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     XWNMO(1)		 X Version 11 (Release 5)	      XWNMO(1)

     NAME    [Toc]    [Back]
	  xwnmo	- Input	Manager	of the X Window	System Version 11

     SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]
	  xwnmo	[-option ...]

     DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]
	  The xwnmo is a input manager for Input Method	of X Window
	  System.  It is based on [X Window System, Version 11 Input
	  Method Specifications].  It provides a multi-language	input
	  environment for multiple clients in the X Window System
	  Version 11. Clients can connect to it	by using XIM library.

	  xwnmo	supports multi-screen environment. xwnmo creates one
	  window for Root-mode on each screen.

	  The conversion engine	xwnmo use is the internationalized
	  Wnn. It selects conversion server in accordance with
	  language of clients.	How many languages xwnmo supports
	  depend on the	configuration file (ximconf). Please refer the
	  manual of ximconf.

	  Xwnmo	supports the following inputstyles:
		  ( XIMPreeditArea | XIMStatusArea )
		  ( XIMPreeditPosition | XIMStatusArea )
		  ( XIMPreeditNothing |	XIMStatusNothing )
		  ( XIMPreeditCallbacks	| XIMStatusArea	)
		  ( XIMPreeditArea | XIMStatusCallbacks	)
		  ( XIMPreeditPosition | XIMStatusCallbacks )
		  ( XIMPreeditCallbacks	| XIMStatusCallbacks )

	  If you attempt to connect xwnmo by using XIM library,	You
	  must set modifiers _XWNMO.

		  set environment XMODIFIERS=@im=_XWNMO	and

	  For feather information about	XIM library, please see	the
	  chapter 13 of	Xdoc or	[X Window System, Version 11 Input
	  Method Specifications].

     OPTIONS    [Toc]    [Back]
	  Xwnmo	accepts	the following options:

	  -D server-name
		  This option specifies	the machine name of conversion
		  server.  If this isn't set, first JSERVER
		  environment is referred. And if it isn't set,	xwnmo
		  attempts to connect local machine.

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     XWNMO(1)		 X Version 11 (Release 5)	      XWNMO(1)

	  -n user-name
		  This option specifies	the user name which is used as
		  env-name of Wnn.  If this isn't set, first WNNUSER
		  environment is referred. And if it isn't set,	the
		  user name of process is referred.

	  -lc language-name
		  This option specifies	the language name which	is
		  referred as the language environment of Root-mode.
		  If this isn't	set, first LANG	environment is
		  referred. And	if it isn't set, the default is	ja_JP.
		  A syntax of language-name follows.
		  language = <language>'_'<territory>

	  -k uumkey-file-name
		  This option specifies	the path name of uumkey-file.
		  For feather information about	uumkey-file, please
		  see Wnn manual.

	  -r romkan-file-name
		  This option specifies	the directory name of romkan-
		  file.	For feather information	about romkan-file,
		  please see Wnn manual.

	  -X convert-key-file-name
		  This option specifies	the path name of convert-key-
		  file.	The convert-key-file contains the relation
		  between keys of X and	keys of	Wnn. The default is
		  "/usr/lib/wnn/cvt_xim_tbl".  For feather information
		  about	convert-key-file, please see the manual	of

	  -F convert-function-file-name
		  This option specifies	the path name of convert-
		  function-file. The convert-function-file contains
		  the relation between function	keys of	X and keys of
		  Wnn. This file is only for older version xwnmo.
		  Please use cvt_xim_tbl as much as possible.  For
		  feather information about convert-function-file,
		  please see the manual	of cvt_fun_tbl.

	  -M convert-meta-file-name
		  This option specifies	the path name of convert-
		  meta-file. The convert-meta-file contains the
		  relation between meta	keys of	X and keys of Wnn.
		  This file is only for	older version xwnmo.  Please
		  use cvt_xim_tbl as much as possible.	For feather
		  information about convert-meta-file, please see the
		  manual of cvt_meta_tbl.

	  -display display
		  This option specifies	the X server to	connect; see

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     XWNMO(1)		 X Version 11 (Release 5)	      XWNMO(1)


	  -help	  This causes xwnmo to print out a verbose message
		  describing its options.

	  -ju xjtuil-name
		  This option specifies	the path name of xjutil	which
		  is the dictionary utility manager.  The default is

	  -EM	  This causes that the menu for	exit is	available when
		  a mouse pointer is pushed on Root-mode window.  The
		  default is available.

	  +EM	  This causes that the menu for	exit is	disable.
		  Please use killxwnmo for exit.

	  -SU	  This causes that all windows xwnmo creates have
		  SaveUnder attribute.	The default is those don't

	  The following	options	affects	windows	for Root-mode on all

	  -fs font-name-list
		  This option specifies	the list of font name. The
		  fontset of Root-mode window is created from this
		  list.	The default is depend on the locale.  A	syntax
		  of this list follows.
		  font-name-list = <fontname>{','fontname}

	  -geometry geometry
		  This option specifies	the preferred size and
		  position of Root-mode	window.	 see X(1)

	  -fg color
		  This option specifies	the color to use for
		  displaying text of Root-mode window. The default is

	  -bg color
		  This option specifies	the color to use for the
		  background of	Root-mode window.  The default is

	  -bd color
		  This option specifies	the color to use for the
		  border of Root-mode window.  The default is

	  -bw number
		  This option specifies	the width in pixels of the

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     XWNMO(1)		 X Version 11 (Release 5)	      XWNMO(1)

		  border surrounding Root-mode window.

	  -iconic This option indicates	that xwnmo should ask the
		  window manager to start it as	an icon	rather than as
		  the normal window.  If the -RV option	is specified
		  or "rootVisible" resource is specified as ``True'',
		  this option becomes void.

