random -- the entropy device
The random device accepts and reads data as any ordinary (and willing)
file, but throws away any data written to it, and returns an endless supply
of random bytes when read.
The only purpose of writing data to random is to perturb the internal
state. This perturbation of the internal state is the only userland
method of introducing extra entropy into the device. If the writer has
superuser privilege, then closing the device after writing will make the
internal generator reseed itself. This can be used for extra security,
as it immediately introduces any/all new entropy into the PRNG. The
random device can be controlled with sysctl(8).
To see the devices' current settings, use the command line:
sysctl kern.random
which results in something like:
kern.random.sys.seeded: 1
kern.random.sys.burst: 20
kern.random.sys.harvest.ethernet: 0
kern.random.sys.harvest.point_to_point: 0
kern.random.sys.harvest.interrupt: 0
kern.random.yarrow.gengateinterval: 10
kern.random.yarrow.bins: 10
kern.random.yarrow.fastthresh: 100
kern.random.yarrow.slowthresh: 160
kern.random.yarrow.slowoverthresh: 2
All settings are read/write.
The kern.random.sys.seeded variable indicates whether or not the random
device is in an acceptably secure state as a result of reseeding. If set
to 0, the device will block (on read) until the next reseed (which can be
from an explicit write, or as a result of entropy harvesting). A reseed
will set the value to 1 (non-blocking).
The kern.random.sys.burst variable instructs the kernel thread that processes
the harvest queue to tsleep(9) briefly after that many events have
been processed. This helps prevent the random device from being so compute-bound
that it takes over all processing ability. A value of zero
(0) is treated as infinity, and will only allow the kernel to pause if
the queue is empty. Only values in the range [0..20] are accepted.
The kern.random.sys.harvest.ethernet variable is used to select LAN traffic
as an entropy source. A zero (0) value means that LAN traffic is not
considered as an entropy source. Set the variable to one (1) if you wish
to use LAN traffic for entropy harvesting.
The kern.random.sys.harvest.point_to_point variable is used to select
serial line traffic as an entropy source. (Serial line traffic includes
PPP, SLIP and all tun0 traffic.) A zero (0) value means such traffic is
not considered as an entropy source. Set the variable to one (1) if you
wish to use it for entropy harvesting.
The kern.random.sys.harvest.interrupt variable is used to select hardware
interrupts as an entropy source. A zero (0) value means interrupts are
not considered as an entropy source. Set the variable to one (1) if you
wish to use them for entropy harvesting. All interrupt harvesting is
setup by the individual device drivers.
The other variables are explained in the paper describing the Yarrow
algorithm at http://www.counterpane.com/yarrow.html.
These variables are all limited in terms of the values they may contain:
kern.random.yarrow.gengateinterval [4..64]
kern.random.yarrow.bins [2..16]
kern.random.yarrow.fastthresh [64..256]
kern.random.yarrow.slowthresh [64..256]
kern.random.yarrow.slowoverthresh [1..5]
Internal sysctl(3) handlers force the above variables into the stated
The use of randomness in the field of computing is a rather subtle issue
because randomness means different things to different people. Consider
generating a password randomly, simulating a coin tossing experiment or
choosing a random back-off period when a server does not respond. Each
of these tasks requires random numbers, but the random numbers in each
case have different requirements.
Generation of passwords, session keys and the like requires cryptographic
randomness. A cryptographic random number generator should be designed
so that its output is difficult to guess, even if a lot of auxiliary
information is known (such as when it was seeded, subsequent or previous
output, and so on). On FreeBSD, seeding for cryptographic random number
generators is provided by the random device, which provides real randomness.
The arc4random(3) library call provides a pseudo-random sequence
which is generally reckoned to be suitable for simple cryptographic use.
The OpenSSL library also provides functions for managing randomness via
functions such as RAND_bytes(3) and RAND_add(3). Note that OpenSSL uses
the random device for seeding automatically.
Randomness for simulation is required in engineering or scientific software
and games. The first requirement of these applications is that the
random numbers produced conform to some well-known, usually uniform, distribution.
The sequence of numbers should also appear numerically uncorrelated,
as simulation often assumes independence of its random inputs.
Often it is desirable to reproduce the results of a simulation exactly,
so that if the generator is seeded in the same way, it should produce the
same results. A peripheral concern for simulation is the speed of a random
number generator.
Another issue in simulation is the size of the state associated with the
random number generator, and how frequently it repeats itself. For example,
a program which shuffles a pack of cards should have 52! possible
outputs, which requires the random number generator to have 52! starting
states. This means the seed should have at least log_2(52!) ~ 226 bits
of state if the program is to stand a chance of outputting all possible
sequences, and the program needs some unbiased way of generating these
bits. Again, the random device could be used for seeding here, but in
practice, smaller seeds are usually considered acceptable.
FreeBSD provides two families of functions which are considered suitable
for simulation. The random(3) family of functions provides a random
integer between 0 to (2**31)-1. The functions srandom(3), initstate(3)
and setstate(3) are provided for deterministically setting the state of
the generator and the function srandomdev(3) is provided for setting the
state via the random device. The drand48(3) family of functions are also
provided, which provide random floating point numbers in various ranges.
Randomness that is used for collision avoidance (for example, in certain
network protocols) has slightly different semantics again. It is usually
expected that the numbers will be uniform, as this produces the lowest
chances of collision. Here again, the seeding of the generator is very
important, as it is required that different instances of the generator
produce independent sequences. However, the guessability or reproducibility
of the sequence is unimportant, unlike the previous cases.
One final consideration for the seeding of random number generators is a
bootstrapping problem. In some cases, it may be difficult to find enough
randomness to seed a random number generator until a system is fully
operational, but the system requires random numbers to become fully operational.
There is no substitute for careful thought here, but the
FreeBSD random device, which is based on the Yarrow system, should be of
some help in this area.
FreeBSD does also provide the traditional rand(3) library call, for compatibility
purposes. However, it is known to be poor for simulation and
absolutely unsuitable for cryptographic purposes, so its use is discouraged.
arc4random(3), drand48(3), rand(3), random(3), RAND_add(3),
RAND_bytes(3), sysctl(8)
A random device appeared in FreeBSD 2.2. The early version was taken
from Theodore Ts'o's entropy driver for Linux. The current implementation,
introduced in FreeBSD 5.0, is a complete rewrite by Mark R V
Murray, and is an implementation of the Yarrow algorithm by Bruce
Schneier, et al.
FreeBSD 5.2.1 February 10, 2001 FreeBSD 5.2.1 [ Back ] |