dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
dtterm - escape sequences recognized by dtterm and the DtTerm widget
Received Escape Sequences
The dtterm(1) utility and the DtTerm widget support the following list
of received escape sequences. Spaces have been added for readability
and are not part of the escape sequence. The following indicate
parameters: pi, p1, label, file and text. Space indicates a required
space, hexadecimal code 0x20. A <control>- char indicates a control
code (such as <control>-G, which is hexadecimal code 0x07). Esc
indicates hexadecimal code 0x1b. Backslash indicates hexadecimal code
0x5c. Literals are indicated as literal and must be included exactly
as specified. All references to the dtterm(1) utility in this man page
also apply to the DtTerm widget.
( BEL) Bell. The terminal either issues an audible bell, or
flashes the text window depending on the state of the visual
bell flag.
( BS) Backspace. The cursor moves one cursor position to the
left. If reverse-wrap mode is disabled and the cursor is at
the left-most column of the line when a backspace character
is received, the cursor remains at its current position. If
reverse-wrap mode is enabled and the cursor is at the leftmost
column of the line when a backspace character is
received, the cursor moves to the right-most column of the
previous line. If the cursor is also in the top-most row,
the cursor moves to the right-most column of the bottom-most
( HT) Horizontal Tab. The cursor moves right to the next tab
stop. If there are no further tab stops set to the right of
the cursor, the cursor moves to the right-most column of the
current line.
( LF) Line Feed or New Line. The cursor moves to the same
column of the next line. If the cursor is in the bottom-most
line of the scrolling region, the scrolling region scrolls
up one line. Lines scrolled off the top of the scrolling
region are lost. Blank lines with no visible character
attributes are added at the bottom of the scrolling region.
( VT) Vertical Tab. Same as Line Feed.
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
( FF) Form Feed or New Page. Same as Line Feed.
( CR) Carriage Return. The cursor moves to the left-most
column of the current line.
Esc ( B ( SCS) Designate ASCII (base font) as G0.
Esc ( 0 ( SCS) Designate DEC Special Graphic (line draw) as G0.
Esc ) B ( SCS) Designate ASCII (base font) as G1.
Esc ) 0 ( SCS) Designate DEC Special Graphic (line draw) as G1.
Esc * B ( SCS) Designate ASCII (base font) as G2.
Esc * 0 ( SCS) Designate DEC Special Graphic (line draw) as G2.
Esc + B ( SCS) Designate ASCII (base font) as G3.
Esc + 0 ( SCS) Designate DEC Special Graphic (line draw) as G3.
( LS1) Map G1 into GL.
( LS0) Map G0 into GL.
Esc n ( LS2) Map G2 into GL.
Esc o ( LS3) Map G3 into GL.
Esc N ( SS2) Map G2 into GL for the next character.
Esc O ( SS3) Map G3 into GL for the next character.
Esc Space F
( S7C1T) Select 7-bit C1 Control Characters. In this mode,
the dtterm utility sends all C1 Control Characters to the
host as 7-bit escape sequences. That is, CSI is sent to the
host as ``Esc [''.
Esc Space G
( C8C1T) Select 8-bit C1 Control Characters. In this mode,
the dtterm utility sends all C1 Control Characters to the
host as 8-bit control codes. That is, CSI is sent back as
the hexadecimal value 0x9B.
Esc # 8 ( DECALN) DEC Screen Align Test. The screen is filled with
the character ``E''.
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
Esc 7 ( DECSC) Save cursor. The following is saved:
+ Cursor position
+ Character attributes set by the SGR command
+ Any pending single shift 2 or 3 ( SS2 or SS3)
+ State of the autowrap flag
+ State of the reverse wrap flag
+ State of origin mode ( DECOM)
+ State of selective erase
Esc 8 ( DECRC) Restore cursor. The terminal emulator is restored
to the state saved by the save cursor ( DECSC) function. If
nothing was saved by DECSC, then the following actions are
+ Moves the cursor to the home position
+ Resets the origin mode ( DECOM)
+ Turns off all character attributes ( SGR)
+ Maps the ASCII character set into GL
Esc = ( DECPAM) Application keypad. In this mode, the numeric
keypad sends application sequences. (See the ``Transmitted
Escape Sequences'' section later in this document for
additional information.)
