CDtimetoa(3dm) CDtimetoa(3dm)
CDtimetoa - convert timecode to ASCII string
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dmedia/cdaudio.h>
void CDtimetoa(char* s, struct cdtimecode *tc)
s A pointer to a string to store the converted value. The string
pointed at by s must be at least 8 bytes long not counting the
terminating null.
tc A pointer to the struct cdtimecode to be converted.
CDtimetoa(3dm) does not return a value.
CDtimetoa(3dm) converts a struct cdtimecode into a printable ASCII
string. A struct cdtimecode is defined as follows in cdaudio.h :
struct cdtimecode {
unchar mhi:4, mlo:4;
unchar shi:4, slo:4;
unchar fhi:4, flo:4;
CDtimetoa(3dm) converts the BCD digits into three fields in the output
string with a one character separator between them. CDtimetoa(3dm) does
not write the separator character. The caller should pass ACDtimetoa(3)
a string with the desired separators already loaded. For example the
following code fragment will print the time with the fields separated by
a ``:''.
char *atime = "--:--:--";
CDtimetoa(atime, timecode);
CDintro(3dm), CDframetomsf(3dm), CDframetotc(3dm), CDmsftoblock(3dm),
CDmsftoframe(3dm), CDreadda(3dm), CDseek(3dm), CDtimetoa(3dm),
CDtctoframe(3dm), cdframe(4)
Mark Callow
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