pppd(1) pppd(1)
NAME [Toc] [Back]
pppd - PPP daemon
SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]
pppd [options...]
pppd is a daemon process used in UNIX systems to manage connections to
other hosts using PPP (Point to Point Protocol) or SLIP (Serial Line
Internet Protocol). It uses the UNIX host's native serial ports. It
communicates with the UNIX kernel's own TCP/IP implementation via the
HP IP tunnel driver.
The functionality supplied by this daemon supersedes that provided by
ppl(1) in HP-UX prior to Release 10.30. ppl only supported the SLIP
and CSLIP (Compressed Header SLIP) protocols.
Daemon Management Options [Toc] [Back]
auto Start in `autocall' mode and detach from the
controlling terminal to run as a daemon.
Initiate a connection in response to a packet
specified in the `bringup' category in
filter-file. Requires the remote address.
up When used with auto, bring the link up
immediately rather than waiting for traffic.
If the link goes down, attempt to restart it
(after the call retry delay timer expires)
without waiting for an outbound packet.
dedicated Treat the connection as a dedicated line
rather than a demand-dial connection. This
option tells pppd to never give up on the
connection; that is, if the peer tries to
shut down the link, go ahead and do so, but
then immediately try to reestablish the
connection. Similarly, when first trying to
connect, pppd will not give up after sending
a fixed number of Configure-Request messages.
Hangup events (LQM failures, loss of Carrier
Detect) will still cause the device to be
closed, just as with dial-up connections, and
the Systems file will then be checked for
alternate entries. If none are available,
the connection will be reestablished after
the call retry delay timer expires. Use a
short call retry delay timer on dedicated
circuits; something like Any;5-30 should work
well. Implies up.
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altdelay delay Set the delay of delay seconds between
dialing each alternate numbers in the Systems
file for the same destination. The default
value is 1 second.
nodetach Don't detach from the controlling terminal in
`autocall' mode. When used with log -, this
can be useful for watching the progress of
the PPP session.
log log-file Append logging messages to log-file (default:
acct acct-file Append session accounting messages to acctfile.
If acct-file is the same as log-file,
the session accounting messages will be
interleaved with other logging information.
filter filter-file Look in filter-file for packet filtering and
link management information (default:
debug debug-level Set the log file verbosity to the following
debug-level and each debugging verbosity
level also provides the information of all
the lower-numbered levels.
0 Daemon start messages
1 Link status messages, calling attempts
(the default)
2 Chat script processing, input framing
3 LCP, IPCP, PAP and CHAP negotiation
4 LQM status summaries
5 IP interface changes
6 IP message summaries
7 Full LQM reports
8 All PPP messages (without framing)
9 Characters read or written
10 Procedure call messages
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11 Internal timers
exec exec-cmd Run `exec-cmd up addr args' when the link
comes up, and `exec-cmd down addr args' when
it goes down. Addr is the IP address of the
peer, and args is the list of arguments given
to pppd.
nonice Run at a normal user process priority, rather
than using the nice() library routine to
elevate pppd scheduling priority to -10.
Communications Options [Toc] [Back]
asyncmap async-map Set the desired Async Control Character Map
to async-map, expressed in C-style
hexadecimal notation (default 0xA0000).
noasyncmap Disable LCP Async Control Character Map
escape odd-character In addition to those characters specified in
the PPP Async Control Character Map (which
can include only 0x00 through 0x1F), also
apply the escaping algorithm when
transmitting odd-character. The value of
odd-character must be between 0x00 and 0xFF,
and cannot be any of 0x5E, 0x7D or 0x7E.
Odd-character can be specified as a decimal
number, in C-style hexadecimal notation, or
as an ASCII character with optional `^'
control-character notation. For example, the
XON character could be specified as 17, 0x11,
or ^Q.
If a character specified with the escape
argument, when transformed into its escaped
form, would be the same as a character
contained in the peer's negotiated Async
Control Character Map, a warning will be
printed in the log file and the character
specified on the command line will not be
If a character specified with the escape
argument, when transformed into its escaped
form, would be the same as a character
specified in another escape argument on the
daemon's command line, pppd will print an
error message and exit.
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pppd(1) pppd(1)
device Communicate over the named device (default
comm-speed Set communications rate to comm-speed bits
per second.
ignore-cd Ignore the state of the CD (Carrier Detect,
also called DCD, Data Carrier Detect) signal.
