curorigin(3G) curorigin(3G)
curorigin - sets the origin of a cursor
void curorigin(n, xorign, yorign)
short n, xorign, yorign;
n expects an index into the cursor table created by defcursor.
xorign expects the x distance of the origin relative to the lower left
corner of the cursor.
yorign expects the y distance of the origin relative to the lower left
corner of the cursor.
curorigin sets the origin of a cursor. The origin is the point on the
cursor that aligns with the current cursor valuators. The lower left
corner of the cursor has coordinates (0,0). Before calling curorigin,
the cursor must be defined with defcursor. curorigin does not take
effect until you call setcursor.
The default origin for curorigin is at (0,0) for user-defined glyphs.
attachcursor, defcursor, setcursor
This routine is available only in immediate mode.
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