Esc > ( DECPNM) Normal keypad. In this mode, the numeric keypad
sends the characters shown on the keypad. Keys PF1 to PF4,
inclusive, send application sequences. (See the
``Transmitted Escape Sequences'' section later in this
document for additional information.)
Esc D ( IND) Index. The cursor moves down to the same column of
the next line. If the cursor is in the bottom-most line of
the scrolling region, the scrolling region is scrolled up
one line. The line scrolled off the top of the scrolling
region is lost. A blank line with no visible character
attributes is added at the bottom of the scrolling region.
Esc E ( NEL) Next line. The cursor moves down to the first column
of the next line. If the cursor is in the bottom-most line
of the scrolling region, the scrolling region is scrolled up
one line. The line scrolled off the top of the scrolling
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
region is lost. A blank line with no visible character
attributes is added at the bottom of the scrolling region.
Esc H ( HTS) Tab set. This function sets a horizontal tab stop at
the column where the cursor is located.
Esc M ( RI) Reverse index. The cursor moves up to the same column
of the previous line. If the cursor is in the top-most line
of the scrolling region, the scrolling region is scrolled
down one line. The line scrolled off the bottom of the
scrolling region is lost. A blank line with no visible
character attributes is added at the top of the scrolling
Esc P p1 ; p2 | p3 Esc Backslash
( DECUDK) User defined keys
Esc Z ( DECID) Return terminal ID. This function is similar to a
primary device attributes ( DA) request. (See ``Esc [ c '' (
DA) described later in this document.)
Esc c ( RIS) Full reset. This function performs a full (hard)
reset. For additional information, see the ``Reset'' section
in this man page.
Esc [ pi q
( DECSCA) Select character protection attribute. The default
value is 0. This escape sequence defines the characters that
come after it as erasable or not erasable from the screen.
The selective erase escape sequences, ( DECSED and DECSEL),
can only erase characters defined as erasable. Valid
supported values of pi are:
0 DECSED and DECSEL can erase characters.
1 DECSED and DECSEL cannot erase characters.
2 Same as 0.
Esc [ pi @
( ICH) Insert pi blank characters. The default value is 1. A
parameter value of 0 or 1 inserts a single blank character.
A parameter value of N inserts N blank characters. Blank
characters with normal character attributes are inserted at
the cursor position. Characters to the right of the cursor
move to the right. Characters scrolled past the end of the
line are lost.
Esc [ pi A
( CUU) Cursor up pi lines. The default value is 1. A
parameter value 0 or 1 moves the cursor up one line. A
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
parameter value of N moves the cursor up N lines. The cursor
stops at the top margin. If the cursor is already above the
top margin, the cursor stops at the top line.
Esc [ pi B
( CUD) Cursor down pi lines. The default value is 1. A
parameter value 0 or 1 moves the cursor down one line. A
parameter value of N moves the cursor down N lines. The
cursor stops at the bottom margin. If the cursor is already
below the bottom margin, the cursor stops at the bottom
Esc [ pi C
( CUF) Cursor forward pi characters. The default value is 1.
A parameter value 0 or 1 moves the cursor forward one
character. A parameter value of N moves the cursor forward N
characters. The cursor stops at the right-most column of the
Esc [ pi D
( CUB) Cursor backward pi characters. The default value is
1. A parameter value 0 or 1 moves the cursor backward one
character. A parameter value of N moves the cursor backward
N characters. The cursor stops at the left-most column of
the line.
Esc [ pi F
( CPL) Cursor to the first column of the pithprecedingline.
The default value is 1. A parameter value 0 or 1 moves the
cursor to the preceding line. A parameter value of N moves
the cursor to the Nth preceding line. If the cursor is below
the top margin, the cursor stops at the top margin. If the
cursor is already above the top margin, the cursor stops at
the top line.
Esc [ pi G
( CHA) Cursor to column pi. The default value is 1. A
parameter value 0 or 1 moves the cursor to the first column
of the current line. A parameter value of N moves the cursor
to the Nth column of the current line.
Esc [ p1 ; p2 H
( CUP) Cursor position. The default value is 1. A p1 value 0
or 1 moves the cursor to row one. A p1 value of N moves the
cursor to row N. A p2 value 0 or 1 moves the cursor to
column one. A p2 value of N moves the cursor to column N.
