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  man pages->HP-UX 11i man pages -> MrmOpenHierarchyFromBuffer (3)              



 MrmOpenHierarchyFromBuffer(library cMarlmlO)penHierarchyFromBuffer(library call)

 NAME    [Toc]    [Back]
      MrmOpenHierarchyFromBuffer - Allocates a hierarchy ID and opens a
      buffer containing a memory image of a UID file

 SYNOPSIS    [Toc]    [Back]
      #include <Mrm/MrmPublic.h>

      Cardinal MrmOpenHierarchyFromBuffer(
      unsigned char uid_buffer,
      MrmHierarchy *hierarchy_id);

 DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]
      MrmOpenHierarchyFromBuffer allows you to specify a buffer containing
      information from UID files that MRM searches in subsequent fetch
      operations.  This function also allocates a hierarchy ID and
      initializes the optimized search lists in the hierarchy.

      buffer    Specifies a stream of bytes containing information from UID

                Returns the search hierarchy ID.  The search hierarchy ID
                identifies the buffer that MRM searches when performing
                subsequent fetch calls.

 RETURN    [Toc]    [Back]
      This function returns one of the following status return constants:

      MrmSUCCESS    [Toc]    [Back]
                The function executed successfully.

      MrmFAILURE    [Toc]    [Back]
                The function failed.

 RELATED    [Toc]    [Back]
      MrmCloseHierarchy [ Back ]

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