This is useful for systems that don't support
CD but want to run PPP over a dedicated line.
xonxoff Set the line to use in-band (`software') flow
control, using the characters DC3 (^S, XOFF,
ASCII 0x13) to stop the flow and DC1 (^Q,
XON, ASCII 0x11) to resume. (The default is
to use no flow control.) For an outbound
connection, this may be specified either in
Devices or on the pppd command line.
telnet When used on an answering pppd command line,
negotiate the telnet binary option and
understand telnet escape processing. Not for
use with device or auto.
Link Management Options [Toc] [Back]
nooptions Disable all LCP and IPCP options.
noaccomp Disable HDLC Address and Control Field
noprotcomp Disable LCP Protocol Field Compression.
slip Use RFC 1055 SLIP packet framing rather than
PPP packet framing. Disables all option
negotiation, and implies noasyncmap,
noipaddress, vjslots 16, novjcid, nomagic,
nomru, and mru 1006. Implies vjcomp if peer
sends a header-compressed TCP packet.
extra-slip-end When running in SLIP mode, prepend a SLIP
packet framing character (0xC0) to each frame
before transmission, even if this frame
immediately follows the previous frame. By
default, pppd transmits only one framing
character between adjacent SLIP frames.
extra-ppp-flag When running in PPP mode, prepend a PPP
packet framing character (0x7E) to each frame
before transmission, even if this frame
immediately follows the previous frame. By
default, pppd transmits only one framing
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character between adjacent PPP frames.
nomagic Disable LCP Magic Number negotiation.
mru mru-size Set LCP Maximum Receive Unit value to mrusize
for negotiation. The default is 1500
for PPP and 1006 for SLIP.
nomru Disable LCP Maximum Receive Unit negotiation,
and use 1500 for our interface.
active Begin LCP parameter negotiation immediately
(the default).
passive Do not send our first LCP packet until we
receive an LCP packet from the peer.
timeout restart-time Set the LCP, IPCP, CCP, PAP, and CHAP option
negotiation restart timers to restart-time
(default 3 seconds).
lqrinterval time Send Link-Quality-Reports or Echo-Requests
every time seconds (default 10 seconds). If
the peer responds with a Protocol-Reject,
send LCP Echo-Requests every time seconds
instead, and use the received LCP EchoReplies
for link status policy decisions.
lqthreshold min/per Set a minimum standard for link quality by
considering the connection to have failed if
fewer than min out of the last per LQRs we
sent have been responded to by the peer
(default 1/5).
echolqm Use LCP Echo-Requests rather than standard
Link-Quality-Report messages for link quality
assessment and policy decisions. The peer
can override this if it actively tries to
configure Link Quality Monitoring unless the
nolqm parameter is also specified.
nolqm Don't send or recognize Link-Quality-Report
messages. If echolqm is also specified,
Echo-Request messages will be used to detect
link failures.
idle idle-time[/session-idle-time]
Shut down the link when idle-time seconds
pass without receiving or transmitting a
packet specified in the `keepup' category in
the filter file (default is to never consider
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pppd(1) pppd(1)
the link idle).
If session-idle-time is specified and any TCP
sessions are open, shut down the link when
session-idle-time seconds pass without
receiving or transmitting a packet.
max-configure tries Set the PPP Max-Configure counter (the
maximum number of Configure-Requests sent
without a response) to tries.
max-terminate tries Set the PPP Max-Terminate counter (the
maximum number of Terminate-Requests sent
without a response) to tries.
max-failure tries Set the PPP Max-Failure counter (the maximum
number of Configure-Naks sent without a
positive response) to tries.
IP Options [Toc] [Back]
local:remote The address of this machine, followed by the
expected address for the remote machine. Can
be specified either as symbolic names or as
literal IP addresses, if their addresses
cannot be discovered locally without using
the PPP link.
Both addresses are optional, but a colon by
itself is not valid, and the remote address
is required when running as a daemon in
`autocall' mode. If only local: is specified
when receiving an incoming call, the remote
address will be discovered during IPCP IPAddress
If either address is followed by a tilde
character (`~'), or if the tilde appears
alone, pppd accepts the IP address given by
the peer during IPCP negotiations, whether
for the local end or the peer's end of the
link. (not available in SLIP mode)
Because SLIP cannot perform option
negotiations, including IPCP, both addresses
should normally be specified, and the tilde
option is unavailable. To obtain a similar
"feature", the peer must provide the IP
address textually during the login process,
and a new value must be obtained using the
Systems file `\A' chat script feature (see
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pppd(1) pppd(1)
netmask subnet-mask Set the subnet mask of the interface to
subnet-mask, expressed either in C-style
hexadecimal (e.g. 0xffffff00) or in decimal
dotted-quad notation (e.g.