The starting point for lines and columns depends on the
setting of the origin mode ( DECOM).
Esc [ pi J
( ED) Erase in display. The default value is 0. A parameter
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
value of 0 erases from the cursor to the end of the display.
A parameter value of 1 erases from the beginning of the
display to the cursor position, inclusive. A parameter value
of 2 erases the complete display.
Esc [ pi K
( EL) Erase in line. The default value is 0. A parameter
value of 0 erases from the cursor to the end of the line. A
parameter value of 1 erases from the beginning of the line
to the cursor position, inclusive. A parameter value of 2
erases the complete line.
Esc [ pi L
( IL) Insert lines. The default value is 1. A parameter
value 0 or 1 inserts one line at the cursor. A parameter
value of N inserts N lines at the cursor. As lines are
inserted, lines below the cursor and in the scrolling region
move down. Lines scrolled off the page are lost. There is no
effect outside the scrolling region.
Esc [ pi M
( DL) Delete lines. The default value is 1. A parameter
value 0 or 1 deletes one line at the cursor. A parameter
value of N deletes N lines at the cursor. As lines are
deleted, lines below the cursor and in the scrolling region
move up. Blank lines with no visible character attributes
are added at the bottom of the scrolling region. There is no
effect outside the scrolling region.
Esc [ pi P
( DCH) Delete characters. The default value is 1. A
parameter value 0 or 1 deletes one character at the cursor
position. A parameter value of N deletes N characters at the
cursor position. An parameter greater than the number of
characters between the cursor and the right margin only
deletes the remaining characters on the line. As characters
are deleted, the remaining characters move left and are
replaced by blank spaces with no visual character
Esc [ pi S
( SU) Scroll up pi lines. The default value is 1. A
parameter value 0 or 1 scrolls the display up one line. A
parameter value of N scrolls the display up N lines. The
scrolling region scrolls up. Lines scrolled off the top of
the scrolling region are lost. Blank lines with no visible
character attributes are added at the bottom of the
scrolling region.
Esc [ pi T
( SD) Scroll down pi lines. The default value is 1. A
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
parameter value 0 or 1 scrolls the display down one line. A
parameter value of N scrolls the display down N lines. The
scrolling region scrolls down. Lines scrolled off the bottom
of the scrolling region are lost. Blank lines with no
visible character attributes are added at the top of the
scrolling region.
Esc [ pi X
( ECH) Erase pi characters. The default value is 1. A
parameter value 0 or 1 erases a single character. A
parameter value of N erases N characters. The character
attributes of erased characters are cleared. This escape
sequences works inside or outside the scrolling margins.
Esc [ pi c
( DA) Send device attributes. The default is 0. A parameter
value 0 or 1 causes the terminal emulator to respond with
``Esc [ ? 1; 2 c''. This is the standard response for the
DEC VT100 Terminal and xterm(1).
Esc [ p1 ; p2 f
( HVP) Horizontal and vertical position. This escape
sequence has been replaced by CUP and offers identical
functionality. It is provided to maintain backward
Esc [ pi g
( TBC) Tab clear. The default is 0. A parameter value of 0
clears the tab stop at the current cursor column. A
parameter value of 3 clears all tab stops.
Esc [ pi h
( SM) Set mode. This escape sequence sets ANSI modes. Valid
supported values of pi are:
2 ( KAM) Keyboard lock. In this mode, dtterm(1)
ignores all keystrokes from the keyboard.
4 ( IRM) Insert mode. In this mode, new characters
move characters in display memory to the right.
Characters moved past the end of the line are
12 ( SRM) Local echo off. In this mode, dtterm(1)
sends keyboard characters to the host only. The
host must echo back characters for them to be
20 ( LNM) New line. In this mode, the cursor moves to
the first column on the next line when dtterm(1)
receives an LF, FF or VT character. When the
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
Return key is pressed, dtterm(1) sends a
carriage-return ( CR) followed by a newline ( NL).
Esc [ pi l
( RM) Reset mode. This escape sequences resets ANSI modes.
Valid supported values of pi are:
2 ( KAM) Keyboard unlock. In this mode, dtterm(1)
processes all keystrokes from the keyboard.
4 ( IRM) Replace mode. In this mode, new characters
replace the character at the cursor position.
