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NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     pppoe - PPP Over Ethernet translator

SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]

     pppoe [-sv] [-i interface] [-n service] [-p system]

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     The pppoe program can, with the help of  ppp(8),  act  as  a
server or client
     for running PPP Over Ethernet.

     The options are as follows:

     -i interface
             Specify  the  interface  that pppoe is to use, which
should be a real
 Ethernet interface (not  a  virtual  device  like
tun(4)).  If
             this  option  is  not  specified, pppoe will use the
first Ethernet
             interface that is up and running.

     -n service
             Use service as the  service  name  when  negotiating
with the server.
             By default, the client will ask for any service, and
expect the
             server to respond with the same.

     -p system
             This argument is passed, uninterpreted,  to  ppp(8).
It can be
             used  to  specify  the configuration data to be used
for PPP Over
             Ethernet connections.  This option is only  used  in
server mode.

     -s       If  this  option  is specified, pppoe will run as a
server.  Otherwise,
 pppoe runs as a client.

     -v      For each use of the flag, the verbosity of pppoe increases.

CLIENT SETUP    [Toc]    [Back]

     Configuring the client involves setting up the configuration
file for
     ppp(8).  The following statements must be  included  in  the
file for the
     specified system (or ``default'' if no system is specified):

           set device "!/usr/sbin/pppoe"
           set mtu max 1492
           set mru max 1492
           set speed sync
           disable acfcomp protocomp
           deny acfcomp

     The set device line tells ppp to use pppoe program for input
and output
     instead  of using a serial port or other network connection.
The mtu and
     mru must be set to 1492 to leave room in the outgoing Ethernet packet for
     the pppoe headers.  The set speed sync line tells ppp to use
     encoding for the packets sent between it and pppoe.  According to RFC
     2516,  protocol  compression, protocomp, is not recommended,
so it is disabled,
 but not denied.  On the other hand, address and  control field compression,
 acfcomp, must be disabled and denied.

     Additionally,  the  authentication mechanism for the connection must be
     specified as well as any other parameters.


     Given a machine with one Ethernet interface, xl0, the  first
thing that
     must be done is to bring the interface up:

           # ifconfig xl0 up

     This   can   be   done  automatically  during  boot  with  a
/etc/hostname.xl0 file,
     see hostname.if(5) for details.

     Next, a /etc/ppp/ppp.conf file must be created.  Below is  a
minimal PPPoE
     style configuration, see ppp(8) for more options.

              set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command

              set device "!/usr/sbin/pppoe -i xl0"
              set mtu max 1492
              set mru max 1492
              set speed sync
              disable acfcomp protocomp
              deny acfcomp
              set authname "myUsername"
              set authkey "myPassword"

     The  default section sets up some helpful information to log
while getting
     started, and the pppoe section sets the required fields  for
a PPPoE connection
  as  well as the username and password to use to authenticated to
     the service provider.

     Once the /etc/ppp/ppp.conf file is set up, it is just a matter of setting
     ppp(8) into action:

           # ppp pppoe
           Working in interactive mode
           Using interface: tun0
           ppp ON deepthought> dial
           Ppp ON deepthought>
           PPp ON deepthought>
           PPP ON deepthought>

     The  userland  ppp(8) daemon has many options for configuration, like
     adding default routes, network address translation, automatically using
     remote  DNS  servers,  automatic  dialing,  etc.  Please see
ppp(8) for details.

     Several ppp(8) options are particularly  helpful  when  used
with pppoe.

     enable lqr / accept lqr
             Enable  and  accept link quality requests, which can
be used to detect
 whether the link has gone down.

     enable mssfixup
             Allow ppp(8) to adjust the maximum segment  size  on
outgoing SYN

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     tun(4), hostname.if(5), ifconfig(8), ppp(8)

     L.  Mamakos,  et al., RFC 2516 A Method for Transmitting PPP
Over Ethernet

HISTORY    [Toc]    [Back]

     This implementation of pppoe first appeared in OpenBSD  2.8.

AUTHORS    [Toc]    [Back]

     The  pppoe  program  was  written  by  Jason  L. Wright <jason@thought.net> of
     Network  Security   Technologies,   Inc.    <http://www.net-

BUGS    [Toc]    [Back]

     This software runs completely in user mode.  As such it will
have much
     more overhead than a kernel implementation.

     The service is not currently used by the server code.

OpenBSD     3.6                        February      8,      2000
[ Back ]
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