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 XmTextFieldGetSelectionWcs(3X) -- A TextField function that retrieves the value of a wide character encoded primary selection
    XmTextFieldGetSelectionWcs retrieves the value of the primary selection, encoded in a wide character format. It returns a NULL pointer if no text is selected in the widget. The application is responsi...
 XmTextFieldGetString(3X) -- A TextField function that accesses the string value
    XmTextFieldGetString accesses the string value of the TextField widget. The application is responsible for freeing the storage associated with the string by calling XtFree. Specifies the TextField wid...
 XmTextFieldGetStringWcs(3X) -- A TextField function that retrieves a copy of the wide character string value of a TextField widget
    XmTextFieldGetStringWcs retrieves a copy of the wide character string value of the TextField widget. The application is responsible for freeing the storage associated with the string by calling XtFree...
 XmTextFieldGetSubstring(3X) -- A TextField function that retrieves a copy of a portion of the internal text buffer
    XmTextFieldGetSubstring retrieves a copy of a portion of the internal text buffer of a TextField widget. The function copies a specified number of characters from a given start position in the interna...
 XmTextFieldGetSubstringWcs(3X) -- A TextField function that retrieves a portion of a wide character internal text buffer
    XmTextFieldGetSubstringWcs retrieves a copy of a portion of the internal text buffer of a TextField widget that is stored in a wide character format. The function copies a specified number of characte...
 XmTextFieldInsert(3X) -- A TextField function that inserts a character string into a text string
    XmTextFieldInsert inserts a character string into the text string in the TextField widget. The character positions begin at zero and are numbered sequentially from the beginning of the text. For examp...
 XmTextFieldInsertWcs(3X) -- A TextField function that inserts a wide character string into a TextField widget
    XmTextFieldInsertWcs inserts a wide character string into the TextField widget at a specified location. The character positions begin at zero and are numbered sequentially from the beginning of the te...
 XmTextFieldPaste(3X) -- A TextField function that inserts the clipboard selection
    XmTextFieldPaste inserts the clipboard selection at the insertion cursor of the destination widget. If XmNpendingDelete is True and the insertion cursor is inside the current selection, the clipboard ...
 XmTextFieldPosToXY(3X) -- A TextField function that accesses the x and y position of a character position
    XmTextFieldPosToXY accesses the x and y position, relative to the upper left corner of the TextField widget, of a given character position in the text buffer. Specifies the TextField widget ID Specifi...
 XmTextFieldRemove(3X) -- A TextField function that deletes the primary selection
    XmTextFieldRemove deletes the primary selected text. If there is a selection, this routine also calls the widget's XmNvalueChangedCallback and verification callbacks, either XmNmodifyVerifyCallback o...
 XmTextFieldReplace(3X) -- A TextField function that replaces part of a text string
    XmTextFieldReplace replaces part of the text string in the TextField widget. The character positions begin at zero and are numbered sequentially from the beginning of the text. An example text replace...
 XmTextFieldReplaceWcs(3X) -- A TextField function that replaces part of a wide character string in a TextField widget
    XmTextFieldReplaceWcs replaces part of the wide character string in the TextField widget. The character positions begin at zero and are numbered sequentially from the beginning of the text. An example...
 XmTextFieldSetAddMode(3X) -- A TextField function that sets the state of Add Mode
    XmTextFieldSetAddMode controls whether or not the TextField widget is in Add Mode. When the widget is in Add Mode, the insert cursor can be moved without disturbing the primary selection. Specifies th...
 XmTextFieldSetEditable(3X) -- A TextField function that sets the edit permission
    XmTextFieldSetEditable sets the edit permission state of the TextField widget. When set to True, the text string can be edited. Specifies the TextField widget ID Specifies a Boolean value that when Tr...
 XmTextFieldSetHighlight(3X) -- A TextField function that highlights text
    XmTextFieldSetHighlight highlights text between the two specified character positions. The mode parameter determines the type of highlighting. Highlighting text merely changes the visual appearance of...
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