12 ( SRM) Local echo on. In this mode, dtterm(1)
sends keyboard characters to both the host and the
display. The host does not have to echo back
characters for them to be displayed.
20 ( LNM) New line. In this mode, the cursor moves to
the same column on the next line when dtterm(1)
receives an LF, FF or VT character. When the
Return key is pressed, dtterm(1) sends a
carriage-return ( CR).
Esc [ pi ; ... m
( SG) Graphics rendition. The default value is 0. This
escape sequence selects one or more character attributes.
Valid supported values for pi are:
0 All attributes off
1 Bold
2 Faint
4 Underline
5 Blinking. This attribute appears as bold text
7 Negative image
8 Invisible image
22 Bold and Faint off
24 Underline off
25 Blinking off
27 Negative image off
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
28 Invisible image off
30 Black display (text)
31 Red display (text)
32 Green display (text)
33 Yellow display (text)
34 Blue display (text)
35 Magenta display (text)
36 Cyan display (text)
37 White display (text)
39 Default display (text)
40 Black background
41 Red background
42 Green background
43 Yellow background
44 Blue background
45 Magenta background
46 Cyan background
47 White background
49 Default background
Esc [ pi n
( DSR) Device status report. Valid supported values for pi
5 Operating status. The dtterm(1) utility responds
with an OK message of ``Esc [ 0 n''.
6 ( CPR) Cursor position report. The dtterm(1)
utility responds with the current cursor position
in the form ``Esc [ p1 ; p2 R'' where p1 is the
current cursor line and p2 is the current cursor
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
Esc [ ? pi n
( DSR) DEC private device status report. Valid supported
values for pi are:
15 Printer port status. The dtterm(1) utility
responds with a ``no printer available'' message
of ``Esc [ ? 13 n''.
25 User-defined key status. The dtterm(1) utility
responds with either a message of ``Esc [ ? 20 n''
if UDKs are unlocked, or ``Esc [ ? 21 n'' if UDKs
are locked.
26 Keyboard status. The dtterm(1) utility responds
with a message of ``Esc [ ? 27 ; 1 n'', which
indicates a North American keyboard.
Esc [ p1 ; p2 r
( DECSTBM) Set top and bottom margins. The default value for
p1 is 1. The default value for p2 is the current number of
lines in the terminal window. The top and bottom margins are
set to p1 and p2 respectively. Scrolling is not performed
outside the margins.
Esc [ p1 ; p2 ; p3 t
Window manipulation. Valid values for p1 (and any additional
parameters) are:
1 Restore (de-iconify) window.
2 Minimize (iconify) window.
3 ; x ; y
Move window to [x, y].
4 ; height ; width
Resize the dtterm(1) window to height and width in
5 Raise the dtterm(1) window to the front of the
stacking order.
6 Lower the dtterm(1) window to the bottom of the
stacking order.
7 Refresh the dtterm(1) window.
8 ; height ; width
Resize the text area to height and width in
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
11 Report dttermEsc [
1 t''. If the dtterm(1) window is iconified, it
returns ``Esc [ 2 t''.
13 Report the dtterm(1) window position. The terminal
emulator returns ``Esc [ 3 ; x ; y t''.
14 Report the dtterm(1) window in pixels. The
terminal emulator returns ``Esc [ 4 ; height ;
width t''.
18 Report the size of the area in characters. The
terminal emulator returns ``Esc [ 8 ; height ;
width t ''.
20 Report the dtterm(1) window's icon label. The
terminal emulator returns ``Esc ] L label Esc
Backslash ''. NOTE: This escape sequence has been
disabled in the DtTerm widget and is ignored by
21 Report the dtterm(1) window's title. The terminal
emulator returns ``Esc ] l title Esc Backslash''.
NOTE: This escape sequence has been disabled in
the DtTerm widget and is ignored by dtterm.
Esc [ pi x
Request terminal modes. The default value is 0. Valid values
are 0 or 1. If pi is 0, dtterm(1) responds with the message
of ``Esc [ 2; 1; 1; 112; 112 ; 1; 0 x''. If pi is 1,
dtterm(1) responds with the message of ``Esc [ 3; 1; 1; 112;
112; 1; 0x''. This escape sequence is supported for backward
compatibility for xterm(1) only.
