glXBindHyperpipeSGIX(3G) OpenGL Reference - GLX glXBindHyperpipeSGIX(3G)
glXBindHyperpipeSGIX - bind a rendering context with a hyperpipe
int glXBindHyperpipeSGIX( Display *dpy,
int hpId )
dpy Specifies the connection to the X server.
hpId Specifies the hyperpipe id.
glXBindHyperpipeSGIX is part of the SGIX_hyperpipe extension.
glXBindHyperpipeSGIX binds a rendering context to a hyperpipe,
establishing an association between the process, context and hyperpipe.
Every process participating in a hyperpipe should call
glXBindHyperpipeSGIX after creating and choosing a rendering context.
Hyperpipe requests to a process and its current context will not begin
until this call is made.
hpId must be a valid configured hyperpipe; else this call will fail.
Calling glXBindHyperpipeSGIX with a value of -1, unbinds the rendering
context. If there is no current bound hyperpipe, calls to unbind are
ignored and no error is generated.
glXBindHyperpipeSGIX works with a direct context only.
Returns 0 on success.
Returns GLX_BAD_HYPERPIPE_SGIX if there is no valid hyperpipe
configuration corresponding to hpId.
Returns GLX_BAD_CONTEXT if there is no valid current rendering context.
A process and context can bind to only one hyperpipe at any time. If a
process calls glXBindHyperpipeSGIX more than once without an intervening
unbind, then the subsequent bind will fail and return
In the case of hyperpipes, it is valid to call glXSwapBuffers on a single
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glXBindHyperpipeSGIX(3G) OpenGL Reference - GLX glXBindHyperpipeSGIX(3G)
buffered visual. glXSwapBuffers is the command that causes a hyperpipe to
switch to the next pipe as determined by the hyperpipe configuration. In
order to call glXSwapBuffers successfully, a rendering context bound to a
hyperpipe should be associated with the drawable specified by
It is possible to determine if a context is associated with a hyperpipe
by calling glXQueryContextInfoEXT with the attribute
The GLX_SGIX_hyperpipe extension is currently supported only on
IR2/DPLEX. The individual capabilities of each machine may differ.
glXQueryHyperpipeNetworkSGIX glXHyperpipeConfigSGIX
glXQueryHyperpipeConfigSGIX glXDestroyHyperpipeConfigSGIX hyperpipe
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