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  man pages->Tru64 Unix man pages              
 __istart(3) -- locations in program and definitions
    These names refer neither to routines nor to locations with interesting contents except for _procedure_table, _procedure_string_table, and, for Tru64 UNIX, __istart and __fstart. Except for eprol, the...
 __sia_isagroup(3) -- checks a list of known
    __sia_isagroup() is a utility routine for the sia_get_groups() routines to determine whether a given group is already in the known list of groups.
 a.out(4) -- Assembler and link editor output
    a.out is the output file format of the assembler as(1) and the link editor ld(1). Both programs make a.out executable if there were no errors and no unresolved external references. The debugger uses t...
 acct(4) -- Accounting include files
    The /usr/include/sys/acct.h header file defines a type acct structure for accounting information used by various accounting files. The information in the acct.h structure is used in records in account...
 acct.h(4) -- Accounting include files
    The /usr/include/sys/acct.h header file defines a type acct structure for accounting information used by various accounting files. The information in the acct.h structure is used in records in account...
 acl(4) -- Access control list
    Note The Tru64 UNIX ACLs are based on the POSIX P1003.6 Draft 13 standard. Introduction    [Toc]    [Back] Traditionally, UNIX systems control a user's access to files and directories using a method ...
 acucap(4) -- Automatic call unit capabilities file
    The /etc/acucap file lists the types of autodial modems and describes their attributes. Whenever tip encounters an at field in /etc/remote file description, it searches /etc/acucap file description. I...
 Admin(4) -- Contains administrative files used by the uucp program
    The /usr/spool/uucp/.Admin directory contains administrative files used by the uucp program to facilitate remote communications among systems. The directory contains the following files: Contains debu...
 advfs(4) -- A local file system and utilities
    The Advanced File System (AdvFS), the file system default on the Tru64 UNIX operating system, features rapid crash recovery, high performance, and a flexible structure that enables you to manage your ...
 advfs_err(4) -- Lists and describes error messages
    This following list provides the error number and a brief description of the error: EHANDLE_OVF Out of memory. EINVALID_HANDLE The access structure handle is out of range. E_DOMAIN_PANIC This is an in...
 aliases(4) -- Contains alias definitions for the sendmail program
    By default, the aliases file contains the required aliases for the sendmail program. Do not delete these defaults because they are needed by the system. This file describes user ID aliases used by the...
 ar(4) -- Archive (library) file format
    The archive command (ar) combines several files into one. Archives are used mainly as libraries to be searched by the link-editor ld. A file produced by ar has a magic string at the start, followed by...
 atm.conf(4) -- default ATM configuration file
    The atm.conf file is the default ATM configuration file that is processed by running the atmconfig source command. The atm.conf file is a text file that contains atmconfig commands used to configure a...
 atmhosts(4) -- ATM host name file
    The atmhosts file is an ASCII file that contains an single-line entry for each host on the ATM network. Each entry consists of an ATM host address, official host name, and any aliases. Parameters are ...
 audit(4) -- Contains debug messages from the uucico daemon
    The /usr/spool/uucp/.Admin/audit file contains debug messages from the uucico daemon when that daemon is invoked as a result of a call from another system. If the uucico daemon is invoked from the loc...
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