Esc [ ? pi h
( SM) DEC private set mode. This escape sequences sets DEC
private modes. Valid supported values of pi are:
1 ( DECCKM) Enable cursor keys mode. When cursor
keys mode is enabled, the arrow keys send
application sequences to the host.
3 ( DECCOLM) Enable 132-column mode. When 132-column
mode is enabled, the number of columns is the
terminal window changed to 132. When entering into
132-column mode, the left, right, top, and bottom
margins are reset to their default positions and
the display is cleared.
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
4 ( DECSCLM) Enable smooth scrolling. When smooth
scrolling is enabled, lines are added and the
screen is scrolled a single line at a time.
5 ( DECSCNM) Enable reverse video. When reverse
video mode is enabled, the foreground and
background colors of the terminal window are
6 ( DECOM) Enable origin mode. When origin mode is
enabled, the home cursor position is the upperleft
corner of the screen, within the margins. The
starting point for line numbers depends on the
current top margin. The cursor cannot be moved
outside the top and bottom margins.
7 ( DECAWM) Enable autowrap. When autowrap mode is
enabled, characters received when the cursor is at
the right-most column of the page are inserted at
the beginning of the next line. If the cursor is
at the bottom line of the scrolling region, the
page is scrolled up 1 line.
8 ( DECARM) Enable auto-repeat keys. This option is
25 ( DECTCEM) Enable cursor visible. In this mode,
the text cursor is visible.
40 Enable DECCOLM escape sequence. When the DECCOLM
escape sequence is enabled, the terminal emulator
switches into either an 80- or 132-column window
when it receives a DECCOLM escape sequence.
44 Enable margin bell. When the margin bell is
enabled, the dtterm utility's bell (either audible
or visible) is invoked when the cursor is a
predefined distance from the right margin and a
key is pressed.
45 Enable reverse-autowrap mode. When reverseautowrap
mode is enabled, and a backspace is
received when the cursor is at the left-most
column of the page, the cursor is wrapped to the
right-most column of the previous line. If the
cursor is at the top line of the scrolling region,
the cursor is wrapped to the right-most column of
the bottom line of the scrolling region. If the
cursor is at the top line of terminal window, the
cursor is wrapped to the right-most column of the
bottom line of the terminal window.
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
46 Enable logging. When logging is enabled, all text
received from the child process is logged to a
Esc [ ? pi l
( RM) DEC private mode reset. This escape sequence sets DEC
private modes. Valid supported values of pi are:
1 ( DECCKM) Disable cursor keys mode. When cursor
keys mode is disabled, the arrow keys send ANSI
cursor sequences to the host.
3 ( DECCOLM) Disable 132-column mode. When 132-
column mode is disabled, the number of columns is
the terminal window changed to 80. When entering
into 80-column mode, the left, right, top, and
bottom margins are reset to their default
positions and the display is cleared.
4 ( DECSCLM) Disable smooth scrolling. When smooth
scrolling is disabled, lines are added and the
screen is scrolled up to a full screen at a time
depending on how fast text is received from the
child process.
5 ( DECSCNM) Disable reverse video. When reverse
video mode is disabled, the foreground and
background colors of the terminal window are not
6 ( DECOM) Disable origin mode. When origin mode is
disabled, the home cursor position is the upperleft
corner of the screen. The starting point for
line numbers is independent of the current top
margin. The cursor can be moved outside the top
and bottom margins.
7 ( DECAWM) Disable autowrap. When autowrap mode is
enabled, characters received when the cursor is at
the right-most column of the page, replace the
character already on the line.
8 ( DECARM) Disable auto-repeat keys. This option is
25 ( DECTCEM) Disable cursor visible. In this mode,
the text cursor is invisible.
40 Disable DECCOLM escape sequence. When the DECCOLM
escape sequence is disabled, the terminal emulator
ignores the DECCOLM escape sequence and does not
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
switch into either an 80- or 132-column window
when it is received.
44 Disable margin bell. When the margin bell is
disabled, the dtterm utility's bell is not invoked
when the cursor is a pre-defined distance from the
right margin and a key is pressed.