	  #geom	  This option specifies	the preferred position of the
		  icon window.	It is shorthand	for specifying the
		  ``*iconGeometry'' resource.

	  -h	  This causes xwnmo to wake up in conversion off mode.

	  -H	  This causes xwnmo to wake up in conversion on	mode.
		  The default is off mode.

	  -RV	  This causes xwnmo to unmap Root-mode window when
		  henkan mode is off or	no client uses Root-mode.
		  This option make -iconic option void and set
		  "iconic" resource as ``False''.

     RESOURCES    [Toc]    [Back]
	  Xwnmo	accepts	the following resource names and classes:

	  serverName (class ServerName)
		  This option specifies	the machine name of conversion
		  server.  If this isn't set, first JSERVER
		  environment is referred. And if it isn't set,	xwnmo
		  attempts to connect "jserver"	machine.  And if it's
		  connect failed, xwnmo	attempts to connect local

	  userName (class UserName)
		  Specifies the	user name which	is used	as env-name of
		  Wnn.	If this	isn't set, first WNNUSER environment
		  is referred. And if it isn't set, the	user name of
		  process is referred.

	  ximrcName (class XimrcName)
		  Specifies the	path name of ximrc-file	which is a
		  start	up file	of xwnmo.  If this isn't set or	there
		  is not it, first $HOME/.ximrc	is referred.  And if
		  it doesn't exist, the	default	is
		  "/usr/lib/wnn/ximrc".	 For feather information about
		  ximrc-file, please see the manual of ximrc-file.

	  cvtximName (class CvtximName)
		  Specifies the	path name convert-key-file. The
		  convert-key-file contains the	relation between
		  function keys	of X and keys of Wnn. The default is
		  "/usr/lib/wnn/cvt_xim_tbl".  For feather information

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     XWNMO(1)		 X Version 11 (Release 5)	      XWNMO(1)

		  about	convert-key-file, please see the manual	of

	  cvtfunName (class CvtfunName)
		  Specifies the	path name convert-function-file. The
		  convert-function-file	contains the relation between
		  function keys	of X and keys of Wnn. This file	is
		  only for older version xwnmo.	 Please	use
		  cvt_xim_tbl as much as possible.  For	feather
		  information about convert-function-file, please see
		  the manual of	cvt_fun_tbl.

	  cvtmetaName (class CvtmetaName)
		  Specifies the	path name of convert-meta-file.	The
		  convert-meta-file contains the relation between meta
		  keys of X and	keys of	Wnn. This file is only for
		  older	version	xwnmo.	Please use cvt_xim_tbl as much
		  as possible.	For feather information	about
		  convert-meta-file, please see	the manual of

	  xjutilName (class XjutilName)
		  Specifies the	path name of xjutil which is the
		  dictionary utility manager.  The default is

	  langName (class LangName)
		  Specifies the	locale name which is referred as the
		  language environment of Root-mode. If	this isn't
		  set, first LANG environment is referred. And if it
		  isn't	set, the default is ja_JP.  A syntax of
		  language-name	follows.
		  language = <language>'_'<territory>

	  exitMenu (class ExitMenu)
		  Indicates that the menu for exit is available	when a
		  mouse	pointer	is pushed on Root-mode window.	The
		  default is ``True''.

	  saveUnder (class SaveUnder)
		  Indicates that all windows xwnmo creates have
		  SaveUnder attribute.	The default is those don't

	  The following	options	can be specified for the window	for
	  Root-mode on each screen separately. the sub-name and	subclass
	of each	screen are screenN and ScreenN.	Then N are
	  specified the	number of screen.

	  foreground (class Foreground)
		  Specifies the	color to use for displaying text of
		  Root-mode window.  The default is ``black''.

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     XWNMO(1)		 X Version 11 (Release 5)	      XWNMO(1)

	  background (class Background)
		  Specifies the	color to use for the background	of
		  Root-mode window.  The default is ``white''.

	  borderColor (class BorderColor)
		  Specifies the	color to use for the border of Root-
		  mode window.	The default is ``black''.

	  iconic (class	Iconic)
		  Indicates that xwnmo should ask the window manager
		  to start it as an icon rather	than as	the normal
		  window.  If the -RV option is	specified or
		  "rootVisible"	resource is specified as ``True'',
		  this resource	is specified as	``False''.  The
		  default is ``False''.

	  geometry (class Geometry)
		  Specifies the	preferred size and position of Root-
		  mode window.

	  iconGeometry (class IconGeometry)
		  Specifies the	preferred position of the icon window.

	  borderWidth (class BorderWidth)
		  Specifies the	width in pixels	of the border
		  surrounding Root-mode	window.

	  fontSet (class FontSet)
		  Specifies the	list of	font name. The fontset of
		  Root-mode window is created from this	list. The
		  default is depend on the locale.  A syntax of	this
		  list follows.
		  font-name-list = <fontname>{','fontname}

	  rootVisible (class RootVisible)
		  Indicates that xwnmo should unmap Root-mode window
		  when henkan mode is off or no	client uses Root-mode.
		  The default is ``False''.  This resource make
		  -iconic option void and set "iconic" resource	as

     SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]
	  killxwnmo(1X), ximrc(4X), cvt_xim_tbl(4X), cvt_fun_tbl(4X),
	  Wnn Manual (in the Wnn source	directory)

     COPYRIGHT    [Toc]    [Back]
	  Copyright 1992, 1992 by OMRON	Corporation
	  Copyright 1992, 1992 by Massachusetts	Institute of

     AUTHOR    [Toc]    [Back]

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     XWNMO(1)		 X Version 11 (Release 5)	      XWNMO(1)

	  Seiji	Kuwari (OMRON Corporation)

     Page 7					     (printed 10/9/01)

[ Back ]
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