outside
of a bracket expression, it is invalid to use any of them
as the first character in an ERE, or immediately following
a vertical line, a circumflex, or a left parenthesis. It
is invalid to use a left brace that is not part of an
interval expression. (Of course, quoting with a backslash
removes such invalidity.) The vertical line is special
except when used in a bracket expression. It is invalid to
use a vertical line first or last in an ERE, or immediately
following another vertical line or a left parenthesis,
or immediately preceding a right parenthesis. The
circumflex is special when used as an anchor or as the
first character of a bracket expression. The dollar sign
is special when used as an anchor.
Periods in EREs
A period (.), when used outside a bracket expression, is
an ERE that matches any character.
ERE Bracket Expression
The rules for ERE Bracket Expressions are the same as for
the BRE bracket expressions discussed above.
EREs Matching Multiple Characters
The rules above describe how to construct an ERE that
matches a single character. The rules used to build EREs
which match multiple characters from EREs matching single
characters follow. A concatenation of EREs matches the
concatenation of the strings matched by each component of
the ERE. A concatenation of EREs enclosed in parentheses,
matches whatever the concatenation without the parentheses
matches. For example, both EREs ab and (ab) match the
second and third characters of the string cabcdabc. An
ERE matching a single character or an ERE enclosed in
parentheses followed by the special character plus sign
(+) matches what one or more consecutive occurrences of
the ERE would match. For example, the ERE (ab)a+ matches
the second to sixth character in the string cabaaabc and
c(ab)+ matches the first to seventh characters in the
string cabababc. An ERE matching a single character or an
ERE enclosed in parentheses followed by the special character
asterisk (*) matches what zero or more consecutive
occurrences of the ERE would match. For example, the ERE
b*c matches the first character in the string cabbbcde,
and the ERE c*de matches the second to sixth characters in
the string dcccdec. The EREs [cd]+ and [cd][cd]* are
equivalent and [cd]* and [cd][cd] are equivalent when
matching the string cd. An ERE matching a single character
or an ERE enclosed in parentheses followed by the special
character question mark (?) matches what zero or one
consecutive occurrence of the ERE would match. For example,
the ERE c?d matches the third character in the string
abdbcccde. An ERE matching a single character or an ERE
enclosed in parentheses followed by an interval expression
of the format {i}, {i,}, or {i,j}, matches what repeated
consecutive occurrences of the ERE would match. The rules
for matching are the same as for BRE interval expressions
(discussed above) except for the notational difference.
For example, the ERE d{3} matches characters eight
through 10 in the string abcbcbcddddde and the ERE
(bc){2,} matches characters two to seven.
ERE Alternation
If x and y are EREs, then x|y is an ERE that matches any
string that is matched by either x or y. For example, the
ERE ((cd)|e)b matches the string cdb and the string eb.
Single characters, or expressions matching single characters,
separated by the vertical bar and enclosed in parentheses,
match a single character.
ERE Expression Anchoring
ERE anchoring is the same as BRE anchoring, discussed
ERE Precedence
The order of precedence, for high to low, is as shown in
the following table:
collation-related bracket symbols [= =] [: :] [. .]
escaped characters \<special character>
bracket expression [ ]
grouping ( )
single-character duplication * + ? {i,j}
anchoring ^ $
alternation |
For example, the pattern ab|cd is the same as (ab)|(cd)
and is not equivalent to a(b|c)d.
The exit values of the grep command are: A match was
found. No match was found. A syntax error was found or a
file was inaccessible, even if matches were found.
To search several C-language source files for the pattern
strcpy, enter: grep 'strcpy' *.c
This searches for the string strcpy in all files in
the current directory with names ending in To count
the number of lines that match a pattern, enter:
grep -F -c '{' pgm.c grep -F -c '}' pgm.c
This displays the number of lines in pgm.c that
contain left and right braces.
If you do not put more than one { or } on a line in
your C programs, and if the braces are properly
balanced, then the two numbers displayed will be
the same. If the numbers are not the same, then you
can display the lines that contain braces with the
command: grep -n -E '\{|}' pgm.c To display all
lines in a file that begin with an ASCII letter,
enter: grep '^[a-zA-Z]' pgm.s
Note that because grep -F searches only for fixed
strings and does not use regular expressions such
as bracket expressions or anchoring, the following
command causes grep to search only for the literal
string ^[a-zA-Z] in pgm.s: grep -F '^[a-zA-Z]'
pgm.s To display all lines that contain ASCII letters
in parentheses or digits in parentheses (with
spaces optionally preceding and following the letters
or digits), but not letter-digit combinations
in parentheses, enter: grep -E '\( *([a-zAZ]*|[0-9]*)
*\)' my.txt
This command displays lines in my.txt such as (
783902) or (y), but not (alpha19c).
Note that with grep -E, \( and \) match parentheses
in the text and ( and ) are special characters that
group parts of the pattern. With grep without the
-E option, the reverse is true; use ( and ) to
match parentheses and \( and \) to group characters.
To display all lines that do not match a
pattern, enter: grep -v '^#'
This displays all lines that do not begin with a #
(number sign). To display the names of files that
contain a pattern, enter: grep -F -l 'rose' *.list
This searches the files in the current directory
that end with and displays the names of those files
that contain at least one line containing the
string rose. To display all lines that contain
uppercase characters, enter: grep [[:upper:]] pgm.s
To display all lines that begin with a range of
characters that includes a multicharacter collating
symbol, enter: grep '^[a-[.ch.]]' pgm.s
With your locale set to a Spanish locale, this command
matches all lines that begin with a, b, c, or
ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES [Toc] [Back] The following environment variables affect the execution
of grep, egrep, and fgrep: Provides a default value for
the internationalization variables that are unset or null.
If LANG is unset or null, the corresponding value from the
default locale is used. If any of the internationalization
variables contain an invalid setting, the utility
behaves as if none of the variables had been defined. If
set to any string value, overrides the values of all the
other internationalization variables. Determines the
locale for the interpretation of sequences of bytes of
text data as characters (for example, single-byte as
opposed to multibyte characters in arguments and input
files) and the behavior of character classes within regular
expressions.. Determines the locale for the format
and contents of diagnostic messages written to standard
error. Determines the location of message catalogues for
the processing of LC_MESSAGES.
Commands: ed(1), ex(1), ksh(1), sed(1), Bourne shell
sh(1b), POSIX shell sh(1p)
Standards: standards(5)
[ Back ] |