45 Disable reverse-autowrap mode. When reverseautowrap
mode is disabled, and a backspace is
received when the cursor is at the left-most
column of the page, the cursor remains at that
46 Disable logging. When logging is disabled, text
received from the child process is not logged to a
Esc [ ? pi r
Restore DEC private mode values. The value corresponding to
mode pi previously saved is restored. Valid values for pi
are the same as the DEC private modes supported by SM. It is
provided to maintain backward compatibility with xterm(1).
Using this escape sequence is discouraged.
Esc [ ? pi s
Save DEC private mode values. The value corresponding to
mode pi is saved. Valid values for pi are the same as the
DEC private modes supported by SM. This escape sequence is
provided to maintain backward compatibility with xterm(1).
Using this escape sequence is discouraged.
Esc ] p1 ; p2 <control>-G
Set text parameters. This escape sequence allows various
terminal emulator text values to be set. Valid supported
values of p1 are:
0 Change the icon name and window title to the
string p2.
1 Change the icon name to the string p2.
2 Change the window title to the string p2.
3 Set the current working directory to the string
p2. The terminal emulator tries to restart in
this directory when it is restarted in a new
Esc ^ message Esc Backslash
( PM) Privacy message. The data received in a privacy
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
message is ignored and is not displayed.
Esc _ pi Esc Backslash
( APC) Application program command. The terminal emulator
implements no APC functions. The data is ignored and is not
Esc [ ? pi K
( DECSEL) Selective erase in line. The default value is 0.
This escape sequence only erases erasable characters in a
single line of text. Only those characters defined as
erasable by the DECSCA escape sequence are erased. A
parameter value of 0 erases from the cursor to the end of
the line. A parameter value of 1 erases from the beginning
of the line to the cursor position, inclusive. A parameter
value of 2 erases the complete line.
Esc [ ? pi J
( DECSED) Selective erase in display. The default value is
0. This escape sequence only erases erasable characters in
the display. Only those characters defined as erasable by
the DECSCA escape sequence are erased. A parameter value of
0 erases from the cursor to the end of the display. A
parameter value of 1 erases from the beginning of the
display to the cursor position, inclusive. A parameter
value of 2 erases the complete display.
Esc ] l text Esc Backslash
Set the window title to text.
Esc ] I file Esc Backslash
Set the icon to the icon found in file.
Esc ] L label Esc Backslash
Set the icon name to label.
Esc [ ! p ( DECSTR) Soft terminal reset. This function performs a
soft reset. For additional information, see the ``Reset''
section in this man page.
Reset [Toc] [Back]
The dtterm(1) utility supports two levels of reset: full reset and
soft reset. Reset can be invoked by menu buttons, the keyboard or by
escape sequences. Soft reset performs the following actions:
+ Turns on the text cursor ( DECTCEM )
+ Enables replace mode ( IRM)
+ Turns off origin mode ( DECOM)
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
+ Turns on autowrap ( DECAWM)
+ Turns off reverse wrap
+ Unlocks the keyboard ( KAM)
+ Sets the cursor keypad mode to normal ( DECCKM)
+ Sets the numeric keypad mode to numeric ( DECNKM)
+ Sets the top and bottom margins to the first and last lines of
the window ( DECSTBM)
+ Sets all character sets ( GL, G0, G1, G2 and G3) to ASCII
+ Turns off all character attributes ( SGR)
+ Sets selective erase mode off ( DECSCA)
+ Clears any cursor state information saved with save cursor (
Full reset performs the same functions as soft reset along with the
following actions:
+ Cursor is moved to the home position
+ Clears the screen
+ Clears user defined keys ( DECUDK)
+ Turns off reverse video ( DECSCNM)
+ Turns off auto linefeed mode ( LNM)
+ Turns on jump scroll ( DECSCLM)
Transmitted Escape Sequences [Toc] [Back]
Cursor Key Mode
The cursor keys transmit the following escape sequences depending on
the setting of the mode specified, either via the appCursorDefault
resource, or the mode specified via the DECCKM escape sequence.