The default subnet mask will be appropriate
for the network (class A, B, or C), assuming
no subnetting.
need-ip-address Ask the peer to assign us an IP address.
noipaddress Disable IPCP IP-Address negotiation.
vjcomp Enable RFC 1144 `VJ' Van Jacobson TCP header
compression negotiation with 16 slots and
slot ID compression (this is the default with
PPP framing). `VJ' compression is enabled by
default for async connections, and disabled
by default for sync connections.
novjcomp Disable RFC 1144 `VJ' Van Jacobson TCP header
compression (this is the default with SLIP
framing, until the peer sends a headercompressed
TCP packet).
vjslots vj-slots Set the number of VJ compression slots (min
3, max 256, default 16).
novjcid Disable VJ compression slot ID compression
(enabled by default).
rfc1172-vj Backwards compatibility with older PPP
implementations (4-byte VJ configuration
option), but with the correct option
negotiation value of 0x002d.
rfc1172-typo-vj Backwards compatibility with older PPP
implementations (4-byte VJ configuration
option) that conform to the typographical
error in RFC 1172 section 5.2 (CompressionType
value 0x0037).
rfc1172-addresses Backwards compatibility with older PPP
implementations that conform to RFC 1172
section 5.1 (IP-Addresses, IPCP configuration
option 1) and not with the newer RFC 1332
(IP-Address, IPCP configuration option 3),
but that respond with something besides a
Configure-Reject when they receive an IPCP
Configure-Request containing an option 3.
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Authentication Options [Toc] [Back]
requireauth Require either PAP or CHAP authentication.
requirechap Require CHAP authentication as described in
RFC 1334.
requiremschap Require MS-CHAP authentication.
requirepap Require PAP authentication.
rechap interval Demand that the peer re-authenticate itself
(using CHAP) every interval seconds. If the
peer fails the new challenge, the link is
name identifier Provide the identifier used during PAP or
CHAP negotiation. This option is necessary
if the PPP peer requires authentication. The
default value is the value returned by the
gethostname(2) system call or the hostname(1)
MicroSoft Compatibility Options [Toc] [Back]
ms-dns address Set the MS DNS address to provide to the
peer. First occurrence of this option on the
command line sets the primary address; the
second occurrence sets the secondary address.
ms-nbns address Set the MS NBNS address to provide to the
peer. First occurrence of this option on the
command line sets the primary address; the
second occurrence sets the secondary address.
Encryption Options [Toc] [Back]
Encryption is not currently available in software exported from the
USA. However, customer may contact sales@progressive-systems.com to
obtain encryption functionality.
Link Compression Options [Toc] [Back]
compress Offer all supported link compression types
(currently only Predictor-1) when
negotiating. The default is to propose and
accept no link compression type.
compress-pred1 Accept any supported compression type, but
prefer Predictor type 1 compression.
nopred1 Never use Predictor-1 compression.
LOG FILE [Toc] [Back]
Status information is recorded in the log file (/var/adm/pppd.log by
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default) by each copy of pppd running on a single machine. Each line
in the file consists of a message preceded by the date, the time, and
the process ID number of the daemon writing the message. The quantity
and verbosity of messages are controlled with the debug option and
with the log filter (see ppp.Filter(4)).
Each packet that brings up the link (at debug level 1 or more), each
packet that matches the log filter (at any debug level), or any packet
when the debug level is 7 or more writes a one-line description of the
packet to the log file. The first item of the message is the protocol
(tcp, udp, icmp, or a numeric protocol value ). For ICMP packets, the
keyword icmp is followed by the ICMP message type and sub code,
separated by slashes. After the protocol comes an IP address and
optionally a TCP or UDP port number, followed by an arrow indicating
whether the packet was sent (->) or received (<-), followed by another
address and port number, followed by the length of the packet in bytes
before VJ TCP header compression, followed by zero or more keywords.
For transmitted packets, the first IP address is the source address,
while for received packets, the first IP address is the destination
address. Well known TCP and UDP port numbers will be replaced by the
name returned by the getservbyport() library function. The keywords
and their meanings are:
frag The packet is a middle or later part of a fragmented IP
syn The packet has the TCP SYN bit set.
fin The packet has the TCP FIN bit set.
bringup The transmitted packet matches the bringup filter and is
bringing up the link.