Key Normal Application
Cursor Up Esc [ A Esc O A
Cursor Down Esc [ B Esc O B
Cursor Right Esc [ C Esc O C
Cursor Left Esc [ D Esc O D
Application Keypad Mode [Toc] [Back]
The application keypad transmits the following escape sequences
depending on the setting of the mode specified, either via the
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dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
appKeypadDefault resource, or the mode specified via the DECPNM escape
Key Numeric Application
Space Space Esc O A
Tab Tab Esc O I
Enter CR Esc O M
PF1 Esc O P Esc O P
PF2 Esc O Q Esc O Q
PF3 Esc O R Esc O R
PF4 Esc O S Esc O S
* (multiply) * Esc O j
+ (add) + Esc O k
, (comma) , Esc O l
- (minus) - Esc O m
/ (divide) / Esc O o
0 0 Esc O p
1 1 Esc O q
2 2 Esc O r
3 3 Esc O s
4 4 Esc O t
5 5 Esc O u
6 6 Esc O v
7 7 Esc O w
8 8 Esc O x
9 9 Esc O y
= (equal) = Esc O X
ANSI Function Keys [Toc] [Back]
The function keys transmit the following escape sequences unless Sun
function keys mode has been selected, either via the dtterm -sk
option, or the sunFunctionKeys resource in dtterm(1) or the DtTerm
Key Escape Sequence
F1 Esc [ 1 1
F2 Esc [ 1 2
F3 Esc [ 1 3
F4 Esc [ 1 4
F5 Esc [ 1 5
F6 Esc [ 1 7
F7 Esc [ 1 8
F8 Esc [ 1 9
F9 Esc [ 2 0
- 17 - Formatted: January 24, 2005
dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
F10 Esc [ 2 1
F11 Esc [ 2 3
F12 Esc [ 2 4
F13 Esc [ 2 5
F14 Esc [ 2 6
F15 Esc [ 2 8
F16 Esc [ 2 9
F17 Esc [ 3 1
F18 Esc [ 3 2
F19 Esc [ 3 3
F20 Esc [ 3 4
Help Esc [ 2 8
Menu Esc [ 2 9
Find Esc [ 1 ~
Insert Esc [ 2 ~
Delete Esc [ 3 ~
Remove Esc [ 3 ~
Select Esc [ 4 ~
Prior Esc [ 5 ~
Next Esc [ 6 ~
Sun Function Keys [Toc] [Back]
Key Escape Sequence
F1 Esc [ 2 2
4 z
F2 Esc [ 2 2
5 z
F3 Esc [ 2 2
6 z
F4 Esc [ 2 2
7 z
F5 Esc [ 2 2
8 z
F6 Esc [ 2 2
9 z
F7 Esc [ 2 3
0 z
F8 Esc [ 2 3
- 18 - Formatted: January 24, 2005
dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
1 z
F9 Esc [ 2 3
2 z
F10 Esc [ 2 3
3 z
F11 Esc [ 1 9
2 z
F12 Esc [ 1 9
3 z
F13 Esc [ 1 9
4 z
F14 Esc [ 1 9
5 z
F15 Esc [ 1 9
6 z
F16 Esc [ 1 9
7 z
F17 Esc [ 1 9
8 z
F18 Esc [ 1 9
9 z
F19 Esc [ 2 0
0 z
F20 Esc [ 2 0
1 z
F21 (R1) Esc [ 2 0
8 z
F22 (R2) Esc [ 2 0
9 z
F23 (R3) Esc [ 2 1
0 z
F24 (R4) Esc [ 2 1
1 z
F25 (R5) Esc [ 2 1
2 z
F26 (R6) Esc [ 2 1
3 z
F27 (R7) Esc [ 2 1
4 z
F28 (R8) Esc [ 2 1
5 z
F29 (R9) Esc [ 2 1
6 z
F30 (R10) Esc [ 2 1
7 z
F31 (R11) Esc [ 2 1
8 z
F32 (R12) Esc [ 2 1
9 z
F33 (R13) Esc [ 2 2
0 z
- 19 - Formatted: January 24, 2005
dtterm(file formats) dtterm(file formats)
F34 (R14) Esc [ 1 2
1 z
F35 (R15) Esc [ 1 2
2 z
Help Esc [ 1 9
6 z
Menu Esc [ 1 9
7 z
Find Esc [ 1 z
Insert Esc [ 2 z
Delete Esc [ 3 z
Remove Esc [ 3 z
Select Esc [ 4 z
Prior Esc [ 5 z
Next Esc [ 6 z
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
dtterm(1), DtCreateTerm(3), xterm(1), dtterm(1).
- 20 - Formatted: January 24, 2005 [ Back ] |