!keepup the packet has been rejected by the keepup filter.
!pass The packet has been rejected by the pass filter.
dial failed The packet was dropped because pppd is waiting for the
call retry timer to expire.
(c) The received packet is VJ TCP header compressed.
(u) The received packet is VJ TCP header uncompressed.
For example, the following log file line
9/6-14:06:26-83 tcp -> 44 syn
indicates that at 2:06:26 PM on September 6, process ID 83 sent a 44-
byte TCP packet with the SYN bit set from port 1050 on to the
SMTP port on
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pppd(1) pppd(1)
SIGNALS [Toc] [Back]
Upon reception of the following signals, pppd closes and reopens the
log file, re-reads the filter and key files, then takes the indicated
SIGKILL Don't use this. Never, never use this. Since pppd
won't be able to shut down gracefully, it will leave
your serial interfaces (whether /dev/tty) and your IP
tunnel driver in some unknown state. Use SIGTERM
instead, so pppd will shut down cleanly, and leave the
system in a well-defined state.
SIGINT Disconnect gracefully from an active session. If in
`autocall' mode, reset the call retry delay timer and
call retry backoff interval. If up was specified,
attempt to re-establish the link. Exit if not in
`autocall' mode.
SIGHUP Disconnect abruptly from an active session. If up was
specified, attempt to re-establish the link. Exit if
not in `autocall' mode.
SIGTERM Disconnect gracefully from an active session, clean up
the state of any serial and IP interfaces that are
open, then exit.
SIGUSR1 Increment the verbosity level for debugging information
written to the log file.
SIGUSR2 Reset the debugging verbosity level to the base value
(1 unless debug 0 was supplied on the command line).
SIGALRM Take no action except to re-read the filter and key
EXAMPLES [Toc] [Back]
To run a pair of daemons on `oursystem', one maintaining a constant
link with `backbonesystem' and the other prepared to initiate outbound
calls to a neighboring machine named `theirsystem', add the following
to /sbin/rc2.d/S522ppp:
if [ -f /etc/ppp/Autostart ]; then
Then make /etc/ppp/Autostart look like this:
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pppd(1) pppd(1)
if [ -f /var/adm/pppd.log ]; then
mv /var/adm/pppd.log /var/adm/OLDpppd.log
echo -n "Starting PPP daemons:" >/dev/console
pppd oursystem:backbonesystem auto up
(echo -n ' backbonesystem') >/dev/console
pppd oursystem:theirsystem auto idle 120
(echo -n ' theirsystem') >/dev/console
echo '.' >/dev/console
To allow a PPP implementation running on `theirsystem' to dial into
`oursystem', insert the following into /etc/passwd on `oursystem':
Pthem:?:105:20:Their PPP:/etc/ppp:/etc/ppp/Login
where group 20 is the gid of the ppp group which owns /usr/etc/pppd,
and /etc/ppp/Login is an executable shell script that looks something
mesg n
stty -tostop
exec pppd `hostname`:
Use host names when running /etc/ppp/Autostart from
/sbin/rc2.d/S522ppp only if they are known locally. If a PPP
connection to a DNS server would be required to resolve a host name,
use its literal IP address instead.
Environment Variables
The environment variable PPPHOME, if present, specifies the directory
in which pppd looks for its configuration files (Filter and Auth for
all connections, along with Systems, Devices, and Dialers if the
connection is `outbound'). You can specify PPPHOME either in the
Autostart script or in an incoming connection's Login script. If
PPPHOME is not present, pppd will expect to find its configuration
files in /etc/ppp/*.
pppd should be mode 4750, owned by root, and executable only by the
members of the group containing all the incoming PPP login `users'.
AUTHOR [Toc] [Back]
pppd was developed by the Progressive Systems.
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pppd(1) pppd(1)
SEE ALSO [Toc] [Back]
ppp.Auth(4), ppp.Devices(4), ppp.Dialers(4), ppp.Filter(4),
ppp.Keys(4), ppp.Systems(4), RFC 1548, RFC 1549, RFC 1332, RFC 1333,
RFC 1334, RFC 1172, RFC 1144, RFC 1055,
HP PPP implements the IETF Proposed Standard Point-to-Point Protocol
and many of its options and extensions, in conformance with RFCs 1548,
1549, 1332, 1333, 1334, and 1144. It can be configured to be
conformant with earlier specifications of the PPP protocol, as
described in RFCs 1134, 1171, and 1172. It implements the nonstandard
SLIP protocol as described in RFCs 1055 and 1144.
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